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ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K Amor Cringe Deluge Books 2022 Media Studies / Literature 20€ 20€
BENAZET HEUGENHAUSER, Estelle BENAZET HEUGENHAUSER, Estelle Les recettes de madame Perez pour un destin parfait Rotolux Press 2023 Zines / Food Culture / Literature 3€ 3€
CARRINGTON, Leonora CARRINGTON, Leonora L’Œuvre écrit, T. II : Récits Fage 2022 Artists' Writings / Literature 28€ 28€
FULMINE, Kole, LOISEAU, Benoît, SHANKAR, Louis FULMINE, Kole, LOISEAU, Benoît, SHANKAR, Louis The BitterSweet Review The BitterSweet Review 2022 Periodicals / Literature 18€ 18€
McLAUGHLIN, Rosanna; SCOTT, Izabella; THOMAS, Skye Arundhati (eds.) McLAUGHLIN, Rosanna; SCOTT, Izabella; THOMAS, Skye Arundhati (eds.) The White Review – Writing in Translation Anthology The White Review 2024 Periodicals / Anthologies / Literature 20€ 20€
STEIN, Gertrude STEIN, Gertrude Écoutez-moi / Listen to me Trente-trois morceaux 2019 Literature 15€ 15€
THOMAS, Colette THOMAS, Colette Cette fois-ci la forêt était vierge Prairial 2023 Literature 16€ 16€
ABARBANEL, Aliza; BUSH, Tanya (eds.) ABARBANEL, Aliza; BUSH, Tanya (eds.) Cake Zine #2 Wicked Cake Cake Zine 2022 Periodicals / Food Culture / Literature / Comics & Illustrations 24€ 24€
ABBOTT, Edwin A. ABBOTT, Edwin A. Flatland. A Romance in Many Dimensions Penguin 2018 Literature / Science/Fiction 14€ 14€
ABBOTT, Steve; TOWNSEND, Jamie (ed.) ABBOTT, Steve; TOWNSEND, Jamie (ed.) Beautiful Aliens. A Steve Abbott Reader Nightboat 2019 Literature / Queer Culture 22€ 22€
ABDEL AZIZ, Basma ABDEL AZIZ, Basma The Queue Melville House Publishing 2016 Literature 14€ 14€
ABDOH, Salar (ed.) ABDOH, Salar (ed.) Tehran noir Akashic Books 2014 Anthologies / Literature 15€ 15€
ABI-NAKHOUL, Nour ABI-NAKHOUL, Nour Supplication Influx Press 2024 Literature 16€ 16€
ABU-JAMAL, Mumia ABU-JAMAL, Mumia Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? City Lights Publishers 2017 Politics / Literature 14€ 14€
ABUSALIM, Jehad; BING, Jennifer; MERRYMAN LOTZE, Michael (eds.) ABUSALIM, Jehad; BING, Jennifer; MERRYMAN LOTZE, Michael (eds.) Light in Gaza Haymarket Books 2022 Literature 26€ 26€
ACID HORIZON ACID HORIZON Anti-Oculus. A Philosophy of Escape Repeater 2023 Essays / Literature / Science/Fiction 15€ 15€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy New York City in 1979 Penguin 2018 Literature / Essays / Queer Culture 4€ 4€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Algeria. A Series of Invocations because nothing else works Aloes Books 1984 Literature / Queer Culture 50€ 50€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Blood and Guts in High School Penguin 2017 Literature 14€ 14€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Hannibal Lecter, My Father Semiotext(e) 1991 Literature 22€ 22€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Kathy Acker (1971–1975) Éditions Ismael 2019 Literature 35€ 35€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Constamment effrayée par le nuage noir je me marie avec Suck Campari Dyke 2019 Literature / Zines 6€ 6€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Sang et stupre au lycée Éditions Laurence Viallet 2020 Literature 22.5€ 22.5€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Don Quixote Grove Press 2022 (1986) Literature 18€ 18€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Great Expectations Grove Press 2019 Literature 20€ 20€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy In Memoriam to Identity Grove Press 1990 Literature 18€ 18€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Pussy, King of the Pirates Grove Press 1996 Literature 18€ 18€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Portrait of an Eye: Three Novels Grove Press 2018 (1998) Literature 20€ 20€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Literal Madness Grove Press Literature 20€ 20€
