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ABLOH, Virgil ABLOH, Virgil “Insert Complicated Title Here” Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2018 Education / Fashion / Graphic Design 12€ 12€
ADAMCZAK, Bini ADAMCZAK, Bini Le Communisme expliqué aux enfants Éditions Entremonde 2018 Essays / Education / Politics 8€ 8€
ADIBRATA, JJ; BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; rakun, farid; SACK Philipp (eds.) ADIBRATA, JJ; BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; rakun, farid; SACK Philipp (eds.) Schools of Departure No. 1: Decolonising design education Bauhaus Dessau Foundation / Spector Books 2023 Periodicals / Postcolonial Studies / Design / Education 16€ 16€
AFIF, Saâdane; D’O., Yasmine (eds.) AFIF, Saâdane; D’O., Yasmine (eds.) Side Magazine #1: The Professor Wirklichkeit Books 2021 Periodicals / Education 7€ 7€
AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA, Eva; DESPORTES, Pablo (eds.) AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA, Eva; DESPORTES, Pablo (eds.) Revue Tintamarre – Nos. 1–12 Self-Published 2020 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Fashion / Crafts / Education 16€ 16€
ALBERS, Josef ALBERS, Josef Interaction of Color Yale University Press 2013 Art Theory / Education 20€ 20€
ALIYU, Zainab (ed.) ALIYU, Zainab (ed.) Software for Artists Book: In Poetic Coalition Pioneer Works Press 2023 Education / Technology 25€ 25€
ALLEN, Ansgar ALLEN, Ansgar The Cynical Educator MayFlyBooks 2017 Education / Essays / Philosophy 12€ 12€
ALMQVIST, Erik Eje ALMQVIST, Erik Eje Hammer & Nail: Making and assembling furniture designs inspired by Enzo Mari Pavilion Books 2022 Manuals / Education / Design / Architecture 28€ 28€
ANDĒL, Jaroslav ANDĒL, Jaroslav Back to the Sandbox Western Washington University 2019 Education 38€ 38€
ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) aneducation – documenta 14 Archive Books 2018 Anthologies / Education / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) PNCI. Pensée Nomade Chose Imprimée – Histoire d’un atelier nomade de l’École des Beaux-arts de Bordeaux Paraguay Press Graphic Design / Education 30€ 30€
ATELIER BOW-WOW ATELIER BOW-WOW Architectural Ethnography Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2017 Architecture / Education 12€ 12€
BAKST, Lauren (ed.) BAKST, Lauren (ed.) Notes on the School for Temporary Liveness Wendy's Subway 2020 Chapbooks / Education / Documents 10€ 10€
BALGIU, Alexandru; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart (eds.) BALGIU, Alexandru; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart (eds.) The Essayer Tombolo Presses / ENSBA Lyon 2022 Book Culture / Education / Graphic Design 20€ 20€
BARTELS, Anna; HADEL, Laida; NEUGEBAUER, Daniel, STEIN, Eva (eds.) BARTELS, Anna; HADEL, Laida; NEUGEBAUER, Daniel, STEIN, Eva (eds.) The New Alphabet/DNA #23: Talkback Circuits: New Alphabets At School Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2024 Artists' Writings / Education / Postcolonial Studies 11.5€ 11.5€
BATHGATE, Yvette; LAHAYE, Lieven; SHEPHERD, Jack (eds.) BATHGATE, Yvette; LAHAYE, Lieven; SHEPHERD, Jack (eds.) Belong To Our Nonsense* Estonian Academy of Arts 2023 Artists' Writings / Education / Graphic Design 6€ 6€
