Paul O’Neill is back in Paris to present two recent books: Not Going at It Alone: Collective Curatorial Curating and Curious – publications that explore a broad spectrum of curatorial practices, methodologies,…
Émile Rubino will be in Paris to present the 3rd issue of Le Chauffage, an artist-run publication based in Brussels + Vancouver, coedited by Rubino and Felix Rapp.
Conceived as a cross-continental, community…
We are welcoming two multilingual poets and a Russophone poet – Natalia Fedorova, Inna Krasnoper, Mikhail Shelkovich – for a triple reading at After 8 Books.
Berlin-based translingual poet Inna Krasnoper works…
Let’s celebrate The Beyond Within, with a presentation by artists Maïder Fortuné and Annie MacDonell, and contributors Clara Schulmann and Vincent Broqua!
The book expands on an exhibition by the same…
Rencontre avec Thomas Hirschhorn, Alexandre Costanzo et Véronique Yersin, directrice des éditions Macula, autour du livre Quand les faibles se prennent pour des forts. Dans ce nouveau livre en dialogue avec les…
Join us for the launch of Intimate confession is a project, co-published by Blaffer Art Museum and Inventory Press in the presence of editor Jennifer Teets, designers Espace Ness and the publishers for the European…
Welcome to 2025 with a double found language poetry booklaunch:
Creve Coeur (Winter edition), where Robert Fitterman revisit the landscapes and mythologies…
Friday 13 special = 2 launches in 1 night!
+ Victor Boullet, Kristoffer C. Karlsen, and the John is Sick Fanzine Project
++ Maxime Le Bon and publisher Tim Bruggeman for ZILCH, a book…
Mais non? Mais si! It’s Thursday next week C’est jeudi de la semaine prochaine Maki Suzuki sera là Will be with us in Paris Pour nous présenter For a super special launch of La dernière publication de The latest crazy…
Join us for a launch of Hesse K.’ Disquiet Drive, with readings by the author, Isaac Harris, Francis Jones, and D mortimer.
One night a satellite falls out of the sky and splits a girl in half. Disquiet…
Lancement de « Lettres et signes dans le cinéma d’avant-garde » avec son auteur, Julien Van Anholt, et Roman Seban, éditeur de La petite collection, dont c’est le 4e numéro. Dans…
Shabby Doll House is on tour, and they stop by rue Jarry on Thursday to throw a reading party with Kristen Felicetti, Will Mountain Cox, LA Warman, Ange d’Argent, and Oscar d’Artois –
We will celebrate the release…
Here comes the new issue of the NYC-based literary magazine Heavy Traffic ! You’re welcome to its Paris launch, with its editor Patrick McGraw.
This new issue features new fiction from Mark Leckey, Reinier…
As part of our “Mi-Monstre Mi-Livre” project, we are screening 3 films by Gintaras Didžiapetris at L’Archipel, 17 bd de Strasbourg, a cinema just so very close to the bookstore that you can check the artist’s books before…
Welcome to the booklaunch of logorrhea, freshly published by a bouncing people planet.
Artist Jean-Michel Wicker will be in conversation with Julien Laugier, editor and publisher of the…
Please join us for a special reading by wonderful Canadian writer and essayist Gail Scott. She will read excerpts from Furniture Music*, her Lower Manhattan memoir of everyday life and politics of poets in…
Please join us for the Paris launch of the US edition of Hervé Guibert’s 1980 “photo novel” Suzanne and Louise, with translator Christine Pichini and editor Jordan Weitzman!
Suzanne and Louise…
Audite, audite! Oui, le livre est un outil monstrueux – imprévisible et résilient comme le serpent de mer, il se multiplie comme les têtes d’une hydre, et enflamme les imaginations comme le souffle du dragon. Au fil de…
We are very happy to host Camille Kingué for the launch of Sex 2 – and Sam Riviere, If A Leaf Press’ editor, for the rue Jarry release of his latest poetry book, Conflicted Copy.
Camille Kingué’s Sex…
It’s that time of the year again ;) - brace yourself and wear sensitive shoes, our special bookshop for Paris Internationale will be open from Wednesday 16 to Sunday 20 October, on the 5th floor - no elevator but free…
Qu'est-ce que l'art et le design font aux lieux de soin et qu'est-ce que les lieux de soin font à l'art et au design ? C'est en somme à ces deux questions que souhaite répondre cet ouvrage en mêlant réflexions, témoignages…
We are very happy to host Fariha Róisín for a a reading and conversation around her most recent book of poetry: Survival takes a Wild Imagination.
I’m rolling my tongue
into a U-shape,
Julie strikes again and we can't wait to celebrate BILL 5 – street fight !
BILL 5 contains 192 offset printed pages printed in CMYK, silver, black and white on a dozen different paper stocks with some Japanese…
Happy to welcome Jurga Daubaraitė, Jonas Žukauskas, Goda Budvytytė, and Rasa Juškevičiūtė for the presentation of STUDIJA, a book about designer Jonas Prapuolenis’ hand-built Studio – a peculiar space, where he…
Please join us for the presentation of the 7th edition of * as a Journal, with guest editor Jean-Max Colard, artist Christine Herzer, and * as a Journal head editor Kotryna Lingienė. This issue is as…
Une nouvelle publication After 8 Books, D’l’or est une suite de poèmes, le premier livre de Rosanna Puyol Boralevi, également fondatrice de la maison d’édition Brook.…
We are very happy to host Fanny Chiarello for a bilingual celebration of her book: Basta Now. Women, Trans & Non-binary in Experimental Music, a quite non-academic essay. It’s also the first book to be published…
Ce mercredi, After 8 Books ouvre son département d’art dramatique avec Groom Service, une pièce de théâtre écrite par Teddy Coste, en collaboration avec Timothée Trouche.
We are very happy to welcome Shola von Reinhold, for a summer evening reading at After 8 Books!
