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EL MEDIONI, Maurice El Médioni EL MEDIONI, Maurice El Médioni A Memoir: From Oran to Marseilles (1936-1990) Repeater 2017 Biographies / Music & Sound 11€ 11€
ABDULLAH, Ahmed ABDULLAH, Ahmed A Strange Celestial Road: My Time in the Sun Ra Arkestra Blank Forms Editions 2023 Biographies / Music & Sound 30€ 30€
AGAR, Eileen AGAR, Eileen A Look at My Life Thames & Hudson 2024 Biographies 48€ 48€
ALS, Hilton (ed.) ALS, Hilton (ed.) God Made My Face: A Collective Portrait of James Baldwin Dancing Foxes 2024 Biographies / Literature 40€ 40€
ANDERSON, Benedict ANDERSON, Benedict A Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir Verso Politics / Biographies 18€ 18€
ARCADE, Penny ARCADE, Penny Bad Reputation. Performances, Essays, Interviews Semiotext(e) 2009 Queer Culture / Scenes / Biographies / Performance 22€ 22€
AUBRY, Chantal AUBRY, Chantal Pauvert l’irréductible. Une contre-histoire de l'édition l’échappée 2017 Biographies / Book Culture / Literature 26€ 26€
AULT, Julie; BECK, Mertin; BIRKETT, Richard (eds.) AULT, Julie; BECK, Mertin; BIRKETT, Richard (eds.) Tell it to my heart. Collected by Julie Ault (vol.2) Hatje Cantz Biographies / Cultural Studies / Politics / Exhibition Catalogues 50€ 50€
BAKER, Phil BAKER, Phil Austin Osman Spare - The life and legend of London's lost artist Strange Attractor Press 2023 Biographies 29€ 29€
BATTCOCK, Gregory; GRIGELY, Joseph (ed.) BATTCOCK, Gregory; GRIGELY, Joseph (ed.) Oceans of Love: The Uncontainable Gregory Battcock Koenig Books 2016 Biographies / Essays / Queer Culture 25€ 25€
BELLAMY, Dodies BELLAMY, Dodies The TV Sutras Ugly Duckling Presse 2014 Literature / Biographies 20€ 20€
BERGER, Nan; EWAN, Ruth (ed.) BERGER, Nan; EWAN, Ruth (ed.) Twenty-Nine Thousand Nights: A Communist Life by Nan Berger Book Works 2017 Artists' Books / Politics / Biographies 20€ 20€
BERKSON, Bill BERKSON, Bill A Frank O'Hara Notebook no place press 2019 Biographies / Documents / Facsimile & Reprints 42€ 42€
BEVAN, Richard & CLARK, Tamsin BEVAN, Richard & CLARK, Tamsin Setsuko Hara Setsuko 2020 Artists' Books / Biographies / Film & Video 18€ 18€
BLAKE, Nayland; BOND, Vivian Justin BLAKE, Nayland; BOND, Vivian Justin Duets: Jerome Caja / Nayland Blake & Justin Vivian Bond in conversation Visual AIDS 2018 Biographies / Conversations / Queer Culture / Scenes 15€ 15€
BLOCH-CHAMPFORT, Guy (ed.); MITCHELL, Joan BLOCH-CHAMPFORT, Guy (ed.); MITCHELL, Joan Joan Mitchell. Témoignages et confidences Les Presses du Réel 2022 Biographies / Conversations 24€ 24€
BLOEMINK, Barbara BLOEMINK, Barbara Florine Stettheimer: A Biography Hirmer Verlag 2022 Biographies / Art History / Scenes 32€ 32€
BOETTGER, Suzaan BOETTGER, Suzaan Inside the Spiral. The Passion of Robert Smithson University of Minnesota Press 2023 Biographies / Monographs 35€ 35€
BORDEN, Lizzie (ed.) BORDEN, Lizzie (ed.) Whorephobia. Strippers on Art, Work, and Life Seven Stories Press 2022 Biographies / Conversations / Sex 23€ 23€
BRAMS, Koen; GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (eds.) BRAMS, Koen; GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Fictional Artists (2 vol.) JRP|Ringier Essays / Art Theory / Biographies 40€ 40€
BRANNON, Matthew BRANNON, Matthew Laurence Harvey onestar press 2014 Artists' Writings / Biographies / Film & Video 20€ 20€