bergman, carla joy (ed.) bergman, carla joy (ed.) Trust Kids! Stories on Youth Autonomy AK Press 2022 Politics / Education 22€ 22€
BETHONICO, Mabe; GARNIER, Camille; HERBIN, Émilie-Cerise; SAUZEDDE, Stéphane (ed.) BETHONICO, Mabe; GARNIER, Camille; HERBIN, Émilie-Cerise; SAUZEDDE, Stéphane (ed.) Effondrement des Alpes #1 ESAAA éditions 2020 Periodicals / Ecology / Education 15€ 15€
BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) TAkEAwAY Gerrit Rietveld Academie 2020 Anthologies / Book Culture / Graphic Design / Education / Typography 25€ 25€
BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; NICHOLS, Catherine; SACK, Philipp BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; NICHOLS, Catherine; SACK, Philipp Schools of Departure No. 2: The New Designer / Design as a profession Bauhaus Dessau Foundation / Spector Books 2023 Periodicals / Design / Education 16€ 16€
BOHINC, Katy (ed.) BOHINC, Katy (ed.) Please Add to This List. Teaching Bernadette Mayer’s Sonnets & Experiments Tender Buttons 2014 Poetry / Education 13€ 13€
BOKOV, Anna BOKOV, Anna Avant-Garde as Method. Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920–1930 Park Books 2020 Essays / Architecture / Design / Art History / Education 58€ 58€
BORGEN, Maibritt; LUND, Jacob; SLAGER, Henk; VAN DER TUIN, Iris (eds.) BORGEN, Maibritt; LUND, Jacob; SLAGER, Henk; VAN DER TUIN, Iris (eds.) The Contemporary Condition. Challenging Institutionalization: A propositional Toolkit for doing Supervision of Artistic and Practice-Based Research  Sternberg Press 2024 Essays / Education 8€ 8€
BORGONUOVO, Valerio; FRANCESCHINI, Silvia BORGONUOVO, Valerio; FRANCESCHINI, Silvia Global Tools 1973–1975 Nero 2019 Art History / Education 35€ 35€
BOULAGER, Agathe; FREDERIKSEN, Signe et LAGRANGE, Jules (eds.) BOULAGER, Agathe; FREDERIKSEN, Signe et LAGRANGE, Jules (eds.) Ce que Laurence Rassel nous fait faire Paraguay Press 2020 Education / Institutional Critique / Conversations 15€ 15€
BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) IRL – In Real Life #1: The MONEY Issue HEAD 2024 Periodicals / Conversations / Graphic Design / Labor / Education / Economy 15€ 15€
BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) The New Normal Strelka / Park Books 2020 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Education / Essays / Media Studies / Urban Studies 58€ 58€
BRAUN, Pierre BRAUN, Pierre Digital Klee. Pedagogical Sketchbook. An Inquiry Into The Future Of Form 2020 Présent Composé 2020 Digital / Painting / Education / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BRUYERE, Nathalie BRUYERE, Nathalie Global Tools (1973-1975) - Éco-Design : Dé-projet & Low-Tech isdatT 2023 Architecture / Education / Design 35€ 35€
BUTCHER, Clare (ed.) BUTCHER, Clare (ed.) We Contain Multitudes. Expanding Spaces and Forms of Mentorship within Art Education and Practices ArtEZ Press 2023 Education / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
BY OLSEN, Elise BY OLSEN, Elise Pursuing Publishing ELISAVA 2020 Fashion / Education / Media Studies 15€ 15€
