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ALTTAR ALTTAR ALLTAR III (FEU / FIRE) Self-Published 2024 Anthologies / Collectives / Ecology / Magic 35€ 35€
BRAUNSTEIN-KRIEGEL, Chloé; PETIOT, Fabien (eds.) BRAUNSTEIN-KRIEGEL, Chloé; PETIOT, Fabien (eds.) Crafts. Anthologie contemporaine pour un artisanat de demain Éditions Norma 2019 Anthologies / Crafts / Art Theory 45€ 45€
GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) What happens between the knots? (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 3) Sternberg Press / CCA Wattis 2022 Anthologies / Art Theory / Artists' Writings 12€ 12€
McLAUGHLIN, Rosanna; SCOTT, Izabella; THOMAS, Skye Arundhati (eds.) McLAUGHLIN, Rosanna; SCOTT, Izabella; THOMAS, Skye Arundhati (eds.) The White Review – Writing in Translation Anthology The White Review 2024 Periodicals / Anthologies / Literature 20€ 20€
SALU, Michael (ed.) SALU, Michael (ed.) Cybernetics, or Ghosts? Stories from Myth to AI Multiverse Music 2025 Anthologies / Science/Fiction / Media Studies 32€ 32€
ABDOH, Salar (ed.) ABDOH, Salar (ed.) Tehran noir Akashic Books 2014 Anthologies / Literature 15€ 15€
ABUDU, KJ (ed.) ABUDU, KJ (ed.) Living with Ghosts: A Reader Pace Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Art Theory / Postcolonial Studies 40€ 40€
ACKERMAN, Chantal ACKERMAN, Chantal Œuvre écrite et parlée 1968-2015 L'Arachnéen 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Conversations 69€ 69€
ACQUAVIVA, Frédéric (ed) ACQUAVIVA, Frédéric (ed) Lettrist corpus: ephemera : flyers, posters, invites, manifestos 1946-2023 Marval 2023 Multiples & Ephemera / Anthologies 44€ 44€
AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) Sibyl’s Mouths Sternberg Press 2023 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Literature 22€ 22€
ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) Institutional Critique - An anthology of Artists' Writings MIT Press Art Theory / Essays / Anthologies 30€ 30€
ALIX-TABELING, Nils (ed.) ALIX-TABELING, Nils (ed.) Fly, Robin, Fly. Chanteurs castrats, voix & politique des genres sun/sun 2023 Anthologies / Exhibition Catalogues / Music & Sound / Queer Culture 24€ 24€
ALLAIN BONILA, Marie-Laure; BLANCE, Emilie; RENARD, Johanna; ZABUNYAN, Elvan (eds.) ALLAIN BONILA, Marie-Laure; BLANCE, Emilie; RENARD, Johanna; ZABUNYAN, Elvan (eds.) Constellations subjectives. pour une histoire féministe de l'art Ixe 2020 Anthologies / Feminism / Art History 24€ 24€
ALS, Hilton; MOLESWORTH, Helen; RIMANELLI, David ALS, Hilton; MOLESWORTH, Helen; RIMANELLI, David (Nothing but) Flowers Karma 2022 Anthologies / Painting 60€ 60€
ALTAY, Can (ed.) ALTAY, Can (ed.) Ahali - An anthology for setting a setting Bedford Press / AA Publications Periodicals / Anthologies 20€ 20€
ANDERSEN, Thom ANDERSEN, Thom Slow Writing. Thom Andersen on Cinema The Visible Press 2017 Film & Video / Anthologies / Essays 25€ 25€
ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) aneducation – documenta 14 Archive Books 2018 Anthologies / Education / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
ARCHER, Sol (ed.) ARCHER, Sol (ed.) Held by Hands: K-pop and the Social Potencial of Fandom Publication Studio São Paulo 2022 Anthologies / Music & Sound / Queer Culture / Love / Dance 10€ 10€
ASAD, Amira ; PEINADO, Leila ; AL DERI, Rashed (eds.) ASAD, Amira ; PEINADO, Leila ; AL DERI, Rashed (eds.) Lifta Volume 1 Lifta 2020 Periodicals / Postcolonial Studies / Artists' Writings / Anthologies 30€ 30€
ASHBY, Sam (ed.) ASHBY, Sam (ed.) Little Joe. A book about queers and cinema, mostly SPBH 2024 Anthologies / Periodicals / Queer Culture / Film & Video 40€ 40€
ATELIER IMPOPULAIRE (ed.) ATELIER IMPOPULAIRE (ed.) RULE C, a reader Atelier Impopulaire 2016 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Artists' Writings 30€ 30€
ATOE, Osa ATOE, Osa Shotgun Seamstress: The Complete Zine Collection Soft Skull Press 2022 Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Zines / Music & Sound / Black Studies / Counterculture 44€ 44€
AUCOMPTE, Yann; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) AUCOMPTE, Yann; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) La Querelle de la déconstruction. Un débat philosophique dans le design graphique ? T&P Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Graphic Design / Book Culture 22€ 22€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) The City as a Project RUBY PRESS 2013 Anthologies / Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 44€ 44€
AYAS, Dafne; GINWALA, Natasha; WINDER, Jill (eds.) AYAS, Dafne; GINWALA, Natasha; WINDER, Jill (eds.) Stronger Than Bone – On Feminism(s) Archive Books 2021 Anthologies / Feminism / Exhibition Catalogues 15€ 15€
