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AF KLIMT, Hilma AF KLIMT, Hilma Paintings for the future Guggenheim Museum Publications 2018 Monographs / Painting 70€ 70€
ALS, Hilton; MOLESWORTH, Helen; RIMANELLI, David ALS, Hilton; MOLESWORTH, Helen; RIMANELLI, David (Nothing but) Flowers Karma 2022 Anthologies / Painting 60€ 60€
ALTHOFF, Kai ALTHOFF, Kai Häuptling Klapperndes Geschirr Tramps Ltd / Koenig Books 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Book Culture / Painting 28€ 28€
BAER, Monika; TITZ, Susanne (ed.); VEGH, Christina (ed.) BAER, Monika; TITZ, Susanne (ed.); VEGH, Christina (ed.) Grosse Spritztour Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Monographs / Painting 26€ 26€
BANK BANK BANK Black Dog Publishing 2001 Monographs / Scenes / Counterculture / Art Spaces / Collectives / Documents / Painting 45€ 45€
BARRÉ, Martin; WARNOCK, Molly (ed.) BARRÉ, Martin; WARNOCK, Molly (ed.) Martin Barré. Transatlantique ER Publishing 2020 Monographs / Artists' Writings / Painting 18€ 18€
BECKMANN, Max BECKMANN, Max On my Painting Hanuman Editions 2023 Artists' Writings / Painting / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
BOWLING, Frank BOWLING, Frank Frank Bowling: London / New York Hauser & Wirth 2021 Monographs / Painting 45€ 45€
BRAUN, Pierre BRAUN, Pierre Digital Klee. Pedagogical Sketchbook. An Inquiry Into The Future Of Form 2020 Présent Composé 2020 Digital / Painting / Education / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BUHMANN, Stephanie BUHMANN, Stephanie Frederick Kiesler. Galaxies The Green Box 2022 Monographs / Painting / Curatorial Studies 50€ 50€
BURCHFIELD, Charles; ESTES, Ben (ed.) BURCHFIELD, Charles; ESTES, Ben (ed.) The Sphinx and the Milky Way. Selections from the Journals of Charles Burchfield The Song Cave 2023 Artists' Writings / Painting 29€ 29€
CAHN, Miriam CAHN, Miriam Writing in Rage Hatje Cantz 2019 Artists' Writings / Painting 25€ 25€
CALLAGHAN, Ciara CALLAGHAN, Ciara Slow Grown: Plants, Folklore and Natural Dyeing Common Threads Press 2022 Zines / Ecology / Painting / Crafts 16€ 16€
CAMERON, Dan CAMERON, Dan Nicole Eisenman Lund Humphries 2021 Artists' Books / Monographs / Painting 56€ 56€
CARPENTER, Merlin CARPENTER, Merlin Midcareer paintings Sternberg Press Monographs / Painting 25€ 25€
CARRINGTON, Leonora; ABERTH, Susan (ed.); ARCQ, Tere (ed.) CARRINGTON, Leonora; ABERTH, Susan (ed.); ARCQ, Tere (ed.) The Tarot of Leonora Carrington (new edition) RM publishers 2022 Monographs / Magic / Painting 62€ 62€
CARTER, Derrais CARTER, Derrais BLACK REVELRY If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution 2021 LPs & EPs / Artists' Books / Conversations / Painting 15€ 15€
CASSEL, Anne; ALMQVIST, Kurt (ed.); BIRNBAUM, Daniel (ed.) CASSEL, Anne; ALMQVIST, Kurt (ed.); BIRNBAUM, Daniel (ed.) Anna Cassel – The Saga of the Rose Bokförlaget Stolpe 2023 Monographs / Painting / Magic / Art History 62€ 62€
CHAPON, François; GAYRAUD, Régis (eds.) CHAPON, François; GAYRAUD, Régis (eds.) Les Carnets de l’Iliazd Club no. 3 (Hommage à Hélène Iliazd ; Dossier Pirosmani) Iliazd club 1994 Periodicals / Painting / Poetry / Book Culture 35€ 35€
CHOUCAIR, Saloua Raouda; TAAN, Yasmine Nachabe CHOUCAIR, Saloua Raouda; TAAN, Yasmine Nachabe Saloua Raouda Choucair. Modern Arab Design: An Exploration of Abstraction Across Materials and Functions Khatt Books 2019 Monographs / Painting / Crafts 36€ 36€
CLARK, T. J. CLARK, T. J. If These Apples Should Fall. Cézanne and the Present Thames & Hudson 2022 Essays / Painting / Art History / Art Theory 44€ 44€