CHOI, Binna; KRAUSS, Annette; VAN DER HEIDE, Yolande; ALLAN, Liz (eds.) CHOI, Binna; KRAUSS, Annette; VAN DER HEIDE, Yolande; ALLAN, Liz (eds.) Unlearning Exercises: Art Organizations as Sites for Unlearning Casco Projects / Valiz 2018 Education / Institutional Critique 24€ 24€
COLIN, Anna COLIN, Anna Espaces pédagogiques alternatifs : de l’utopie à l’institutionnalisation Villa Arson 2025 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 12€ 12€
COLLECTIVE QUESTION COLLECTIVE QUESTION From the Syllabus to the City and Back Again Wendy's Subway 2020 Zines / Education 10€ 10€
COLOMNA, Beatriz; GALÁN, Ignacio; G.; KOTSIORIS, Evangelos; MEISTER, Anna-Maria (eds.) COLOMNA, Beatriz; GALÁN, Ignacio; G.; KOTSIORIS, Evangelos; MEISTER, Anna-Maria (eds.) Radical Pedagogies MIT Press 2022 Essays / Education / Architecture / Art History 66€ 66€
Critical Writing in Art & Design MA Critical Writing in Art & Design MA After Butler's Wharf. Essays on a Working Building RCA Royal College of Art Art Theory / Essays / Education 20€ 20€
DAVIES, Lillian; BRIGGS, Chloe DAVIES, Lillian; BRIGGS, Chloe Playgrounds Drawing is Free Press 2023 Education / Painting 20€ 20€
DELACOURT, Sandra; SCHNELLER, Katia; THEODOROPOULOS, Vanessa (eds.) DELACOURT, Sandra; SCHNELLER, Katia; THEODOROPOULOS, Vanessa (eds.) Le Chercheur et ses doubles B42 2016 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 18€ 18€
DELBOS-GOMEZ, Alex: PELINQ, Lola (eds.) DELBOS-GOMEZ, Alex: PELINQ, Lola (eds.) Azimuts #57 dé-designer Azimuts / Cité du Design 2024 Periodicals / Design / Education 25€ 25€
DELISS, Clémentine DELISS, Clémentine Skin in the Game. Conversations on Risk and Contention Hatje Cantz 2023 Curatorial Studies / Education / Conversations 24€ 24€
DICK, Leslie ; PEDROSA, Adriano DICK, Leslie ; PEDROSA, Adriano A List of Students Enrolled in Post Studio Art X-Tra Magazine Artists' Books / Education 20€ 20€
DUPUIS-DÉRI, Francis DUPUIS-DÉRI, Francis Panique à l’Université. Rectitude politique, wokes et autres menaces imaginaires LUX 2022 Essays / Politics / Education 20€ 20€
École zéro École zéro Itinéraire d’une école en construction (édition d’été n°1) Editions Burn-Août 2022 Institutional Critique / Education / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
EMOND, Léonore; DUPARC, Damien; BARELLI, Yaïr; YORK, Charlotte EMOND, Léonore; DUPARC, Damien; BARELLI, Yaïr; YORK, Charlotte 52 vendredis Dent-De-Leone 2021 Artists' Books / Education 18€ 18€
FAORO, Stefano; VENEZIA, Noah (eds.) FAORO, Stefano; VENEZIA, Noah (eds.) Cosmic Mental Therapy Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Essays / Education / Graphic Design 12€ 12€
FILLIOU, Robert FILLIOU, Robert Teaching and Learning as Performance Arts Occasional Papers Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints / Education 38€ 38€
FLÉCHEUX, Juliette; SESMA PRIETO, Manuel; HUOT-MARCHAND, Thomas; MIDDENDORP, Jan FLÉCHEUX, Juliette; SESMA PRIETO, Manuel; HUOT-MARCHAND, Thomas; MIDDENDORP, Jan Dossier Scriptorium de Toulouse Éditions deux-cent-cinq 2022 Education / Graphic Design 45€ 45€
FREIRE, Paulo FREIRE, Paulo Pedagogy of the Oppressed Penguin 2017 (1968) Education / Politics 14€ 14€
FREIRE, Paulo FREIRE, Paulo La Pédagogie des opprimés Agone 2021 Essays / Politics / Education 22€ 22€