BACQUE, Bertrand; LIPPI, Lucrezia; MARGEL, Serge; ZUCHUAT, Olivier (eds.) BACQUE, Bertrand; LIPPI, Lucrezia; MARGEL, Serge; ZUCHUAT, Olivier (eds.) Montage. Une anthologie (1913-2018) MAMCO / HEAD 2018 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Film & Video 28€ 28€
BAILEY, David A.; THOMPSON, Allison (eds.) BAILEY, David A.; THOMPSON, Allison (eds.) Liberation Begins in the Imagination: Writings on Caribbean-British Art Tate 2021 Anthologies / Art History / Postcolonial Studies 44€ 44€
BALGIU, Alex; DE LA TORRE, Mónica (eds.) BALGIU, Alex; DE LA TORRE, Mónica (eds.) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979 Primary Information 2020 Anthologies / Poetry / Feminism / Artists' Books 30€ 30€
BARSCH, Paul (ed.) BARSCH, Paul (ed.) No Need To Hunt — We Just Wait For The Roadkill TLTRPreß 2020 Anthologies / Artists' Writings 14€ 14€
BART OF DARKNESS (ed.) BART OF DARKNESS (ed.) A Compendium of Print Advertising from The Simpsons Lock Books 2024 Anthologies / Comics & Illustrations 25€ 25€
BARTHOLOMEW, Henry (ed.) BARTHOLOMEW, Henry (ed.) Dangerous Dimensions. Mind-Bending Tales of the Mathematical Weird British Library 2021 Science/Fiction / Anthologies 15€ 15€
BAYAR, Devrim (ed.) BAYAR, Devrim (ed.) Le Salon. Anthology 2011–2016 Triangle Books 2019 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Scenes 25€ 25€
BEBERGAL, Peter (ed.) BEBERGAL, Peter (ed.) Appendix N: Weird Tales From The Roots Of Dungeons & Dragons (Revised and Expanded Edition) Strange Attractor Press 2024 Science/Fiction / Literature / Anthologies / Games 28€ 28€
BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Dodie Bellamy Is on Our Mind Semiotext(e) / CCA Wattis 2020 Anthologies / Literature / Scenes / Queer Culture 24€ 24€
BELLAMY, Dodie; KILLIAN, Kevin (eds.) BELLAMY, Dodie; KILLIAN, Kevin (eds.) Writers Who Love Too Much: New Narrative Writing 1977-1997 Nightboat 2017 Anthologies / Literature / Poetry / Love / Scenes 35€ 35€
BELLAMY, Dodies; CORRIGAN, Cecilia; DE'ATH, Amy; TILLMAN, Lynne; WANG, Jackie BELLAMY, Dodies; CORRIGAN, Cecilia; DE'ATH, Amy; TILLMAN, Lynne; WANG, Jackie Say Bye to Reason and Hi to Everything Capricious 2017 Artists' Writings / Anthologies / Poetry / Artists' Books 35€ 35€
BENNETT, Guy; MOUSLI, Beatrice BENNETT, Guy; MOUSLI, Beatrice Charting the Here of There Granary Books Poetry / Anthologies 20€ 20€
BENSON MILLER, Peter (ed.) BENSON MILLER, Peter (ed.) Responses to Untitled (eye with comet) Paul Thek Pilot Press 2023 Anthologies / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
BERRADA, Omar; RIGGS, Sarah (eds.) BERRADA, Omar; RIGGS, Sarah (eds.) Another Room to Live In: 15 Contemporary Arab Poets Litmus Press 2024 Poetry / Anthologies 26€ 26€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; KEEFER, Angie; MACKLER, Lauren; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; KEEFER, Angie; MACKLER, Lauren; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2017/18 (Public Fiction) ROMA Publications 2017 Anthologies / Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2018/19 (Translation) ROMA Publications 2018 Anthologies / Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
BHANDAR, Brenna ; ZIADAH, Rafeef (eds.) BHANDAR, Brenna ; ZIADAH, Rafeef (eds.) Revolutionary Feminisms. Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought Verso 2020 Anthologies / Conversations / Feminism / Politics 21€ 21€
BIER, Arielle; KOMOSS, Paula; PIROTTE, Philippe (eds.) BIER, Arielle; KOMOSS, Paula; PIROTTE, Philippe (eds.) Städelschule Lectures 2 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Anthologies / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
BIERBAUM, Otto Julius; BLOCH, Ernst; SARTRE, Jean-Paul BIERBAUM, Otto Julius; BLOCH, Ernst; SARTRE, Jean-Paul Sur Venise Editions La Tempête 2024 Essays / Urban Studies / Anthologies 10€ 10€
BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) TAkEAwAY Gerrit Rietveld Academie 2020 Anthologies / Book Culture / Graphic Design / Education / Typography 25€ 25€
BISELLO, Piero (ed.) BISELLO, Piero (ed.) A few homers Surfaces Utiles 2016 Anthologies / Crafts / Counterculture / Labor 12€ 12€
BLACKWOOD, Algernon BLACKWOOD, Algernon The Whisperers and Other Stories. A Lifetime of the Supernatural British Library 2022 Anthologies / Literature 20€ 20€
BLANC, Tiphanie; DELABORDE, Jonas; LEJEMMETEL, Anna (eds.) BLANC, Tiphanie; DELABORDE, Jonas; LEJEMMETEL, Anna (eds.) Choquer le monde à mort: Elles sont de sortie – Pascal Doury, Bruno Richard Éditions l'Amazone 2024 Anthologies / Periodicals / Counterculture / Comics & Illustrations 39€ 39€
BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) Habitats Humboldt Books 2018 Anthologies / Architecture / Periodicals 18€ 18€
