After 8 Books publishes books, and sometimes other kinds of objects. Promoting, circulating and discussing contemporary book practices, After 8 Books deals with the pragmatics and poetics of publishing. We develop projects with artists, graphic designers, writers, editors, with intellectual as well as sentimental attention.
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France & Belgium: Interart
UK: Art Data
Americas, Asia, and the Pacific: DAP
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After 8 Books édite des livres et, occasionnellement, des éditions d’artistes. Alors que l’échange de données et la disponibilité sans limites de toute création semblent être devenues des évidences, After 8 Books prend le parti d’une forme de minutie et d’attention, en travaillant sur des projets répondant à une nécessité autant intellectuelle que sentimentale.
We humans are united in our vulgar, egoistic revisions of ourselves. Don’t look back.
A previously unreleased essay by Estelle Hoy, illustrated by scans du quotidien.
Le travail de Žygimantas Julijus Bėrontas se déploie comme un monde souterrain dans lequel des Êtres habituellement ignorés ou incompris – comme ici l’Escargot – trouvent une voix ou un espace pour raconter leur histoire.
Un texte dans lequel l’artiste lituanienne Anastasia Sosunova revient sur l’histoire de l’impression, des eaux-fortes de Daniel Hopfer aux imprimeurs clandestins de l’époque soviétique, et met en relation le rôle de la…
La découverte de sirènes vivant au fond d’un lac attise la curiosité de scientifiques – tandis qu’un couple vivant à proximité tente de s’en rapprocher.
« Elle s’est réveillée ! », s’écrie le blond en reniflant.…
Acting like an academic endpoint, cuneiform everything.
Conlan Eliseu is a vampire and an out-of-vogue fashion stylist who takes a job as an advisor at the Gatlin Finishing School, a three-year vocational…
Dispersed Events brings together for the first time Nick Mauss’ essays from the last fifteen years. Shimmering with the urgency of a new generation of queer thinkers, Mauss’ writing refracts contemporary art through…
Can critical thinking spring from both a fortune cookie and Jacques Lacan’s most obscure seminar footnote? Estelle Hoy says yes. In saké blue, overpriced cheesecakes are the starting point for an essay…
D’l’or est une suite de poèmes, le premier livre de Rosanna Puyol Boralevi, également fondatrice de la maison d’édition Brook. Un texte qui parle de la traduction comme d’un aller-retour plutôt que comme d'un…
After 8 Books is pleased to present a new publication: How do I survive?, an artists’ book by Cooper Jacoby!
“How do I survive? was written with machines over the course of a year. I say ‘with,’…
What is an artists’ life made of? From the home to the studio, from the studio to the gallery, from one exhibition to the next, from one place to another – a suite of moves and a list of addresses. Tobias Kaspar’s work…
Les poèmes qui composent ce livre forment un portrait prismatique qui renvoie vers l’extérieur un faisceau d’apparences, les traits d’un visage changeant, saisis dans une forme d’écriture brève et instantanée.
Few Recipes For Tired People is the first volume of a cookbook series, organized by Monika Janulevičiūtė and Noah Brehmer. This booklet contains 10 tried and tested meal and snack ideas that are easy to shop for,…
The guest sits on his brown mare with his back to us so we look through his eyes at the blind windows and rank sedges and the coming on of twilight and season.
Published on the occasion of Robert Glück’s…
Les Voies du Paradis rassemble ce qui subsiste d’une œuvre perdue : les seules notes de bas de page d’un texte manquant, laissées par un chercheur après son décès et éditées par Peter Cornell. Ces notes et leurs…
In this theater play, Aodhan explores what happens between bodies, stones, painkillers, bread, and nanoparticles.
Some men are trapped in a four-sided nowhere, a seemingly closed and eternal system, and they try…
Welcome to the world, Eraser! We are proudly annoucing the release of Angharad Williams’ book, which concludes a two-year process of writing and has existed in the form of an exhibition, a performance, and a book.…
Intense! Après des mois d’échanges avec David Douard autour de scanners, de boules de plâtre, de zines, de fichiers numériques et de caractères typographiques non conformes, 0´THEE LIL' 0 est là.
