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DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) Habitante #6 Audimat 2024 Periodicals / Architecture 12€ 12€
ABRAMS, Janet ABRAMS, Janet Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bauhaus. Profiles in Architecture and Design Princeton Architectural Press 2020 Design / Architecture / Essays 37€ 37€
ABASHIDZE, Elene; AKHMETOV, Timur (eds.) ABASHIDZE, Elene; AKHMETOV, Timur (eds.) Danarti #18 — Budka with Rietveld Academy Danarti / Gerrit Rietveld Academie 2022 Architecture / Periodicals 5€ 5€
ADIMI, Kaouther; BENGOA, Daphné; FABRIZIO, Leo ADIMI, Kaouther; BENGOA, Daphné; FABRIZIO, Leo Fernand Pouillon et l'Algérie Macula 2019 Photography / Architecture / Essays / Art History 45€ 45€
AGUDIO, Elena; JÄGER, Anna; KÖBSCHALL, Saskia; NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng (eds.) AGUDIO, Elena; JÄGER, Anna; KÖBSCHALL, Saskia; NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng (eds.) I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See – Endeavours in Rhythmanalysis Archive Books 2020 Philosophy / Urban Studies / Architecture 19€ 19€
AICHER, Otl AICHER, Otl Architecture and Landscape : braun, rotis, metro bilbao La Fabrica 2021 Architecture 55€ 55€
AKCAN, Esra AKCAN, Esra CCA Singles – Abolish Human Bans. Intertwined Histories of Architecture Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2022 Essays / Architecture / Politics 14€ 14€
AKHØJ, Kasper AKHØJ, Kasper E.1027 Maison en Bord de Mer Roquebrune-Cap-Martin: April, 2009 / October, 2010 WIELS 2010 Artists' Books / Architecture / Photography 16€ 16€
ALEGRE; VELARDI; SOSA ALEGRE; VELARDI; SOSA Apartamento #31 Apartamento Publishing 2023 Periodicals / Architecture / Design 18€ 18€
ALMQVIST, Erik Eje ALMQVIST, Erik Eje Hammer & Nail: Making and assembling furniture designs inspired by Enzo Mari Pavilion Books 2022 Manuals / Education / Design / Architecture 28€ 28€
ALONSO, Pedro Ignacio; PALMAROLA, Hugo ALONSO, Pedro Ignacio; PALMAROLA, Hugo Panel Bedford Press / AA Publications Architecture 43€ 43€
ALTERAZIONI VIDEO; FOSBURY ARCHITECTURE (eds.) ALTERAZIONI VIDEO; FOSBURY ARCHITECTURE (eds.) Incompiuto. The birth of a style Humboldt Books 2018 Architecture 70€ 70€
ALTMAN, Toby ALTMAN, Toby Discipline Park Wendy's Subway 2023 Artists' Books / Architecture 18€ 18€
ANDERSON, Richard ANDERSON, Richard Wolkenbügel: El Lissitzky as Architect MIT Press 2024 Architecture / Monographs 72€ 72€
ANSTEY, Tim; LENDING, Mari (eds.) ANSTEY, Tim; LENDING, Mari (eds.) Warburg Models: Buildings as Bilderfahrzeuge Hatje Cantz 2023 Architecture / Art History / Book Culture 28€ 28€
ARCHIGRAM; COOK, Peter (ed.) ARCHIGRAM; COOK, Peter (ed.) Archigram Ten Circa Press 2025 Architecture 37€ 37€
ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique Terra Forma. Manuel de cartographies potentielles B42 2019 Architecture / Essays / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
ARMAJANI, Siah; DAVIES, Clare (ed.); SUNG, Victoria (ed.) ARMAJANI, Siah; DAVIES, Clare (ed.); SUNG, Victoria (ed.) Siah Armajani: Follow This Line Walker Art Center 2018 Architecture / Monographs 65€ 65€
ATELIER BOW-WOW ATELIER BOW-WOW Architectural Ethnography Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2017 Architecture / Education 12€ 12€
ATELIERS D'ALGER, AMAROUCHE, Lydia; CHEIKH, Malek; HENNI, Samia; LESBET, Djaffar; BOUTHEINA REGHIS, Yousra; SEMMOUD, Nora ATELIERS D'ALGER, AMAROUCHE, Lydia; CHEIKH, Malek; HENNI, Samia; LESBET, Djaffar; BOUTHEINA REGHIS, Yousra; SEMMOUD, Nora Habiter l'indépendance Shed Publishing 2022 Architecture / Postcolonial Studies / Urban Studies / Politics 22€ 22€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio AURELI, Pier Vittorio Architecture and Abstraction MIT Press 2023 Architecture / Essays 39€ 39€
AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) Perhaps It Is High Time for a Xeno-architecture to Match Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Architecture / Design / Politics / Ecology 15€ 15€
AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) Superhumanity: Design of the Self e-flux / University of Minnesota Press 2018 Architecture / Design / Essays / Media Studies 30€ 30€
BACON, Mardges BACON, Mardges John McAndrew's modernist vision Princeton Architectural Press 2018 Architecture 45€ 45€