BOGGERI, Dafne; SERIGHELLI, Sara (eds.) BOGGERI, Dafne; SERIGHELLI, Sara (eds.) Out of the Grid – Italian Zine 1978-2006 Les Presses du Réel / SPRINT / O’ 2024 Anthologies / Counterculture / Documents / Zines 47€ 47€
BOIS, Yve-Alain BOIS, Yve-Alain An Oblique Autobiography no place press 2022 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Art History 22€ 22€
BONDON, Roméo; BOISJEAN, Elias (eds.) BONDON, Roméo; BOISJEAN, Elias (eds.) Cause animale, luttes sociales le passager clandestin 2021 Anthologies / Anarchy / Politics / Animal Studies 18€ 18€
BORY, Jean-François (ed.) BORY, Jean-François (ed.) Once Again New Directions 1968 Anthologies / Poetry / Facsimile & Reprints 18€ 18€
BOWELL, Helen (ed.) BOWELL, Helen (ed.) Bi+ Lines: An Anthology of Contemporary Bi+ Poems Fourteen Publishing 2023 Poetry / Anthologies / Queer Culture 14€ 14€
BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) Coiled Verbal Spring: Devices of Lenin’s Language Rab-Rab Press 2017 Anthologies / Essays / Politics / Media Studies 20€ 20€
BRENEZ, Nicole; LARCHER, Jonathan; PAISTIK, Alo Paistik; SIKU, Skaya (eds.) BRENEZ, Nicole; LARCHER, Jonathan; PAISTIK, Alo Paistik; SIKU, Skaya (eds.) FILM X Autochtonous Struggles Today Sternberg Press 2024 Anthologies / Film & Video / Media Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Indigenous Peoples / Ecology 22€ 22€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines vol.1 (second edition) Printed Matter 2013 Queer Culture / Anthologies / Zines 60€ 60€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines vol.2 Printed Matter 2014 Queer Culture / Zines / Anthologies 60€ 60€
BÜHLER, Melanie (ed.) BÜHLER, Melanie (ed.) No Internet, No Art Onomatopee 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Digital 20€ 20€
BURNIER, Marcia; SLIM, Nelly (eds.) BURNIER, Marcia; SLIM, Nelly (eds.) It’s Been Lovely But I Have to Scream Now. Anthologie d'un zine féministe et queer Éditions Cambourakis 2024 Zines / Anthologies / Queer Culture / Feminism 16€ 16€
BYRNE-SMITH, Dan BYRNE-SMITH, Dan Science Fiction Whitechapel Gallery / MIT Press 2020 Literature / Anthologies / Art History 24€ 24€
CAMNITZER, Luis CAMNITZER, Luis e-flux journal – One Number Is Worth One Word Sternberg Press 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
CAMPS, Yaiza; GRÜNKE, Moritz; OBOLO, Pascale; PICHLER, Michalis; TABAPSI, Parfait (eds.) CAMPS, Yaiza; GRÜNKE, Moritz; OBOLO, Pascale; PICHLER, Michalis; TABAPSI, Parfait (eds.) Decolonizing Art Book Fairs. Pratiques de l'édition indépendante dans les Sud(s) Miss Read 2023 Anthologies / Book Culture / Postcolonial Studies / Economy 20€ 20€
CANTOR, Lou; ROCHESTER, Katherine (eds.) CANTOR, Lou; ROCHESTER, Katherine (eds.) Intersubjectivity Vol. II. Scripting the Human Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Essays / Media Studies 19€ 19€
CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) An Exhibition History of Latin American Art / Una historia de exposiciones de arte latinoamericano ISLAA 2023 Anthologies / Art History / Art Spaces / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 42€ 42€
CHANDLER, Jess; SELBY, Aimee; NOORALI, Hana; TALBOT, Lynton (eds.) CHANDLER, Jess; SELBY, Aimee; NOORALI, Hana; TALBOT, Lynton (eds.) Intertitles. An anthology at the intersection of writing & visual art prototype 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
CHEN, Howie (ed.) CHEN, Howie (ed.) Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network 1990-2001 Primary Information 2021 Anthologies / Documents / Monographs / Artists' Writings / Curatorial Studies 29€ 29€
CHEVALIER, Catherine; FOHR, Andreas CHEVALIER, Catherine; FOHR, Andreas Une anthologie de la revue Texte zur Kunst de 1990 à 1998 Les Presses du Réel / JRP|Ringier 2010 Art Theory / Anthologies / Periodicals 18€ 18€
CHIMURENGA (ed.) CHIMURENGA (ed.) FESTAC '77. The 2nd World Festival Of Black Art And Culture Afterall Books / Chimurenga 2019 Anthologies / Documents / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 25€ 25€
CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) Art and its Worlds: Exhibitions, Institutions and Art Becoming Public Afterall Books / CCS Bard 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Art History / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
CHURM, Rob CHURM, Rob THE STONE TAPE — POSTERS 2001-2023 Sunday’s Print Service 2023 Anthologies / Music & Sound / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
CIRA (ed.) CIRA (ed.) Refuser de parvenir nada 2024 Anthologies / Essays / Anarchy 12€ 12€
CLAUSEN, Jan; et al. CLAUSEN, Jan; et al. Je transporte des explosifs on les appelle des mots. Poésie & féminismes aux Etats-Unis Éditions Cambourakis 2019 Essays / Poetry / Anthologies / Feminism 22€ 22€