Me I have a click with birds
Two translations from Rosanna Puyol's upcoming poetry book, D'l'or,
In the first text, a thing conducting, Sandar Tun Tun's music is in the air, birds…
* WOW ! * Very proud to annouce our third reprint of Amy Sillman's writings, now in an expanded edition: four new texts and many new drawings. An enhanced experience of the artist's witty, funny and overall amazing reflections…
The Falling was the title of the exhibition staged at Kunstmuseum St.Gallen in 2021–22 by artist Marie Lund. Following her invitation, artist Frederik Worm documented the project through a series of images, taken…
Finalement disponible en français ! Traduit – et édité – par Charlotte Houette, François Lancien-Guilberteau et Benjamin Thorel.
Combien pèse une couleur ? Comment une forme peut-elle être politique ? Les peintres…
A combination of a personal memoir with essays on contemporary artists, completed by short pieces of fiction, Cloud Bridge proposes a subjective approach to the South Korean art scene. In the book, Seyoung Yoon…
The uprising was staged by the minority, and a downfall is remembered by the majority.
Gilgamesh “Gil” Gupta is a theatre maker and self-defined “avant-gardist.” As a young vampire,…
Sam Pulitzer’s The Premise of a Better Life is an artist book that combines photographs with ethical and existential questions addressed to the viewer, developing as an allegory of the contemporary…
*NEW RELEASE* Poet, editor, filmmaker, actor, child star in Mussolini’s Italy, founder of The Dead Language Press and of the Paris Filmmakers Cooperative, Piero Heliczer (1937–1993) was an essential yet secret agent of…
A new version of our first publication and bestseller: Evelyn’s adventures as a transgender masseuse in Amsterdam, back when she was a young artist, supporting herself by working in a massage salon. The texts are witty,…
Emotional ! We are very proud of this one. It has taken a lot of time and dedication to bring this publication to life - exploring Neil Beloufa's manifold practice and relations has been quite a ride. We hope you will…
Au départ, une simple anecdote: un gabion de chasse typique des marais normands se détache de son ancrage pour dériver dans l’Océan Atlantique, avec des chasseurs incapables de nager à son bord. Théo Robine-Langlois transpose…
This is a chapter in which nothing happens. (Even more
so than usual).
I am taking a day off, to lie on the floor.
My yoga mat purple corrugated mousse sticks
It’s 4:50 am, without an alarm clock ringing, the rage comes out, why ? Sherian Mohammed Forster questions the abstract patterns that get into our heart and hurt, from Instagram trends to planes that take off with or without…
Yesterday as they smoked, a cigarette butt leaked and burned
their delicately stitched summertime pyjamas. A round hole
on their torso reminded the holes drilled in the wall the day
before to ventilate…
A key figure in the New York art scene, Amy Sillman is renowned for her singular approach to painting and drawing. Her writings extend a practice that challenges traditions…
_ _ N O W _ I N _ I T S _ F O U R T H _ P R I N T I N G _ _ \ \ °°0°° / /
Elke is a young academic with a troubled past that keeps spilling onto her present. Just as she is about to leave town for a writing retreat,…
Hello there. So very happy to hold this new publication today.
Fade the Lure is a collection of poems and photographs created between 2014 and 2017, during Dena Yago’s experience working and living alongside…
Nous avons produit une nouvelle édition avec Marie Lund. Il s'agit d'une pièce composée de deux pièces, unies par une troisième. Ces trois pièces permettent l'ouverture et la fermeture d'une pièce, l'union ou la séparation…
Ces traductions ont été publiées à l’occasion de L’histoire est pleine de gens qui n’ont juste pas, conversation entre Anne Boyer et The Cheapest University à Bétonsalon, le 17 novembre 2018. La publication est…
Guillaume Maraud started in 2016 the publication series Versions: he had already self-published n°0001 − n°0002, n°0003, and n°0004,…
Wow, we made it ! This light, pocketbook format new publication by After 8 Books gathers works by French artist Julie Beaufils, and three short stories commissioned for the occasion, dealing altogether with social tensions…
Experimental Jetset’s Time Piece continues their experiences in “turning language into objects." Conceived in close collaboration with the artists, these editions are devised to support the activities of After…
Souvent, quand je suis dans mon atelier, entourée de seaux et de Sopalin, je me demande quelle erreur freudienne a fait de moi une peintre.
Amy Sillman, “On Color”
“On Color”, dans sa version française,…
Stéphane Barbier-Bouvet and Camilla Wills’ collaboration on Block the Light and Preserve Yourself suggests…
She had a lot of siblings she told me, so she wouldn’t get any pretty clothes until she had a likely match—but since she didn’t have anything pretty to wear, she couldn’t get a match. She was trapped in a vicious circle,…