HOFMANN, Armin; RUPPEN, Fabienne (ed.); NÜSSLI, Christof (ed.)
Armin Hofmann—Farbe

The publication Armin Hofmann—Farbe, published on the occasion of an exhibition at Galerie Susanna Kulli, Zurich, provides background information about the color work of Swiss graphic designer Armin Hofmann. The bilingual (German/English) publication includes essays by Fabienne Ruppen and Christof Nüssli, as well as recollections written by Armin Hofmann’s former students Philip Burton, April Greiman, Aki Nurosi, and Moritz Zwimpfer. These accounts open up new perspectives on his teaching of color.

[publisher's note]

Published by Galerie Susanna Kulli, 2021
Design by Fabienne Ruppen & Christof Nüssli
Essays / Graphic Design / Education

Price: 15€

HOFMANN, Armin; RUPPEN, Fabienne (ed.); NÜSSLI, Christof (ed.) - Armin Hofmann—Farbe