ACKER, Kathy; BLAKE, Nayland ACKER, Kathy; BLAKE, Nayland Low. Good and Evil in the Work of Nayland Blake Petersburg 1990 Artists' Books / Children's Books / Literature / Monographs 100€ 100€
ACKER, Kathy; NOX ACKER, Kathy; NOX Love, Emily Slow Moves 2023 LPs & EPs / Literature / Facsimile & Reprints 25€ 25€
ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie I’m very into you. Correspondence 1995-1996 Semiotext(e) 2015 Correspondence / Literature 18€ 18€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Le Maître de l’éclipse Manuella Editions 2015 Literature 17€ 17€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Voyage au Mont Tamalpaïs Manuella Editions 2013 Literature 19€ 19€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Saisons Manuella Editions 2016 Literature 17€ 17€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Master of the Eclipse Interlink Books 2009 Literature 16€ 16€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Paris, When It’s Naked The Post-Apollo Press / Litmus Press 2022 Literature 18€ 18€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Sitt Marie Rose [EN] The Post-Apollo Press / Litmus Press 2022 Literature 20€ 20€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Shifting the Silence Nightboat 2020 Poetry / Literature 18€ 18€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Seasons The Post-Apollo Press / Litmus Press 2022 Literature / Poetry 20€ 20€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Journey to Mount Tamalpais The Post-Apollo Press 2021 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints 25€ 25€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel In the heart of the heart of another country City Lights Publishers 2024.02.02 Literature 16€ 16€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Sitt Marie-Rose [FR] Gallimard 2023 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints 10.5€ 10.5€
ADNAN, Etel ; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich ADNAN, Etel ; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich 07 - Une conversation Manuella Editions Literature / Conversations 12€ 12€
ADNAN, Etel; FATTAL, Simone; WILSON, Bob ADNAN, Etel; FATTAL, Simone; WILSON, Bob Garden of Memory Koenig Books 2018 Literature / Group Shows 22€ 22€
ADRIEN, Yves ADRIEN, Yves F. pour Fantomisation Flammarion 2004 Literature 16.3€ 16.3€
AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) AIELLO, Rosa; YEON KIM, Ellen; LANDSTRÖM, Erika; MEYER, Luzie; VON SCHLEGELL, Mark (eds.) Sibyl’s Mouths Sternberg Press 2023 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Literature 22€ 22€
AL-MAQTARI, Bushra AL-MAQTARI, Bushra What have you left behind ? Fitzcarraldo Editions 2022 Literature / History 18€ 18€
AL-MARIA, Sophia AL-MARIA, Sophia SAD SACK Book Works 2024 Artists' Writings / Literature 30€ 30€
AL-MARIA, Sophia (ed.) AL-MARIA, Sophia (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #08 - Fresh Hell Book Works Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
ALFERI, Pierre; KAPLAN, Leslie; QUINTANE, Nathalie; VIEL, Tanguy; VOLODINE, Antoine; YOUSFI, Louisa ALFERI, Pierre; KAPLAN, Leslie; QUINTANE, Nathalie; VIEL, Tanguy; VOLODINE, Antoine; YOUSFI, Louisa Contre la littérature politique La Fabrique 2024 Politics / Literature 15€ 15€
ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K Air Age Blueprint cosmogenesis 2024 Literature / Science/Fiction 17.5€ 17.5€
ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K; GPT-3 ALLADO-MCDOWELL, K; GPT-3 Pharmako-AI cosmogenesis 2024 Literature 20€ 20€
ALLISON, Dorothy ALLISON, Dorothy Peau. A propos de sexe, de classe et de littérature Éditions Cambourakis 2015 Essays / Literature / Feminism 23€ 23€
ALLISON, Dorothy ALLISON, Dorothy Deux ou trois choses dont je suis sûre Éditions Cambourakis 2021 Literature / Feminism 16€ 16€
ALLISON, Dorothy ALLISON, Dorothy Trash Éditions Cambourakis 2022 Literature 23€ 23€
ALS, Hilton ALS, Hilton White Girls Penguin 2018 Essays / Literature / Politics / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
ALS, Hilton ALS, Hilton The Women Farrar Straus & Giroux 1998 Literature 20€ 20€
ALS, Hilton ALS, Hilton My Pinup New Directions 2023 Literature 11€ 11€
ALS, Hilton (ed.) ALS, Hilton (ed.) God Made My Face: A Collective Portrait of James Baldwin Dancing Foxes 2024 Biographies / Literature 40€ 40€
AMFT, Robert AMFT, Robert Peter's ABC Book White Walls Literature 10€ 10€
AMIRI, Parwana AMIRI, Parwana The olive tree and the old woman Publication Studio Literature / Comics & Illustrations / Politics 6€ 6€
ANDERSON, Fiona ANDERSON, Fiona Cruising the Dead River. David Wojnarowicz and New York’s Ruined Waterfront University of Chicago Press 2021 Literature 30€ 30€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Radical Coherency - Selected Essays on Art & Literature University of Chicago Press Art Theory / Essays / Literature 20€ 20€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Essais choisis sur l’art et la littérature 1966-2005 future 2017 Art Theory / Essays / Literature 30€ 30€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Parler aux frontières Vies Parallèles 2017 Poetry / Literature 25€ 25€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Je n’ai jamais su quelle heure il était Héros-Limite 2008 Literature / Poetry / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
ARBEZ, Simon ARBEZ, Simon Vomir Le Sabot 2022 Health / Literature 7€ 7€
ARIDJIS, Chloe ARIDJIS, Chloe Dialogue with a Somnambulist. Stories, Essays & a Portrait Gallery House Sparrow Press 2021 Literature 16€ 16€
ARMANTROUT, Rae ARMANTROUT, Rae Collected Prose Singing Horse Press 2007 Literature 17€ 17€
ARNDT, Jess ARNDT, Jess Large Animals catapult 2013 Literature 20€ 20€
ARSANIOS, Mirene ARSANIOS, Mirene The Autobiography of a Language: Essays and Stories Futurepoem 2022 Literature 22€ 22€
ARTAUD, Antonin ARTAUD, Antonin Artaud le Mômo / Artaud the Mômo diaphanes 2020 Literature 15€ 15€
ARTAUD, Antonin ARTAUD, Antonin Journey to Mexico Contra Mundum Press 2024 Literature 35€ 35€
ARTAUD, Antonin ARTAUD, Antonin Van Gogh the man suicided by society Vauxhall&Company 2019 Artists' Writings / Literature / Biographies 18€ 18€
ARTIÈRES, Philippe ARTIÈRES, Philippe Ghostwriters Imec 2021 Literature / Politics / Counterculture 9€ 9€
ASHBERY, John; SCHUYLER, James ASHBERY, John; SCHUYLER, James Un nid de nigauds Les Presses du Réel Literature 17€ 17€
ASHLEY, Mike (ed.) ASHLEY, Mike (ed.) From the Depths and Other Strange Tales of the Sea British Library 2018 Literature / Science/Fiction 14€ 14€
ASHLEY, Mike (ed.) ASHLEY, Mike (ed.) Queens of the Abyss. Lost Stories from the Women of the Weird British Library 2020 Literature / Science/Fiction 15€ 15€
ASHLEY, Robert ASHLEY, Robert Perfect Lives: an opera Burning Archer 1991 Literature / Music & Sound 55€ 55€
ASHWORTH, Jenn ASHWORTH, Jenn Notes Made While Falling Goldsmiths Press 2019 Literature 12€ 12€
ATKINS, Ed ATKINS, Ed A Primer for Cadavers Fitzcarraldo Editions 2016 Artists' Writings / Literature 18€ 18€
