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ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Algeria. A Series of Invocations because nothing else works Aloes Books 1984 Literature / Queer Culture 50€ 50€
ACKER, Kathy; BLAKE, Nayland ACKER, Kathy; BLAKE, Nayland Low. Good and Evil in the Work of Nayland Blake Petersburg 1990 Artists' Books / Children's Books / Literature / Monographs 100€ 100€
ALTHOFF, Kai; Z, Nick ALTHOFF, Kai; Z, Nick Dream Cereal Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Monographs / Artists' Books 40€ 40€
ANDERSON, Laurie; GIORNO, John; BURROUGHS, William S. ANDERSON, Laurie; GIORNO, John; BURROUGHS, William S. You're the Guy I Want to Share My Money With Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1981 LPs & EPs / Poetry 40€ 40€
ANDERSON, Laurie; GIORNO, John; BURROUGHS, William S. ANDERSON, Laurie; GIORNO, John; BURROUGHS, William S. Smack My Crack Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1987 LPs & EPs / Music & Sound 30€ 30€
ANON. ANON. BP in B For The Common Good 2013 Facsimile & Reprints / Counterculture / Sex 350€ 350€
ANTIN, Eleanor ANTIN, Eleanor Being Antinova Astro Artz 1983 Artists' Books / Artists' Writings / Performance 65€ 65€
ASHLEY, Robert ASHLEY, Robert Perfect Lives: an opera Burning Archer 1991 Literature / Music & Sound 55€ 55€
ASSOULINE, Ethan & DÉNERVAUD, Guillaume ASSOULINE, Ethan & DÉNERVAUD, Guillaume Poussent la nuit (...) Self-Published 2020 Artists' Books / Multiples & Ephemera 22€ 22€
ATLAS GROUP; RAAD, Walid ATLAS GROUP; RAAD, Walid The Atlas Group. Volume 1: The Truth Will Be Known When The Last Witness Is Dead Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2004 Artists' Books 100€ 100€
AURDAL, Siri AURDAL, Siri Siri Aurdal by Eline Mugaas Primary Information 2016 Monographs 40€ 40€
BACHER, Lutz BACHER, Lutz Shit For Brains Galerie Buchholz 2016 Monographs / Artists' Books 60€ 60€
BACHER, Lutz BACHER, Lutz the Gift Secession / Revolver 2016 Artists' Books 65€ 65€
BACHER, Lutz BACHER, Lutz Open the Kimono Koenig Books 2018 Artists' Books 45€ 45€
BAKST, Léon BAKST, Léon Designing Dreams: A Celebration of Léon Bakst [1st edition] Mousse Publishing / Nouveau Musée National de Monaco Monographs / Design / Fashion 250€ 250€
BAYRLE, Thomas BAYRLE, Thomas Grafik von 1967-72 und animierte Grafik von 1979-94 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 1995 Monographs 40€ 40€
BAYRLE, Thomas; SCHREINER, Bernard BAYRLE, Thomas; SCHREINER, Bernard WARP WEFT Small World 2016 LPs & EPs 25€ 25€
BONILLAS, Iñaki BONILLAS, Iñaki A Sombra e o Brilho Cru 2008 Artists' Books 35€ 35€
BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya BRODSKY, Alexander; UTKIN, Ilya Cancelled 6/21/90 (1:1 Edition) l’Esprit de l’Escalier Book Culture / Architecture / Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints 280€ 280€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines Box Set, Volumes 1 & 2 Witte de With 2014 Zines / Queer Culture 120€ 120€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines vol.1 (second edition) Printed Matter 2013 Queer Culture / Anthologies / Zines 60€ 60€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines vol.2 Printed Matter 2014 Queer Culture / Zines / Anthologies 60€ 60€
BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) From Conceptualism to Feminism. Lucy Lippard’s Numbers Shows 1969-74 Afterall Books 2012 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Art History / Feminism 50€ 50€
CASSER, Anja; VIEGENER, Matias (eds.) CASSER, Anja; VIEGENER, Matias (eds.) Kathy Acker. Get Rid of Meaning Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Monographs / Literature 28€ 28€
CHAN, Paul CHAN, Paul New New Testament Badlands Unlimited Monographs / Artists' Books 400€ 400€
CHUNG, Jay & MAEDA, Takeki Q CHUNG, Jay & MAEDA, Takeki Q Letters Kölnischer Kunstverein 2018 Artists' Books 65€ 65€
CHUNG, Jay & MAEDA, Takeki Q CHUNG, Jay & MAEDA, Takeki Q Jay Chung and Q Takeki Maeda x Teruo Nishiyama Self-Published 2019 Artists' Books 130€ 130€
CLAURA, Michel (ed.) CLAURA, Michel (ed.) À Pierre et Marie. Une exposition en travaux Association pour l’Avenir de l’Art Actuel 1986 Exhibition Catalogues / Art Spaces 60€ 60€
COKES, Tony COKES, Tony SM BNGRZ. [New Order Edit] saxpublishers 2022 Artists' Books / Music & Sound / Film & Video 50€ 50€
DEAN, Tacita DEAN, Tacita Tacita Dean Antigone Laurenz Foundation | Schaulager 2021 Artists' Books / Film & Video 35€ 35€
DICK, Leslie ; PEDROSA, Adriano DICK, Leslie ; PEDROSA, Adriano A List of Students Enrolled in Post Studio Art X-Tra Magazine Artists' Books / Education 20€ 20€
DOCKX, Nico; TYFUS, Dennis DOCKX, Nico; TYFUS, Dennis Nico Dockx talks with Dennis Tyfus Stockmans 2018 Artists' Books 250€ 250€
DONNELLY, Trisha: PORTER, Jenelle (ed.) DONNELLY, Trisha: PORTER, Jenelle (ed.) Trisha Donnelly ICA Philadelphia 2008 Artists' Books 30€ 30€
DORFMAN, Ariel; MATTELART Armand DORFMAN, Ariel; MATTELART Armand How to read Donald Duck Pluto Press 2019 Essays / Politics / Facsimile & Reprints 17€ 17€
EARNEST, Jarrett (ed.) EARNEST, Jarrett (ed.) The Young and Evil. Queer modernism in New York David Zwirner Books 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Queer Culture 70€ 70€
EISENMAN, Nicole EISENMAN, Nicole Nicole Eisenman Kunsthalle Zürich / JRP|Ringier 2011 Monographs 70€ 70€
ESTRELA, Alexandre; HARRISON, Scott (eds.) ESTRELA, Alexandre; HARRISON, Scott (eds.) manual Self-Published 2003 Comics & Illustrations 10€ 10€
EXPERIMENTAL JETSET EXPERIMENTAL JETSET Statement and Counter-Statement (Notes on Experimental Jetset) Volume 1 [Blue cover] ROMA Publications 2017 Essays / Graphic Design / Typography 80€ 80€
FELLA, Ed.; CABIANCA, David (ed.) FELLA, Ed.; CABIANCA, David (ed.) Ed Fella: A Life in Images Unit Editions Monographs / Graphic Design / Scenes 82€ 82€
FISCHER, Urs; BADER, Darren FISCHER, Urs; BADER, Darren The Bearded Island (The Artist's Lament) / An essay commissioned for the exhibition: "Remembering Henry's Show" Self-Published 2009 Monographs / Artists' Books 40€ 40€