“There was a woman known to visit this pillar, having observed the punishment of the Beings from her rooftop.…
Venez on se lit de la poésie, de la prose, des essais, mais avant, face à l’horrible possibilité de l’extrême droite au pouvoir, on prend un temps pour partager nos outils, pistes de lutte, actions et formes de résistance…
This Saturday, we are inviting you to a new After 8 Books publication: Cooper Jacoby’s How do I Survive? The launch is happening at 6 PM, at Fitzpatrick Gallery, where Cooper’s show, The Living Substrate,…
Hello Weirdos, please welcome weird wondrous filmaker Albert Serra for an evening with Divided's latest publication: A Toast to St Martirià.
The concept of fiction, that’s to say, living your life as if it…
An evening with MAXITYPE around their newest publications: Cornbread, Archeology of Consequent Forms and HARD COPY, SOFT COPY!
Cornbread the Legend depicts the legendary story…
Join us for the solstice launch of Confidences / Oracle, the new instalment in artist Ivan Cheng’s vampire novel series, and a lover’s trip to a weeklong theatre festival.
Oracles don't require belief—they…
Can empathy deliver political change? Does art that elicits emotional identification with others take us where we need to go? In Imperfect Solidarities, writer and art historian Aruna D’Souza offers observations…
Il est connu qu'un battant fait
des courants d'air
et que le verre est plus dur que l'or
Un recueil de poèmes qui sent le pain, la terre humide, le vent et le sel des embruns.
IRL – In Real Life est la nouvelle revue du département Communication visuelle de la HEAD-Genève : elle aborde, sous la forme d’entretiens, les questions concrètes et matérielles relatives aux réalités professionnelles…
PMS Glitter t-shirts sale! This Saturday afternoon, it’s the PMS Spring Summer collection launch at rue Jarry:
many new designs, all one-offs: big boxy glitters t-shirts, tiny tight glitter t-shirts, short sleeves,…
Wild combination. Dears, we are so thrilled to welcome our all times fav writer Estelle Hoy, in conversation with ☆ poet Lisa Robertson for the launch of saké blue, an anthology of Hoy's recent…
Lancement du nouveau livre de Jackqueline Frost, Notes sur le tragique prolétaire expérimental, en présence de l’autrice et de la traductrice, la poète Victoria Xardel, et de l’éditeur Éric Pesty ·
with Geoffrey Batchen, Justine Varga, Cecilia Grönberg & Jonas (J) Magnusson
”The published history of photography has long been motivated by a number of key principles: innovation and originality, authorship and…
Join Sabrina Tarasoff, Dennis Cooper and other special guests for the launch of the first complete collection of Bob Flanagan’s poetry !
Edited by Sabrina Tarasoff and with contributions by Jack Skelley, Sheree…
The porn star stands before the Saudi sheikh.
–Hi there. My name is Manmeat Entertainment Exclusive Kingsley Lane, and I’m here to commit a sin against God. Wanna help?
He grabs his crotch and winks.
please join us for the launch of Octopus notes #11 - already ?!
Ce numéro s’est construit comme tous les précédents : sur un temps long et par une série de rebonds. Il est l’occasion de mettre en valeur les recherches…
Nous sommes raviesx de vous convier à une rencontre entre Nick Mauss et Elisabeth Lebovici pour le lancement du recueil Dispersed Events ! Ce jeudi 16 mai à 18h30, à la galerie Chantal Crousel – où Nick présente…
GAY CRITIQUE NIGHT ! Retrouvez nous pour le lancement de la traduction française de La Gaie Critique de Mario Mieli en presence de la traductrice Laura Maver et Yann Gomez, auteur de la postface.
Le désir homosexuel…
Block party pour le nouveau livre d'Apollo Thomas: The Chūō (Rapid) Line is a fast subway line of the East Japan Railways Company that I take all the time when I’m in Japan., it leaves from Tokyo central station…
This Saturday, we are launching a new After 8 Books publication ★ From Zurich to Beijing, from Riga to Bern, from Berlin to Seoul, to Paris, Tobias Kaspar’s New Address II gathers “behind the scenes” documentation…
Venez rencontrer Anne-Sarah Huet et Antoine Hummel pour une discussion pas spécialement poétique, mais portée sur les confessions, le passing, les écoles, les stratégies et les refus d'obtempérer.
Nous célébrerons…
Passer ses mains dans la neige une dernière fois avant qu'elle fonde sous les sabots des cerfs.
Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir trois poètes et traducteurices entre Paris et Chicago pour une soirée entre plusieurs…
The infamous New York Art Book Fair will be on 25 to 28 of April ... we will stand correctly behind a fully dressed table of our latest…
Je suis presque toute enragée.
Une soirée de découverte de M qui se balade, s'attriste, s'amuse, s'énerve et sévit dans la ville de B, en banlieue parisienne.
Lancement du livre Journal…
Please come on Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm and squeeze in to listen to artists Sophie Hamacher and Laetitia Badaut Haussmann talk about the book Supervision: On Motherhood and Surveillance. A wide-ranging, first-of-its-kind…
All the way from the wide ethereal and not-so-very-faraway shores of Brighton and Hove, After 8 Books brings you a night of poetry and song to usher in the spring, from four of the finest poets in all the land — Verity…
We are delighted to welcome the booklaunch of Feast of the Ass, by Jahan Khajavi, published by Ugly Duckling Presse!
An evening that’s an alternative to classic dice. Roll the Three Dice and enjoy the book you’re reading!
LANCEMENT de Like The Gold at The End of The Rainbow de Jordan Derrien & Je suis Jessica,…
Can't wait for you to squeeze in on March 22th to feast on the release of SCRAP by Calla Henkel. Calla will be in conversation with pop icon / actress Lily McMenamy.
There was something about the unspooling…
Please join author and translator Jacqueline Feldman as she launches her new book, On Your Feet: A Novel in Translations, which features a story by Nathalie Quintane. Feldman will read from On Your Feet,…
À l’occasion de la sortie du livre de Vanessa Theodoropoulou Le Monde en situation – La révolte sensible de l’Internationale situationniste, une conversation entre l’autrice et Emmanuel Guy, autre Situ scholar,…
How to conceive of exhibition making today?
