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BADOVINAC, Zdenka BADOVINAC, Zdenka Unannounced Voices. Curatorial Practice and Changing Institutions Sternberg Press 2022 Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
GERRITY, Jeanne; FRANCIS, Jacqueline (eds) GERRITY, Jeanne; FRANCIS, Jacqueline (eds) Is Now the Time for Joyous Rage? – (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 4) Sternberg Press 2023 Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) What happens between the knots? (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 3) Sternberg Press / CCA Wattis 2022 Anthologies / Art Theory / Artists' Writings 12€ 12€
ABLOH, Virgil ABLOH, Virgil “Insert Complicated Title Here” Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2018 Education / Fashion / Graphic Design 12€ 12€
ADAMS, Abraham; CANTOR, Lou (eds.) ADAMS, Abraham; CANTOR, Lou (eds.) Intersubjectivity Vol. I. Language and Misunderstanding Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) Sibyl’s Mouths Sternberg Press 2023 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Literature 22€ 22€
AIKENS, Nick; ROBLES, Elizabeth (eds.) AIKENS, Nick; ROBLES, Elizabeth (eds.) The Place is Here: The Work of Black Artists in 1980s Britain Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Group Shows / Postcolonial Studies 31€ 31€
ALVES, Maria Thereza ALVES, Maria Thereza The Long Road to Xico / El largo camino a Xico, 1991-2015 Sternberg Press Monographs 22€ 22€
AMARO, Ramon AMARO, Ramon The Black Technical Object – On Machine Learning and the Aspiration of Black Being Sternberg Press 2022 Black Studies / Technology 40€ 40€
ANTUNES, Leonor ANTUNES, Leonor The constant inequality of Leonor's days* Sternberg Press / Calouste Gulbekian Founbdation 2024 Monographs 28€ 28€
ARANDA, Julieta; KUAN WOOD, Brian; VIDOKLE, Anton; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; BECKETT, Colin ARANDA, Julieta; KUAN WOOD, Brian; VIDOKLE, Anton; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; BECKETT, Colin Wonderflux - a decade of e-flux journal Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Comics & Illustrations / Periodicals 18€ 18€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) e-flux journal – What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do with It? Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Politics / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) Art without Death. Conversations on Russian Cosmism Sternberg Press / e-flux 2017 Art History / Art Theory / Conversations / Essays / Philosophy 18€ 18€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) e-flux journal – The Internet Does Not Exist Sternberg Press 2015 Media Studies / Essays 12€ 12€
ART+POSITIVE ART+POSITIVE Militant Eroticism: The ART+POSITIVE Archive Sternberg Press 2017 Monographs 28€ 28€
ARUNDHATI-THOMAS, Skye; LAJMI, Lalitha ARUNDHATI-THOMAS, Skye; LAJMI, Lalitha Lalitha Lajmi Sternberg Press 2024 Monographs 14€ 14€
ATELIER BOW-WOW ATELIER BOW-WOW Architectural Ethnography Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2017 Architecture / Education 12€ 12€
ATTIA, Kader; FRANKE, Anselm; TEIXEIRA PINTO, Ana (eds.) ATTIA, Kader; FRANKE, Anselm; TEIXEIRA PINTO, Ana (eds.) The White West: Fascism, Unreason, and the Paradox of Modernity Sternberg Press / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2023 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Politics / History 21.95€ 21.95€
AUDER, Michel AUDER, Michel Stories, Myths, Ironies and other Songs: Conceived, Directed, Edited, and Produced by M. Auder Sternberg Press Monographs 45€ 45€
AVANESSIAN, Armen AVANESSIAN, Armen Overwrite. Ethics of Knowledge - Poetics of Existence Sternberg Press Essays 20€ 20€
AVANESSIAN, Armen AVANESSIAN, Armen Miamification Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) Perhaps It Is High Time for a Xeno-architecture to Match Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Architecture / Design / Politics / Ecology 15€ 15€
BAILEY, Dave Hullfish BAILEY, Dave Hullfish What's Left Sternberg Press / Casco Projects Monographs / Artists' Books / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