BAGNATO, Andrea; FERRARI, Marco; PASQUAL, Elisa BAGNATO, Andrea; FERRARI, Marco; PASQUAL, Elisa A Moving Border Columbia Books on Architecture and the City / ZKM 2018 Ecology / Architecture 30€ 30€
BANHAM, Reyner; CENTIS, Ludovico (ed.) BANHAM, Reyner; CENTIS, Ludovico (ed.) A Set of Actual Tracks AA Publications 2024 Architecture / Essays 20€ 20€
BARDI, Lina Bo; LEPIK, Andres (ed.); BADER, Vera Simone (ed.) BARDI, Lina Bo; LEPIK, Andres (ed.); BADER, Vera Simone (ed.) Lina Bo Bardi: 100: Brazil's Alternative Path to Modernism Hatje Cantz 2022 Architecture / Monographs 58€ 58€
BARKOW, Frank: LEIBINGER, Regine BARKOW, Frank: LEIBINGER, Regine Bricoleur Bricolage Bedford Press / AA Publications Monographs / Architecture 18€ 18€
BAST BAST Building BAST Building Books 2023 Monographs / Conversations / Architecture 15€ 15€
BATAKYTE, Milda; URBONAS, Julijonas BATAKYTE, Milda; URBONAS, Julijonas Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report no. 1 Six Chairs Books 2021 Architecture / Science/Fiction 18€ 18€
BAUDRILLARD, Jean BAUDRILLARD, Jean Architecture: Truth Or Radicalism? Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Architecture 10€ 10€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #1 / Mars 2011 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 8€ 8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #2 / Nov. 2011 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 8€ 8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #3 / May 2012 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 8€ 8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #4 / Dec. 2012 – Photo Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 8€ 8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #5 / June 2013 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 8€ 8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #6 / Jan. 2014 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 10€ 10€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #7 / Dec. 2015 Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 12€ 12€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #8 / Dec. 2016 – Movement Spector Books Periodicals / Architecture 12€ 12€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #9 / Dec. 2017 – Substance Spector Books 2017 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 13.8€ 13.8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #10 / 2018 - Standard Spector Books 2018 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 13.8€ 13.8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #11 / 2019 - Centenary Spector Books 2019 Periodicals / Architecture / Design 12€ 12€
BAUMEISTER, Ruth (ed.) BAUMEISTER, Ruth (ed.) L'Architecture Sauvage. Asger Jorn’s critique and concept of architecture NAI010 Publishers Monographs / Essays / Architecture 50€ 50€
BEAL, Justin BEAL, Justin Sandfuture MIT Press 2021 Architecture / Essays 28€ 28€
BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique Spector Books 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Design 36€ 36€
BECKETT, James BECKETT, James The Sceptical Structures of Max ROMA Publications 2022 Artists' Books / Material Culture / Architecture 20€ 20€
BEER, Nelson BEER, Nelson For an investigation of fictional futurities ness books 2018 Architecture 20€ 20€
BEL, Carine, DUTHEIL, Arnaud BEL, Carine, DUTHEIL, Arnaud Avoriaz - Une architecture de neige éditions 205 2023 Architecture 15€ 15€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) The Architect is Absent Kyklàda 2020 Essays / Architecture / Cultural Studies 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) The Beach Machine. Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline Kyklàda 2022 Essays / Cultural Studies / Architecture 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David; KONDYLATOU, Dimitra; IVIĆ, David (eds.) BERGÉ, David; KONDYLATOU, Dimitra; IVIĆ, David (eds.) Architectures of Healing. Cure through Sleep, Touch, and Travel Kyklàda 2021 Essays / Architecture / Health / Politics 12€ 12€
BERREBI, Sophie BERREBI, Sophie Dubuffet and the City: People, Place, and Urban Space Hauser & Wirth 2018 Architecture / Essays / Monographs 45€ 45€
BERRY SLATER, Josephine; ILES, Anthony BERRY SLATER, Josephine; ILES, Anthony No Room To Move. Radical art and the regenerate city Mute Publishing Architecture / Essays 20€ 20€