How to consider curatorial modes of public address?
What happens between writing and curating?
Get ready for all you ever wanted to know about the art of curating…
Please be welcome for a conversation with curator Lucia Pietroiusti, philosopher Emanuele Coccia and artist Alex Cecchetti to celebrate his latest publication, Sentiero. The book follows a mountain path designed by the…
Lancement de Caramel, un livre de Zoé Philibert!
Meute de sensibles entrelacés,
La·e chien·ne seul.e qui s’échappe échappe à son maître.
La meute qui s’échappe…
Nous accueillons le lancement de Verdicts, un livre de poésie de Lida Youssoupova publié en français par les éditions Zoème en présence de la traductrice : Marina…
Tuesday : sex in the supermarket ! Nous accueillons le lancement de la traduction française de Whore Foods en présence de LA Warman.
LA Warman transforme les rayons d’un supermarché bio en boîte à fantasmes.…
Sunday special! Enrico Camporesi et Jonathan Pouthier accompagneront le lancement du livre L’histoire d’une histoire du cinéma d’une projection sur les murs de la librairie de films en 16mm. Programme surprise…
The second in a series of monographs published by BILL, this publication – presented like a newspaper in an offset printed folder – explores eyes and makeup from Inge Grognard’s unique point of view and lens.
Une soirée avec Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, autour de 2 nouveaux livres! Le Culte des Banni.e.s et Stop Making Sense .·:
LCBD oopsi LCDB – Le Culte des Banni.e.s est un essai…
So happy to host American poet and writer Robert Glück, co-founder of the New Narrative movement in 1980s San Francisco, for an evening of reading and a conversation around his new novel: About Ed. The book is…
Double lancement de notre dernière publication, Les Voies du Paradis – en présence de l’auteur, Peter Cornell!
⊹ Le 24 Novembre 2023 à 19h, à After 8 Books, avec Peter Cornell,…
After 8 Books accueille Isabelle Cornaro et Clément Dirié pour le lancement d’une nouvelle monographie dédiée au travail d’Isabelle publiée par JRP — avec des contributions de Tim Griffin, Cécile Debray, Fabrice Stroun,…
Revenge publishing? A new genre? Or has it been around since writers first put pen to paper? Isn’t all writing to some degree a means to avenge an oversight or a rejection, intending to set the record straight? A number…
Very happy to welcome artists Heinz Peter Knes and Bojan Šarčević for the release of Knes’ new book, Correspondences, published by Is-Land ❊
Heinz Peter Knes has developed a photographic-documentary practice…
Dear friends, in the midst of this emotional storm, as we are witnessing a catastrophic shift in an already unbalanced world, let's try to stay sane and awake together. We are happy to welcome you all to a special evening…
Please join us for a celebration of The Third Hand, by Marton Perlaki, a new publication by UK-based In Other Words.
The book captures the five year period from 2018 to 2023, during which time Perlaki moved…
The art marathon has just begun, and Paris in on fire. Come dry your tears and feed your feelings at our special bookstore at Paris Internationale* ! For this year's edition we have teamed up with artist Thomas Jeppe for…
Tempus Fugit, Ketty Steward —
Dans un futur pas si lointain, la notion du temps telle que nous la connaissons a disparu. Le temps, et surtout le temps de chaque individu, est devenu la valeur marchande principale…
CELEBRATORY MOOD for this beautiful sound object by Slow Moves.
Originally released in a long sold-out edition of 50 cassette tapes, Love, Emily (Acte 3) was the third and final album of Michel Henritzi’s…
FIRE! Une soirée dédiée à Lizzy Mercier Descloux – autour des livres Don’t Take of Yourself. Lettres à Christine 1974-1983 (Isti Mirant Stella) et Desiderata (Inpatient Press), traduction anglaise en…
tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur le graphic design sans jamais oser le demander ...
LANCEMENT des deux nouvelles Anthologies par T&P Work Unit
Chaque volume de cette collection rassemble une…
Treize, After 8 Books & Finch are joining their energies to celebrate Dodie Bellamy, and launch the new editions of Kevin Killian’s Argento Series and Dodie’s Cunt Norton !
Readings by Dodie Bellamy…
Gary Zhexi Zhang will be in conversation with Yuri Pattison about Catastrophe Time! – a collection of essays, fictions, and interviews exploring the weird temporalities of finance and catastrophe, edited by Gary…
C'EST LA RENTRÉE ! Join us for this first one to fire up the season.
We will welcome a hologram reading by author Jack Skelley + an IRL conversation with Sabrina Tarasoff and (drums) Dennis Cooper.
COME CELEBRATE CEREBRAL REBELS SUMMER PARTY X WORMS #7 ! Friends & lovers & haters come together right now.
The ‘Artists who Write and Writers who Art’ Issue. For Worms 7 we’ve looked to our visual counterparts…
For those of you who are still picking up that leaflet ;)
The Order of Release gathers and comments upon a number of press releases written by artists. The format of the press release came to the…
En présence des éditrices Ramaya Tegegne et Tiphanie Blanc, qui donnera une lecture de son texte Compter sur nous. Sur les enjeux du partage des savoirs militants et sera en conversation avec Thierry Bertrand.
I was not interested to stop, never learned how to; to feel too much, on my side, is to burn. All these events, layers of individual stories, add up; influences and new behaviors happen backwards, forwards, live. This…
ELINKA FILMS & NAÏMA ont le plaisir de vous convier au lancement d'une édition autour de trois films de Gaëlle Boucand avec des lectures de Clara Schulmann, Hélène Gaudy, Mathieu Larnaudie et en présence d'une partie des…
Please join us for a reading to celebrate Steffani Jemison’s experimental novel, A Rock, A River, A Street. Moving deftly across narrative genres and styles as she interrogates the boundedness of the self, the…
We are happy to host an evening of readings and performances by a special new friend / adopted talisman just landed in Paris from the USA, poet and musician Joseph Matick. There will be music and words, together with *
Launch of bie bao series dedicated to militant zaum investigations of Ilya Zdanevich – Iliazd, published by Rab-Rab Press.