CLOUGH, Prunella; McHUGH, Camila (ed.) CLOUGH, Prunella; McHUGH, Camila (ed.) Prunella Clough: A small thing edgily Floating Opera Press 2022 Monographs / Painting 25€ 25€
COOPER, Rosie; MC CRORY, Sarah (eds.) COOPER, Rosie; MC CRORY, Sarah (eds.) Chicago Imagists 1960s - 1970s Hayward Publishing 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Painting 26€ 26€
COUSINIÉ, Frédéric COUSINIÉ, Frédéric Esthétique des fluides Éditions du Félin 2011 Art Theory / Art History / Painting 35€ 35€
DAVIES, Lillian; BRIGGS, Chloe DAVIES, Lillian; BRIGGS, Chloe Playgrounds Drawing is Free Press 2023 Education / Painting 20€ 20€
DAVIS Y. Angela; SELF Tschabalala DAVIS Y. Angela; SELF Tschabalala Two works series #2 : art on the Frontline: Mandate for a People's Culture Afterall Books 2021 Monographs / Black Studies / Essays / Painting 14€ 14€
DIAMOND, Martha; PROMBAUM, Levi (ed.); SMITH-STEWART, Amy (ed.) DIAMOND, Martha; PROMBAUM, Levi (ed.); SMITH-STEWART, Amy (ed.) Martha Diamond: Deep Time Delmonico Books / D.A.P. 2024 Monographs / Painting 45€ 45€
DODENHOFF, Benjamin ; HEINLEIN, Ramona DODENHOFF, Benjamin ; HEINLEIN, Ramona The Invention of the Neue Wilde. Painting and Subculture Around 1980 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2019 Scenes / Painting 44€ 44€
DREHER, Peter DREHER, Peter Just Painting Occasional Papers 2015 Monographs / Painting 12€ 12€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie Campo di Marte Humboldt Books 2020 Artists' Books / Painting 25€ 25€
EISENSTEIN, Sergueï-Mikhaïlovitch; ALBERA, François (ed.) EISENSTEIN, Sergueï-Mikhaïlovitch; ALBERA, François (ed.) Cinématisme – Peinture et Cinéma Les Presses du Réel 2025 Essays / Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Painting / Art Theory 28€ 28€
GAYRAUD, Régis (ed.) GAYRAUD, Régis (ed.) Les Carnets de l’Iliazd Club no. 4 (Iliazd et ses peintres) Iliazd club 1998 Periodicals / Painting / Book Culture 30€ 30€
GORDON, Melissa GORDON, Melissa Vital Signs: Writings on Gesture Occasional Papers 2023 Artists' Books / Artists' Writings / Painting 25€ 25€
GRABNER, Michelle GRABNER, Michelle Michelle Grabner's Black Circle Paintings… Poor Farm Press Monographs / Artists' Books / Painting 8€ 8€
GRAW, Isabelle; LAJER-BURCHARTH, Ewa (eds.) GRAW, Isabelle; LAJER-BURCHARTH, Ewa (eds.) Painting beyond Itself. The Medium in the Post-medium Condition Sternberg Press 2016 Art Theory / Essays / Painting 15€ 15€
GREMMEN, Hans GREMMEN, Hans Lookout Point, The Grand Canyon Of The Yellowstone Fw: 2018 Painting / Artists' Books 12€ 12€
GUSTON, Philip GUSTON, Philip I Paint What I Want to See Penguin 2022 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Painting 15€ 15€
GUSTON, Philip; COOLIDGE, Clark (ed.) GUSTON, Philip; COOLIDGE, Clark (ed.) Philip Guston. Collected Writings, Lectures, and Conversations University of California Press 2010 Artists' Writings / Conversations / Painting 38€ 38€
GUSTON, Philip; FRANKEL, David (ed.) GUSTON, Philip; FRANKEL, David (ed.) Philip Guston. Now D.A.P. / National Gallery of Art Washington 2020 Monographs / Painting 72€ 72€
HALLEY, Peter; COTTON, Michelle (ed.) HALLEY, Peter; COTTON, Michelle (ed.) Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s Hatje Cantz / MUDAM 2023 Monographs / Painting 40€ 40€
HAWKINS, Cynthia HAWKINS, Cynthia Art Notes, Art CARA 2024 Artists' Writings / Documents / Painting 20€ 20€