BËRZIŅŠ, Kārlis; DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga; IŠORA, Petras; LOZURAITYTĖ, Ona; PAEGLE, Niklāvs; SMILGA, Dagnija; TALI, Johan; ZARIŅA, Laila; ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) BËRZIŅŠ, Kārlis; DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga; IŠORA, Petras; LOZURAITYTĖ, Ona; PAEGLE, Niklāvs; SMILGA, Dagnija; TALI, Johan; ZARIŅA, Laila; ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) The Baltic Atlas Sternberg Press Essays / Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture 30€ 30€
BEVAN, Robert BEVAN, Robert Monumental Lies. Culture Wars and the Truth about the Past Verso 2022 Essays / Art History / Politics / Architecture 25€ 25€
BLENCOWE, Chris; LEVINE, Judith BLENCOWE, Chris; LEVINE, Judith Moholy's Edit — The Avant-Garde at Sea, August 1933 Lars Müller Verlag 2018 Architecture / Documents / Essays 35€ 35€
BO BARDI, Lina BO BARDI, Lina Stones against diamonds AA Publications 2013 Architecture 18€ 18€
BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) Habitats Humboldt Books 2018 Anthologies / Architecture / Periodicals 18€ 18€
BOKOV, Anna BOKOV, Anna Avant-Garde as Method. Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920–1930 Park Books 2020 Essays / Architecture / Design / Art History / Education 58€ 58€
BONICCO-DONATO, Céline BONICCO-DONATO, Céline Heidegger et la question de l'habiter Parenthèses 2019 Architecture / Philosophy 18€ 18€
BORASI, Giovanna; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) BORASI, Giovanna; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) Désolé, plus d’essence Corraini Edizioni / Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2007 Exhibition Catalogues / Ecology / Economy / Architecture 38€ 38€
BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) The New Normal Strelka / Park Books 2020 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Education / Essays / Media Studies / Urban Studies 58€ 58€
BRODSKY, Alexander BRODSKY, Alexander Cancelled 6/21/90 (One-Page Supplement) l’Esprit de l’Escalier Architecture / Conversations / Book Culture 5€ 5€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Cancelled 6/21/90 l’Esprit de l’Escalier 2017 Architecture / Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints / Book Culture 16€ 16€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Annulé 21/06/90 l’Esprit de l’Escalier 2017 Architecture / Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints / Book Culture 16€ 16€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Cancelled 6/21/90 (1:1 Edition) l’Esprit de l’Escalier Book Culture / Architecture / Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints 280€ 280€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Cancellato 21/06/90 l’Esprit de l’Escalier 2017 Architecture / Artists' Books / Book Culture / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Cancelled 6/21/90 (Korean Edition) l’Esprit de l’Escalier 2017 Architecture / Artists' Books / Book Culture / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
BRUYERE, Nathalie BRUYERE, Nathalie Global Tools (1973-1975) - Éco-Design : Dé-projet & Low-Tech isdatT 2023 Architecture / Education / Design 35€ 35€
BUCKLEY, Craig BUCKLEY, Craig Graphic Assembly. Montage, Media, and Experimental Architecture in the 1960s University of Minnesota Press 2018 Architecture / Essays 35€ 35€
BUCKLEY, Craig; RHEE, Pollyhanna BUCKLEY, Craig; RHEE, Pollyhanna Architects' Journeys GSAPP BOOKS Architecture / Essays 28€ 28€
BURLE MARX,Roberto; URBINA; Carla (ed.); VILLABOLOS H., María A. (ed.) BURLE MARX,Roberto; URBINA; Carla (ed.); VILLABOLOS H., María A. (ed.) Intangible Heritage: Expeditions, Observations and Lectures by Roberto Burle Marx and Collaborators Arquine 2023 Artists' Writings / Architecture 40€ 40€
BURÓ—BURÓ BURÓ—BURÓ Notebook on Time Buró—Buró Architecture / Exhibition Catalogues / Group Shows 3€ 3€
CAL / Collective for Architecture Lebanon (eds) CAL / Collective for Architecture Lebanon (eds) Architecture of the Territory – Constructing National Narratives in the Arab world Kaph Books 2023 Urban Studies / Architecture 40€ 40€
CATELAN, Lionel CATELAN, Lionel Grenoble : un modernisme olympique Building Books 2023 Architecture / Photography 29€ 29€
CHAIMOWICZ, Marc Camille; DIENER, Roger CHAIMOWICZ, Marc Camille; DIENER, Roger Armadillo House: A Conversation between Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Roger Diener Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Conversations / Architecture 18€ 18€