CLAY, Jean CLAY, Jean Atopiques. De Manet à Ryman L'atelier contemporain 2024 Essays / Anthologies / Art Theory / Art History 30€ 30€
COGNEE, Gaëlle; FAUVEL, Mikaël (eds.) COGNEE, Gaëlle; FAUVEL, Mikaël (eds.) Jeanne déployée sans emploi MJC André Malraux 2021 Anthologies / Feminism / Labor 10€ 10€
COHEN, Ira; ASHBY, Romy (ed.); LANDGARTEN, Ira (ed.) COHEN, Ira; ASHBY, Romy (ed.); LANDGARTEN, Ira (ed.) A Certain Kind of Wizard: Treasures from the Vaults of Ira Cohen Lithic Press 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Counterculture 36€ 36€
Collectif Collectif Grève des stages, grève des femmes : anthologie d'une lutte féministe pour un salaire étudiant (2016-2019) les éditions du remue-ménage 2022 Anthologies / Feminism 23€ 23€
Collectif Collectif La théorie, un dimanche les éditions du remue-ménage 2018 Feminism / Anthologies 17€ 17€
CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) L’idée de confort, une anthologie. Du zazen au tourisme spatial B42 2016 Anthologies / Essays / Architecture / Design 25€ 25€
CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) Support Structures Sternberg Press 2009 Anthologies / Economy / Art Spaces / Documents / Institutional Critique 40€ 40€
COOLS, Guy (ed.) COOLS, Guy (ed.) Imaginative Bodies. Dialogues in Performance Practices Valiz 2016 Anthologies / Performance / Ecology 20€ 20€
COOLS, Guy; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) COOLS, Guy; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) The Ethics of Art. Ecological Turns in the Performing Arts Valiz 2014 Anthologies / Politics / Performance / Art Theory 20€ 20€
COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar The Anti-Museum. An Anthology Koenig Books 2017 Anthologies / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
CORREIA, Alice (ed.) CORREIA, Alice (ed.) What is Black Art? Penguin 2022 Art History / Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Anthologies / Black Studies / Essays 16€ 16€
COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti (eds.) COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti (eds.) What to Let Go? Sternberg Press / Para Site 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Politics / Indigenous Peoples / Postcolonial Studies 26€ 26€
COSTINAȘ, Cosmin; VOLOVOD, Iaroslav (eds.) COSTINAȘ, Cosmin; VOLOVOD, Iaroslav (eds.) As Though We Hid the Sea in a Sea of Stories. Fragments for a Geopoetics of North Eurasia Archive Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2023 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings / Postcolonial Studies / Politics / Religion 24€ 24€
CREASY, Jonathan C. (ed.) CREASY, Jonathan C. (ed.) Black Mountain Poems New Directions 2019 Poetry / Anthologies 17€ 17€
CRONE, Bridget; NIGHTINGALE, Sam; STANTON, Polly CRONE, Bridget; NIGHTINGALE, Sam; STANTON, Polly Fieldwork for Future Ecologies - Radical practice for art and art-based research Onomatopee 2023 Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Anthologies 39€ 39€
DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele (eds.) DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele (eds.) Strange Design Les Presses du Réel 2024 Anthologies / Design 24€ 24€
DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) Futurity Report. Counter-Histories Vol. 1 Sternberg Press 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Politics / Art Theory 24€ 24€
DE CAMPOS, Augusto DE CAMPOS, Augusto Poètemoins Les Presses du Réel Poetry / Anthologies 25€ 25€
DE SMET, Catherine: DE BONDT, Sara (eds.) DE SMET, Catherine: DE BONDT, Sara (eds.) Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011) Occasional Papers 2014 Graphic Design / Essays / Anthologies / Art History 22€ 22€
DE SMET, Catherine; MILLOT, Philippe; BALDINGER, André (eds.) DE SMET, Catherine; MILLOT, Philippe; BALDINGER, André (eds.) Design graphique, les formes de l’histoire B42 2017 Anthologies / Graphic Design / Art History 26€ 26€
DEAN, Aria; ESPENSCHIED, Dragan; CONNOR, Michael (eds.) DEAN, Aria; ESPENSCHIED, Dragan; CONNOR, Michael (eds.) The Art Happens Here: Net Art Anthology Rhizome 2019 Anthologies / Art History / Exhibition Catalogues / Group Shows / Media Studies 35€ 35€
DEBORD, Guy; LE BRAS, Laurence (ed.) DEBORD, Guy; LE BRAS, Laurence (ed.) Stratégie l’échappée 2018 Anthologies / Literature / Philosophy / Poetry / Politics / Documents 24€ 24€
DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) OASE #100: Karel Martens and The Architecture of the Journal NAI010 Publishers 2018 Periodicals / Anthologies / Architecture / Graphic Design 46€ 46€
DEJONG, Constance DEJONG, Constance Constance DeJong. Reader Primary Information 2022 Anthologies / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