HIGGIE, Jennifer HIGGIE, Jennifer The Mirror and the Palette Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2022 Art History / Painting / Feminism 20€ 20€
HIMID, Lubaina HIMID, Lubaina Lubaina Himid Tate 2022 Painting / Monographs / Exhibition Catalogues 35€ 35€
HITCHMOUGH, Wendy HITCHMOUGH, Wendy The Bloomsbury Look Yale University Press 2020 Painting / Monographs / Art History 35€ 35€
HOKUSAI, Katsushika HOKUSAI, Katsushika Mad about Painting David Zwirner Books 2023 Artists' Writings / Painting 15€ 15€
HUMPHREYS, Tom HUMPHREYS, Tom Family Picture S*I*G 2020 Monographs / Painting 5€ 5€
HUNT, Andrew (ed.) HUNT, Andrew (ed.) Painting. Funny Peculiar Slimvolume 2020 Conversations / Painting / Correspondence / Group Shows / Cultural Studies 24€ 24€
IANNONE, Dorothy IANNONE, Dorothy Eros Paintings Innen 2019 Comics & Illustrations / Artists' Books / Painting 15€ 15€
ISOU, Isidore; FABRE, Eric (ed.) ISOU, Isidore; FABRE, Eric (ed.) Isidore Isou. Collection Fabre, Vol. I La Lettre Volée 2019 Monographs / Poetry / Painting 35€ 35€
ITO, Miyoko; STEIN, Jordan (ed.) ITO, Miyoko; STEIN, Jordan (ed.) Miyoko Ito: Heart of Hearts Pre-Echo Press 2024 Monographs / Painting 75€ 75€
JACKSON, Suzanne JACKSON, Suzanne Suzanne Jackson. In Nature’s Way ... The Modern Institute 2022 Monographs / Painting 42€ 42€
JAFFE, Shirley; PAUL, Frédéric (ed.) JAFFE, Shirley; PAUL, Frédéric (ed.) Shirley Jaffe. Transatlantique ER Publishing 2022 Artists' Writings / Monographs / Painting 20€ 20€
JENSEN, Sergej; HESSE, Luisa (ed.) JENSEN, Sergej; HESSE, Luisa (ed.) Sergej Jensen Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Painting 21€ 21€
KANTAROVSKY, Sanya KANTAROVSKY, Sanya Sanya Kantarovsky: Selected Works 2010-2024 MIT Press / Aspen Art Museum 2024 Monographs / Painting 66€ 66€
KING, Susan Te Kahurangi KING, Susan Te Kahurangi Selected Works 1965-1980 Innen 2020 Painting / Comics & Illustrations / Zines 15€ 15€
KLEIN, Emil Michael KLEIN, Emil Michael Filled in, outlined Kaleidoscope / Gaudel de Stampa Monographs / Artists' Books / Painting 20€ 20€
KLEIN, Emil Michael KLEIN, Emil Michael Paintings 16 Beck Books Monographs / Painting 15€ 15€
KREBBER, Michael; SANCHEZ, Michael (ed.) KREBBER, Michael; SANCHEZ, Michael (ed.) Michael Krebber Catalogue Raisonné Galerie Buchholz / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Greene Naftali Gallery 2022 Monographs / Painting 120€ 120€
KUIMET, Paul; TAUL, Gregor KUIMET, Paul; TAUL, Gregor Notes on Space. Monumental Painting in Estonia 1947–2012 Lugemik 2017 Art History / Architecture / Painting 25€ 25€
LAGUNA, Fernanda; GÜIRALDES, Rosario (ed.) LAGUNA, Fernanda; GÜIRALDES, Rosario (ed.) Fernanda Laguna: The Path to the Heart The Drawing Center / ISLAA 2022 Monographs / Poetry / Painting / Scenes 35€ 35€
LASSNIG, Maria; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich LASSNIG, Maria; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Maria Lassnig. Briefe an / Letter to Hans Ulrich Obrist Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2020 Monographs / Painting / Documents / Correspondence 30€ 30€
LUTZ-KINOY, Matthew LUTZ-KINOY, Matthew Painting Backdrop Picture Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Monographs / Painting 29.8€ 29.8€
MADANI, Tala; LIPSKY, Tina (ed.) MADANI, Tala; LIPSKY, Tina (ed.) Shit Moms Revolver / Secession 2020 Monographs / Painting 35€ 35€
MAHLANGU, Esther; WEIDENHAMMER, Eduard (ed.) MAHLANGU, Esther; WEIDENHAMMER, Eduard (ed.) Esther Mahlangu. To Paint is in My Heart Thames & Hudson 2024 Monographs / Painting 28€ 28€