ATKINS, Jennifer ATKINS, Jennifer The Cellist Peninsula Press 2022 Literature 15€ 15€
ATKINSON, Félicia ATKINSON, Félicia A Forest Petrifies: Diamond Feedback Shelter Press 2019 Literature 10€ 10€
ATKINSON, Félicia; BISMUTH Julien; KAPLAN, Sophie; SÉRANDOUR, Yann (eds.) ATKINSON, Félicia; BISMUTH Julien; KAPLAN, Sophie; SÉRANDOUR, Yann (eds.) En parlant, en écoutant Shelter Press 2019 Artists' Writings / Conversations / Literature / Poetry 22€ 22€
AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) Habitante #1 Audimat 2021 Periodicals / Literature / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) Habitante #2 Audimat 2022 Periodicals / Literature / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
AUBRY, Chantal AUBRY, Chantal Pauvert l’irréductible. Une contre-histoire de l'édition l’échappée 2017 Biographies / Book Culture / Literature 26€ 26€
AULT, Julie AULT, Julie In Part Dancing Foxes 2017 Art Theory / Literature 37€ 37€
AUMAN, Jon; CHADWICK, Thomas; JAECKLE, Dominic AUMAN, Jon; CHADWICK, Thomas; JAECKLE, Dominic Hotel #5 Hotel Winter 2019 Literature / Periodicals 12€ 12€
AZAIS, Camille; MORIN, Marine (eds.) AZAIS, Camille; MORIN, Marine (eds.) Ingmar #1 - Forme Humaine Ingmar Periodicals / Literature / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
AZEM, Ibtisam AZEM, Ibtisam The Book of Disappearance And Other Stories 2024 Literature 20€ 20€
B. SMITH, Jackson B. SMITH, Jackson Intentions 2. Marcel Proust en cinq minutes ISTI MIRANT STELLA 2019 Literature 16€ 16€
B., Daphné B., Daphné Maquillée. Essai sur le monde et ses fards Grasset 2021 Literature / Essays / Cultural Studies 19€ 19€
BAAL, Iphgenia BAAL, Iphgenia Merced Es Benz Book Works 2017 Literature 10€ 10€
BABER, Phil (ed.) BABER, Phil (ed.) Cannon Magazine #2 Cannon Magazine Periodicals / Graphic Design / Literature 13€ 13€
baer, hannah baer, hannah trans girl suicide museum Hesse Press 2022 Literature 16€ 16€
BAKER, James Robert BAKER, James Robert Adrénaline Self-Published 2024 Literature 12€ 12€
BAKER, Phil BAKER, Phil City of the Beast: The London of Aleister Crowley Strange Attractor Press 2022 Literature 26€ 26€
BAKHTI, Marouane BAKHTI, Marouane How to Leave the World Divided Publishing 2024 Literature 16€ 16€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James Giovanni’s Room Penguin 2007 Literature 15€ 15€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James Le diable trouve à faire Capricci 2020 Literature / Film & Video 17€ 17€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James Blues pour l'homme blanc Zones 2020 (1964) Literature 14€ 14€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James The Fire Next Time Penguin 2017 Literature / Black Studies 12€ 12€
BALDWIN, James; CLEEREMANS, Sarah (ed.) BALDWIN, James; CLEEREMANS, Sarah (ed.) The Fire Next Time Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press 2017 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BALESTRINI, Nanni BALESTRINI, Nanni Sandokan. Une histoire de Camorra Éditions Entremonde Literature 14€ 14€
BALESTRINI, Nanni BALESTRINI, Nanni Nous voulons tout Éditions Entremonde 2012 Literature / Politics 12€ 12€
BALESTRINI, Nanni BALESTRINI, Nanni Blackout Éditions Entremonde 2011 Literature / Politics 12€ 12€
BALESTRINI, Nanni BALESTRINI, Nanni Les Invisibles Le Monde à l’envers 2019 Literature / Scenes / Politics 18€ 18€
BALLARD, James BALLARD, James All that mattered was sensation Krisis 2019 Conversations / Literature 20€ 20€
BALLARD, James G. BALLARD, James G. Selected Non-Fiction 1962–2007 MIT Press 2023 Essays / Literature 37€ 37€