CHAMBAZ, Bernard; DEZOTEUX, Bertrand; REDON, David CHAMBAZ, Bernard; DEZOTEUX, Bertrand; REDON, David Le Centre Spatial Guyanais Les Presses du Réel 2021 Architecture / Postcolonial Studies / Science/Fiction 30€ 30€
CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) Revue fig. #5: Oxymore Revue fig. 2019 Architecture / Periodicals 20€ 20€
CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) Revue fig. #6: Antithèse Revue fig. 2021 Architecture / Periodicals 20€ 20€
CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) Revue fig. #7: Technosphère Revue fig. 2022 Periodicals / Architecture / Urban Studies 20€ 20€
CHIAPPONE-PIRIOU, Emanuelle (ed.) CHIAPPONE-PIRIOU, Emanuelle (ed.) Superstudio Migrazioni Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture 40€ 40€
ÇIÇEK, Aslı; ENGELS, Jantje; LIEFOOGHE Maarte (eds.) ÇIÇEK, Aslı; ENGELS, Jantje; LIEFOOGHE Maarte (eds.) Oase #111 : Staging the Museum OASE 2023 Periodicals / Architecture 28€ 28€
COCCHIARA, Francesca; STRIGKLOGIANNIS, Sergios (eds) COCCHIARA, Francesca; STRIGKLOGIANNIS, Sergios (eds) Atlas of Urban Mythologies Dpr-barcelona 2024 Architecture / Urban Studies / Anthropology 18€ 18€
COHEN, Jean-Louis COHEN, Jean-Louis Construire un nouveau Nouveau monde. L'Amerikanizm dans l'architecture russe La Villette 2020 Architecture 39€ 39€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex EP Vol. 2 – Design Fiction Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory / Design / Architecture 22€ 22€
Collectif Rosa Bonheur Collectif Rosa Bonheur La Ville vue d’en bas. Travail et production de l'espace populaire Éditions Amsterdam 2019 Architecture / Politics 18€ 18€
COLOMINA, Beatriz COLOMINA, Beatriz Manifesto Architecture: The Ghost of Mies — Critical Spatial Practice 3 Sternberg Press Architecture / Essays 15€ 15€
COLOMINA, Beatriz COLOMINA, Beatriz X-Ray Architecture Lars Müller Verlag 2019 Architecture / Essays 35€ 35€
COLOMINA, Beatriz COLOMINA, Beatriz Cernés par les images B2 2013 Architecture / Design / Essays / Media Studies 10€ 10€
COLOMINA, Beatriz; WIGLEY, Mark COLOMINA, Beatriz; WIGLEY, Mark Are We Human? Notes on an Archaeology of Design Lars Müller Verlag 2019 Architecture / Design / Essays 19€ 19€
COLOMNA, Beatriz; GALÁN, Ignacio; G.; KOTSIORIS, Evangelos; MEISTER, Anna-Maria (eds.) COLOMNA, Beatriz; GALÁN, Ignacio; G.; KOTSIORIS, Evangelos; MEISTER, Anna-Maria (eds.) Radical Pedagogies MIT Press 2022 Essays / Education / Architecture / Art History 66€ 66€
CÔME, Tony CÔME, Tony L'institut de l'environnement: une école décloisonnée B42 Architecture / Design 24€ 24€
CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) L’idée de confort, une anthologie. Du zazen au tourisme spatial B42 2016 Anthologies / Essays / Architecture / Design 25€ 25€
COOK, Peter; LINDHARDT WEISS, Kristoffer (ed.) COOK, Peter; LINDHARDT WEISS, Kristoffer (ed.) Peter Cook On Paper The Danish Architectural Press 2021 Architecture / Monographs 62€ 62€
COOKING SECTIONS; PASCUAL, Daniel Fernández; SCHWABE, Alon COOKING SECTIONS; PASCUAL, Daniel Fernández; SCHWABE, Alon The Empire Remains Shop Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2018 Monographs / Architecture / Postcolonial Studies / Food Culture 32€ 32€
COOKSON, Tom (ed.) COOKSON, Tom (ed.) Shallow Time: The Burren Dpr-barcelona 2024 Anthropology / Architecture 18€ 18€
CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) Diorama No.2: Geometric City (2019) Diorama Publishing 2019 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Typography / Architecture 40€ 40€
DARLING, Elizabeth ; WALKER, Lynne (eds) DARLING, Elizabeth ; WALKER, Lynne (eds) AA Women In Architecture 1917-2017 AA Publications 2017 Architecture / Feminism 41€ 41€
DARLING, Michael (ed.) DARLING, Michael (ed.) Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech (1980-2019) Delmonico Books / D.A.P. / MCA Chigago 2019 Architecture / Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Design 80€ 80€
DARS, Sophie; LE GRELLE, Roxane (eds.) DARS, Sophie; LE GRELLE, Roxane (eds.) Objects of Fascination Accattone 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture / Design 22€ 22€
DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) Accattone #6 Accattone 2019 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 25€ 25€
DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) Accattone #7 Accattone 2021 Periodicals / Architecture 25€ 25€