Ilya Zdanevich was a poet, designer, typographer, theoretician, and publisher…
How do you like it ? We are very happy to host psychoanalyst Jamieson Webster, in conversation with writer Santiago Amigorena and writer Sinziana Ravini, about her book: Disorganisation & Sex, published by Divided Publishing.
Please join us for the launch of Enter Fatima, a passport-sized mysterious publication which follows the book: The Knife. The book narrates the adventures of a rather peculiar traveller, educator and designer (I think…
SO SO HAPPY to invite you all to celebrate this new After 8 Books publication, dedicated to the work of French artist and ami extraordinaire David Douard. A long time in the making, this one has been a windy road with…
Back in town! Will Holder will be with us to present the ZEE issue of F.R.DAVID –
It’s a very special one, with 16 different covers, from Lutz…
Incroyable, Gail Scott will be among us to read from her books Heroine, The Obituary, and also the forthcoming…
Exploding galaxies! Let’s celebrate with Yve-Alain Bois his latest book, An Oblique Autobiography: a transatlantic collection of writings where, as he discusses the work of others, Bois recounts his own intellectual…
Présentation de la publication et lectures suivies d'une discussion autour de la traduction... avec une partie de l'équipe de traduction du livre : Luana Almeida, aurore/a zachayus et Rosanna Puyol, éditrice de Brook.
Nous sommes WOW d'inviter Helena de Laurens, Clara Pacotte et Esmé Planchon pour une présentation de leur nouveau WOW "Le jukebox des trobairitz", un abécédaire assez incroyable à lire ensemble ce jeudi même. Publié par…
Aux États-Unis, à la fin des années 1970, des artistes comme Dara Birnbaum, Jack Goldstein, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Robert Longo, Richard Prince ou Cindy
Sherman se mettent à reproduire des…
Michael Nardone and Lisa Robertson will be present alongside the editors of OEI, Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg - what a treat !
”The domain of the aural opens, at once, on to the act of composition and…
You need an outside policeman every time the inner policeman breaks down
Readings with Aurelia Guo and Sam Riviere, celebrating The World of Interiors.
In World of Interiors I use collage…
Gyn Gausserand (1932-2018) demande son émancipation à l’âge de seize ans pour pouvoir se former à la poterie à l’école de Fontcarrade à Montpellier. Sa “relation impérative” à l’argile se traduit sous différentes formes…
Please join Australian writer Oliver Mol as he celebrates the paperback launch of his book TRAIN LORD, published by Penguin Michael Joseph. TRAIN LORD recounts how he lived through the hell…
Protégez vos jugulaires et rejoignez-nous pour une soirée autour de cette publication very dark. Nous avons aussi prévu une conversation entre l’éditeur et le légendaire journaliste Lelo Jimmy Batista. Garde à vous !
Don't fall off your chair but please squeeze in on Sunday for a crazy astral conjunction during which three of the most incredible minds and why not bodies of our sick sad times will meet and read and hopefully it won't…
C'est le lancement de Le Plaisir d’un casse retardé par les plantes maintenant ou En toute occasion passe comme un coup de vent, une ode de fantasy où les plantes prennent pas mal de décisions pour un monde mortel…
A very special book launch, with a conversation between designer and editor Mindy Seu and legendary multimedia artist Shu Lea Cheang !
In Cyberfeminism Index, hackers, scholars, artists, and activists…
Be welcome to an evening of readings with Isabella Streffen and Sharon Kivland, introduced by Tom Allen.
Isabella Streffen, Fabulae. How it begins, MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, 2022
Isabella Streffen will…
STL: So how do you justify that, as a trivia, factoid, or a known fact
about your process?
MD: It is something that I wrote literally as a desire, a wish. And I tried.
There were probably a few images that…
"This is the way, step inside" is a line in the chorus of the song Atrocity Exhibition by Joy Division. The title of the track is taken directly from the novel by J.G. Ballard. It is also from this book that…
Lancement de The Artificial Kid avec Elsa Vettier, Julie Héneault & more
Publié suite à la résidence curatoriale d'Elsa Vettier à la Maison Populaire de Montreuil, ce recueil rassemble une sélection d’images, d’archives,…
Lectures & performance par la team + cocktails !
Cet ouvrage rassemble des textes pensés et écrits au cours d’une année d’atelier à l’ebabx Bordeaux par sabrina soyer, Marie Legros M, Nayun Eom, Charles Dauphinot,…
Comment gérez-vous vos flux, vos biens et vos humains, Peter ?
prenez votre temps
nul stress ne gagne
prenez votre temps
la pression n’est pas de mise, en tout cas nôtre
J'ai reçu sur la tête le plus gros rocher du ciel et j'ai perdu beaucoup de facultés
Par Martin Desinde, lecture de Teddy Coste sur un arrangement musical…
Caconrad sera avec nous pour le lancement de la traduction en français de son ouvrage 'While Standing in Line for Death' ! Traduit par Elsa Boyer & Camille Pageard.
Lectures, projections (!) et suspence assurée xxxx…
A visual conversation between Yusuf Hassan and Kwamé Omari, thinking about how images live in space next to one another, in or out of context. Each artist selecting 51 images in response to one another, the two build a…
Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le mercredi 2 novembre 2022, à partir de 19h, pour le lancement de Langages tissés, un livre consacrée au travail de l’artiste…
Join us for the book launch of Young Americans ! Readings by Jackqueline Frost and special guest Nat Raha, Q&A with Rona Lorimer.
FINALLY we get to host Amy Sillman herself, in Paris, for a spectacular bilingual booklaunch of both the French version and the English one — in a new, expanded edition – of her seminal book : Faux Pas. Selected Writings…
When I was five, I told my father I wanted to be a beasty-boy. Two words, like a snow leopard, an animal-creature. The Boy part, the Leopard: unsexed.