BREYER P-ORRIDGE, Genesis BREYER P-ORRIDGE, Genesis Brion Gysin: His Name Was Master Trapart Books 2018 Conversations / Biographies / Artists' Writings 32€ 32€
BRICKER BALKEN, Debra BRICKER BALKEN, Debra Harold Rosenberg University of Chicago Press Art History / Art Theory / Biographies 36€ 36€
BROTCHIE, Alastair BROTCHIE, Alastair Alfred Jarry : une vie pataphysique Les Presses du Réel 2019 Biographies / Essays / Literature 42€ 42€
BROWN, Jubal BROWN, Jubal Die Scum - Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art Impulse[b] 2021 Scenes / Biographies 18€ 18€
BURES-KREMSER, Kim (ed.) BURES-KREMSER, Kim (ed.) Deprived of Rights and Property: The Art Dealer Max Stern Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Biographies / Art History / Art Spaces 26€ 26€
CAHUN, Claude CAHUN, Claude Aveux non avenus Mille et Une Nuits 2021 Artists' Writings / Biographies / Feminism / Literature / Photography / Poetry / Queer Culture 18.3€ 18.3€
Canet, MARIE Canet, MARIE Baker Les pérégrines 2020 Biographies / Feminism 14€ 14€
CARLSON, Rey CARLSON, Rey Ching Shih / 鄭氏 Other Publishing 2019 Biographies / History / Counterculture 20€ 20€
CARR, Cynthia CARR, Cynthia Fire in the Belly. The Life and Times of David Wojnarowicz Bloomsbury 2014 Biographies 32€ 32€
CARR, Cynthia CARR, Cynthia Candy Darling. Dreamer, Icon, Superstar Farrar Straus & Giroux 2024 Biographies / Queer Culture / Scenes 32€ 32€
CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) Helen Khal. Gallery One and Beirut in the 1960s Sternberg Press 2023 Art Spaces / Biographies 25€ 25€
CHARNAS, Dan CHARNAS, Dan Dilla Time MCD 2022 Music & Sound / Biographies / Cultural Studies 32€ 32€
CHATEGNÉ TYTELMAN, Yann CHATEGNÉ TYTELMAN, Yann Before publication: Blackout Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève 2023 Biographies 15€ 15€
CHICAGO, Judy CHICAGO, Judy Through the Flower. Mon combat d’artiste femme Les Presses du Réel 2018 Artists' Writings / Biographies / Feminism 28€ 28€
CHOLMELEY, Jane CHOLMELEY, Jane A Bookshop of One’s Own Mudlark 2024 Biographies / Book Culture / Literature / Feminism / Queer Culture / Scenes 22€ 22€
CHUDE-SOKEI, Louis CHUDE-SOKEI, Louis Floating in a Most Peculiar Way: A Memoir Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2021 Biographies / Black Studies / Literature 31€ 31€
CLAIR, Simon CLAIR, Simon Lizzy Mercier Descloux, une éclipse Playlist Society 2019 Biographies / Music & Sound 14€ 14€
CLAY, Steve; FRIEDMAN, Ken CLAY, Steve; FRIEDMAN, Ken Intermedia, Fluxus and the Something Else Press. Selected Writings by Dick Higgins Siglio 2018 Poetry / Monographs / Counterculture / Biographies / Art History / Book Culture 35€ 35€
COLLINS, Shirley COLLINS, Shirley All in the Downs. Reflections on Life, Landscape, and Song Strange Attractor Press 2018 Biographies / Music & Sound / Magic 24€ 24€
COSEY FANNI TUTTI COSEY FANNI TUTTI Art Sex Music Faber & Faber 2017 Biographies / Music & Sound / Sex / Performance / Scenes 16€ 16€
COTTON, Jess COTTON, Jess Critical Lives - John Ashbery Reaktion Books 2023 Biographies 16€ 16€
CRIMP, Douglas CRIMP, Douglas Before Pictures Dancing Foxes / University of Chicago Press 2016 Essays / Biographies / Queer Culture / Art History 39€ 39€
DA COSTA, Valérie DA COSTA, Valérie Paul Thek en Italie / Paul Thek in Italy (1962-1976) Les Presses du Réel 2022 Essays / Biographies / Art History 24€ 24€