FISHER, Morgan; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) FISHER, Morgan; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) Morgan Fisher: Conversations Aspen Art Museum 2014 Monographs / Conversations / Conceptual Art / Film & Video 35€ 35€
FOS FOS One Language Traveller InOtherWords 2014 Photography / Artists' Books / Graphic Design 120€ 120€
FRASER, Andrea FRASER, Andrea 2016 (In Museums, Money, and Politics) MIT Press / CCA Wattis / Westreich Wagner 2018 Artists' Books / Art Theory / Politics 120€ 120€
GAMPER, Martino GAMPER, Martino 100 Chairs in 100 Days and its 100 Ways (not Lost In Translation) [Japanese Edition] Dent-De-Leone 2015 Artists' Books / Design 45€ 45€
GIORNO, John; WALDMAN, Anne GIORNO, John; WALDMAN, Anne John Giorno & Anne Waldman (A Kulchur Selection) Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1977 LPs & EPs / Poetry 50€ 50€
GROUP MATERIAL GROUP MATERIAL Market Freedom Group Material 1995 Multiples & Ephemera 65€ 65€
GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (ed) GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (ed) Vincent Fecteau. The good, the bad, and the ugly greengrassi / Galerie Buchholz / Sternberg Press 2015 Artists' Books 60€ 60€
GUYTON, Wade GUYTON, Wade Wade Guyton: Black Paintings JRP|Ringier 2011 Artists' Books 600€ 600€
HAEG, Fritz HAEG, Fritz Sundown Salon Evil Twin Monographs / Artists' Books 120€ 120€
HAMILTON, David; ROTH, Dieter HAMILTON, David; ROTH, Dieter Canciones de Cadaques Primary Information LPs & EPs / Facsimile & Reprints 200€ 200€
HAWKINS, Richard; BURGHER, Elijah HAWKINS, Richard; BURGHER, Elijah Sperm Cult Bad Dimension Press 2017 Queer Culture / Artists' Books 70€ 70€
HAWKINS, Richard; MÜLLER, Christopher (ed.); VAN DUYN, Edna (ed.) HAWKINS, Richard; MÜLLER, Christopher (ed.); VAN DUYN, Edna (ed.) Richard Hawkins. Of two minds, simultaneously Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / De Appel 2009 Monographs 80€ 80€
HEGRAY, Hendrik HEGRAY, Hendrik Patrick Raes Self-Published 2020 Artists' Books / Zines 25€ 25€
HOWE, Susan HOWE, Susan Singularities Wesleyan University Press 1990 Poetry 20€ 20€
HUBERMAN, Anthony; PFEIFFER, Paul; FUNKE, Bettina (eds.) HUBERMAN, Anthony; PFEIFFER, Paul; FUNKE, Bettina (eds.) Grey Flags Sculpture Center 2006 Exhibition Catalogues / Book Culture / Documents 100€ 100€
JAFA, Arthur JAFA, Arthur ***** Gladstone Gallery 2024 Monographs / Film & Video 15€ 15€
JAMIE, Cameron JAMIE, Cameron Decapitron #26: Cameron Jamie Shoboshobo Books 2011 Artists' Books / Zines 375€ 375€
JAMISON, Aaron Flint JAMISON, Aaron Flint YU Contemporary VS Dept. of Revenue Oregon & Mult. Co. Assessor Galerie Max Mayer Artists' Books / Politics 250€ 250€
KEEFER, Angie; PEETERS, Julie (ed.) KEEFER, Angie; PEETERS, Julie (ed.) This is about Ruder. A Lineto specimen Lineto 2023 Multiples & Ephemera / Specimen / Typography / Poetry 40€ 40€
KELLEY, Mike; FALCKENBERG, Harald (ed.); KELLEY, Mike; FALCKENBERG, Harald (ed.); Mike Kelley: 99.9998% Remaining Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2012 Monographs 80€ 80€
KEMPENAERS, Jan KEMPENAERS, Jan Picturesque [ROMA 173] SPECIAL EDITION w/ "House" Ed. 2/20 ROMA Publications Monographs / Photography 200€ 200€