DAUTEL, Alexandra DAUTEL, Alexandra May you continue to blossom cpress 2021 Artists' Books / Architecture / Monographs 38€ 38€
DAVIDSON, Stephanie DAVIDSON, Stephanie 10 MINUTES Architects and Designers in Conversation Idoine 2023 Conversations / Architecture / Design 25€ 25€
DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) OASE #100: Karel Martens and The Architecture of the Journal NAI010 Publishers 2018 Periodicals / Anthologies / Architecture / Graphic Design 46€ 46€
DELPRAT, Étienne DELPRAT, Étienne Ar(t)chitectures situées Rotolux Press 2024 Essays / Architecture 29€ 29€
DELZ, Sascha; HEHL, Rainer; VENTURA, Patricia DELZ, Sascha; HEHL, Rainer; VENTURA, Patricia Housing the Co-op. A micro-political Manifesto (2nd ed.) RUBY PRESS 2022 Manifestos / Architecture 15€ 15€
DENNY, Phillip; PRZYWARA, Adam (eds.) DENNY, Phillip; PRZYWARA, Adam (eds.) The Art of Joining: Designing the Universal Connector (Bauhaus Taschenbuch 23) Spector Books 2019 Architecture / Design 11.5€ 11.5€
DESROCHE, Caroline & Cyril DESROCHE, Caroline & Cyril Los Angeles Standards Poursuite Éditions 2020 Photography / Architecture / Urban Studies 39€ 39€
DOHERTY, Garet (ed.) DOHERTY, Garet (ed.) Roberto Burle Marx Lectures. Landscape as Art and Urbanism Lars Müller Verlag 2018 Architecture / Essays / Urban Studies 30€ 30€
DUHEM, Ludovic DUHEM, Ludovic Crash metropolis Design Critique, Biorégions et Territoires T&P Publishing 2022 Architecture / Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Design 39€ 39€
EASTERLING, Keller EASTERLING, Keller Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space Verso Urban Studies / Architecture / Essays 13€ 13€
EASTERLING, Keller EASTERLING, Keller Medium Design. Knowing How to Work on the World Verso 2020 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Essays / Media Studies 20€ 20€
ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; SEROR, Benjamin (eds.) ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; SEROR, Benjamin (eds.) Oblique Time With Claude Parent Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite 2017 Conversations / Architecture 26€ 26€
ERLANGER, Olivia; GOVELA, Luis Ortega ERLANGER, Olivia; GOVELA, Luis Ortega Garage MIT Press 2018 Architecture / Cultural Studies / Essays 22€ 22€
EVANS, Robin EVANS, Robin Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays AA Publications 2024 Design / Essays / Architecture / History 38€ 38€
FELICORI, Bianca (ed.) FELICORI, Bianca (ed.) Forgotten Architecture – An Archive of Overshadowed Projects Nero 2024 Architecture 40€ 40€
FEND, Peter FEND, Peter Africa-Arctic Flyway – Physiocratic States Sternberg Press 2022 Ecology / Art Theory / Architecture / Essays 30€ 30€
FERNÁNDEZ CONTRERAS, Javier; ZANCAN, Roberto (eds) FERNÁNDEZ CONTRERAS, Javier; ZANCAN, Roberto (eds) Intimacy Exposed: Toilet, Bathroom, Restroom Spector Books / HEAD 2023 Anthologies / Architecture / Cultural Studies / Health 32€ 32€
FISCHLI, Fredi; OLSEN, Niels; JASPER, Adam (eds.) FISCHLI, Fredi; OLSEN, Niels; JASPER, Adam (eds.) Retail Apocalypse gta Verlag 2021 Architecture / Design / Fashion / Essays 54€ 54€
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE Forensis - The Architecture of Public Truth Sternberg Press Architecture 28€ 28€
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE The Police Shooting of Mark Duggan Cabinet Books / ICA London 2021 Architecture / Essays / Politics 15€ 15€
FORNARI, Davide; TURRINI, Davide (eds.) FORNARI, Davide; TURRINI, Davide (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 Triest Verlag 2002 Architecture / Design / Essays / Urban Studies 50€ 50€
FRAMPTON, Kenneth; TALESNIK, Daniel FRAMPTON, Kenneth; TALESNIK, Daniel Kenneth Frampton: Conversations with Daniel Talesnik essay by Mary Mcleod Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2022 Architecture / Conversations 20€ 20€
FRANCESCHINI, Anna; MOLLINO, Carlo FRANCESCHINI, Anna; MOLLINO, Carlo Cartaburro Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2024 Photography / Architecture 30€ 30€
FRANCESCHINI, Silvia; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; PAPAPETROS, Spyros (eds.) FRANCESCHINI, Silvia; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; PAPAPETROS, Spyros (eds.) pre-architectures Spector Books 2024 Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture 13.8€ 13.8€