DADERKO, Dean; REICHEK, Elaine DADERKO, Dean; REICHEK, Elaine Duets: Nicolas A. Moufarrege / Dean Daderko & Elaine Reichek in conversation Visual AIDS 2016 Conversations / Biographies / Queer Culture 15€ 15€
DALEY, Michael P. DALEY, Michael P. Bobby BlueJacket: The Tribe, The Joint, The Tulsa Underworld First To Knock 2018 Biographies / Counterculture 20€ 20€
DANNATT, Adrian DANNATT, Adrian Doomed and Famous: Selected Obituaries Sequence Press 2021 Scenes / Correspondence / Biographies 32€ 32€
DE SAINT PHALLE, Niki; RUDICK, Nicole DE SAINT PHALLE, Niki; RUDICK, Nicole What Is Now Known Was Once Only Imagined: An (Auto)biography of Niki de Saint Phalle Siglio 2022 Artists' Books / Biographies 45€ 45€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. Heavenly Breakfast Bamberger Books 2006 Urban Studies / Essays / Biographies 13€ 13€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. The Motion of Light in Water University of Minnesota Press 2004 Literature / Essays / Biographies / Counterculture / Queer Culture / Scenes 25€ 25€
DIRIE, Clément DIRIE, Clément Iris Clert : la pasionaria de l'avant-garde Hermann 2022 Curatorial Studies / Biographies 23€ 23€
DOOLEY, Jim DOOLEY, Jim Red Set: A History of Gang of Four Repeater 2018 Biographies / Music & Sound 17€ 17€
DRUCKER, Johanna DRUCKER, Johanna Iliazd. A Meta-Biography of a Modernist John Hopkins University Press 2020 Biographies / Book Culture / Art History 38€ 38€
DUCHAMP, Marcel; TOMKINS, Calvin DUCHAMP, Marcel; TOMKINS, Calvin The Bride and the Bachelors - Revised edition Gagosian Biographies 53€ 53€
DUNOYER DE SEGONZAC, Thomas DUNOYER DE SEGONZAC, Thomas Vers Vermersch Rotolux Press 2024 Literature / Biographies 18€ 18€
DURANT, Marc Alice DURANT, Marc Alice Maya Deren. Choreographed for Camera Saint Lucy Books 2022 Biographies / Film & Video 36€ 36€
EECKHOUT, Tanguy EECKHOUT, Tanguy Maisons d'art moderne MER Paper Kunsthalle 2021 Art Spaces / Biographies 40€ 40€
EL JANABI, Abdul Kader EL JANABI, Abdul Kader Journal inactuel de l’oubli (d’après L’éducation d’El Janabi) Asymétrie 2024 Biographies / Literature 12€ 12€
FAHS, Breanne FAHS, Breanne Valerie Solanas. The Defiant Life of the Woman who Wrote SCUM (and Shot Andy Warhol) Feminist Press 2014 Biographies / Feminism 14€ 14€
FERRAN, Bronac FERRAN, Bronac The Smell of Ink and Soil. The Story of [Edition] Hansjörg Mayer Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2017 Book Culture / Biographies / Monographs 28€ 28€
FINBOW, Steve FINBOW, Steve Notes from the Sick Room: Illness in Music, Literature and Art Repeater 2017 Biographies / Essays / Literature 13€ 13€
FLACK, Audrey FLACK, Audrey With Darkness Came Stars: A Memoir Penn State University Press 2024 Biographies / Artists' Writings 40€ 40€
FORTI, Simone FORTI, Simone The Bear in The Mirror Koenig Books 2018 Artists' Writings / Biographies / Performance 22€ 22€
FOX, Dan FOX, Dan Limbo Fitzcarraldo Editions 2019 Biographies / Essays / Art History 13€ 13€
FUNG, Amy FUNG, Amy Before I Was a Critic I Was a Human Being Book*hug 2019 Biographies / Essays 21€ 21€
GEDIN, Andreas GEDIN, Andreas Pontus Hultén. She, a Cathedral & Moderna Museet Koenig Books 2020 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 33€ 33€