FREIRE, Paulo FREIRE, Paulo La Pédagogie des opprimés [poche] Éléments 2023 Essays / Education / Postcolonial Studies 12€ 12€
FRIEDL, Gerhard Benedikt FRIEDL, Gerhard Benedikt An Approach by Helmut Färber / Ein Herangehen von Helmut Färber Harun Farocki Institut 2017 Artists' Writings / Media Studies / Film & Video / Education 5€ 5€
FROTA, Daniel FROTA, Daniel Half Man Half Orange Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press Artists' Writings / Education 15€ 15€
GANGLOFF, Paul (ed.) GANGLOFF, Paul (ed.) Freinet TechniquEs / Freinettechn¡eken / Techniques Frein℮t Rollo Press 2024 Education / Book Culture / Children's Books / Typography / Poetry / Documents 36€ 36€
GARCIA-ANTON, Katya; CATALDO, Antonio; Campbell Betancourt, Diana (eds.) GARCIA-ANTON, Katya; CATALDO, Antonio; Campbell Betancourt, Diana (eds.) Critical Writing Ensembles & Dhaka Art Summit 2016 Mousse Publishing / Office for Contemporary Art Norway / Samdani Art Foundation 2016 Curatorial Studies / Education / Postcolonial Studies 26€ 26€
GOETHALS, Olivier GOETHALS, Olivier Play Sincerely ! ROMA Publications 2022 Monographs / Architecture / Education 41€ 41€
GOODWIN, Channon (ed.) GOODWIN, Channon (ed.) Permanent Recession: a Handbook on Art, Labour and Circumstance Onomatopee 2019 Essays / Institutional Critique / Politics / Education / Economy 19€ 19€
GROENENDIJK, Henk; KLEMENT, Elisabeth; KREUTZER, Matthias (eds.) GROENENDIJK, Henk; KLEMENT, Elisabeth; KREUTZER, Matthias (eds.) Test Press. 20 Years of Student Publications, 1999-2019 Self-Published 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Education / Book Culture / Graphic Design 12€ 12€
GROSSMAN, Juliette; KAPLAN, Daniel; LUCHS, Chloé (eds.) GROSSMAN, Juliette; KAPLAN, Daniel; LUCHS, Chloé (eds.) Collective creative practices for transformation: an emerging field of practice Self-Published 2023 Collectives / Education 14€ 14€
GUERRA, Carles; MASÓ, Joana (eds.) GUERRA, Carles; MASÓ, Joana (eds.) La Déconniatrie. Art, exil et psychiatrie autour de François Tosquelles Arcàdia 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Education / Anthropology / Politics 28€ 28€
HAN, Dong Bin; McMILLAN, Benjamin (eds.) HAN, Dong Bin; McMILLAN, Benjamin (eds.) Rush Print #0 – Bad Type Self-Published 2021 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Education 20€ 20€
HANSEN, Sidsel Meineche; VANDEPUTTE, Tom (eds.) HANSEN, Sidsel Meineche; VANDEPUTTE, Tom (eds.) Politics of Study Open Editions 2015 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education / Politics / Conversations 28€ 28€
HEIJNEN, Emiel ; BREMMER, Melissa HEIJNEN, Emiel ; BREMMER, Melissa Wicked Arts Assignments Valiz 2020 Education 23€ 23€
HESSLER, Stefanie; BANG LARSEN, Lars; WEST, Kim (eds.) HESSLER, Stefanie; BANG LARSEN, Lars; WEST, Kim (eds.) E2-E4 Royal Institute of Art 2018 Art Spaces / Education / Periodicals 5€ 5€
HODOSECK, Maja HODOSECK, Maja How To Live Together series: Class Breaks Casco Projects / Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Film & Video / Education 8€ 8€
HOFMANN, Armin; RUPPEN, Fabienne (ed.); NÜSSLI, Christof (ed.) HOFMANN, Armin; RUPPEN, Fabienne (ed.); NÜSSLI, Christof (ed.) Armin Hofmann—Farbe Galerie Susanna Kulli 2021 Essays / Graphic Design / Education 15€ 15€