GAILLARD, Clément (ed.) GAILLARD, Clément (ed.) Une anthologie pour comprendre les Low-Tech T&P Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Design / Crafts / Architecture / Politics / Ecology 22€ 22€
GALLUZZO, Michele GALLUZZO, Michele PRE DESIGN 1969. Research on Plastic Laminate by the Exhibition Design group. Corraini Edizioni 2019 Architecture / Design / Graphic Design 25€ 25€
GANDER, Ryan ; DE BONDT, Sara GANDER, Ryan ; DE BONDT, Sara The Boy Who Always Looked Up Cornerhouse 2004 Artists' Books / Children's Books / Architecture 20€ 20€
GARUTTI, Francesco GARUTTI, Francesco Nos jours heureux Sternberg Press / Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2022 Architecture / Exhibition Catalogues 30€ 30€
GASPARINA, Jill; KIHM, Christophe; RENON, Anne-Lyse GASPARINA, Jill; KIHM, Christophe; RENON, Anne-Lyse Manifestes 3 : Comment quitter la Terre ? HEAD 2021 Ecology / Architecture / Design / Essays 10€ 10€
GEEL, Catherine (ed.) GEEL, Catherine (ed.) Design. De la nature à l'environnement. Nouvelles définitions. / Design. From Nature to Environment. New Definitions T&P Publishing 2019 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Essays 12€ 12€
GHESQUIÈRE, Emmanuel; MARCIGNY, Cyril GHESQUIÈRE, Emmanuel; MARCIGNY, Cyril Architecture préhistorique B2 2021 Architecture 10€ 10€
GIEDION, Sigfried; GEISER, Reto (ed.) GIEDION, Sigfried; GEISER, Reto (ed.) Sigfried Giedion: Liberated Dwelling / Befreites Wohnen Lars Müller Verlag 2019 Architecture / Design / Facsimile & Reprints / Essays 35€ 35€
GILLEN, John Leo GILLEN, John Leo Temporary Pleasure. Nightclub Architecture, Design and Culture from the 1960s to Today Prestel 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Dance / Design / Architecture / Scenes / Cultural Studies 58€ 58€
GINS, Madeline; IVES, Lucy (ed.) GINS, Madeline; IVES, Lucy (ed.) The Saddest Thing Is That I Have Had to Use Words: A Madeline Gins Reader Siglio 2020 Anthologies / Poetry / Architecture / Facsimile & Reprints 30€ 30€
GINWALA, Natasha; KIRN, Gal; TAJERI, Niloufar (eds.) GINWALA, Natasha; KIRN, Gal; TAJERI, Niloufar (eds.) Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2021 Architecture / Politics 32€ 32€
GIOVANNA, Silva; NICOLAI, Olaf GIOVANNA, Silva; NICOLAI, Olaf Palmyrah Art Paper Editions 2019 Photography / Architecture 25€ 25€
GOETHALS, Olivier GOETHALS, Olivier Play Sincerely ! ROMA Publications 2022 Monographs / Architecture / Education 41€ 41€
GOETHALS, Olivier; GUEDJ, Rudy GOETHALS, Olivier; GUEDJ, Rudy We want to look up at the Sun, but could the Sun be looking down on us? Building Fictions 2023 Artists' Books / Architecture / Ecology 24€ 24€
GOLUB, Jennifer (ed.) GOLUB, Jennifer (ed.) Russel and Mary Wright: Dragon Rock at Manitoga Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Architecture / Design 64€ 64€
GRAFTON, Anthony ; ROSENBERG, Daniel GRAFTON, Anthony ; ROSENBERG, Daniel Cartographies of Time. A History of the Timeline Princeton Architectural Press 2010 Manuals / Graphic Design / Architecture / Documents 33€ 33€
GRAHAM, Dan GRAHAM, Dan Nuggets. New and Old Writing on Art, Architecture and Culture Les Presses du Réel Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Essays / Architecture 15€ 15€
GRANSER, Peter GRANSER, Peter El Alto Taube Architecture 18€ 18€
GRAY, Eileen; BADOVICI, Jean GRAY, Eileen; BADOVICI, Jean E.1027 Maison en Bord de Mer / House by the Sea Éditions Imbernon 2015 Facsimile & Reprints / Architecture / Design 50€ 50€
GRAZIANI, Stefano Graziani; PRINCEN, Bas GRAZIANI, Stefano Graziani; PRINCEN, Bas The Lives of Documents - Photography as Project Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2024 Architecture / Photography 38€ 38€
GROPIUS, Walter GROPIUS, Walter Bauhausbücher #12 : Bauhaus Buildings Dessau Lars Müller Verlag 2021 Art History / Architecture 50€ 50€
GROPIUS, Walter; MOHOLY-NAGY, László (eds.) GROPIUS, Walter; MOHOLY-NAGY, László (eds.) International Architecture. Bauhausbücher 1 Lars Müller Verlag 2019 Facsimile & Reprints / Architecture 40€ 40€
GUENOUN, Elias GUENOUN, Elias 198 woods joints archectural notes 2023 Architecture / Design 38€ 38€
GUY-DENARCY, Léo GUY-DENARCY, Léo Les Grands Ensembles Sombres Torrents 2022 Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 8€ 8€
HADJISKI, Alexis; TABUCHI, Éric HADJISKI, Alexis; TABUCHI, Éric World Tour. Voyage, imaginaire et paysage du monde d’après B2 2022 Photography / Architecture 16€ 16€