DELLA NOCE, Elio; MURARI, Lucas (eds.) DELLA NOCE, Elio; MURARI, Lucas (eds.) Expanded Nature. Écologies du cinéma expérimental Light Cone 2022 Anthologies / Essays / Film & Video / Ecology 28.9€ 28.9€
DEMEUSE, Sarah (ed.) DEMEUSE, Sarah (ed.) Bande à part. On Independent Art Institutions Mousse Publishing 2021 Anthologies / Art Spaces 18€ 18€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) Cybernetics of the Poor Sternberg Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Anthologies / Media Studies / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DIETACHMAIR, Philipp; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) DIETACHMAIR, Philipp; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) The Art of Civil Action. Political Space and Cultural Dissent Valiz 2017 Anthologies / Politics 20€ 20€
DIETRICH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) DIETRICH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) Not Working Archive Books / Kunstverein München 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Economy / Politics 15€ 15€
DION, Mark; ARKESTEIJN, Roel (ed.) DION, Mark; ARKESTEIJN, Roel (ed.) The Incomplete Writings of Mark Dion. Selected Interviews, Fragments and Miscellany Fieldwork Museum 2018 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Conversations 52€ 52€
Djuna Djuna Everything Good Dies Here. Tales from the Linker Universe and Beyond Kaya Press 2024 Literature / Science/Fiction / Anthologies 20€ 20€
DUARTE, German A.; FACCHETTI, Andrea; YVUZ, Seçil Uğur (eds.) DUARTE, German A.; FACCHETTI, Andrea; YVUZ, Seçil Uğur (eds.) Towards the Realm of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick’s Non-Existing Technologies Nero 2024 Anthologies / Essays / Design / Science/Fiction / Media Studies 20€ 20€
DUCHAMP, Marcel; ROCHÉ, Henri-Pierre; WOOD, Beatrice (eds) DUCHAMP, Marcel; ROCHÉ, Henri-Pierre; WOOD, Beatrice (eds) The Blind Man / rongwrong Ugly Duckling Presse 2017 Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Periodicals 60€ 60€
DUMONT, Fabienne DUMONT, Fabienne La Rebellion du Deuxième Sexe Les Presses du Réel Gender Studies / Anthologies 28€ 28€
DURAS, Marguerite DURAS, Marguerite My Cinema Another Gaze 2023 Anthologies / Essays / Conversations / Film & Video 20€ 20€
DWORKIN, Andrea DWORKIN, Andrea Last Days at Hot Slit. The Radical Feminism of Andrea Dworkin Semiotext(e) 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Feminism 20€ 20€
EFIMOVA, Alla; MANOVICH, Lev (eds.) EFIMOVA, Alla; MANOVICH, Lev (eds.) Tekstura. Russian essays on visual culture University of Chicago Press 1993 Anthologies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
ELMS, Anthony ELMS, Anthony Blast Counterblast White Walls Art Theory / Essays / Anthologies 16€ 16€
ENGQVIST, Jonatan Habib (ed.) ENGQVIST, Jonatan Habib (ed.) In Dependence. Collaborations & Artists' Initiatives Torpedo Press Art Spaces / Anthologies 20€ 20€
FAHS, Breanne FAHS, Breanne Burn It Down! Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution Verso 2020 Feminism / Politics / Anthologies 23€ 23€
FARSTAD, Colin (ed.) FARSTAD, Colin (ed.) The Frozen Moment Publication Studio Literature / Anthologies 20€ 20€
FEINDBERG, Daniel; HOY, Dan (eds) FEINDBERG, Daniel; HOY, Dan (eds) Soft Targets V.1.1 Soft Targets Poetry / Anthologies 10€ 10€
FELL, Mark FELL, Mark Structure and Synthesis. The Anatomy of Practice Urbanomic 2022 Anthologies / Essays / Music & Sound 39€ 39€
FERNÁNDEZ CONTRERAS, Javier; ZANCAN, Roberto (eds) FERNÁNDEZ CONTRERAS, Javier; ZANCAN, Roberto (eds) Intimacy Exposed: Toilet, Bathroom, Restroom Spector Books / HEAD 2023 Anthologies / Architecture / Cultural Studies / Health 32€ 32€
FERNÁNDEZ PAN, Sonia; JIMÉNEZ, Carolina (eds.) FERNÁNDEZ PAN, Sonia; JIMÉNEZ, Carolina (eds.) You Got to Get In to Get Out Casa Encendida 2021 Anthologies / Music & Sound / Counterculture 18€ 18€
FEZER, Jesko; GÖRLICH, Matthias (eds.) FEZER, Jesko; GÖRLICH, Matthias (eds.) Civic City. Notes pour le design d’une ville sociale. B42 2017 Anthologies / Urban Studies / Design 24€ 24€
FINN, Courtenay (ed.) FINN, Courtenay (ed.) A Fragile But Marvelous Life Aspen Art Museum 2016 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Performance 19€ 19€
FISHER, Mark FISHER, Mark k-punk: The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher (2004-2016) Repeater 2018 Anthologies / Conversations / Essays / Film & Video / Music & Sound / Politics 36€ 36€
FONTAINE, Claire FONTAINE, Claire Human Strike and the Art of Creating Freedom Semiotext(e) 2021 Artists' Writings / Anthologies 21€ 21€
FORD, Laura Grace FORD, Laura Grace Savage Messiah Verso 2019 Anthologies / Zines 22€ 22€