It was a cold autumn night on the rue Jarry in Paris.…
Please join us to celebrate the release of this beautiful artist’s book, made in collaboration with Frederik Worm and designed by Åbäke. We are also installing – and selling! – Marie Lund’s newest edition, an enameled…
Nous sommes ravi.e.s d'accueillir les éditeurs de MMPLH en conversation avec Gaëtan Thomas, qui a établi et traduit ce recueil, un document essentiel à l'histoire politique et critique de l'art.
Aussi, pour toustes…
The title is important. The poem is not the one who dies. You can order the book. Through the window of my bedroom.
Book launch & reading ------> The Window by Tarek…
Michael in Black by Nicole Miller (2022) focuses on a single sculptural work by the artist and filmmaker: a bronze cast of Michael Jackson’s kneeling figure, poured from a mold made directly from his body circa…
Du Jura bernois aux montagnes neuchâteloises, Simon Boudvin traverse ici un territoire témoin des luttes que nous raconte l’historienne Marianne Enckell, bibliothécaire et archiviste bénévole au Centre international de…
Pour célébrer le lancement du livre, Nora Barbier* sera en conversation avec Clara Schulmann**
Le livre commence comme un film. On place le décor, on introduit le personnage : «Elle, assise à un bureau face à un mur,…
La typothèque Bye Bye Binary présente des fontes inclusif·ves, non-binaires, post-binaires en construction. Ces fontes utilisent læ Queer Unicode Initiative (QUNI) pour encoder leurs…
Please join us for an evening with Jennifer West ! Celebrating an amazing book with screenings, conversations, drinks, and a few very special zines by West herself ✁ Retrouvez-nous pour le lancement de l'ouvrage monographique…
A great deal of uncertainty—and even some genuine confusion—surrounds the origin, evolution, and activities of the so-called Avis Tertia or “Order of the Third Bird.” Sensational accounts of this “attentional cult” emphasize…
Georgia René-Worms, artiste et autrice sera en conversation avec Cédric Fauq, commissaire en chef / responsable du service des projets au CAPC musée d’art contemporain.
Discussion introduite par Sylvie Mokhtari,…
Premier volet paru sous forme de feuilleton de la saga de George Schuyler, L'Internationale noire est un véritable sommet de fiction spéculative, mêlant thématiques afrofuturistes et problématiques socio-politiques.…
We are happy to welcome you for chats & drinks at the bookstore !
This publication by Apollo Thomas is made in collaboration with EDWIN
NOTE: This event is at galerie Edouard Montassut – 61 rue du Fbg Poissonnière, not at rue Jarry ; °)
Ivan Cheng will read from Confidences / Majority, his…
Drama, careers, sabotage, compromissions... the first issue of Suckcess Magazine begins with a selection of poems by the flamboyant Rene Ricard, edited with the help of Editions Lutanie, and continues with contributions…
HEY WOW ! We are delighted to host a booklaunch for this fantastic new Primary Information publication, edited by artist Andrew Lampert.
Writing by Artist is the first collection to focus on William Wegman’s…
Il y a toujours quelque chose d'inachevé dans ce que je fais, même si cela laisse des ouvertures. Il se trouve que j'écrivais beaucoup de préfaces pour nos livres, mais je n'ai pas tellement publié moi-même. C'est…
Lancement de la première monographie consacrée au travail de Marie Cool Fabio Balducci ; en présence des artistes et de Laurence Schmidlin, éditrice, conservatrice au Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne
Hello ! Come celebrate with us the latest publications by our swedish brainy and sexy friends OEI : the latest Issue (#94-95: geographies), as well as New Grounds for Dutch Landscape by Lytle Shaw, who…
We’re very happy to invite you to an evening of readings by Rachel Valinsky, Dennis Cooper, Marcel Devillers amongst others... at rue Jarry, to celebrate the poetry of Piero Heliczer on the occasion of the launch of our…
Nouez vos capes et tressez vos mèches. Nous allons fêter ce soir le lancement de Un Moyen Âge Émancipateur, en presence des Thomas Golsenne et Clovis Maillet et d'autres invité.es d'exception !
Who is Wolfgang Stoerchle ? Come find out on Friday night, with editor Alice Dusapin and a selection of video works by the artist.
Wolfgang Stoerchle is a particularly notable artistic figure of the early seventies…
Viens pour apprendre à jouer aux cartes avec Laban, à interpréter les signes qui feront frissonner ton corps...
Un jeu conçu par Lina Schlageter.
Please join us for the warmest double date of November ... Paris two ways.
Friday Afternoon.
This bus is on diversion. The driver breaks the fourth wall to tell us. Then so do the passengers,…
Friends still make books, and yes, books still make friends ! Please come visit us later this week, we will be hosting - pushing the walls ! - our dearest publishers friends visiting town, and several events as planned…
OMG OMG OMG Join us to celebrate this one! What’s better than the poisonous atmosphere of a FIAC week and its jetlagged dwellers to come together in a promiscuous bookstore loaded with symbolic value and play with stickers…
Please join us for the unpacking of two new publications by German-born, Paris-based Bauer Verlag. Lines and stories that might and might not cross, intermingle, and tie a knot...