BAILEY, Dave Hullfish; WATSON, Sam BAILEY, Dave Hullfish; WATSON, Sam CityCat Project – 2006-2016 Sternberg Press 2017 Monographs / Artists' Books / Postcolonial Studies 22€ 22€
BAL, Mieke BAL, Mieke The Contemporary Condition. Exhibition-ism : Temporal Togetherness Sternberg Press 2020 Artists' Writings / Curatorial Studies 8€ 8€
BALASKAS, Bill; RITO, Carolina BALASKAS, Bill; RITO, Carolina Institution as Praxis – New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research Sternberg Press 2020 Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
BALDAUF, Anette; GRUBER, Stefan; HILLE, Moira; KRAUSS, Annette; MILLER, Vladimir; VERLIČ, Mara; WANG, Hong-Kai; WIEGER, Julia (eds.) BALDAUF, Anette; GRUBER, Stefan; HILLE, Moira; KRAUSS, Annette; MILLER, Vladimir; VERLIČ, Mara; WANG, Hong-Kai; WIEGER, Julia (eds.) Spaces of Commoning Sternberg Press 2017 Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
BAROIS DE CAEVEL, Eva; ROELANDT, Els (EDS.) BAROIS DE CAEVEL, Eva; ROELANDT, Els (EDS.) Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise Sternberg Press 2017 Postcolonial Studies / Scenes / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
BAUER, Joseph BAUER, Joseph Works 1965-Today Sternberg Press Monographs 30€ 30€
BEACHER, Hannah; Steward, Jacqueline; GRIGGIN, Toni L. BEACHER, Hannah; Steward, Jacqueline; GRIGGIN, Toni L. Design in a frame of emotion Sternberg Press 2020 Design / Conversations 14€ 14€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin An Organized System of Instructions Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts / Sternberg Press Monographs 25€ 25€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin The Aspen Complex Sternberg Press 2012 Artists' Books / Ecology / Design 25€ 25€
BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) Art in the Periphery of the Center Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 26€ 26€
BELL, Kirsty BELL, Kirsty The Artist’s House Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BENDER, Annika BENDER, Annika Death of an Art Critic / Tod einer Kritikerin Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2017 Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Scenes 10€ 10€
BERNADETTE CORPORATION BERNADETTE CORPORATION Eine Pinot Grigio, Bitte Sternberg Press Monographs / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
BERRY, Josephine BERRY, Josephine Art and (Bare) Life: A Biopolitical Inquiry Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 25€ 25€
BËRZIŅŠ, Kārlis; DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga; IŠORA, Petras; LOZURAITYTĖ, Ona; PAEGLE, Niklāvs; SMILGA, Dagnija; TALI, Johan; ZARIŅA, Laila; ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) BËRZIŅŠ, Kārlis; DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga; IŠORA, Petras; LOZURAITYTĖ, Ona; PAEGLE, Niklāvs; SMILGA, Dagnija; TALI, Johan; ZARIŅA, Laila; ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) The Baltic Atlas Sternberg Press Essays / Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture 30€ 30€
BIBBY, Gerry BIBBY, Gerry The Drumhead Sternberg Press 2014 Literature / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
BIRCH, Jesse; HOLDER, Will BIRCH, Jesse; HOLDER, Will The Mill Sternberg Press 2020 Ecology / Group Shows 20€ 20€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov Spacing Philosophy: Lyotard and the Idea of the Exhibition Sternberg Press 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays / Philosophy 19€ 19€
BISHOP, Steve BISHOP, Steve Deliquescing Sternberg Press 2018 Monographs / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
BLANK, Irma BLANK, Irma Eigenschriften Sternberg Press 2019 Monographs 39€ 39€
BLOM, Ina BLOM, Ina The Autobiography of Video, The Life and Times of a Memory Technology Sternberg Press Essays / Film & Video / Media Studies 24€ 24€
BLOM, Ina BLOM, Ina Houses To Die In and Other Essays on Art Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Essays 24€ 24€
BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel Playmates and Playboys at a Higher Level. J. V. Martin and the Situationist International Sternberg Press 2014 Essays / Art History 9€ 9€
BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel The Contemporary Condition. Hegel after Occupy Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 9€ 9€
BORASI, Giovanna; FERRÉ, Albert; GARUTTI, Francesco; KELLEY, Jayne; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) BORASI, Giovanna; FERRÉ, Albert; GARUTTI, Francesco; KELLEY, Jayne; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) Le musée ne suffit pas Sternberg Press 2020 Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique 18€ 18€
BORGEN, Maibritt; LUND, Jacob; SLAGER, Henk; VAN DER TUIN, Iris (eds.) BORGEN, Maibritt; LUND, Jacob; SLAGER, Henk; VAN DER TUIN, Iris (eds.) The Contemporary Condition. Challenging Institutionalization: A propositional Toolkit for doing Supervision of Artistic and Practice-Based Research  Sternberg Press 2024 Essays / Education 8€ 8€
BOSOLD, Birgit; FRITSCH, Lena; HOFMANN, Vera; KRASNY, Elke; LINGG, Sophie (eds.) BOSOLD, Birgit; FRITSCH, Lena; HOFMANN, Vera; KRASNY, Elke; LINGG, Sophie (eds.) Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating Sternberg Press 2022 Curatorial Studies / Feminism 22€ 22€
BOTANOVA, Kateryna; KAMARA, Yarri; LATIMER, Quinn (eds.) BOTANOVA, Kateryna; KAMARA, Yarri; LATIMER, Quinn (eds.) Sahara: A Thousand Paths Into the Future Sternberg Press 2023 Exhibition Catalogues 25€ 25€
BOTANOVA, Kateryna; LATIMER, Quinn (eds.) BOTANOVA, Kateryna; LATIMER, Quinn (eds.) Amazonia: Anthology as Cosmology Sternberg Press 2021 Postcolonial Studies / Exhibition Catalogues 35€ 35€
BOUDRY, Pauline; LORENZ, Renate BOUDRY, Pauline; LORENZ, Renate Aftershow Sternberg Press Monographs 25€ 25€
BOUDRY, Pauline; LORENZ, Renate BOUDRY, Pauline; LORENZ, Renate I Want Sternberg Press Monographs / Artists' Books 20€ 20€
BRAIDOTTI, Rosi BRAIDOTTI, Rosi Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities Sternberg Press / Harvard Design Press 2024 Essays / Philosophy 14€ 14€
BRATTON, Benjamin H. BRATTON, Benjamin H. e-flux journal – Dispute Plan to Prevent Future Luxury Constitution Sternberg Press Media Studies / Essays 12€ 12€
BRENEZ, Nicole BRENEZ, Nicole “We Support Everything since the Dawn of Time That Has Struggled and Still Struggles.” Introduction to Lettrist Cinema Sternberg Press 2014 Essays / Film & Video / Art History 8€ 8€
BRENEZ, Nicole; LARCHER, Jonathan; PAISTIK, Alo Paistik; SIKU, Skaya (eds.) BRENEZ, Nicole; LARCHER, Jonathan; PAISTIK, Alo Paistik; SIKU, Skaya (eds.) FILM X Autochtonous Struggles Today Sternberg Press 2024 Anthologies / Film & Video / Media Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Indigenous Peoples / Ecology 22€ 22€
BRYSON, Fiona; CYTTER, Keren BRYSON, Fiona; CYTTER, Keren The Poetic Series : Fear of Language Sternberg Press Poetry 12€ 12€
BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer, Orchestrator, Ethnographer, Choreographer, Poet, Archivist, Forger, Curator, and Many Other Things First Sternberg Press 2018 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
BURR, Tom BURR, Tom Anthology: Writings 1991-2015 FRAC Champagne-Ardennes / Sternberg Press 2016 Monographs / Artists' Writings 30€ 30€
BURROWS, Dani; CEZAR, Aaron (eds.) BURROWS, Dani; CEZAR, Aaron (eds.) Politics of Food Sternberg Press 2020 Art Theory / Food Culture 24€ 24€
BUSCH, Annett; HERING, Tobias (eds.) BUSCH, Annett; HERING, Tobias (eds.) Tell It to the Stones. Encounters with the Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub Sternberg Press 2021 Essays / Film & Video / Monographs 26€ 26€
CAMNITZER, Luis CAMNITZER, Luis e-flux journal – One Number Is Worth One Word Sternberg Press 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
CANELL, Nina CANELL, Nina Stray Warmings Midway Contemporary Art / Sternberg Press Monographs / Artists' Books 26€ 26€
CANTOR, Ellen CANTOR, Ellen A history of the world as it has become known to me Sternberg Press 2018 Monographs 27€ 27€