FOURNIER, Anik (ed.) FOURNIER, Anik (ed.) Social Movement : Through the Lens of Performance If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution 2021 Politics / Performance / Anthologies 20€ 20€
FRAMPTON, Hollis; ZRYD, Michael (ed.) FRAMPTON, Hollis; ZRYD, Michael (ed.) October Files 27: Hollis Frampton MIT Press 2022 Anthologies / Conceptual Art / Film & Video 33€ 33€
FRUEH, Roland; NEUENSCHWANDER, Corina FRUEH, Roland; NEUENSCHWANDER, Corina The missing years of the most beautiful Swiss books Niggli Graphic Design / Anthologies 50€ 50€
FULLER, R. Buckminster; et al. FULLER, R. Buckminster; et al. Synergetic Stew. Explorations in Dymaxion Dining Lars Müller Verlag 2020 Anthologies / Food Culture / Counterculture 22€ 22€
GABBER ELEGANZA (ed.) GABBER ELEGANZA (ed.) Archivio#1. Records Store Ads and Paper Ephemera from Rave Fanzines of the Early 90s Never Sleep 2024 Music & Sound / Anthologies / Book Culture 27€ 27€
GAILLARD, Clément (ed.) GAILLARD, Clément (ed.) Une anthologie pour comprendre les Low-Tech T&P Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Design / Crafts / Architecture / Politics / Ecology 22€ 22€
GANDER, Ryan & WATTS, Jonathan P. GANDER, Ryan & WATTS, Jonathan P. The Annotated Reader Dent-De-Leone 2019 Artists' Books / Artists' Writings / Anthologies 28€ 28€
GANGLOFF, Paul GANGLOFF, Paul Punk: Periodical Collection Jan Van Eyck Academie 2012 Book Culture / Anthologies 15€ 15€
GAVIN, Francesca GAVIN, Francesca Rough Version At Last Books 2022 Anthologies / Conversations 38€ 38€
Gay International Inc. (ed.) Gay International Inc. (ed.) Gay Areas Telephone Directory Pre-Echo Press 2017 Queer Culture / Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints 40€ 40€
GAY LEFT COLLECTIVE (ed.) GAY LEFT COLLECTIVE (ed.) Homosexuality: Power and Politics Verso 2018 Anthologies / Gender Studies / Periodicals / Politics / Queer Culture 15€ 15€
GENESIS P-ORRIDGE GENESIS P-ORRIDGE Coumplete Poems - 1960's & 70's Heartworm Press 2023 Anthologies / Poetry 31€ 31€
GERBER, Corinn; THOREL, Benjamin (eds.) GERBER, Corinn; THOREL, Benjamin (eds.) A Book About What’s More To Life Than Books Paraguay Press / Publication Studio 2013 Essays / Book Culture / Anthologies / Graphic Design 20€ 20€
GHOSN, Nada; SPIECHOWICZ, Paulina (eds.) GHOSN, Nada; SPIECHOWICZ, Paulina (eds.) Crépuscule – Anthologie – Poétesses libanaises contemporaines / Dusk – Anthology – Contemporary Lebanese Women Poets Kaph Books 2024 Anthologies / Poetry 35€ 35€
GINS, Madeline; IVES, Lucy (ed.) GINS, Madeline; IVES, Lucy (ed.) The Saddest Thing Is That I Have Had to Use Words: A Madeline Gins Reader Siglio 2020 Anthologies / Poetry / Architecture / Facsimile & Reprints 30€ 30€
GOLDSMITH, Kenneth (ed.) GOLDSMITH, Kenneth (ed.) NYC street poets and visionaries Jean Boîte éditions 2022 Anthologies 50€ 50€
GRAHN, Judy; HOGELAND, Lisa Maria (ed.) GRAHN, Judy; HOGELAND, Lisa Maria (ed.) The Judy Grahn Reader Aunt Lute Books 2009 Anthologies / Poetry / Queer Culture / Feminism 20€ 20€
GUHA, Ranajit; AMIN, Shahid; SEN, Asok; ARNOLD, David; DAS, Veena GUHA, Ranajit; AMIN, Shahid; SEN, Asok; ARNOLD, David; DAS, Veena Subaltern Studies Asymétrie 2018 Anthologies / Postcolonial Studies 16€ 16€
GUILLON, Léa (ed.) GUILLON, Léa (ed.) SLANT No. 1: To Be The Receiver And The Maker All At Once Slant 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Poetry 35€ 35€
GUSTON, Philip GUSTON, Philip I Paint What I Want to See Penguin 2022 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Painting 15€ 15€
HALTER, Ed; ROSSET, Barney (eds.) HALTER, Ed; ROSSET, Barney (eds.) From the Third Eye. The Evergreen Review Film Reader Seven Stories Press 2018 Anthologies / Essays / Film & Video / Periodicals 30€ 30€
HAN, Geoff HAN, Geoff Image RIP: After Printing, Work & Planet Earth Source Type 2023 Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Anthologies / Book Culture / Politics / Economy 35€ 35€
HATO (ed.) HATO (ed.) Cooking with Scorsese: The Cookbook Hato Press 2021 Anthologies / Food Culture / Film & Video 65€ 65€
HEDVA, Johanna HEDVA, Johanna Minerva Sming Sming Books 2020 Anthologies / Monographs / Music & Sound 20€ 20€
HEJINIAN, Lyn HEJINIAN, Lyn The Language of Inquiry University of California Press 2000 Anthologies / Essays / Literature / Poetry 35€ 35€
HELICZER, Piero HELICZER, Piero I must be more like an ant than a cigale because I like to sing in winter Counter Culture Chronicles / Casioli Press / Sloow Tapes 2020 Anthologies / Poetry / Counterculture 22€ 22€
HENRY, Charles Arsène; BASAR, Shumon HENRY, Charles Arsène; BASAR, Shumon Translated by Bedford Press Poetry / Essays / Anthologies 15€ 15€
HESSLER, Stephanie (ed.) HESSLER, Stephanie (ed.) Sex Ecologies MIT Press 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Sex / Ecology 33€ 33€