GELINIER, Sophie GELINIER, Sophie Francine Lancelot. Danse populaire, danse savante, musique baroque, des écritures de la danse L’œil d’or 2024 Biographies / Performance 28€ 28€
GENET, Jean; CHAIMOWICZ, Marc Camille GENET, Jean; CHAIMOWICZ, Marc Camille The Studio of Giacometti Grey Tiger Books Biographies / Artists' Writings 24€ 24€
GERT, Valeska GERT, Valeska Je suis une sorcière L’œil d’or 2020 Biographies / Counterculture / Dance 22€ 22€
GIORNO, John GIORNO, John Great Demon Kings: A Memoir of Poetry, Sex, Art, Death, and Enlightenment Farrar Straus & Giroux 2020 Biographies / Artists' Writings / Poetry / Scenes / Queer Culture 30€ 30€
GLASS, Loren GLASS, Loren Rebel Publisher. Grove Press and the Revolution of the Word Seven Stories Press 2018 Essays / Book Culture / Biographies 14€ 14€
GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix Felix Gonzalez-Torres Steidl 2016 Monographs / Biographies 58€ 58€
GRAHN, Judy GRAHN, Judy A Simple Revolution: The Making of an Activist Poet Aunt Lute Books 2012 Biographies / Feminism / Poetry 20€ 20€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle In Another World – Notes, 2014–2017 Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Biographies 25€ 25€
GRIFFIN, Chloé GRIFFIN, Chloé Edgewise. A picture of Cookie Mueller b_books Biographies / Film & Video 30€ 30€
GYSEL, Jessica; MATER, Katja; KAAMAN, Sara; SLATER, Marnie (eds.) GYSEL, Jessica; MATER, Katja; KAAMAN, Sara; SLATER, Marnie (eds.) Girls Like Us vol.2 #12 BIOGRAPHY Girls Like Us 2019 Periodicals / Feminism / Queer Culture / Biographies 12€ 12€
HALE, Amy HALE, Amy Ithell Colquhoun: Genius of The Fern Loved Gully Strange Attractor Press 2020 Biographies / Monographs 30€ 30€
HALL, Stuart HALL, Stuart Familiar Stranger Penguin 2018 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 14€ 14€
HAMMER, Barbara HAMMER, Barbara Hammer! Making Movies out of Sex and Life Feminist Press 2010 Queer Culture / Biographies / Essays / Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Feminism 22€ 22€
HARDY, Stacy HARDY, Stacy Chimurenganyana: 52 Niggers Chimurenga Essays / Queer Culture / Music & Sound / Biographies 5€ 5€
HELLER, Steven HELLER, Steven Growing Up Underground: A Memoir of Counterculture New York Princeton Architectural Press 2022 Biographies / Counterculture / Periodicals / Sex 29€ 29€
HESTER, Diarmuid HESTER, Diarmuid WRONG: A Critical Biography of Dennis Cooper University of Iowa Press 2020 Biographies 40€ 40€
HOLLADAY, Hilary HOLLADAY, Hilary The Power of Adrienne Rich. A Biography Nan A.Talese 2020 Biographies / Poetry 32€ 32€
hooks, bell hooks, bell Apprendre à transgresser Syllepse editions 2019 Black Studies / Biographies / Politics 18€ 18€
HOPPS, Walter HOPPS, Walter The Dream Colony. A Life in Art Bloomsbury 2017 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 36€ 36€
HOUSEWRIGHT, Stephen HOUSEWRIGHT, Stephen Partners Blank Forms Editions 2021 Music & Sound / Biographies 15€ 15€
IMHOF, Dora IMHOF, Dora C is for Curator: Bice Curiger – A Life in Art Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Curatorial Studies / Biographies 30€ 30€
JANCOU, Marc (ed.) JANCOU, Marc (ed.) Trix + Robert Haussmann. A Life with Art and Artists Edition Patrick Frey 2022 Biographies / Architecture / Design 29€ 29€
JARMAN, Derek JARMAN, Derek Chroma. Un livre de couleur L'éclat 2019 (1994) Artists' Writings / Biographies / Film & Video 8€ 8€