CANTOR, Lou; ROCHESTER, Katherine (eds.) CANTOR, Lou; ROCHESTER, Katherine (eds.) Intersubjectivity Vol. II. Scripting the Human Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Essays / Media Studies 19€ 19€
CANTOR, Lou; WATLINGTON, Emily (eds.) CANTOR, Lou; WATLINGTON, Emily (eds.) Intersubjectivity Vol. III. Relative Intimacy Sternberg Press 2022 Essays / Media Studies / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
CARPENTER, Merlin CARPENTER, Merlin The opening Sternberg Press Monographs 28€ 28€
CARPENTER, Merlin CARPENTER, Merlin Midcareer paintings Sternberg Press Monographs / Painting 25€ 25€
CARPENTER, Merlin CARPENTER, Merlin “The Outside Can’t Go Outside” Sternberg Press 2018 Artists' Writings / Essays 12€ 12€
CASAVECCHIA, Barbara (ed.) CASAVECCHIA, Barbara (ed.) Thus Waves Come in Pairs – Thinking with the Mediterraneans Sternberg Press 2023 Essays / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
CECCHETTI, Alex CECCHETTI, Alex Tamam Shud Sternberg Press 2018 Artists' Writings / Essays / Literature 15€ 15€
CHACON, Raven CHACON, Raven A Worm's Eye View From a Bird's Beak Sternberg Press 2024 Monographs / Music & Sound 29€ 29€
CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) Helen Khal. Gallery One and Beirut in the 1960s Sternberg Press 2023 Art Spaces / Biographies 25€ 25€
CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) Casco Issues #12 - Generous Structures Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 19€ 19€
COBURN, Tyler COBURN, Tyler Richard Roe Sternberg Press 2019 Artists' Books / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
COBURN, Tyler COBURN, Tyler Solitary Sternberg Press 2022 Artists' Writings 22€ 22€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex EP Vol. 2 – Design Fiction Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory / Design / Architecture 22€ 22€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex The Transdisciplinary Studio Sternberg Press 2012 Art Theory 22€ 22€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex Tainted Love – From Nina Simone to Kendrick Lamar Sternberg Press 2023 Music & Sound 16€ 16€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex Fusion! From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother Sternberg Press 2024 Essays / Music & Sound 16.95€ 16.95€
COLES, Alex; ROSSI, Catharine (eds.) COLES, Alex; ROSSI, Catharine (eds.) EP Vol. 3 – Post-Craft Sternberg Press 2022 Crafts 22€ 22€
COLOMINA, Beatriz COLOMINA, Beatriz Manifesto Architecture: The Ghost of Mies — Critical Spatial Practice 3 Sternberg Press Architecture / Essays 15€ 15€
CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) Support Structures Sternberg Press 2009 Anthologies / Economy / Art Spaces / Documents / Institutional Critique 40€ 40€
COSMIN, Costinaș; JANEVSKI, Ana (eds.) COSMIN, Costinaș; JANEVSKI, Ana (eds.) Is the Living Body the Last Thing Left Alive? Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Performance / Postcolonial Studies 40€ 40€
COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti (eds.) COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti (eds.) What to Let Go? Sternberg Press / Para Site 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Politics / Indigenous Peoples / Postcolonial Studies 26€ 26€
COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti; MA, Lesley (eds.) COSTINAS, Cosmin; GUERRERO, Inti; MA, Lesley (eds.) A Journal of the Plague Year Sternberg Press Exhibition Catalogues / Politics / Essays 30€ 30€
COX Geoff, LUND Jacob COX Geoff, LUND Jacob The Contemporary Condition. Introductory Thoughts on Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Art Theory 9€ 9€
COX, Christoph; JASKEY, Jenny; MALIK, Suhail COX, Christoph; JASKEY, Jenny; MALIK, Suhail Realism Materialism Art Sternberg Press Graphic Design / Essays 25€ 25€
COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) The Contemporary Condition. Contemporary Research Intensive Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 9€ 9€
DANY, Hans-Christian; KNOLL, Valérie (ed.); LOICHINGER, Hannes (ed.) DANY, Hans-Christian; KNOLL, Valérie (ed.); LOICHINGER, Hannes (ed.) No Dandy, No Fun Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2023 Essays / Art Theory 18€ 18€