HEUGUET, Guillaume (ed.) HEUGUET, Guillaume (ed.) Chill Audimat 2022 Anthologies / Essays / Cultural Studies / Music & Sound 15€ 15€
HIGGINS, Dick (ed.); CENTAMORE, Alice (ed.) HIGGINS, Dick (ed.); CENTAMORE, Alice (ed.) A Something Else Reader Primary Information 2022 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Poetry 32€ 32€
HOCQUARD, Emmanuel (ed.); ROYET-JOURNOUD, Claude (ed.) HOCQUARD, Emmanuel (ed.); ROYET-JOURNOUD, Claude (ed.) Monostiches/One-line Poems Paraguay Press 2015 Poetry / Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints 8€ 8€
HOCQUARD, Emmauel; RAQUEL HOCQUARD, Emmauel; RAQUEL Orange Export Ltd. 1969-1986 Flammarion 2020 Poetry / Anthologies 26€ 26€
HODGE-SELLERS, Lucy; O’HAGAN, Réiltín; ANGELRATH, Lilou (eds.) HODGE-SELLERS, Lucy; O’HAGAN, Réiltín; ANGELRATH, Lilou (eds.) kind ground, black butter bog bodies press 2024 Poetry / Anthologies / Conversations 20€ 20€
HOLTEN, Katie (ed.) HOLTEN, Katie (ed.) About Trees Broken Dimanche Press Poetry / Anthologies / Artists' Writings 30€ 30€
hooks, bell hooks, bell Cultiver l’appartenance Éditions Cambourakis 2023 Anthologies / Black Studies / Feminism 24€ 24€
HORFEE, Antoine (ed.) HORFEE, Antoine (ed.) Buzzard Control. A book about QSL cards culture TOPSAFE 2021 Anthologies / Multiples & Ephemera / Counterculture / Graphic Design 45€ 45€
HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Abbas to Yuki: Writing Alongside Exhibitions CCA Wattis / Mousse Publishing 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 27€ 27€
HUILLET, Danièle; STRAUB, Jean-Marie HUILLET, Danièle; STRAUB, Jean-Marie Writings Sequence Press 2016 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Conversations / Documents / Essays / Film & Video / Monographs 31€ 31€
IGLIORI, Paola (ed.) IGLIORI, Paola (ed.) Harry Smith: American Magus Semiotext(e) 2022 Anthologies / Conversations / Monographs 22€ 22€
INDIANA, Gary INDIANA, Gary Vile Days. The village voice art columns 1985-1988 Semiotext(e) 2018 Anthologies / Periodicals / Scenes 30€ 30€
IWATAKI, Ana; VASSEUR RALUY, Marion (eds.) IWATAKI, Ana; VASSEUR RALUY, Marion (eds.) I will set a stage for you HOLOHOLO 2018 Anthologies / Film & Video 28€ 28€
JACOB, Luis JACOB, Luis Commerce by artists Art Metropole Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Anthologies 50€ 50€
JAGOE, Rebecca; KIVLAND, Sharon (eds.) JAGOE, Rebecca; KIVLAND, Sharon (eds.) On care Ma Bibliothèque 2020 Literature / Essays / Anthologies 21€ 21€
JEFFREYS, Tom (ed.) JEFFREYS, Tom (ed.) Walking Whitechapel Gallery / MIT Press 2024 Anthologies / Art Theory / Art History 28€ 28€
JEPPESEN, Travis JEPPESEN, Travis Bad Writing Sternberg Press 2019 Anthologies / Art Theory / Essays / Queer Culture 21€ 21€
JOHNSTON, Jill JOHNSTON, Jill JJ – Tartine-moi et autres textes Éditions Brook 2024 Anthologies / Essays / Feminism / Queer Culture / Performance 18€ 18€
JOHNSTON, Jill; McGOVERN, Fiona (ed.); SULLIVAN, Megan Francis (ed.); WIEDER, Axel J. (ed.) JOHNSTON, Jill; McGOVERN, Fiona (ed.); SULLIVAN, Megan Francis (ed.); WIEDER, Axel J. (ed.) Jill Johnston: The Disintegration of a Critic Sternberg Press 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Art History / Art Theory 16€ 16€
JOSEPHSON, Mary; O'DOHERTY, Brian JOSEPHSON, Mary; O'DOHERTY, Brian A Mental Masquerade Spector Books 2019 Anthologies / Art Theory / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
KEENE, John KEENE, John Punks: New & Selected Poems The Song Cave 2021 Poetry / Anthologies 24€ 24€
KELLEY, Mike; WELCHMAN, John C. (ed.) KELLEY, Mike; WELCHMAN, John C. (ed.) Minor Histories: Statements, Conversations, Proposals MIT Press 2004 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Performance 55€ 55€
KHONSARY, Jeff; PINTER, Antonia (eds.) KHONSARY, Jeff; PINTER, Antonia (eds.) Institutions by Artists: Volume Two Fillip Editions 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings / Institutional Critique 18€ 18€
KILLIAN, Kevin KILLIAN, Kevin Stage Fright: Selected Plays from San Francisco Poets Theater Kenning 2019 Anthologies / Literature / Performance / Poetry 22€ 22€
KILLIAN, Kevin KILLIAN, Kevin Selected Amazon Reviews Semiotext(e) 2024 Anthologies / Art Criticism / Essays / Literature / Love 37€ 37€
KILLIAN, Kevin; BRAZIL, David (eds.) KILLIAN, Kevin; BRAZIL, David (eds.) The Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater: 1945-1985 Kenning 2010 Poetry / Anthologies 25€ 25€
KOETZLE, Hans-Michael; RICCO, Serge; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) KOETZLE, Hans-Michael; RICCO, Serge; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) twen [1959–1971] Bureau Brut 2024 Book Culture / Graphic Design / Anthologies / Periodicals / Photography / Typography 28€ 28€