MATER, Katja MATER, Katja Time is an Arrow, Error Self-Published 2020 Artists' Books / Painting 26€ 26€
MAYER, Musa MAYER, Musa Night Studio. A Memoir of Philip Guston Hauser & Wirth 2023 Biographies / Painting / Art History 36€ 36€
McGOUGH, Peter McGOUGH, Peter I've Seen the Future and I’m Not Going Pantheon Books 2020 Biographies / Art History / Scenes / Queer Culture / Painting 32€ 32€
McKENZIE, Lucy; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) McKENZIE, Lucy; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) Prime Suspect Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2020 Monographs / Counterculture / Painting / Design / Feminism 55€ 55€
MITCHELL, Joan MITCHELL, Joan Paintings 1979-1985 David Zwirner Books 2024 Painting / Monographs 62€ 62€
MITCHELL, Joan; BLOCH-CHAMPFORT, Guy (ed.) MITCHELL, Joan; BLOCH-CHAMPFORT, Guy (ed.) Joan Mitchell by her friends Les Presses du Réel 2023 Conversations / Art History / Painting 28€ 28€
MOORHEAD, Joanna MOORHEAD, Joanna Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington Thames & Hudson 2023 Biographies / Painting / Scenes 40€ 40€
MULVEY, Laura; WOLLEN, Peter MULVEY, Laura; WOLLEN, Peter Laura Mulvey / Peter Wollen: Kahlo / Modotti – Forty Years Later / 40 Jahre spater Harun Farocki Institut / Bierke Verlag 2024 Film & Video / Politics / Essays / Painting 10€ 10€
MURRY, Jesse; EARNEST, Jarrett (ed.) MURRY, Jesse; EARNEST, Jarrett (ed.) Painting is a Supreme Fiction: Writings by Jesse Murry, 1980–1993 Soberscove Press 2021 Artists' Writings / Painting 32€ 32€
NEEL, Alice; DUMONT, Fabienne (ed.) NEEL, Alice; DUMONT, Fabienne (ed.) Alice Neel. Transatlantique ER Publishing 2022 Artists' Writings / Monographs / Painting 20€ 20€
NEMEROV, Alexander NEMEROV, Alexander Fierce Poise: Helen Frankenthaler and 1950s New York Penguin 2021 Art History / Painting / Scenes 25€ 25€
ODOM, Mel; VENEGAS, Luis (ed.) ODOM, Mel; VENEGAS, Luis (ed.) Mel Dom: Gorgeous! Apartamento Publishing 2024 Monographs / Painting / Queer Culture 38€ 38€
OWENS, Laura OWENS, Laura Twelve Paintings Ooga Booga 2013 Monographs / Artists' Books / Painting 50€ 50€
OWENS, Laura; VAN GOGH, Vince; CURIGER, Bice (cur.) OWENS, Laura; VAN GOGH, Vince; CURIGER, Bice (cur.) Laura Owens & Vincent van Gogh Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Painting 65€ 65€
RAMBERG, Christina; GRITZ, Anna (ed.) RAMBERG, Christina; GRITZ, Anna (ed.) The Making of Husbands. Christina Ramberg in Dialogue Koenig Books / KW 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Painting 32€ 32€
RAPPENEAU, David RAPPENEAU, David David Rappeneau American Art Catalogues 2024 Monographs / Painting 75€ 75€
ROBILLIARD, David ROBILLIARD, David The Yes No Quality of Dreams ROMA Publications 2014 Monographs / Poetry / Painting 28€ 28€
SCHUTZ, Dana; WEDEL BRUUN, Malou (ed.); KOLD, Anders (ed.) SCHUTZ, Dana; WEDEL BRUUN, Malou (ed.); KOLD, Anders (ed.) Dana Schutz: Between Us Louisiana Museum of Modern Art 2023 Monographs / Painting 50€ 50€
SCHWABSKY, Barry SCHWABSKY, Barry The Observer Effect. On Contemporary Painting Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Art Theory / Painting 22€ 22€
SILLMAN, Amy; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva (ed.); BÜHLER, Kathleen (ed.); ZIMMER, Nina (ed.) SILLMAN, Amy; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva (ed.); BÜHLER, Kathleen (ed.); ZIMMER, Nina (ed.) Oh, Clock! Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Kunstmuseum Bern 2024 Monographs / Painting 29€ 29€