DAVIDIAN, Anne; JEANPIERRE, Laurent (eds.) DAVIDIAN, Anne; JEANPIERRE, Laurent (eds.) What Makes an Assembly ? Sternberg Press 2022 Philosophy / Essays 28€ 28€
DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) Futurity Report. Counter-Histories Vol. 1 Sternberg Press 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Politics / Art Theory 24€ 24€
DE GRUYTER, Jos; THYS, Harald DE GRUYTER, Jos; THYS, Harald Das Wunder des Lebens Sternberg Press 2015 Monographs 48€ 48€
DE GRUYTER, Jos; THYS, Harald DE GRUYTER, Jos; THYS, Harald Optimundus Sternberg Press Monographs 20€ 20€
DEAN, Aria DEAN, Aria Bad Infinity Sternberg Press 2023 Art Theory 19€ 19€
DEMOS, T. J. DEMOS, T. J. Decolonizing Nature. Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Politics / Ecology 23€ 23€
Demos, T. J. Demos, T. J. Against the Anthropocene – Visual Culture and Environment Today Sternberg Press 2017 Ecology / Essays 18€ 18€
DEMOS, T. J. DEMOS, T. J. Radical Futurisms. Ecologies of Collapse, Chronopolitics, and Justice to Come Sternberg Press 2023 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Ecology / Politics 19€ 19€
DEMOS, T.J. DEMOS, T.J. Return to the Postcolony Sternberg Press 2013 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Politics 19€ 19€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER Universal Serial Bus [USB key] Sternberg Press Graphic Design / Artists' Books 19€ 19€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER The Contemporary Condition. Notes on the Type, Time, Letters & Spirits Sternberg Press 2017 Graphic Design / Media Studies / Essays 9€ 9€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER YKSIHW KCALB Sternberg Press 2023 Food Culture / Book Culture 25€ 25€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #10 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #11 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #12 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 20€ 20€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #3 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 10€ 10€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #4 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #5 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #6 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #7 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #8 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) DEXTER SINISTER (eds.) Bulletins of the Serving Library #9 Sternberg Press Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich (Over)production and Value / (Über)Produktion und Wert Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2017 Art Theory / Economy / Essays 11€ 11€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) Cybernetics of the Poor Sternberg Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Anthologies / Media Studies / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; FRANKE, Anselm (eds.) DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; FRANKE, Anselm (eds.) Love and Ethnology – The Colonial Dialectic of Sensitivity (after Hubert Fichte) Sternberg Press / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Postcolonial Studies 28€ 28€
DILLEMUTH, Stephen DILLEMUTH, Stephen Schall und Rauch – Eine Revue in Bildern / Sound and Smoke – A Revue in Pictures Sternberg Press Monographs 22€ 22€
DILLON, Brian DILLON, Brian Objects in this mirror Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 22€ 22€
DILLON, Brian DILLON, Brian Sanctuary Sternberg Press Literature 16€ 16€
DOWNEY, Anthony DOWNEY, Anthony Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations – Research/Practice 04 Sternberg Press 2024 Art Theory / Monographs 15€ 15€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie Big Objects Not Always Silent (2 vol.) Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Wien Monographs / Design 35€ 35€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie RO-SÉ - a Book as a Bridge Sternberg Press 2022 Monographs 30€ 30€