KINMONT, Ben KINMONT, Ben On Becoming something else (Broadside) Antinomian Press 2009 Multiples & Ephemera 50€ 50€
KINMONT, Ben KINMONT, Ben Antinomian Press: Sometimes you must close a door… (Broadside) Antinomian Press 2016 Multiples & Ephemera 800€ 800€
KINMONT, Ben KINMONT, Ben Gastronomie (Broadside) Antinomian Press 2009 Multiples & Ephemera 500€ 500€
KINMONT, Ben KINMONT, Ben An exhibition in your mouth (Broadside) Antinomian Press 2002 Multiples & Ephemera 800€ 800€
KIPPENBERGER, Martin KIPPENBERGER, Martin The Happy End of Franz Kafka’s »Amerika« Oktagon 2000 Monographs 75€ 75€
KREBBER, Michael KREBBER, Michael Apothekerman Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2000 Monographs 100€ 100€
KURI, Gabriel KURI, Gabriel Compost Index ROMA Publications 2005 Monographs 70€ 70€
LAMELAS, David; VAN KOOIJ, Barbera (ed.) LAMELAS, David; VAN KOOIJ, Barbera (ed.) A New Refutation of Time Richter Verlag 1997 Monographs / Conceptual Art 150€ 150€
LAWSON, Tom (cur.) LAWSON, Tom (cur.) A Fatal Attraction: Art and The Media The Renaissance Society Artists' Writings / Exhibition Catalogues / Group Shows 25€ 25€
LEAVITT, William LEAVITT, William The Particles (of White Naugahyde) 1rst edition Edition Patrick Frey / Studiolo Monographs / Artists' Writings 50€ 50€
LEDARE, Leigh; ANASTAS, Rhea LEDARE, Leigh; ANASTAS, Rhea Double Bind A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
LEGUILLON, Pierre LEGUILLON, Pierre Le Tapis (fair use) ROMA Publications Monographs / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
LOREN, Cary (ed.) LOREN, Cary (ed.) Destroy All Monsters Magazine 1976 - 1979 Primary Information 2011 (1976) Zines / Scenes / Facsimile & Reprints 120€ 120€
LOZANO, Lee LOZANO, Lee Lozano c.1962 Karma 2016 Monographs 120€ 120€
LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) Petite Mort: Recollections of a Queer Public Forever & Today / Inc. 2011 Anthologies / Queer Culture / Sex / Urban Studies / Scenes 50€ 50€
MAUSS, Nick MAUSS, Nick Geschenkpapiere Koenig Books Monographs / Artists' Books 250€ 250€
MAXIMAGE (ed.) MAXIMAGE (ed.) Color Library – Research into Color Reproduction and Printing ECAL / Maximage 2018 Graphic Design 120€ 120€
MOORE, Thurston MOORE, Thurston The W.C. 28 – Reindeer Cum White Columns Music & Sound / Zines 16€ 16€
MORRIS, Michael; TRASOV, Vincent MORRIS, Michael; TRASOV, Vincent Hand of the Spirit: Documents of the Seventies from the Morris/Trasov Archive Vancouver UBC Fine Arts Gallery 1992 Exhibition Catalogues / Multiples & Ephemera / Queer Culture / Scenes 45€ 45€
NEUBAUER, Susanne NEUBAUER, Susanne Paul Thek in Process. Commentaries on/of an Exhibition Revolver 2014 Exhibition Catalogues / Monographs 30€ 30€
NEUHAUS, Max NEUHAUS, Max Two Sound Works 1989 Kunsthalle Bern / Kölnischer Kunstverein 1989 Exhibition Catalogues / Music & Sound 60€ 60€
NICHOL, bp NICHOL, bp book of variations Coach House Books 2013 Poetry 25€ 25€
NICKAS, Bob; SHUSTER, Matt NICKAS, Bob; SHUSTER, Matt Another Music In a Different Kitchen: Studio Recordings & Records By Artists Karma 2019 Music & Sound / Artists' Books 40€ 40€