SILLMAN, Amy; HULSEY, John SILLMAN, Amy; HULSEY, John The O.G. Vol. 16 : Pictures ↔︎ Poem Self-Published 2024 Zines / Artists' Writings / Poetry / Painting 1.5€ 1.5€
SILLMAN, Amy; KRASINSKI, Jennifer (ed.) SILLMAN, Amy; KRASINSKI, Jennifer (ed.) To Be Other-Wise Gladstone Gallery 2024 Monographs / Painting 55€ 55€
SILLMAN, Amy; SMITH, Valerie SILLMAN, Amy; SMITH, Valerie Amy Sillman Lund Humphries 2019 Monographs / Painting 48€ 48€
SMITH, Josh SMITH, Josh Emo Jungle David Zwirner Books 2021 Painting / Monographs 54€ 54€
SPAULINGS, Reena; CZERLITSKI, Anna (ed.) SPAULINGS, Reena; CZERLITSKI, Anna (ed.) HER AND NO Museum Ludwig / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Monographs / Art Spaces / Painting 30€ 30€
STANTON, Larry STANTON, Larry Think of Me When it Thunders Apartamento Publishing 2022 Monographs / Painting 56€ 56€
SWAIM, Benjamin SWAIM, Benjamin La Chambre des ressemblances Les Bains-Douches 2021 Monographs / Painting 14€ 14€
TABBOO! TABBOO! Tabboo! 1982–88 Karma 2021 Monographs / Painting 40€ 40€
TSAROUCHIS, Yannis; GRIPARI, Niki (ed.); SZYMCZYK, Adam (ed.) TSAROUCHIS, Yannis; GRIPARI, Niki (ed.); SZYMCZYK, Adam (ed.) Yannis Tsarouchis. Dancing in Real Life Sternberg Press 2021 Monographs / Queer Culture / Painting 35€ 35€
URBELYTĖ, Indrė (ed.) URBELYTĖ, Indrė (ed.) Kazys Varnelis. Le classisiste op de Lituanie / The Op Classisist from Lithuania The Lithuanian National Museum of Art / Centre Georges Pompidou 2024 Exhibition Catalogues / Scenes / Painting 30€ 30€
VIANNAY, Clotilde (ed.) VIANNAY, Clotilde (ed.) L'incroyable #03 — Nicole Eisenman L'incroyable 2019 Periodicals / Scenes / Painting / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
VIART, Christophe (ed.) VIART, Christophe (ed.) La Peinture sans titre Les Presses du Réel 2019 Essays / Painting 25€ 25€
VON HELLERMAN, Sophie VON HELLERMAN, Sophie Sophie von Hellermann: Stufen zur Kunst Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2023 Monographs / Painting 25€ 25€
VON HEYL, Charline VON HEYL, Charline Düsseldorf – Paintings from the Early 90's Petzel gallery 2015 Monographs / Painting 27€ 27€
VON WULFFEN, Amelie VON WULFFEN, Amelie Bilder 1998-2016 Koenig Books 2017 Monographs / Painting 42€ 42€
VON WULFFEN, Amelie; KNOLL, Valerie (ed.) VON WULFFEN, Amelie; KNOLL, Valerie (ed.) Amelie von Wulffen: Austellung / Exhibitions 2018-22 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Monographs / Painting 28€ 28€
VRIESENDORP, Madelon; BASAR, Shumon (ed.); TRÜBY, Stephan (ed.) VRIESENDORP, Madelon; BASAR, Shumon (ed.); TRÜBY, Stephan (ed.) The World of Madelon Vriesendorp AA Publications 2008 Monographs / Painting / Architecture 26€ 26€
WEI WEI, Faye; LUTANIE, Manon (ed.) WEI WEI, Faye; LUTANIE, Manon (ed.) Portals Éditions Lutanie 2024 Monographs / Painting 50€ 50€
WHITNEY, Stanley; CHAFFEE, Cathleen (ed.) WHITNEY, Stanley; CHAFFEE, Cathleen (ed.) Stanley Whitney: How High the Moon Delmonico Books 2024 Monographs / Painting 75€ 75€
WHITTEN, Jack WHITTEN, Jack Notes from the Woodshed Hauser & Wirth 2018 Artists' Writings / Painting 25€ 25€
WHITTEN, Jack; DE SALVO, Donna (ed.); GUIDELLI-GUIDI, Matilde (ed.); O’DWYER, Deirdre (ed.) WHITTEN, Jack; DE SALVO, Donna (ed.); GUIDELLI-GUIDI, Matilde (ed.); O’DWYER, Deirdre (ed.) Jack Whitten: The Greek Alphabet Paintings DIA Art Foundation 2023 Monographs / Painting 65€ 65€
YEKTAI, Manoucher YEKTAI, Manoucher Manoucher Yektai Karma 2021 Monographs / Painting 75€ 75€
YIADOM-BOAKYE, Lynette YIADOM-BOAKYE, Lynette Lynette Yiadom-Boakye La Fabrica 2023 Monographs / Painting 45€ 45€