BANAJI, Jairus BANAJI, Jairus Wanting Something Completely Different Rab-Rab Press 2023 Politics / Literature / History / Film & Video 20€ 20€
BANNER, Fiona; CONRAD, Joseph BANNER, Fiona; CONRAD, Joseph Heart of Darkness (Four Corners Familiars) Four Corners Books Monographs / Artists' Books / Literature 20€ 20€
BARBARA, Judith; BELLAN, Marie; DALMASSO CANER, Naël; DELCOURT, Idris; GROMAN, Céline; LEDUC, Solenn; RÉMY, Louis; VERGÈS, Alexia; DELBECQ, Marcelline (ed.) BARBARA, Judith; BELLAN, Marie; DALMASSO CANER, Naël; DELCOURT, Idris; GROMAN, Céline; LEDUC, Solenn; RÉMY, Louis; VERGÈS, Alexia; DELBECQ, Marcelline (ed.) Autobiogéographies Self-Published 2024 Literature 5€ 5€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen White Noise Ballrooms diaphanes 2018 Literature / Music & Sound 20€ 20€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen Pierre Guyotat: Revolutions & Aberrations Vauxhall&Company 2016 Essays / Literature 18€ 18€
BARBIER, Nora BARBIER, Nora Devenir Féministe Éditions Aventure 2022 Feminism / Literature 15€ 15€
BARNES, Djuna BARNES, Djuna Nightwood Faber Modern Classics 2015 (1936) Literature / Queer Culture 12€ 12€
BARNES, Djuna BARNES, Djuna La passion Ypsilon 2015 Literature 23€ 23€
BARNES, Djuna BARNES, Djuna Le Livre des répulsives Ypsilon 2011 Literature 15€ 15€
BAXTER, Ella BAXTER, Ella Une créature de douleur Le Gospel 2024 Literature 20€ 20€
BEAUFILS, Julie BEAUFILS, Julie Le Large After 8 Books 2018 After 8 Editions / Artists' Books / Literature 30€ 30€
BEBERGAL, Peter (ed.) BEBERGAL, Peter (ed.) Appendix N: Weird Tales From The Roots Of Dungeons & Dragons (Revised and Expanded Edition) Strange Attractor Press 2024 Science/Fiction / Literature / Anthologies / Games 28€ 28€
BEDELL, Al BEDELL, Al New Lovers #5: I Would Do Anything For Love Badlands Unlimited Literature 15€ 15€
BEIER, Nina BEIER, Nina Text Buró—Buró Literature / Artists' Books 6€ 6€
BEKHRAD, Joobin BEKHRAD, Joobin Coming Down Again Self-Published 2016 Literature 15€ 15€
BEKKERING, Persis BEKKERING, Persis The Last Utopia / Laatste Utopie Jan Van Eyck Academie 2021 Literature / Music & Sound / Dance 15€ 15€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Buddhist Publication Studio Literature 20€ 20€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie When the Sick Rule the World Semiotext(e) 2015 Literature / Essays 20€ 20€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Beating of Our Heart Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 6€ 6€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Cunt-Ups, 17th anniversary edition Tender Buttons 2019 Queer Culture / Literature 18€ 18€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Letters of Mina Harker Wisconsin University Press 2004 Literature / Scenes 20€ 20€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Letters of Mina Harker, new edition Semiotext(e) 2021 (1998) Literature 22€ 22€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Bee Reaved Semiotext(e) 2021 Essays / Literature 22€ 22€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Cunt Norton [Tender Buttons] Tender Buttons 2023 Literature / Poetry 18€ 18€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Feminine Hijinx Hanuman Editions 2023 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
BELLAMY, Dodie; D'ALLESANDRO, Sam BELLAMY, Dodie; D'ALLESANDRO, Sam REAL. The letters of Mina Harker and Sam D'Allesandro Talisman House 1994 Literature 14€ 14€
BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Dodie Bellamy Is on Our Mind Semiotext(e) / CCA Wattis 2020 Anthologies / Literature / Scenes / Queer Culture 24€ 24€