JOHNSON, Joyce JOHNSON, Joyce Personnages secondaires Éditions Cambourakis 2016 Literature / Biographies 22€ 22€
JOHNSON, Mark Dean; HART, Dakin; KIRSCH, Matthew (eds.) JOHNSON, Mark Dean; HART, Dakin; KIRSCH, Matthew (eds.) The Saburo Hasegawa Reader University of California Press 2019 Biographies 35€ 35€
KARAGHEUZ, Hermine KARAGHEUZ, Hermine Roger Blin Ypsilon 2021 Film & Video / Biographies 15€ 15€
KENT, Sister Corita; AULT, Julie KENT, Sister Corita; AULT, Julie Come Alive! The Spirited Art of Sister Corita Four Corners Books 2006 Monographs / Counterculture / Biographies 28€ 28€
KIESLER, Frederick KIESLER, Frederick Function Follows Vision, Vision Follows Reality Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Wien Biographies / Group Shows / Design / Architecture 15€ 15€
KIPPENBERGER, Susanne KIPPENBERGER, Susanne Kippenberger: The Artist and His Families J&L Books Biographies 30€ 30€
KITTO, Svetlana KITTO, Svetlana Sara Penn’s Knobkerry: An Oral History Sourcebook Sculpture Center 2021 Art History / Art Spaces / Scenes / Black Studies / Biographies 25€ 25€
KOLODA, Richard KOLODA, Richard Holy Ghost. The Life & Death of Free Jazz Pioneer Albert Ayler Jawbone Press 2022 Music & Sound / Biographies 20€ 20€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris After Kathy Acker Penguin 2018 Biographies / Literature 16€ 16€
LAWRENCE, Tim LAWRENCE, Tim Hold On to Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Music Scene, 1973-1992 Duke University Press Essays / Music & Sound / Biographies 30€ 30€
LEEUW MARCAR, Ank LEEUW MARCAR, Ank Willem Sandberg: Portrait of an Artist Valiz / Werkplaats Typografie 2013 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 23€ 23€
LENARDUZZI, Thea LENARDUZZI, Thea Dandelions Fitzcarraldo Editions 2022 Anthropology / Biographies / Cultural Studies / Essays 17€ 17€
LETTNER, Natalie LETTNER, Natalie Maria Lassnig: The Biography Hauser & Wirth / Maria Lassnig Foundation / Petzel gallery 2022 Biographies 28€ 28€
LEVIN, Gail LEVIN, Gail Becoming Judy Chicago. A Biography of the Artist University of California Press 2018 Art History / Biographies / Feminism 30€ 30€
LIND, Maria LIND, Maria Seven Years – The Rematerialisation of Art from 2011 to 2017 Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Biographies 22€ 22€
LINDER, Hjalmar LINDER, Hjalmar Bourgeois with a heart Rab-Rab Press 2023 Politics / Biographies 20€ 20€
LIPPARD, Lucy R. LIPPARD, Lucy R. Stuff. Instead of a Memoir New Village Press 2023 Biographies / Feminism / Art History 50€ 50€
LONZI, Carla LONZI, Carla Autoportrait JRP|Ringier / Maison Rouge Biographies / Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
LONZI, Carla LONZI, Carla Self-portrait Divided Publishing 2021 Biographies / Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère; AUBART, François; PIRON, François LOTRINGER, Sylvère; AUBART, François; PIRON, François Ce que Sylvère Lotringer n'écrivait pas Paraguay Press / future 2022 Conversations / Biographies / Book Culture / Scenes 15€ 15€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère; GRAU, Donatien LOTRINGER, Sylvère; GRAU, Donatien J'étais plus américain que les américains diaphanes 2021 Biographies / Conversations 15€ 15€