EBELING, Knut EBELING, Knut The Contemporary Condition. There Is No Now: An Archaeology of Contemporaneity Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory 9€ 9€
EBNER, Martin; MÜLLER, Ariane (eds.) EBNER, Martin; MÜLLER, Ariane (eds.) Poor Man's Expression. Technology, Experimental Film, Conceptual Art Sternberg Press Exhibition Catalogues / Film & Video 29€ 29€
EL BARONI, Bassam (ed.) EL BARONI, Bassam (ed.) Between the Material and the Possible – Infrastructural Re-examination and Speculation in Art Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Institutional Critique 24€ 24€
EL DAHAB, Mai Abu EL DAHAB, Mai Abu Final Vocabulary Sternberg Press Essays / Politics 8€ 8€
EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) After Berkeley. Objectif Exhibitions, 2010-2011 Sternberg Press Art Spaces 18€ 18€
EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) From Berkeley to Berkeley. Objectif Exhibitions, 2008-2010 Sternberg Press Art Spaces 18€ 18€
ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; CHOI, Binna; PETHICK, Emily (eds.) ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; CHOI, Binna; PETHICK, Emily (eds.) Circular Facts Sternberg Press 2011 Art Spaces 15€ 15€
ELTIT, Diamela ELTIT, Diamela Custody of the Eyes Sternberg Press 2022 Literature 12€ 12€
ENSSLIN, Felix; KLINK, Charlotte (eds.) ENSSLIN, Felix; KLINK, Charlotte (eds.) Aesthetics of the Flesh Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
EREK, Cevdet EREK, Cevdet SSS. How to imitate the sound of the shore using two hands and a carpet Sternberg Press / Kayfa ta 2017 Artists' Writings / Performance / Manuals 8€ 8€
ERHARTER, Christiane; SCHWARZLER, Dietmar; SIRCAR, Ruby; SCHEIRL, Hans (eds.) ERHARTER, Christiane; SCHWARZLER, Dietmar; SIRCAR, Ruby; SCHEIRL, Hans (eds.) Pink Labor on Golden Streets - Queer Art Practices Sternberg Press Essays / Politics / Gender Studies / Queer Culture 24€ 24€
ERNST, Wolfgang ERNST, Wolfgang The Contemporary Condition. The Delayed Present Media-Induced Tempor(e)alities & Techno-traumatic Irritations of “the Contemporary” Sternberg Press 2017 Media Studies / Cultural Studies 9€ 9€
EVANS, Cécile B. EVANS, Cécile B. (1770—25k) Sternberg Press 2018 Artists' Books 25€ 25€
EVANS, Cerith Wyn EVANS, Cerith Wyn The What if?...Scenario Sternberg Press Monographs / Artists' Books 30€ 30€
EVANS, Chris EVANS, Chris Goofy Audit Sternberg Press Monographs 26€ 26€
FATTAL, Simone; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich FATTAL, Simone; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Simone Fattal [Imagine/otherwise] Sternberg Press 2025 Conversations / Monographs 15€ 15€
FAUCHERET, Anne; JOURDAN, David (eds.) FAUCHERET, Anne; JOURDAN, David (eds.) The Promise of Total Automation Sternberg Press 2017 Book Culture / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
FEIREISS, Lukas (ed.) FEIREISS, Lukas (ed.) Radical Cut-Up: Nothing Is Original Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
FEND, Peter FEND, Peter Africa-Arctic Flyway – Physiocratic States Sternberg Press 2022 Ecology / Art Theory / Architecture / Essays 30€ 30€
FERREIRA DA SILVA, Denise FERREIRA DA SILVA, Denise Unpayable Debt Sternberg Press 2022 Postcolonial Studies / Economy 22€ 22€
FEZER, Jesko; STUDIO EXPERIMENTELLES DESIGN; BANZ, Claudia FEZER, Jesko; STUDIO EXPERIMENTELLES DESIGN; BANZ, Claudia (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? Sternberg Press 2021 Design / Essays 26€ 26€
FICHTE, Hubert FICHTE, Hubert The Black City Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Conversations / Cultural Studies 24€ 24€
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE Forensis - The Architecture of Public Truth Sternberg Press Architecture 28€ 28€
FOREST, Eva FOREST, Eva A Strange Adventure Sternberg Press 2024 Literature / Performance 12€ 12€
GAITAN, Juan A.; SCHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SZEWCZYK, Monika (eds.) GAITAN, Juan A.; SCHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SZEWCZYK, Monika (eds.) Cornerstones Sternberg Press Essays / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