HOFMANN, Dorothea HOFMANN, Dorothea The Birth of a Style. The Influence of the Basel Educational Model on Swiss Graphic Design Triest Verlag 2024 Graphic Design / Typography / Scenes / Education 60€ 60€
HOLERT, Tom HOLERT, Tom Knowledge Beside Itself Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Art Theory / Economy / Education / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
INGOLD, Tim INGOLD, Tim Architecture educates! – Au contact de l’art ESAAA éditions 2024 Essays / Education 6€ 6€
IRRGANG, Christi; KERN, Ingolf IRRGANG, Christi; KERN, Ingolf The Bauhaus building in Dessau (Bauhaus Taschenbuch 5) Spector Books 2013 Essays / Art History / Architecture / Education 10€ 10€
JARRELL, Wadsworth A. JARRELL, Wadsworth A. AFRICOBRA. Experimental Art toward a School of Thought Duke University Press 2020 Art Spaces / Black Studies / Education 30€ 30€
JENSEN, Soren and Jesper JENSEN, Soren and Jesper The Little Red Schoolbook Pinter & Martin 2014 (1970) Education 10€ 10€
JERMANN, Stella; HUNKEMÖLLER, Jan; MORGAN, John (eds.) JERMANN, Stella; HUNKEMÖLLER, Jan; MORGAN, John (eds.) On Synchronicity Klasse John Morgan 2024 Collectives / Education / Graphic Design 35€ 35€
KAISER, Anja; STEPHANY, Rebecca (eds.) KAISER, Anja; STEPHANY, Rebecca (eds.) Glossary of Undisciplined Design Spector Books 2021 Graphic Design / Feminism / Typography / Education 25€ 25€
KAPLAN, Geoff (ed) KAPLAN, Geoff (ed) After the Bauhaus, Before the Internet. A History of Graphic Design Pedagogy no place press 2022 Graphic Design / Education 50€ 50€
KATS, Vincent (ed.) KATS, Vincent (ed.) Black Mountain College. Experiment in Art MIT Press Exhibition Catalogues / Art History / Education 40€ 40€
KEEFER, Angie KEEFER, Angie Yale: History of an Art School Yale School of Art / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Education / Monographs / Art History 32€ 32€
KELLER, Ernst; VETTER, Peter (ed.); LEUENBERGER, Katharina (ed.); ECKSTEIN, Meike (ed.) KELLER, Ernst; VETTER, Peter (ed.); LEUENBERGER, Katharina (ed.); ECKSTEIN, Meike (ed.) No Style. Ernst Keller (1891–1968) – Teacher and Pioneer of the Swiss Style Triest Verlag 2017 Monographs / Graphic Design / Education 60€ 60€
KENNEDY, Gary Neill KENNEDY, Gary Neill The Last Art College. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design 1968–1978 MIT Press Art History / Education / Exhibition Catalogues 50€ 50€
KENT, Corita; AULT, Julie (ed.); FULFORD, Jason (ed.); WEITZMAN, Jordan (ed.) KENT, Corita; AULT, Julie (ed.); FULFORD, Jason (ed.); WEITZMAN, Jordan (ed.) Ordinary Things Will Be Signs for Us J&L Books / Magic Hour 2023 Monographs / Photography / Material Culture / Education 45€ 45€
KLAUS, Katja; BITTNER, Regina (eds.) KLAUS, Katja; BITTNER, Regina (eds.) Design Rehearsals: Conversations about Bauhaus Lessons (Edition Bauhaus 57) Spector Books 2019 Architecture / Design / Conversations / Education 40€ 40€
KLEMENT, Elisabeth; PAPPA, Laura (eds.) KLEMENT, Elisabeth; PAPPA, Laura (eds.) Signals from the Periphery. Alternative Practices of Graphic Designers Estonian Academy of Arts 2017 Graphic Design / Education 16€ 16€
KOUOH, Koyo KOUOH, Koyo Breathing Out of School - RAW Académie Motto Books 2021 Education 26€ 26€