LOVELOCK, James; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich; HILDYARD, Daisy; OKOYOMON, Precious LOVELOCK, James; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich; HILDYARD, Daisy; OKOYOMON, Precious Ever Gaia ISOLARII 2023 Essays / Biographies 18€ 18€
MARIE, Annika (ed.) MARIE, Annika (ed.) All Over The Map. A Festschrift Celebration and Exhibition Honoring Moira Roth Poor Farm Press Biographies / Art Theory 12€ 12€
MAYER, Musa MAYER, Musa Night Studio. A Memoir of Philip Guston Hauser & Wirth 2023 Biographies / Painting / Art History 36€ 36€
McBRIDE, Jason McBRIDE, Jason Eat Your Mind: The Radical Life and Work of Kathy Acker Simon & Schuster 2022 Biographies / Literature 32€ 32€
MCDONOUGH, Jimmy MCDONOUGH, Jimmy The Ghastly One. The 42nd Street Netherworld of Director Andy Milligan Fab Press 2020 Biographies / Film & Video / Counterculture / Scenes 90€ 90€
MCDOWELL, Tara MCDOWELL, Tara The Householders: Robert Duncan and Jess MIT Press 2019 Biographies / Poetry 30€ 30€
McELHENY, Josiah; SCHEERBART, Paul McELHENY, Josiah; SCHEERBART, Paul The Light Club University of Chicago Press Literature / Artists' Writings / Biographies 32€ 32€
McGOUGH, Peter McGOUGH, Peter I've Seen the Future and I’m Not Going Pantheon Books 2020 Biographies / Art History / Scenes / Queer Culture / Painting 32€ 32€
MEKAS, Jonas MEKAS, Jonas I had nowhere to go Spector Books Artists' Writings / Biographies / Film & Video 22€ 22€
MEKAS, Jonas MEKAS, Jonas A Dance with Fred Astaire Anthology Editions 2018 Film & Video / Biographies / Artists' Writings 52€ 52€
MEKAS, Jonas (ed.) MEKAS, Jonas (ed.) Film Culture 80. The Legend of Barbara Rubin Spector Books 2018 Monographs / Film & Video / Conversations / Biographies 34€ 34€
MOHTADI, Lawen; TAIKON, Katarina MOHTADI, Lawen; TAIKON, Katarina The Day I Am Free & Katitzi Sternberg Press 2019 Biographies / Conversations / Counterculture 22€ 22€
MOLLER, Karen MOLLER, Karen Chasing the Stars and Hoping to Shag the Moon Olympia Publishers 2021 Biographies / Counterculture / Literature 16€ 16€
MONTERA, Jean-Marc MONTERA, Jean-Marc Derek Bailey Lenka Lente 2019 Biographies 13€ 13€
MOORE, Alan W. MOORE, Alan W. Art Worker: Doing Time in the New York Artworld Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press 2022 Art History / Artists' Writings / Biographies / Scenes 30€ 30€
MOORHEAD, Joanna MOORHEAD, Joanna Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington Thames & Hudson 2023 Biographies / Painting / Scenes 40€ 40€
MOORMAN, Charlotte; ROTHFUSS, Joan MOORMAN, Charlotte; ROTHFUSS, Joan Topless Cellist. The improbable life of Charlotte Moorman MIT Press Essays / Biographies 30€ 30€
MOSER, Benjamin MOSER, Benjamin Sontag. Her Life Penguin 2019 Literature / Biographies 36€ 36€
MUZAFFAR, May MUZAFFAR, May Story of Water and Fire Hatje Cantz 2023 Biographies / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 28€ 28€
MYLES, Eileen MYLES, Eileen Afterglow (A Dog’s Memoir) Grove Atlantic 2019 Literature / Scenes / Biographies 12€ 12€
NELSON, Mark ; SHERMAN, William H. ; HOOBLER, Ellen NELSON, Mark ; SHERMAN, William H. ; HOOBLER, Ellen Hollywood Arensberg. Avant-Garde Collecting in Midcentury L.A. Getty Publications 2020 Biographies / Art History / Scenes 65€ 65€
NEURATH, Otto NEURATH, Otto Des hiéroglyphiques à l’Isotype. Une autobiographie visuelle B42 2018 Biographies / Essays / Graphic Design 28€ 28€