No. 1: Resisting Exactitude by…
FR // Morceaux Choisis est la première monographie consacrée aux pratiques artistiques de Saâdane Afif. De Melancholic Beat au Folkwang Museum, Essen, en 2004 à Musiques…
I was not offended when you looked at me and I realized there was no one in my place to look back at you. I comprehend. Seriously, I have strange feelings about the different wars that are going on in the universe…
Electric Brine. Esther Leslie in conversation with Jennifer Teets
Flowing, seeping, leaking, cascading, shaping. Electric Brine is a volume of poetry and critical essays by women voices from diverse…
WOW ! Nous sommes youpiiii d'ouvrir la saison avec Îlles. ❦
Cette publication tisse un récit mêlé de fiction et de données historiques autour de l’existence, à travers les âges, d’une garde-robe non genrée. Des…
En 13 procès-verbaux et avec les outils de la poésie objectiviste, l'auteur nous plonge dans le langage de la justice militaire française en Algérie entre 1954 et 1963. Historien, Marius Loris Rodionoff est l'un des premiers…
Enfin c'est du LIVE ! Nous sommes de retrouver Jean-Claude Lebensztejn et l'équipe des éditions Macula pour le lancement de Propos filmiques. En pure perte - un nouvel ouvrage, édité par Enrico Camporesi…
"One day, after dropping acid (the one and only time I've tried acid in my life), some sort of identity crisis overtook me. Who am I? And who are my friends? Do I have allies or are they all frenemies? Back then, there…
Dans un élan de fébrilité et d’anticipation, nous sommes ravi-e-s d’annoncer l’impression du nouveau livre de Théo Robine-Langlois, Le Gabion,…
We are delighted to open this year’s online program with a book and two persons that we love. Artist Nick Mauss will be in conversation with publisher and actor Baptiste Pinteaux about his publication Transmissions,…
a book launch and online conversation to celebrate, discuss and lift up our spirits with exquisite crafts :)
6 pm in Paris ° noon in NYC ° 2 am in Tokyo ⤹…
Hosted by After 8 Books, this event celebrated the publication of Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979 (published by Primary Information) with a discussion between the book's editors Alex Balgiu and Mónica de la…
My first tryst with polyamory lasted less than a month, I couldn’t take to the weekly transparency meetings and banal disclosures packaged as respect. I didn’t have the patience for all the shedding and moulting. Besides,…
LaCava's new novel takes us on—remember those?—transatlantic flights and short taxi rides to places that seem much too easy to recognize, until they turn uncanny. Mathilde and Gretchen write, sleep and converse through…
Nous accueillons les éditions la Tempête et Nathalie Quintane pour le lancement de Chaosmogonie, recueil de montages poétiques et politiques de l’écrivain, artiste et militant italien Nanni Balestrini (1935−2019).
COME ONE COME ALL ! Sunday the street will be open to celebrate this drôle de rentrée ... the parisian label Collapsing Market invites artist Hanne Lippard to present her new album, WORK.
And it's great !…
Malgré notre stock de solution hydroalcoolique, nous préférons annuler le lancement prévu ce soir avec B42.
La librairie reste néanmoins ouverte et vous pouvez y découvrir le livre Technique…
A character called X journeys through a present that is neither here nor there, but feels oddly proximate. She moves through landscapes of words. Narrative is always under construction. The preferred medium for X's peregrinations:…
On habite ce que l’on peut : la faïence, la baignoire, le hlm, le trottoir, on construit une cabane. Du début à la fin on utilise l’amour comme survie collective.
Fiévreuse plébéienne est un texte en…
For now I would continue to test the hypothesis of lust. I would test it in bookshops, in museums, and at fountains. I would test it, as I have described, in attic rooms, maid's rooms as they were called. As unfixed…
Une conversation entre la chorégraphe Lenio Kaklea, Alexandra Baudelot, Franck Gautherot et Lou Forster pour présenter Encyclopédie pratique. Détours.
Dans les rues d'Athènes, Aubervilliers, Essen, Guissény,…
DID YOU KNOW ? Une légende locale raconte qu’en 1909 le peintre et sculpteur Amedeo Modigliani jeta plusieurs sculptures dans les eaux du canal de Livourne, sa ville natale. En 1984, la célébration des cent ans de la naissance…
Please join us for an evening celebrating the 3rd issue of Slanted House zine, a publication which is always born in the aftermath of an exhibition. Slanted House is an artist's collective split between Berlin, Paris and…
With a reading by Fiona Alison Duncan, joined by artist Matt Hilvers, plus pre-Winter specials!
We are very happy to host the Paris launch of Exquisite Mariposa, a contemporary memoir about transitioning…
Ce livre est le résultat d'une recherche iconographique sur des dispositifs de surveillance militaire qui sollicitent l’écoute médiate (une écoute augmentée d’un médiateur: outil, instrument, architecture, système, etc.)…
Retrouvez Laura Mulvey, figure exhaltante, critique de cinéma, féministe, british. Ce soir avec nous pour le lancement de la première traduction en français de l'anthologie de ses écrits sur l'image en mouvement: Fétichisme…
find us this week-and-week-end at the fanciest Art Book Fair in town !
SPECIAL PROGRAM on Sat 9 in the Amphi d’honneur : the best kept secret in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts !!
Lancement / Performance…
After 8 Books participates in the Salon de Normandy with The Reason(s) Why I'm Staying in Paris, a hotel bookshop that welcomes one event a day for a four-day trip, from the 17th to the 20th of October 2019. More…
Come over this afternoon to hear the great Lisa Radon read from her new publication !
Age of Sand is a book of log entries that imagines impossible interconnectivities, rewritings and rewrightings of the digital and…
Retrouvez-nous pour célébrer la publication de ce recueil inédit d'écrits de jeunesse de Acker publiés par les Éditions Ismael
7pm: lectures par Claire Finch & Élodie Petit
+ Projection des films Untitled…
On the occasion of the release of Kathy Acker (1971–1975), After 8 Books presents some documents from her archive, and two videotapes from 1974.
Claire Finch and Théo Robine-Langlois spent some time digging…
Parisian spleeny Autumn kicks in, and what a better timing for launching the Summer ‘19 F.R.David issue, “Recto/Verso” ? Will Holder will tell us very little about it, being more focused on the unveiling of a major feature…
Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011-2019. We are honored to host the pre-launch of Natasha Stagg's new book ! Stagg has worked as editor and consultant for many fashion, art, culture - high and low - brands and industries.…
Juillet 2018. Un groupe de jeunes artistes, chercheuses et chercheurs, éditeurs et éditrices* se retrouve à la Bibliothèque Kandinsky, au Centre Pompidou, pour partager leurs travaux sur les publications d’artistes, leur…
... des sorties des Naturalistes en lutte sur la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, août 2015 – avril 2017
Ensoleillé. Température maximale prévue 31°C. Risque d'averses le soir, avec une minimale prévue de 17°C.