ktha compagnie & les élèves du Lycée Étienne Dolet ktha compagnie & les élèves du Lycée Étienne Dolet Ce qu’on veut Rotolux Press 2023 Documents / Manifestos / Education 15€ 15€
KUNCI Study Forum & Collective KUNCI Study Forum & Collective Letters: The classroom is burning, let’s dream about a School of Improper Education Ugly Duckling Presse 2020 Chapbooks / Education 12€ 12€
LALLART, Fanny (ed) LALLART, Fanny (ed) Ce qui doit être dit avant de partir Editions Burn-Août 2022 Education / Artists' Books 12€ 12€
LARIOS, Frida LARIOS, Frida Tree Codex: Mural-Making as a Cultural Collective Thick Press 2020 Artists' Books / Education / Politics 10€ 10€
LAWRENCE, Steve; STÆHLI, Benjamin (eds.) LAWRENCE, Steve; STÆHLI, Benjamin (eds.) Montessori Architecture. A Design Instrument for Schools Park Books 2023 Architecture / Education / Manuals 48€ 48€
LEE, Chris; ABDULLAH, Nida; LI, Xinyi (eds.) LEE, Chris; ABDULLAH, Nida; LI, Xinyi (eds.) Through Witnessing. Threading the critiquing, making, teaching of design Set Margins 2024 Essays / Graphic Design / Education 30€ 30€
LEHMANN, Annette Jael LEHMANN, Annette Jael Tacit Knowledge (Post Studio/Feminism – CalArts 1970-1977) Spector Books 2019 Anthologies / Education / Essays / Feminism / Scenes / Art History 28€ 28€
LEWIS, Tyson E.; HYLAND, Peter B. LEWIS, Tyson E.; HYLAND, Peter B. Studious Drift. Movements and Protocols for a Postdigital Education University of Minnesota Press 2022 Essays / Education / Media Studies 13€ 13€
MARKOPOULOS, Leigh (ed.) MARKOPOULOS, Leigh (ed.) Great Expectations : Prospects for the Future of Curatorial Education Koenig Books Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 15€ 15€
MARQUES, Pedro Neves MARQUES, Pedro Neves Where to Sit at the Dinner Table? The Forest & the School Archive Books 2014 Artists' Writings / Education / Essays 25€ 25€
MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; PETHICK, Emily; What, How & for Whom/WHW (eds.) MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; PETHICK, Emily; What, How & for Whom/WHW (eds.) Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools Sternberg Press 2022 Education / Ecology 22€ 22€
MATOS, Afonso (ed.) MATOS, Afonso (ed.) Who can afford to be critical? Set Margins 2022 Graphic Design / Education / Politics / Economy 18€ 18€
MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) Anti-Academy John Hansard Gallery 2013 Art History / Education 20€ 20€
MAXWELL, Richard MAXWELL, Richard Theater For Beginners Theatre Communications Group 2015 Artists' Writings / Performance / Education 13€ 13€
McDONELL, Annie; FORTUNÉ, Maïder McDONELL, Annie; FORTUNÉ, Maïder The Beyond Within Art Metropole 2024 Monographs / Film & Video / Education / Feminism 45€ 45€
MONTALTI, Maurizio ; VERKERK, Herman MONTALTI, Maurizio ; VERKERK, Herman Materialisation in Art & Design (MAD) Sternberg Press 2019 Design / Education 16€ 16€
NDIRITU, Grace; VERMEULEN, Pieter (eds.) NDIRITU, Grace; VERMEULEN, Pieter (eds.) Being Together. A Manual for Living Page Not Found 2025 Artists' Books / Conversations / Education 22.5€ 22.5€
NUUT, Sandra; KAGOVERE, Ott (eds.) NUUT, Sandra; KAGOVERE, Ott (eds.) Dear Friend Catalogue 2019–2022 Lugemik / Estonian Academy of Arts 2022 Correspondence / Graphic Design / Education 20€ 20€