NOTERIS, Emilie NOTERIS, Emilie Wittig Les pérégrines 2022 Biographies / Feminism 16€ 16€
O’DOHERTY, Patrick / IRELAND, Patrick; LERM HAYES, Christa-Maria (ed.) O’DOHERTY, Patrick / IRELAND, Patrick; LERM HAYES, Christa-Maria (ed.) Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique Valiz 2017 Monographs / Biographies / Curatorial Studies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
P-ORRIDGE, Genesis P-ORRIDGE, Genesis Nonbinary: A Memoir Abrams 2021 Biographies / Music & Sound 28€ 28€
PACKER, Remée Levine; LEACH, Mary Jane PACKER, Remée Levine; LEACH, Mary Jane Gay Guerrilla – L'histoire de Julius Eastman Éditions 1989 2022 Biographies / Music & Sound 21€ 21€
PIRON, Francois (cur.) PIRON, Francois (cur.) Locus Solus. Impressions de Raymond Roussel Les Presses du Réel / Serralves Biographies / Exhibition Catalogues 35€ 35€
PRECIADO, Paul B. PRECIADO, Paul B. An Apartment on Uranus Fitzcarraldo Editions 2020 Biographies / Gender Studies 18€ 18€
RAINER, Yvonne RAINER, Yvonne Feelings are Facts MIT Press 2013 Biographies / Artists' Writings / Performance 42€ 42€
ROBERTS, Andy ROBERTS, Andy Divine Rascal. On the Trail of LSD’s Cosmic Courier, Michael Hollingshead Strange Attractor Press 2019 Biographies / Counterculture / Magic 22€ 22€
ROBINSON, John ROBINSON, John Famous for Fifteen People: The Songs of Momus 1982-1995 Zero Books 2021 Music & Sound / Biographies 20€ 20€
RYERSSON, Scott D.; ORLANDO YACCARINO, Michael RYERSSON, Scott D.; ORLANDO YACCARINO, Michael Infinite Variety, the life and legend of the Marchesa Casati University of Minnesota Press 2004 Biographies 20€ 20€
SANDLER, Irving SANDLER, Irving A Sweeper-Up After Artists Thames & Hudson Art History / Curatorial Studies / Biographies 38€ 38€
SANDLER, Irving SANDLER, Irving Goodbye to Tenth Street Pleasure Boat Studio 2019 Art History / Literature / Biographies 25€ 25€
SCOTT, Frances SCOTT, Frances Incantation, Wendy Bobo 2021 Biographies / Music & Sound / Film & Video 21€ 21€
SEWELL, Amanda SEWELL, Amanda Wendy Carlos. A Biography Oxford University Press 2020 Biographies / Music & Sound / Queer Culture 46€ 46€
SHAKUR, Assata SHAKUR, Assata Assata: An Autobiography Chicago Review Press 2001 Biographies / Black Studies / Politics 22€ 22€
SHAPLAND, Jenn SHAPLAND, Jenn My Autobiography of Carson McCullers Tin House Books 2020 Literature / Biographies 24€ 24€
SHAW, Lytle SHAW, Lytle Frank O'Hara. The poetics of Coterie University of Iowa Press Poetry / Biographies 25€ 25€
SHAW, Lytle SHAW, Lytle The Mollino Set Rollo Press / Cabinet Books 2024 Essays / Biographies / Art History 22€ 22€
SIEGELAUB, Seth; COELEWIJ, Leontine; MARTINETTI, Sara (eds.) SIEGELAUB, Seth; COELEWIJ, Leontine; MARTINETTI, Sara (eds.) Seth Siegelaub: Beyond Conceptual Art Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 2016 Monographs / Biographies / Essays 46€ 46€
SIMPSON, Rose SIMPSON, Rose Muse Odalisque Handmaiden Strange Attractor Press 2020 Scenes / Music & Sound / Biographies 24€ 24€
STEIN, Gertrude STEIN, Gertrude Notre mère à tous Éditions Cambourakis 2022 Biographies / Literature 15€ 15€
STEIN, Jean STEIN, Jean Edie: American Girl Grove Press 1994 Literature / Biographies 20€ 20€
STEIN, Judith E. STEIN, Judith E. Eye of the Sixties. Richard Bellamy and the Transformation of Modern Art Farrar Straus & Giroux 2016 Biographies / Art History / Scenes 22€ 22€