NIELSON, Mariah; ÅBÄKE NIELSON, Mariah; ÅBÄKE JB BLUNK (first edition) Dent-De-Leone 2020 Material Culture / Ecology / Crafts 80€ 80€
NOLAND, Cady; ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.) NOLAND, Cady; ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.) The Clip-On Method Galerie Buchholz 2021 Artists' Books / Documents / Artists' Writings 90€ 90€
OBRIST, Hans Ulrich OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Think Like Clouds Badlands Unlimited Curatorial Studies / Artists' Books 300€ 300€
OEHLEN, Albert OEHLEN, Albert Albert Oehlen Ridinghouse 2008 Artists' Books / Monographs 40€ 40€
OLESEN, Henrik OLESEN, Henrik How Do I Make Myself a Body Hatje Cantz Monographs 70€ 70€
OLESEN, Henrik OLESEN, Henrik Some Faggy Gestures JRP|Ringier / Migros Museum fur gegenwartskunst 2008 Artists' Books / Queer Culture 75€ 75€
PEETERS, Julie PEETERS, Julie BILL newspaper Bill 2021 Fashion 70€ 70€
PEETERS, Julie (ed.) PEETERS, Julie (ed.) BILL 4 Bill 2022 Periodicals / Photography / Graphic Design / Art History / Fashion / Book Culture 40€ 40€
PEETERS, Julie (ed.) PEETERS, Julie (ed.) BILL 5 Bill 2024 Periodicals / Photography / Graphic Design / Fashion / Book Culture 40€ 40€
PFEFFER, Susanne (ed.) PFEFFER, Susanne (ed.) You Killed Me First. The Cinema Of Transgression Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Essays / Film & Video / 15€ 15€
PRICE, Seth PRICE, Seth Price, Seth JRP|Ringier / Kunsthalle Zürich / Kölnischer Kunstverein 2010 Monographs / Artists' Writings 80€ 80€
PRICE, Seth PRICE, Seth Dedicated to Life Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi 2020 Artists' Writings 28€ 28€
PRICE, Seth PRICE, Seth Curiositas Self-Published 2021 CDs & Tapes / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
PRICE, Seth PRICE, Seth Was ist Los 38th Street 2010 (2003-2005) Artists' Books 100€ 100€
PRICE, Seth PRICE, Seth Soundtracks For Painters Self-Published 2019 Music & Sound 100€ 100€
RINGGOLD, Faith RINGGOLD, Faith Faith Ringgold (Serpentine galleries) Serpentine Galleries 2019 Monographs 50€ 50€
RODZIELSKI, Clément (ed.) RODZIELSKI, Clément (ed.) PALME [New York 2019 edition] Self-Published 2019 Zines / Scenes 6€ 6€
SHEA, Daniel ; OK-RM SHEA, Daniel ; OK-RM Ex Nihilo InOtherWords 2019 Photography / Graphic Design / Artists' Books 75€ 75€
SIEGEL, Amie; KRISHNAMURTHY, Prem (ed.) SIEGEL, Amie; KRISHNAMURTHY, Prem (ed.) Amie Siegel: Catalogue Inventory Press 2015 Artists' Books / Design 450€ 450€
SMITH, Jack SMITH, Jack The Beautiful Book Granary Books Artists' Books 500€ 500€
SMITH, Michael; SKINNER, Doug SMITH, Michael; SKINNER, Doug Doug and Mike's Adult Entertainment 2nd Cannons 2008 DVDs / Film & Video / Monographs 20€ 20€
STEEDS, Lucy; et al (eds) STEEDS, Lucy; et al (eds) Making art global. (Part 2) Magiciens de la terre, 1989 Afterall Books 2013 Art History 65€ 65€
STETTHEIMER, Florine STETTHEIMER, Florine Florine Stettheimer: New Directions in Multimodal Modernism Book*hug 2019 Monographs 28€ 28€