An evening dedicated to a beloved artist, by a beloved friend ! Nic will be speaking around 7.30.
In many instances, Geys’ projects began at the site of his middle school classroom in rural Flanders. Through looking…
30 juste 30 nouvelles pièces par Natsuko, installées hors de portée de kids - donc kids friendly event! Street party puisque la street sera car-free dimanche ! + du saké et/ou du thé, quoi d'autre?
prices from 35…
uh books publishes “Resistance”: 1. Lyn Hejinian’s unpublished prose poem which (in her better-known essay The Rejection of Closure) the author reads closely as model for various, open, equitable relations between language…
So happy to introduce you to this emoticonic artist’s book by John Baldessari! The plot is a non-linear narrative, based on the blown-up emojis from the artist's 2017 series. Playing with the limits of language and imagery,…
Richard Roe is the fictional memoir of a legal person, published by Sternberg Press and designed by Luke Gould. The name is one of the oldest used in English law when the real name of someone is withheld, or when…
Finally introducing our audience to the definitive, most extensive to-date research across Kosovar sports activities that took place in seven identical sports halls between 1974 and 2018! A frantic choreography of newspapers'…
Retrouvez nos héro.ine.s semestriel.le.s pour un lancement sans pareil.le.s !
Au sommaire: Ana Baliza, Tenzing Barshee, Tomás Cunha Ferreira, Alice Dusapin, Alexandre Estrela, Wade Guyton, Pati Hill, Merlin James,…
Artist-run project SideReal looks into alchemical ideas of passage, manipulation, magic, and occult politics through events and research related to music, art, and theory. Considering alchemy as a counterpublic…
Lancement du livre édité par Maija Rudovska, Barbara Sirieix & Joachim Hamou, qui prolonge les réflexions du philosophe letton Andrejs Kurcijs et de son essai “Art Actif.” Avec une lecture de Laura Boullic | Launch of…
En présence de son auteur, Andy Merrifield, du préfacier de l’édition française, Xavier Boissel, et de l’équipe des éditions Entremonde, qui inaugurent avec ce titre une nouvelle collection, Métro, consacrée à l’urbanisme…
A novel that captures the glancing intersections of a loose group of artists and lawyers, restaurateurs, philosophers, wine-makers, and boxers.
Having dinner at the Triennale, Massimiliano is cooking Pho. He bought…
FINALLY! Le lancement le plus attendu de l'année aura lieu. Et quel lieu ;) -> attention, nouvelle adresse au 7, rue Jarry 75010
Nous sommes ravis de discuter avec Karl son nouveau projet éditorial all in black…
5pm - Doors Open!
7pm - Readings by Claire Finch (& Elodie Petit) + John Dewitt + Adrien Dannatt & Duncan Hannah
9pm - Paul Bonnet plays CIA Debutante: “The Landlord”
& ... to support your favourite…
From 3 to 6 pm, designer and author Eric Schrijver invites you to meet and discuss your copyright cases—both those related to copying and to getting copied!
>> If you wish to meet with Eric during the afternoon, please…
According to the author, auto-correction, street performers, earworms and migration are to be blamed for the inception of this textile. The person who invented auto-correction should go to
hello. This is how he moved…
The Daily Bread is a collection of beginnings. It stems from Dépense Défensive’s residency at Le Petit Versailles community garden on the Lower East Side, between the 2nd and the 17th of August, 2018. Everyday,…
I know what you did last summer. Now come, and celebrate this book!
This is not a book of good intentions. It attempts to introduce a chorus of voices that…
Come and have a toast! Longtime in the making, the first extensive monograph on Zin Taylor's work is out. To celebrate its release, Zin will be serving lavender cocktails* and playing music linked to the book, bulding…
Et hop ! Trêve de plaisanterie ! Retrouvons notre sérieux samedi soir pour le lancement du nouveau numéro de la revue Marges, pour une plongée de critique et analyse des arts et pensées contemporaines. Le périodique, crée…
Hey ! Format 102 × 232 mm, mini poche. Idoine d'hiver pour le métro. Idoine, depuis 2015, un magazine monographique apériodique. Venez découvrir le dernier numéro,…
Here we go! We are delighted to reiterate. Will Holder will be in and down–town to read from the latest issue legendary F.R.DAVID – that's the (') issue, a special one. Look at the colophon and shiver.
This Thursday afternoon, we will have the pleasure to host New York-based poet Shiv Kotecha and discover his latest book, The Switch, published by Wonder Press.
From the introduction of the word kiss…
Venez nous voir samedi après-midi! On discutera malaise structurel, domination, et encore pire en compagnie du philosophe Ray Brassier, ami du théoricien culturel Mark Fisher (1968-2017), pour célébrer la sortie chez les…
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty... Good !!! Join us for the launch of Peter Friel’s Rich and Famous infamous magazine, with Bonny Poon at After 8 Books booth - 4th floor at Paris Internationale, the hottest art fair in…
Intense appropriation of a cosmetic consumer item and hacking onto existing narratives are recurring methods in Tobias Kaspar’s work. Aesop is a company that relies on “prestige branding” to market its healthy products,…
Just before the opening of his project 2.4 parents for la plage, we are happy to share with you an evening with artist Jos Bitelli and his new publications. //Jos est à Paris pour 2.4…
Started in 2016, Guillaume Maraud’s publication series Version is getting to its variation n°0005.