GARCIA, Dora GARCIA, Dora Mad Marginal Cahier 4 I see word I hear voices Sternberg Press Monographs / Essays 25€ 25€
GARCIA, Tristan; NORMAND, Vincent (eds.) GARCIA, Tristan; NORMAND, Vincent (eds.) Theater, Garden, Bestiary – A Materialist History of Exhibitions Sternberg Press / ECAL 2019 Essays / Cultural Studies / Curatorial Studies / Art History 28€ 28€
GARUTTI, Francesco GARUTTI, Francesco Nos jours heureux Sternberg Press / Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2022 Architecture / Exhibition Catalogues 30€ 30€
GAUGELE, Elke; TITTON, Monika (eds.) GAUGELE, Elke; TITTON, Monika (eds.) Fashion and Postcolonial Critique Sternberg Press 2019 Postcolonial Studies / Fashion / Essays 22€ 22€
GENZKEN, Isa GENZKEN, Isa I’m Isa Genzken, the Only Female Fool Sternberg Press Monographs 19€ 19€
GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) Where are the tiny revolts? – (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 1) Sternberg Press / CCA Wattis 2020 Essays / Art Theory / Feminism / Literature 15€ 15€
GFADER, Verina (ed.) GFADER, Verina (ed.) The Contemporary Condition. The Last Resident Sternberg Press 2019 Artists' Writings 9€ 9€
GIBSON, Beatrice GIBSON, Beatrice The Tiger’s Mind Sternberg Press 2012 Artists' Books 22€ 22€
GIBSON, Beatrice; WIEDER, Alex (eds.) GIBSON, Beatrice; WIEDER, Alex (eds.) Deux Soeurs Sternberg Press 2020 Artists' Books / Essays / Feminism / Film & Video 16€ 16€
GILBERT, Annette GILBERT, Annette Publishing as Artistic Practice Sternberg Press Book Culture / Essays 23€ 23€
GILL, Simryn; TAUSSIG, Michael GILL, Simryn; TAUSSIG, Michael Becoming Palm Sternberg Press Essays / Postcolonial Studies 18€ 18€
GOLDIN+SENNEBY; EINARSSON, Kim GOLDIN+SENNEBY; EINARSSON, Kim The Exquisite Corpse of August Nordenskiöld Sternberg Press Artists' Books / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
GOLDIN+SENNEBY; GUILLET DE MONTHOUX, Pierre (ed.); WIKBERG, Erik (ed.) GOLDIN+SENNEBY; GUILLET DE MONTHOUX, Pierre (ed.); WIKBERG, Erik (ed.) Economic Ekphrasis. Goldin+Senneby and Art for Business Education Sternberg Press 2021 Artists' Books / Economy 16€ 16€
GORDON, Kim GORDON, Kim Is it my body? Selected Texts Sternberg Press 2014 Essays / Music & Sound / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
GORDON, Melissa GORDON, Melissa Material Evidence Sternberg Press / Spike Island Monographs 20€ 20€
GRAHAM, Dan; STEMMRICH, Gregor (ed.) GRAHAM, Dan; STEMMRICH, Gregor (ed.) Some Rockin’ Sternberg Press 2023 Essays / Artists' Writings 22€ 22€
GRATZINGER, Katja (ed.) GRATZINGER, Katja (ed.) In a Manner of Reading Design - The Blind Spot Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Graphic Design / Essays 18€ 18€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle High Price. Art Between the Market and Celebrity Culture Sternberg Press 2010 Essays / Economy / Art Theory 20€ 20€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle The Love of Painting. Genealogy of a Success Medium Sternberg Press 2018 Art Theory / Conversations / Essays 26€ 26€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle In Another World – Notes, 2014–2017 Sternberg Press 2020 Essays 25€ 25€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle Three Cases of Value Reflection – Ponge, Whitten, Banksy Sternberg Press 2021 Art Theory 12€ 12€
GRAW, Isabelle GRAW, Isabelle On the Benefits of Friendship Sternberg Press 2023 Art Theory 22€ 22€
GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel (eds.) GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel (eds.) Canvases and Careers Today. Criticism and Its Markets Sternberg Press 2011 (2nd printing) Essays / Art Theory / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel; HIRSCH, Nikolaus (eds.) GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel; HIRSCH, Nikolaus (eds.) Thinking through Painting. Reflexivity and Agency beyond the Canvas Sternberg Press 2012 Art Theory / Essays 12€ 12€
GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel; HIRSCH, Nikolaus (eds.) GRAW, Isabelle; BIRNBAUM, Daniel; HIRSCH, Nikolaus (eds.) Art & Subjecthood. The Return of the Human Figure in Semiocapitalism Sternberg Press 2011 Art Theory / Essays 15€ 15€
GRAW, Isabelle; LAJER-BURCHARTH, Ewa (eds.) GRAW, Isabelle; LAJER-BURCHARTH, Ewa (eds.) Painting beyond Itself. The Medium in the Post-medium Condition Sternberg Press 2016 Art Theory / Essays / Painting 15€ 15€
GRIGORESCU, Ion GRIGORESCU, Ion Diaries 1970-1975 Sternberg Press Monographs / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
GROYS, Boris GROYS, Boris Particular Cases Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
GROYS, Boris GROYS, Boris Logic of the Collection Sternberg Press 2021 Art Theory / Essays 22€ 22€
GRUBINGER, Eva; HEISER, Jorg (eds.) GRUBINGER, Eva; HEISER, Jorg (eds.) Sculpture Unlimited 2 Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 16€ 16€
GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (ed) GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (ed) Vincent Fecteau. The good, the bad, and the ugly greengrassi / Galerie Buchholz / Sternberg Press 2015 Artists' Books 60€ 60€
GUILLET de MONTHOUX, Pierre GUILLET de MONTHOUX, Pierre Curating Capitalism. How Art Impacts Business, Management, and Economy Sternberg Press 2023 Economy / Cultural Studies 16€ 16€
HAECKEL, Jana J. HAECKEL, Jana J. Everything passes except the past Sternberg Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Postcolonial Studies 18€ 18€
HANSEN, Tone; BANG LARSEN, Lars (eds.) HANSEN, Tone; BANG LARSEN, Lars (eds.) The Phantom of Liberty Sternberg Press Essays / Politics 25€ 25€
HARMAN, Graham HARMAN, Graham Artful Objects – Graham Harman on Art and the Business of Speculative Realism Sternberg Press 2021 Art Theory 16€ 16€
HARVEY, David HARVEY, David Abstract from the Concrete Sternberg Press / Harvard University Graduate School of Design 2017 Essays / Politics 12€ 12€
HAVRÁNEK, Vít; STEJSKALOVÁ, Tereza (eds) HAVRÁNEK, Vít; STEJSKALOVÁ, Tereza (eds) Come closer the biennale reader Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Postcolonial Studies 19€ 19€
HAYLOCK, Brad; PATTY, Megan (eds.) HAYLOCK, Brad; PATTY, Megan (eds.) Art Writing in Crisis Sternberg Press 2021 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 20€ 20€
HECKER, Florian HECKER, Florian Halluzination, Perspektive, Synthese Sternberg Press 2019 Monographs 30€ 30€
HEIER, Marianne HEIER, Marianne Surplus Bergen Kunsthall / Sternberg Press Monographs 32€ 32€
HEISER, Jörg HEISER, Jörg Double Lives in Art and Pop Music Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Music & Sound / Art Theory / Scenes 24€ 24€
HERBERT, Martin HERBERT, Martin Tell Them I Said No Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Art Theory 18€ 18€
HERMÉ, Pierre HERMÉ, Pierre The Architecture of Taste Sternberg Press / Harvard University Graduate School of Design 2015 Essays 12€ 12€
HERMES, Manfred HERMES, Manfred Hystericizing Germany. Fassbinder, Alexanderplatz Sternberg Press 2014 Cultural Studies / Essays / Film & Video 19€ 19€
HILA, Edi HILA, Edi Edi Hila Sternberg Press 2021 Monographs 32€ 32€
HIRSCH, Nikolaus; WAITE, Jason (eds.) HIRSCH, Nikolaus; WAITE, Jason (eds.) Don't Follow the Wind Sternberg Press 2021 Artists' Writings / Essays / Ecology 18€ 18€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) Theater of Exhibitions Sternberg Press Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 16€ 16€
HOHN, Ull HOHN, Ull Foregrounds, Distances Sternberg Press Monographs 38€ 38€
HOLERT, Tom HOLERT, Tom Knowledge Beside Itself Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Art Theory / Economy / Education / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
HOLERT, Tom; SCHAFFER, Johanna (eds.) HOLERT, Tom; SCHAFFER, Johanna (eds.) Troubling Research - Performing knowledge in the Arts Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
HOU, Hanru; XI, Bei (eds.) HOU, Hanru; XI, Bei (eds.) The D-Tale. Video Art from the Pearl River Delta Sternberg Press 2019 Group Shows / Film & Video 30€ 30€
HU, Fang HU, Fang Garden of Mirrored Flowers Sternberg Press Literature / Artists' Books 19€ 19€