BELLAMY, Dodie; KILLIAN, Kevin (eds.) BELLAMY, Dodie; KILLIAN, Kevin (eds.) Writers Who Love Too Much: New Narrative Writing 1977-1997 Nightboat 2017 Anthologies / Literature / Poetry / Love / Scenes 35€ 35€
BELLAMY, Dodies BELLAMY, Dodies The TV Sutras Ugly Duckling Presse 2014 Literature / Biographies 20€ 20€
BELLINI, Andrea; LOMBARDI, Sarah (curs.) BELLINI, Andrea; LOMBARDI, Sarah (curs.) Écrire en dessinant. Quand la langue cherche son autre Skira 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design / Literature / Typography 75€ 75€
BELOSI, Andrea; RAFAEL, Joana (eds.) BELOSI, Andrea; RAFAEL, Joana (eds.) Lost Zone. Hiking the Dawn of Metaverse Viaindustriae publishing 2022 Artists' Writings / Literature / Digital 25€ 25€
BEN, Lisa BEN, Lisa Vice Versa ness books 2017 Literature / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
BENAZET HEUGENHAUSER, Estelle BENAZET HEUGENHAUSER, Estelle Le régime parfait Rotolux Press 2022 Literature / Health 13€ 13€
BENDERSON, Bruce BENDERSON, Bruce Against Marriage Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
BENEDETTO, Cara BENEDETTO, Cara New Lovers #6: Burning Blue Badlands Unlimited 2015 Literature 15€ 15€
BENFODIL, Mustapha BENFODIL, Mustapha Alger, journal intense Macula 2019 Literature 22€ 22€
BENFODIL, Mustapha BENFODIL, Mustapha Terminus Babel Macula 2023 Literature 22€ 22€
BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) The Bigness of Things: New Narrative and Visual Culture Wolfman Books 2017 Essays / Counterculture / Literature / Film & Video 20€ 20€
BENJAMIN, Walter; SKOGGARD, Carl (ed.) BENJAMIN, Walter; SKOGGARD, Carl (ed.) The Berlin Chronicles Notices Publication Studio Literature 20€ 20€
BENNETT, Alex; GAYNOR, Oscar (eds.) BENNETT, Alex; GAYNOR, Oscar (eds.) Tinted Window #1 Hervé Guibert Tinted Window 2018 Periodicals / Literature / Photography / Queer Culture 10€ 10€
BENNETT, Claire-Louise BENNETT, Claire-Louise Pond Fitzcarraldo Editions 2015 Literature 14€ 14€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Photocopies Éditions de l'Olivier 1997 Literature / Photography 17€ 17€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Et nos visages Éditions Hourra 2024 Essays / Literature 22€ 22€
BERGER, Tamara Faith BERGER, Tamara Faith New Lovers #7: Kuntalini Badlands Unlimited 2016 Literature 15€ 15€
BERGER, Tamara Faith BERGER, Tamara Faith Maidenhead Coach House Books 2012 Literature 18€ 18€
BERGVALL, Caroline BERGVALL, Caroline Alisoun Sings Nightboat 2020 Literature / Feminism 18€ 18€
BERLANT, Lauren; STEWART, Kathleen BERLANT, Lauren; STEWART, Kathleen The Hundreds Duke University Press 2019 Literature 24€ 24€
BERNADETTE CORPORATION BERNADETTE CORPORATION Reena Spaulings Semiotext(e) 2005 Literature / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
BERNSTEIN SYCAMORE, Mattilda BERNSTEIN SYCAMORE, Mattilda The Freezer Door Semiotext(e) 2020 Literature 20€ 20€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle La nuit Allia 2013 Literature 9.2€ 9.2€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle All the king's horses Semiotext(e) Literature 15€ 15€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle The Night Book Works Literature 15€ 15€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle Tous les chevaux du roi Allia 2004 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints 6.1€ 6.1€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle The Night (Second Edition) Book Works Literature 18€ 18€
BERRIGAN, Ted BERRIGAN, Ted Get the Money! Collected Prose (1961-1983) City Lights Publishers 2024 Literature 24€ 24€
BERTEI, Adele BERTEI, Adele Twist: An American Girl ZE Books 2023 Literature / Music & Sound 30€ 30€