KORINE, Harmony KORINE, Harmony The Collected Fanzines Drag City 2008 Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Zines 24€ 24€
KRAUS, Chris; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) KRAUS, Chris; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) Hatred of Capitalism Semiotext(e) 2001 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Feminism / Literature / Periodicals / Philosophy / Politics 20€ 20€
KROTOV, Mark; SAVAL, Nikil; TORTORICI, Dayna (eds.) KROTOV, Mark; SAVAL, Nikil; TORTORICI, Dayna (eds.) The Intellectual Situation N+1 2024 Periodicals / Anthologies 20€ 20€
KRYSA, Joasia (ed.) KRYSA, Joasia (ed.) Systemics (or, Exhibition as a Series) – Index of Exhibitions and Related Materials, 2013–14 Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Scenes 12€ 12€
KUNSTHALLE LISSABON KUNSTHALLE LISSABON Kunsthalle Lissabon / Performing the Institution(al) volume 1 Atlas Projectos Art Spaces / Anthologies 12€ 12€
KUNSTHALLE LISSABON KUNSTHALLE LISSABON Kunsthalle Lissabon / Performing the Institution(al) volume 2 Atlas Projectos Art Spaces / Anthologies 12€ 12€
KUŸMICZ, Marika; RONDUDA, Lukasz (eds.) KUŸMICZ, Marika; RONDUDA, Lukasz (eds.) Workshop of the Film Form / Warsztat Formy Filmowej Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Film & Video / Art Spaces / Art History / Scenes 25€ 25€
LAFUENTE LLANO, José María; GURÍERREZ VIÑUALES, Rodrigo; BOGLIONE, Riccardo (eds.) LAFUENTE LLANO, José María; GURÍERREZ VIÑUALES, Rodrigo; BOGLIONE, Riccardo (eds.) Diagramming Modernity: Books and Graphic Design in Latin America, 1920–1940 Editorial RM / Ediciones La Bahía 2023 Anthologies / Book Culture / Artists' Books / Documents / Graphic Design 54€ 54€
LAHAYE, Lieven (ed.) LAHAYE, Lieven (ed.) Can we speak between? Estonian Academy of Arts 2023 Anthologies / Graphic Design / Documents 13€ 13€
LANIER GRAHAM, F.; WURN, Larry; BURSTEIN, Mark (eds.) LANIER GRAHAM, F.; WURN, Larry; BURSTEIN, Mark (eds.) The Rainbow Book Nero 2023 (1975) Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints 28€ 28€
LAWLER, Louise; MOLESWORTH, Helen (ed.); WALSH, Taylor (ed.) LAWLER, Louise; MOLESWORTH, Helen (ed.); WALSH, Taylor (ed.) October Files 14: Louise Lawler MIT Press 2013 Monographs / Essays / Anthologies 28€ 28€
LAWSON, Thomas; MORGAN, Susan; HIGGS, Matthew; KATZEFF, Miriam LAWSON, Thomas; MORGAN, Susan; HIGGS, Matthew; KATZEFF, Miriam REALLIFE Magazine. Selected Writings and Projects 1979-1994 Primary Information 2013 (2nd edition) Essays / Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Periodicals 28€ 28€
Le Sabot (ed.) Le Sabot (ed.) Le Sabot #1/5 Le Sabot 2021 Poetry / Politics / Anthologies 20€ 20€
LEBIEN, Yvonne; OAKLEY, Be LEBIEN, Yvonne; OAKLEY, Be GenderFail, A Decade of Queer and Trans Liberatory Writings GenderFail Press 2024 Anthologies / Politics / Queer Culture 25€ 25€
LEHMANN, Annette Jael LEHMANN, Annette Jael Tacit Knowledge (Post Studio/Feminism – CalArts 1970-1977) Spector Books 2019 Anthologies / Education / Essays / Feminism / Scenes / Art History 28€ 28€
LEMAITRE, Christophe; MOLE, Aurelien; PARCOLLET, Remi LEMAITRE, Christophe; MOLE, Aurelien; PARCOLLET, Remi POSTDOCUMENT, 1-7,8 Tombolo Presses 2015 Periodicals / Anthologies / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
LINDE, Ulf; LIND BONNIER, Kerstin (ed.); GALASSI, Peter (ed.) LINDE, Ulf; LIND BONNIER, Kerstin (ed.); GALASSI, Peter (ed.) Essays from a Lifetime in the Arts Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2023 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays 32€ 32€
LISKA, Sylvia (ed.) LISKA, Sylvia (ed.) The Secession Talks - Exhibitions in Conversation - 1998-2010 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Art Spaces / Anthologies 38€ 38€
LONZI, Carla; FORTUNATI, Leopoldina; AUSTIN, Arlen (ed.); COLANTUONO, Sara (ed.); MANSOOR, Jaleh (ed.) LONZI, Carla; FORTUNATI, Leopoldina; AUSTIN, Arlen (ed.); COLANTUONO, Sara (ed.); MANSOOR, Jaleh (ed.) Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt Fillip Editions 2024 Anthologies / Collectives / Feminism 22€ 22€
LORDE, Audre LORDE, Audre Dream of Europe: selected seminars and interviews: 1984-1992 Kenning 2020 Anthologies / Conversations / Black Studies / Poetry 26€ 26€
LOVAY, Balthazar; SCHWEIZER, Marianne; ZOUYENE, Jehane (eds.) LOVAY, Balthazar; SCHWEIZER, Marianne; ZOUYENE, Jehane (eds.) Travailler, lutter, diffuser: Archives militantes du Centre Grisélidis Réal de documentation internationale sur la prostitution, Genève Les Presses du Réel / Aspasie 2022 Anthologies / Politics / Sex / Documents 25€ 25€
LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) Petite Mort: Recollections of a Queer Public Forever & Today / Inc. 2011 Anthologies / Queer Culture / Sex / Urban Studies / Scenes 50€ 50€