OGILVIE, Bertrand OGILVIE, Bertrand Inclassable enfance Editions La Tempête 2024 Essays / Education / Counterculture / Politics 16€ 16€
OORTHUIZEN, Sanne; GARCIA-DORY, Fernando; ARMIN, Janine (eds.) OORTHUIZEN, Sanne; GARCIA-DORY, Fernando; ARMIN, Janine (eds.) INLAND Volume: Publishing Class V DAI Dutch Art Institute / Casco Projects 2016 Education / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies / Art Theory 30€ 30€
ORLANDO, Sophie ORLANDO, Sophie La Part Affective Paraguay Press 2024 Education 15€ 15€
ORLANDO, Sophie; Katrin, STRÖBEL (eds.) ORLANDO, Sophie; Katrin, STRÖBEL (eds.) Les fourmis courent en deux sens / Ants walk two ways Archive Books / Villa Arson 2024 Education / Politics 25€ 25€
OUWENS; CAMUTI; STEVENS (eds) OUWENS; CAMUTI; STEVENS (eds) No School Manifesto - A Movement Of Creative Education Valiz 2020 Education 23€ 23€
PAIM, Nina; BERGMARK, Emilia; GISEL, Corinne (eds.) PAIM, Nina; BERGMARK, Emilia; GISEL, Corinne (eds.) Taking a Line for a Walk Spector Books 2016 Graphic Design / Education 38€ 38€
PELED-ELHANAN, Nurit PELED-ELHANAN, Nurit « Bibi, qu’as-tu fait ? » How to become 2024 Chapbooks / Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies / Education 6€ 6€
PEREZ, Éloïsa PEREZ, Éloïsa La salle de classe, un objet graphique? Éditions deux-cent-cinq 2021 Graphic Design / Education 10€ 10€
PERRET, Dorothée (ed.) PERRET, Dorothée (ed.) PARIS, LA #14: Educate, Agitate, Organize DoPe Press 2016 Periodicals / Education 18€ 18€
PEŠKO, Radim; PIERINI, Jonathan (eds.) PEŠKO, Radim; PIERINI, Jonathan (eds.) Type and Context ROMA Publications / ISIA Urbino 2024 Specimen / Typography / Art History / Education 18.5€ 18.5€
PIROTTE, Philippe (ed.) PIROTTE, Philippe (ed.) Städelschule Lectures 1 Koenig Books 2019 Conversations / Education 22€ 22€
POLLOCK, Griselda POLLOCK, Griselda Féminisme et pédagogie au cœur des formations artistiques : 40 ans d’expérience Villa Arson 2025 Education / Feminism / Essays 12€ 12€
POLLOCK, Griselda POLLOCK, Griselda Feminism, Pedagogy, and the Studio – Reflections Across Four Decades Villa Arson 2025 Education / Feminism / Essays 12€ 12€
POULIN, Céline; PRESTON, Marie; AIRAUD, Stéphanie (eds.) POULIN, Céline; PRESTON, Marie; AIRAUD, Stéphanie (eds.) Co-Création CAC Brétigny / Éditions Empire 2019 Cultural Studies / Essays / Education / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
POYNOR, Rick; Critical Writing in Art & Design MA (ed.) POYNOR, Rick; Critical Writing in Art & Design MA (ed.) ARK. Words and Images from the Royal College of Art Magazine 1950-1978 RCA Royal College of Art Periodicals / Education / Graphic Design / Art Theory / Anthologies 30€ 30€
PRESTON, Marie PRESTON, Marie Inventer l'école, penser la co-création CAC Brétigny / Tombolo Presses 2021 Education 25€ 25€
PUENTE, Moisés PUENTE, Moisés Classroom, a teenage view Puente Editores 2024 Architecture / Education 27€ 27€
QUINTANE, Nathalie QUINTANE, Nathalie Un hamster à l’école La Fabrique 2021 Education / Literature 13€ 13€
RAWSTHORN, Alice RAWSTHORN, Alice Design as an Attitude Les Presses du Réel 2018 Design / Graphic Design / Education 20€ 20€