BERTHELIER, Vincent BERTHELIER, Vincent Le style réactionnaire. De Maurras à Houellebecq Éditions Amsterdam 2022 Essays / Literature / Politics 22€ 22€
BIBBY, Gerry BIBBY, Gerry The Drumhead Sternberg Press 2014 Literature / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
BILES, Adam; ROUSSEAU, Manon BILES, Adam; ROUSSEAU, Manon Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs… / Oui, des formes abjectes grouillaient… La Houle Literature 12€ 12€
BILLER, Anna BILLER, Anna Bluebeard's Castle Verso 2023 Literature 16€ 16€
BIRON, Charlotte BIRON, Charlotte Jardin Radio Le Quartanier 2022 Literature 16€ 16€
Black & BLUE Black & BLUE Black & BLUE #4. REVOLUTION Black & BLUE Periodicals / Literature 15€ 15€
BLACK, Hannah BLACK, Hannah Tuesday or September or The End Capricious 2022 Literature 22€ 22€
BLACK, Wednesday BLACK, Wednesday New Lovers #1:How to train your virgin Badlands Unlimited Literature 15€ 15€
BLACKWOOD, Algernon BLACKWOOD, Algernon The Whisperers and Other Stories. A Lifetime of the Supernatural British Library 2022 Anthologies / Literature 20€ 20€
BLAGG, Max; TISA, Ken BLAGG, Max; TISA, Ken Nine Years in a Windtunnel. Being Pages from the Hotel Firbank Archive (including Songs from the Asylum) Aloes Books 1978 Literature / Poetry 20€ 20€
BLANC, Johana BLANC, Johana Les déserteuses Clinamen 2023 Literature / Artists' Writings 16€ 16€
BLINKO, Nick BLINKO, Nick Primal Screamer PM Press 2011 Literature / Music & Sound / Counterculture 18€ 18€
BORDAT, Josselin BORDAT, Josselin Le_zéro_et_le_un.txt Flammarion 2019 Literature 19€ 19€
BORDOWITZ, Greg BORDOWITZ, Greg Some Styles of Masculinity Triple canopy 2021 Gender Studies / Queer Culture / Literature 20€ 20€
BORENSZTAJN, Jeanne BORENSZTAJN, Jeanne Aux objets tu peux te confier éditions dynastes 2021 Literature 15€ 15€
BOSETTI, Ryann BOSETTI, Ryann Regarding Head Shape Publication Studio Literature / Essays 20€ 20€
BOULANGER, Sylvie; JACQUET Christophe; BALGIU, Alexandru; DEBIZE, Christian (eds.) BOULANGER, Sylvie; JACQUET Christophe; BALGIU, Alexandru; DEBIZE, Christian (eds.) SNA SorcièreNuAnonyme Cneai 2019 Artists' Writings / Literature / Book Culture 12€ 12€
BOWLING, Kansas BOWLING, Kansas A Cuddly Toys Companion Far West Press 2021 Literature 12€ 12€
BOYER, Anne BOYER, Anne Garments Against Women Penguin 2019 Poetry / Literature 16€ 16€
BOYER, Anne BOYER, Anne The Undying Penguin 2019 Literature / Health 16€ 16€
BOYER, Elsa BOYER, Elsa Grip MF 2023 Literature 16€ 16€
BRADSHAW, Joseph BRADSHAW, Joseph The New York School Publication Studio Literature / Art Theory 20€ 20€
BRAINARD, Joe BRAINARD, Joe I Remember [Granary Books] Granary Books 2020 Literature / Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints 15€ 15€
BRAND, Dionne BRAND, Dionne At the Full and Change of the Moon Grove Atlantic 2020 (1999) Literature 18€ 18€
BRAZIL, David BRAZIL, David figurae The Last Books Literature 20€ 20€
BREEZY BREEZY The Saddle Hurts, Too Metatron Press 2020 Literature 15€ 15€
BRENNAN, Maeve BRENNAN, Maeve The Springs of Affection Peninsula Press 2023 Literature 16€ 16€
BRETT, Max BRETT, Max The Consequences ness books 2024 Literature 13€ 13€
BRIDGET, Adrian BRIDGET, Adrian Treatment. A Novel Motto Books 2019 Literature 16€ 16€
BRIGGS, Kate BRIGGS, Kate Exercise in Pathetic Criticism Information as material Literature 11€ 11€
BRIGGS, Kate BRIGGS, Kate This Little Art Fitzcarraldo Editions 2017 Essays / Literature 17€ 17€
BRIGGS, Kate BRIGGS, Kate The Long Form Fitzcarraldo Editions 2023 Literature 20€ 20€
BRION, Mia BRION, Mia Canette #3 A Name Ore Suck Campari Dyke 2020 Zines / Queer Culture / Literature 3€ 3€