STRAU, Josef; ØVSTEBØ, Solveig (eds.) STRAU, Josef; ØVSTEBØ, Solveig (eds.) The New World 2. Travels in Turtle Island The Renaissance Society 2014 Exhibition Catalogues / Artists' Writings 33€ 33€
STURTEVANT STURTEVANT Sturtevant, Author of the Quixote Koenig Books 2009 Artists' Books 200€ 200€
SURKOV, Vladislav SURKOV, Vladislav Almost Zero Inpatient Press 2017 Literature / Politics 20€ 20€
SUTER, Batia SUTER, Batia Parallel Encyclopedia #1 [reprint] ROMA Publications 2021 Artists' Books 75€ 75€
THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat. The Dial-A-Poem Poets Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1980 LPs & EPs / Poetry 75€ 75€
THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS Biting off the Tongue of a Corpse Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1975 LPs & EPs / Poetry 75€ 75€
THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS Life is a Killer Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1982 LPs & EPs / Poetry 50€ 50€
THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS THE DIAL-A-POEM POETS Totally Corrupt Giorno Poetry Systems Institute 1976 LPs & EPs / Poetry 100€ 100€
THEK, Paul THEK, Paul Artist's Artist MIT Press 2021 Monographs 120€ 120€
TORCHIA, Richard; SEE, Zachary (eds) TORCHIA, Richard; SEE, Zachary (eds) Photocopier. A Survey of Prints and Books (1974-83) Arcadia University 2016 Monographs 60€ 60€
TZARA, Tristan; NURSE WITH WOUND TZARA, Tristan; NURSE WITH WOUND Minuits pour géants Lenka Lente 2020 Literature / Music & Sound 25€ 25€
UPRITCHARD, Francis UPRITCHARD, Francis Every Colour By Itself [1st edition] Dent-De-Leone 2009 Monographs 45€ 45€
UPRITCHARD, Francis; KUBIN, Alfred UPRITCHARD, Francis; KUBIN, Alfred The Other Side / A Hand Of Cards Dent-De-Leone Monographs 40€ 40€
VON HELLERMAN, Sophie VON HELLERMAN, Sophie Judgement Day Koenig Books 2006 Monographs 26€ 26€
WEKUA, Andro WEKUA, Andro Gems Survey Karma 2014 Monographs / Artists' Books 80€ 80€
WIJNEN, Riet (eds.) WIJNEN, Riet (eds.) Abstraction Création Kunstverein Amsterdam Art History / Facsimile & Reprints 40€ 40€
WILLIAMS, Christopher WILLIAMS, Christopher Printed in Germany: 3 colors SET Koenig Books Monographs / Artists' Books 300€ 300€
WILLIAMS, Christopher WILLIAMS, Christopher The Production Line of Happiness (green edition) Art Institute of Chicago / Yale University Press Monographs / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
WILLIAMS, Reese (ed.) WILLIAMS, Reese (ed.) Fire Over Water Tanam Press Literature 60€ 60€
WOJNAROWICZ, David WOJNAROWICZ, David Seven: ... :Sounds Aloes Books 2018 Artists' Writings / Essays / Queer Culture 35€ 35€
WONG, Martin; AULT, Julie; KNES, Heinz Peter; VO, Danh WONG, Martin; AULT, Julie; KNES, Heinz Peter; VO, Danh I·M·U U·R·2 Galerie Buchholz 2013 Monographs 55€ 55€
WOODMAN, Francesca; CASETTI, Giuseppe (ed.); STOCCHI, Francesco (ed.) WOODMAN, Francesca; CASETTI, Giuseppe (ed.); STOCCHI, Francesco (ed.) Francesca Woodman. Roma 1977–1981 AGMA 2011 Monographs / Photography 180€ 180€
ZARKA, Raphaël (ed.) ZARKA, Raphaël (ed.) Riding Modern Art B42 2017 Artists' Books / Photography / Urban Studies 50€ 50€