REINFURT, David REINFURT, David A *New* Program for Graphic Design Inventory Press 2019 Design / Education / Essays / Graphic Design / Typography 25€ 25€
REINFURT, David REINFURT, David Un *nouveau* programme pour le design graphique Éditions deux-cent-cinq 2024 Education / Typography / Graphic Design 25€ 25€
ROMAGNY, Vincent; ALAMER, John D. (eds.) ROMAGNY, Vincent; ALAMER, John D. (eds.) Politiser l’enfance Editions Burn-Août 2023 Anthologies / Politics / Education 26€ 26€
ROSENFELD, Elske; HUSSE, Suza (eds.) ROSENFELD, Elske; HUSSE, Suza (eds.) wild recuperations. Dissident Stories from the GDR and pOstdeutschland #1 Archive Books / District*School without center 2019 Counterculture / Education / Politics 20€ 20€
RUUSKA, Toni RUUSKA, Toni Reproduction Revisited. Capitalism, Higher Education and Ecological Crisis MayFlyBooks 2018 Economy / Education / Essays 12€ 12€
SADR HAGHIGHIAN, Natascha SADR HAGHIGHIAN, Natascha How to spell the fight Sternberg Press / Kayfa ta 2018 Artists' Writings / Education / Cultural Studies / Manuals 8€ 8€
SAINT-LOUBERT BIÉ, Jérôme; PHILIZOT, Vivien (eds.) SAINT-LOUBERT BIÉ, Jérôme; PHILIZOT, Vivien (eds.) Technique & Design Graphique B42 2020 Essays / Graphic Design / Typography / Media Studies / Education 19€ 19€
SALETNIK, Jeffrey SALETNIK, Jeffrey Josef Albers, Late Modernism and Pedagogic Form University of Chicago Press 2022 Monographs / Education / Art History 36€ 36€
SCHMITT, Erik SCHMITT, Erik American Bauhaus Slanted Publishers 2022 Essays / Art History / Documents / Education 29€ 29€
SCHOUWENBERG, Louise (Ed.) SCHOUWENBERG, Louise (Ed.) Material Utopias Sternberg Press 2017 Education / Art Theory 15€ 15€
SCHRANZ, Christine (ed.) SCHRANZ, Christine (ed.) Commons in Design Valiz 2023 Design / Education / Essays 34€ 34€
SCHRIJVER, Eric SCHRIJVER, Eric Copy This Book. An artist's guide to copyright Onomatopee 2018 Education 17€ 17€
SCHRIJVER, Eric SCHRIJVER, Eric Copiez ce livre : un manuel sur le droit d'auteur et les communs culturels, par et pour les artistes Les commissaires anonymes 2023 Economy / Education 17€ 17€
SCHROFER, Janwillem SCHROFER, Janwillem Plan and Play, Play and Plan. Defining Your Art Practice Valiz 2018 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Education 23€ 23€
SENITT, Aaron SENITT, Aaron Kreepingarten Publication Studio 2022 Zines / Education / Ecology 10€ 10€
SILVER, David SILVER, David The Farm at Black Mountain College Atelier Édition 2024 Art History / Education / Ecology 35€ 35€
SMITH, Jack; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark; VON OLFERS, Sophie (eds.) SMITH, Jack; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark; VON OLFERS, Sophie (eds.) Hamlet, mise-en-scène – EXTRA TROUBLE – Jack Smith in Frankfurt Sternberg Press / Portikus 2015 Monographs / Performance / Education 20€ 20€
SMITS, Lisette (ed.) SMITS, Lisette (ed.) Master of Voice Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Artists' Writings / Music & Sound / Education 16€ 16€
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THORNE, Sam THORNE, Sam School: A Recent History of Self-Organized Art Education Sternberg Press 2017 Education / Anthologies / Cultural Studies 25€ 25€
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