HALITI, Bardhi HALITI, Bardhi May 25 is now October 1 cpress 2019 Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Architecture / Photography / Urban Studies 32€ 32€
HAMPEL, Winston; SELF, Jack (ed.) HAMPEL, Winston; SELF, Jack (ed.) Kommunen: Utopian Communes in the New World 1740–1972 REAL Foundation 2022 Architecture / Urban Studies / Politics / Facsimile & Reprints 22€ 22€
HARMAN, Graham HARMAN, Graham Architecture and objects University of Minnesota Press 2022 Architecture / Philosophy 26€ 26€
HARVEY, David HARVEY, David Géographie de la domination. Capitalisme et production de l’espace Éditions Amsterdam 2018 Architecture / Politics 15€ 15€
HASEGAWA, Itsuko; KADOWAKI, Kozo HASEGAWA, Itsuko; KADOWAKI, Kozo CCA Singles – Meanwhile in Japan Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2021 Conversations / Architecture 12€ 12€
HAUMANN, Henrike; SCHÖNBERGER, Angela; BRANDOLINI, Andreas HAUMANN, Henrike; SCHÖNBERGER, Angela; BRANDOLINI, Andreas Tumbling Ruins Distanz 2023 Essays / Photography / Architecture / Design / Politics 18€ 18€
Haus der Kulturen der Welt Haus der Kulturen der Welt International Case Studies: Housing after the Neoliberal turn Spector Books Essays / Architecture 18€ 18€
HAUSSMANN, Robert + Trix HAUSSMANN, Robert + Trix Pour un maniérisme critique B2 2014 Architecture / Conversations / Design / Essays 10€ 10€
HAUSSMANN, Robert + Trix HAUSSMANN, Robert + Trix Trix + Robert Haussmann Edition Patrick Frey / Studiolo 2013 Monographs / Architecture / Design / Artists' Writings 36€ 36€
HAYDEN, Dolores HAYDEN, Dolores La Grande Révolution Domestique. Une histoire de l’architecture féministe B42 2023 Essays / Feminism / Architecture 29€ 29€
HEINDL, Gabu; KLEIN, Michael; LINORTNER, Chrisitna (eds.) HEINDL, Gabu; KLEIN, Michael; LINORTNER, Chrisitna (eds.) Building Critique. Architecture and its Discontents Spector Books 2019 Architecture 25€ 25€
HENNI, Samia HENNI, Samia Architecture de la contre-révolution B42 2019 Architecture / Postcolonial Studies 29€ 29€
HENNI, Samia HENNI, Samia Deserts Are Not Empty Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2022 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies / Ecology / Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
HEYVAERT, René; HENDRICKX, Arnaud HEYVAERT, René; HENDRICKX, Arnaud Denver Mosaic 1961 ROMA Publications 2022 Monographs / Photography / Architecture 22€ 22€
HIGGINGS, Keith HIGGINGS, Keith How to look at a Vancouver special Publication Studio Essays / Architecture 7€ 7€
HOUSSAIS, Nicolas (ed.) HOUSSAIS, Nicolas (ed.) Polygone. Revue critique d'architecture et de société Éditions Polygone 2023 Architecture / Periodicals 35€ 35€
HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) Theatre of the Street. Advertising and Window Display within the Context of Modernism, 1918-1938 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design Prague 2023 Architecture / Design / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
IFERT, Gérard; DE SMET, Catherine IFERT, Gérard; DE SMET, Catherine Paris Couleurs. Gérard Ifert, Ektachromes 1953-1954 B42 2019 Monographs / Design / Architecture / Urban Studies / Photography 15€ 15€
IINUMA, Tamami IINUMA, Tamami Salute, Mr. Taut Self-Published Architecture / Photography / Zines 14€ 14€
INGRAHAM, Catherine INGRAHAM, Catherine Architecture's Theory MIT Press 2023 Architecture 39€ 39€
IRRGANG, Christi; KERN, Ingolf IRRGANG, Christi; KERN, Ingolf The Bauhaus building in Dessau (Bauhaus Taschenbuch 5) Spector Books 2013 Essays / Art History / Architecture / Education 10€ 10€
IT’S OUR PLAYGROUND IT’S OUR PLAYGROUND Ambiances Privées Les Bains-Douches 2020 Artists' Books / Design / Architecture / Facsimile & Reprints 10€ 10€
JANCOU, Marc (ed.) JANCOU, Marc (ed.) Trix + Robert Haussmann. A Life with Art and Artists Edition Patrick Frey 2022 Biographies / Architecture / Design 29€ 29€
JANKOVIC, Nikola; MARGOLIES, John JANKOVIC, Nikola; MARGOLIES, John Learning from USA B2 2022 Photography / Urban Studies / Architecture 16€ 16€
JAQUE, Andrés JAQUE, Andrés Superpowers of Scale Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2020 Urban Studies / Sex / Architecture 35€ 35€
JEFFRIES, Stuart JEFFRIES, Stuart Everything, All the Time, Everywhere. How we Became Postmodern Verso 2022 Essays / Art History / Politics / Architecture 15€ 15€