SUPE, Mathilde SUPE, Mathilde Keren Cytter Does Not Like to Share Sternberg Press 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Biographies 22€ 22€
SZWED, John SZWED, John Cosmic Scholar. The Filmmaker, Foklorist, and Mystic who Transformed American Art: The Life and Times of Harry Smith Farrar Straus & Giroux 2023 Biographies / Counterculture / Film & Video / Music & Sound 38€ 38€
SZWED, John SZWED, John Space is the Place. The Lives and Times of Sun Ra Canongate 2023 Biographies / Music & Sound 22€ 22€
THE LUNACHICKS; FURY, Jeanne THE LUNACHICKS; FURY, Jeanne Fallopian Rhapsody: The Story of the Lunachicks Hachette 2022 Biographies / Feminism / Music & Sound 23€ 23€
TODD, Selina TODD, Selina Tastes of Honey. The Making of Shelagh Delaney and A Cultural Revolution Chatto & Windus 2019 Biographies / Literature / Politics / Feminism 23€ 23€
TOMOKAWA, Kazuki TOMOKAWA, Kazuki Try Saying You’re Alive! Kazuki Tomokawa in His Own Words Blank Forms Editions 2021 Biographies / Music & Sound 20€ 20€
TUCKER, Marcia TUCKER, Marcia A Short Life of Trouble. Forty years in the New York art world University of California Press 2018 Biographies / Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
TURNER, Nicole TURNER, Nicole Chimurenganyana: The Night Moses Died Chimurenga 2011 Music & Sound / Literature / Biographies 5€ 5€
TUTTI, Cosey Fanni TUTTI, Cosey Fanni Art Sex Music [new edition] Faber & Faber 2020 Biographies / Counterculture / Performance / Music & Sound / Scenes 15€ 15€
TUTTI, Cosey Fanni TUTTI, Cosey Fanni Art Sexe Musique Audimat 2017 Biographies / Counterculture / Performance / Music & Sound / Scenes 20€ 20€
TUTTI, Cosey Fanni TUTTI, Cosey Fanni Re-Sisters. The Lives and Recordings of Delia Derbyshire, Margery Kempe & Cosey Fanni Tutti Faber & Faber 2022 Biographies / Essays / Music & Sound 24€ 24€
VERMOREL, Fred VERMOREL, Fred L'histoire secrète de Kate Bush Le Gospel 2022 Biographies / Music & Sound / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
VIPREY, Johanna VIPREY, Johanna The Artist as a Cabdriver. A methodogical journey with Jeff Perkins, professional outsider Nero Essays / Biographies 15€ 15€
VOSS, Julia VOSS, Julia Hilma af Klint. A Biography University of Chicago Press 2022 Biographies 32€ 32€
VOTO VOTO Les Bérus Riaient Noir Archives de la Zone Mondiale 2024 Comics & Illustrations / Counterculture / Biographies / Politics / Scenes / Music & Sound 19€ 19€
VYNER, Harriet VYNER, Harriet Groovy Bob. The Life & Times of Robert Fraser Heni Publishing 2016 Biographies / Scenes 14€ 14€
WALDROP, Keith; WALDROP, Rosmarie; LERNER, Ben (ed.) WALDROP, Keith; WALDROP, Rosmarie; LERNER, Ben (ed.) Keeping / the window open: Interviews, statements, alarms, excursions Wave Books 2019 Anthologies / Biographies / Book Culture / Conversations / Essays / Literature / Poetry 32€ 32€
WALSH, Anne WALSH, Anne Hello Leonora, Soy Anne Walsh no place press 2019 Artists' Writings / Biographies / Monographs 38€ 38€
WARK, McKenzie WARK, McKenzie General Intellects. Twenty-One Thinkers for the Twenty-First Century Verso 2017 Philosophy / Biographies 22€ 22€
WINKIN, Yves WINKIN, Yves D'Erving à Goffman MKF 2022 Biographies / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
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