Conceived by Maraud as both a record to keep track of his artistic practice in an ever-accelerating time,…
Hey ! We made it. Please join us for the launch of After 8 Books's new publication, Le Large, a very special collection of drawings by artist Julie Beaufils,…
Started as a zine in the 90’s, Ugly Duckling Presse has become an essential press for contemporary literature and art. Working independently from Brooklyn, NY, UDP publishes poetry, translation, experimental nonfiction,…
Join us for the lauch of the third volume of The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, Warren Neidich's long-standing research-conference-symposium-publication enterprise. Focusing on some of the most alarming…
Prononcées à New York en 1826, et longtemps restées inédites, ces conférences…
We'll be assuring Brain to Ass connections. // Liaison Cortex - Cul assurée.
ASS BOOK FAIR 16-18.03.2018
Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Entrée libre…
Ciao ragazzi! Join us for the launch of a very special publication by Edition Patrick Frey, and a maybe spectacular 3-days’ film projection on our windows. Hosted by Benedikt Reichenbach, who put the book back on our memories…
If / When in Berlin. We have made a tailored selection of 50-some titles for KW, most beloved art venue in town. The books will be presented, updated, shifted…
Join us for a Sunday tea and cake conversation with Dodie Bellamy & Kevin Killian - in Paris for the first time ! - and their new book by Nightboat - gluten-free welcome !
Anatomical Theatre of the Earth was a wooden construction based on the form of a small circular arena with the stage in the center and around it the seats for the audience watching the scenic performances. In form and…
Best books in best art fair. Come by & buy !
Paris Internationale 2017
October 18–22
11, Rue Beranger
75003 Paris
Public opening hours:
Wed, Oct. 18 to Sat, Oct. 21: 12pm—8pm
Book launch and performance with Will Holder and Scott Rogers, co-editor for this issue. ALPTRUTh: Techniques for Situational Awareness is a performance that examines the intricacies and intimacies of backcountry…
Merman is a queer travelogue of a boating voyage on Belgium’s inland waterways with merman and singer Steev Lemercier in the company of Chanel and Dolce, who are a cat and a dog, during the first months of their friendship…
with a text by Jesper List Thomsen;
designed and edited by Åbäke;
published by MIDI/Mousse.
Reading of “Avoiding the Genius” by Jesper List Thomsen.
artist’s book, offset, 27 × 28.5 cm, 396 pages, including 360 pages in colour and 36 pages in black on LuxoArt Silk 150 g/m2 paper, glossy colour cover, LuxoArt Silk 350 g/m2, 10 inserts, colour, 26.5 × 28 cm, LuxoArt…
book launch and reading, with Michael Van den Abeele.
The sign on the door says
You can keep your weapons but Leave your careers outside
Inside a heartwarming brunch is hosted Almost…
book launch by Julie Béna.
Béna's practice mostly enfolds in performance and sculpture. However, this collection of poems, essays, film and theater scripts wind around her visual art work.
Book launch and screening, with Karel Martens, Julie Peeters, and Chris Fitzpatrick!
He is back! So happy to host living legend typographer and book magician Karel Martens, in conversation with designer Julie Peeters…
The World in Which We Occur is an event series co-led by Margarida Mendes and Jennifer Teets, taking place live over the telephone, and formulated around questions addressed by speakers across the world. Embarking on modern…
‘Inverted Commas’ is the 13th issue of the journal F.R.DAVID. Books launch, Singing, Reading wih Will Holder and Riet Wijnen at The Community!
This issue departs from Riet…
Book launch and reading from her lates book of poetry, with poet Lisa Robertson
The Seam
On Form
On Physical Real Beginning and
What Happens…
“I said: sir, her name is Tao. She is an artist who only paints sublime churchy subjects, and sir, if someone who has already become an artist, she cannot do anything else anymore in her life, and she is useless in reality…
Hill of Dreams, a book and a film by Jessica Warboys
The film Hill of Dreams takes the fantastical semi-autobiographical novel of the same name written by Arthur Machen in 1907 as a point of reference for…
On sera là cette semaine at Offprint Paris !
best books in best book fair // Come see us at fancy ENSBA for better wallpapers and expensive macarons.
Avec A.R.T. Press,…
a book by Kasper Andreasen & Louis Lüthi
a gallery-based introspective journey through a XVIII century drawing treatise, lössnus, and the network of cracks in a ceiling.
The Preparator…
a book by Richard Dailey
1979-80 on the Lower East Side: Artists, collectors and punks in a 1979-80 novel about a love triangle on the Lower East Side, Haiti, Paris and Timbuktu.
Nicholas Tammens: Two Slideshows as a part of Ian Burn et al.
A research query focusing on the legacy of Australian artist Ian Burn (1939-1993), and the work of his network of peers.
Today we will be showing…
Book launch & conversation with Pierre Bal-Blanc & the editorial staff of Paraguay Press.
Présentation et lectures avec France Valliccioni, Renaud Bezy, David Blair et Benjamin Rondeau.
Avec les contributions de : Julien Audebert, Andrea Aversa, Sam Basu, Tristan Bera, Stéphane Bérard, Patxi Bergé,…
OMG !! Matthew Lutz-Kinoy installs a wave tunnel at Section 7 Books .
We will witness the artist's book launch, featuring recent ceramics from the exhibition "To Satisfy The Rose" with photographs by Rob Kulisek,…
books in a room - by Section 7 Books
at Occidental Temporary
$€£ bring your cash ! $€£
The Sitter
Dog sitter arrives in in a dog park with two French bulldogs on a split leash. The dogs
have signs hanging from their necks that say “Licensed Therapy Animal.”
TS: How can you stand sitting…
Welcome to the Antinomian Press. A talk by Ben Kinmont; a presentation of various catalogues, books, multiples, and broadsides published by the Antinomian Press; and a new live…
Qui a inventé la performance artistique ?
les puritains anglais en 1642 ?
les élèves révolutionnaires de Jacques Louis David ? les mystérieux saint-simoniens ?
1642, Oxford. Le parlement décide…
It must be a difficult step for any artist to decide to work with trash, to take it, with all its rigid contrivances, folly, and lapses in taste, at all seriously. But Agematsu overthrows the genre with his free-wheeling…