JIDON, Jung JIDON, Jung L'architecture ou la révolution ? Moonji Publishing Architecture / Essays 20€ 20€
KAGOVERE, Ott; KARVINEN, Kaisa; VASKO,Tommi (eds.) KAGOVERE, Ott; KARVINEN, Kaisa; VASKO,Tommi (eds.) Borrowing Positions: Role-Playing Design & Architecture Lugemik 2022 Essays / Architecture / Design 16€ 16€
KASUBA, Aleksadra KASUBA, Aleksadra Commodités pour l’âme. L’Espace-Retraite par Aleksadra The Lithuanian National Museum of Art 2024 Facsimile & Reprints / Artists' Books / Health / Architecture 12€ 12€
KĘDZIOR, Marcin; DENIZEN, Seth (eds.) KĘDZIOR, Marcin; DENIZEN, Seth (eds.) Scapegoat #11. Life Other Forms 2018 Architecture / Economy / Politics 15€ 15€
KELP, Zamp KELP, Zamp Prospector. Casting an Eye on Haus-Rucker-Co and Post-Haus-Rucker Spector Books 2021 Architecture 32€ 32€
KELP, Zamp; ENGEL, Ludwig (ed.) KELP, Zamp; ENGEL, Ludwig (ed.) Luftschlosser: Ein Blick auf Haus-Rucker-Co / Post-Haus-Rucker Spector Books 2020 Artists' Writings / Documents / Counterculture / Architecture 32€ 32€
KENNEDY, Gabrielle (ed.) KENNEDY, Gabrielle (ed.) IN/Search RE/Search. Imagining Scenarios Through Art and Design Valiz 2020 Design / Essays / Anthropology / Architecture / Media Studies / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 23€ 23€
KETT, Robert J. KETT, Robert J. CCA Singles – Prospects Beyond Futures. Counterculture White Meets Red Power Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2020 Essays / Architecture / Postcolonial Studies / Politics 14€ 14€
KHONSARI, Torange; CARL, Peter; PEARMAN, Hugh; SHERINGHAM, Olivia; RENDELL, Jane (eds.); PADHILA, Eduardo KHONSARI, Torange; CARL, Peter; PEARMAN, Hugh; SHERINGHAM, Olivia; RENDELL, Jane (eds.); PADHILA, Eduardo My Home Is Your Home BalinHouseProjects / public works Architecture / Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 15€ 15€
KIESLER, Frederick KIESLER, Frederick Function Follows Vision, Vision Follows Reality Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Wien Biographies / Group Shows / Design / Architecture 15€ 15€
KIRKHAM-LEWITT, Isabelle (ed.) KIRKHAM-LEWITT, Isabelle (ed.) Paths to Prison: On the Architectures of Carcerality Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2024 Architecture / Politics 20€ 20€
KLAUS, Katja; BITTNER, Regina (eds.) KLAUS, Katja; BITTNER, Regina (eds.) Design Rehearsals: Conversations about Bauhaus Lessons (Edition Bauhaus 57) Spector Books 2019 Architecture / Design / Conversations / Education 40€ 40€
KLOUCHE, Djamel KLOUCHE, Djamel Augures - Laboratoires des nouvelles pratiques architecturales Les Presses du Réel 2022 Architecture / Exhibition Catalogues 29€ 29€
KOLOWRATNIK, Nina Valerie KOLOWRATNIK, Nina Valerie Critical Spatial Practice n° 10 – The Language of Secret Proof – Indigenous Truth and Representation Sternberg Press 2020 Architecture / Ecology 15€ 15€
KÖNIG, Jonas; LUZHNICA, Donika (ed.) KÖNIG, Jonas; LUZHNICA, Donika (ed.) Prishtina in 53 Buildings Sorry Press 2023 Architecture 20€ 20€
KONTOS, Marianna; BELLO MARCANO, Manuel; GUILLIBERT, Paul; WRONA, Xavier (eds.) KONTOS, Marianna; BELLO MARCANO, Manuel; GUILLIBERT, Paul; WRONA, Xavier (eds.) Après la révolution – Hors-série: JO 2024 Riot Éditions 2022 Periodicals / Architecture / Urban Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
KOOLHAAS, Rem KOOLHAAS, Rem Junkspace Payot & Rivages 2011 Essays / Urban Studies / Architecture 13.8€ 13.8€
KUIMET, Paul; TAUL, Gregor KUIMET, Paul; TAUL, Gregor Notes on Space. Monumental Painting in Estonia 1947–2012 Lugemik 2017 Art History / Architecture / Painting 25€ 25€
KURG, Andres; LAANEMETS, Kurg (eds.) KURG, Andres; LAANEMETS, Kurg (eds.) Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders, 1960s–1980s Lugemik 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Documents / Urban Studies / Collectives / Architecture 38€ 38€
KURZ, Philip; STIFTUNG, Wüstenrot (eds.) KURZ, Philip; STIFTUNG, Wüstenrot (eds.) Ludwig Leo. Circulation Tank 2 Spector Books 2020 Architecture 32€ 32€
KUZMA, Marta (ed.) KUZMA, Marta (ed.) Big Sign - Little Building OCA / Koenig Books Essays / Architecture 30€ 30€
KWAK, Mingoo; LEE, Sejung; YI, Seula KWAK, Mingoo; LEE, Sejung; YI, Seula Closing Ceremony Hilton Seoul 1983-2022 MakerMaker 2023 Architecture / Urban Studies / Comics & Illustrations 38€ 38€
KWON,Marci KWON,Marci Enchantments. Joseph Cornell and American Modernism Princeton University Press 2021 Architecture / Monographs 54€ 54€