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MANEROS ZABALA, Erlea MANEROS ZABALA, Erlea The voice of the valley (2016-2022) Paraguay Press 2023 Monographs 25€ 25€
ABSALON; PIRON, François (ed.); DESANGES, Guillaume (ed.) ABSALON; PIRON, François (ed.); DESANGES, Guillaume (ed.) Absalon Absalon Paraguay Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues 15€ 15€
ALBJERG RAVNHOLT, Jon; BOIJE AF GENNÄS, Staffan ALBJERG RAVNHOLT, Jon; BOIJE AF GENNÄS, Staffan The Social Life of the Record #3 - The Riffs & The Forest Paraguay Press Periodicals / Music & Sound 5€ 5€
APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) PNCI. Pensée Nomade Chose Imprimée – Histoire d’un atelier nomade de l’École des Beaux-arts de Bordeaux Paraguay Press Graphic Design / Education 30€ 30€
BAL-BLANC, Pierre BAL-BLANC, Pierre Collective Exhibition for a Single Body Paraguay Press 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Performance 19€ 19€
BAL-BLANC, Pierre (ed.) BAL-BLANC, Pierre (ed.) Soleil Politique Paraguay Press 2016 Exhibition Catalogues 25€ 25€
BAUDELAIRE, Éric; ROUSSEL, Lucas (ed.) BAUDELAIRE, Éric; ROUSSEL, Lucas (ed.) Éric Baudelaire. Faire Avec – Films et expositions, 2011-2022 Paraguay Press 2022 Monographs 22€ 22€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin castillo/corrales today #8 – History & Love, Pleasure & Time Paraguay Press 2014 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Music & Sound 10€ 10€
BOULAGER, Agathe; FREDERIKSEN, Signe et LAGRANGE, Jules (eds.) BOULAGER, Agathe; FREDERIKSEN, Signe et LAGRANGE, Jules (eds.) Ce que Laurence Rassel nous fait faire Paraguay Press 2020 Education / Institutional Critique / Conversations 15€ 15€
BOUTOUX, Thomas; TROPA, Francisco BOUTOUX, Thomas; TROPA, Francisco La moustache cachée dans la barbe Paraguay Press 2018 Artists' Books 15€ 15€
BYWATER, Jon; MENZIES, Louise; SLATER, Marnie BYWATER, Jon; MENZIES, Louise; SLATER, Marnie The Social Life of the Book #5 - Die Toilette (after Chris Kraus) Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Literature 5€ 5€
BYWATER, Jon; MENZIES, Louise; SLATER, Marnie BYWATER, Jon; MENZIES, Louise; SLATER, Marnie The Social Life of the Book #5 - Die Toilette (d’après Chris Kraus) Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Literature 5€ 5€
CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) castillo/corrales today #4 – J'ai froid Paraguay Press 2014 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Music & Sound / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) castillo/corrales today #9 – sponte sua forte Paraguay Press Periodicals / Art Spaces / Poetry 5€ 5€
CHAMBAUD, Etienne; NORMAND, Vincent CHAMBAUD, Etienne; NORMAND, Vincent Contre-histoire de la séparation Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Books 25€ 25€
DAVEY, Moyra DAVEY, Moyra The Social Life of the Book #2 - Le Sec et le Moite Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
DAVEY, Moyra DAVEY, Moyra The Social Life of the Book #2 - Lo Humedo y lo Seco Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
DAVEY, Moyra DAVEY, Moyra The Social Life of the Book #2 - The Wet and the Dry Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy Guy de Cointet: The Complete Plays Paraguay Press 2017 Monographs / Documents / Artists' Writings / Performance 39€ 39€
DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy Guy de Cointet : Théâtre Complet Paraguay Press 2017 Monographs / Documents / Performance / Artists' Writings 39€ 39€
DE LA CASINIÈRE, Joëlle; JOTTA, Ana; VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie DE LA CASINIÈRE, Joëlle; JOTTA, Ana; VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie Three Moral Tales Paraguay Press 2019 Exhibition Catalogues 18€ 18€
DE LAURENS, Helena; PACOTTE, Clara; PLANCHON, Esmé DE LAURENS, Helena; PACOTTE, Clara; PLANCHON, Esmé Le jukebox des trobairitz Rag 2023 Queer Culture / Poetry / Feminism / Love 13€ 13€
ELLIMAN, Paul; LAX, Tom; BYWATER, Jon ELLIMAN, Paul; LAX, Tom; BYWATER, Jon The Social Life of the Record #1 - Everybody knows this is Nowhere Paraguay Press Periodicals / Music & Sound 5€ 5€
ESTRELA, Alexandre ESTRELA, Alexandre Métal Hurlant Paraguay Press 2019 Monographs / Exhibition Catalogues 22€ 22€
GARCIA, Dora GARCIA, Dora Steal this book / Robe este libro Paraguay Press Monographs / Essays 12€ 12€
GERBER, Corinn; THOREL, Benjamin (eds.) GERBER, Corinn; THOREL, Benjamin (eds.) A Book About What’s More To Life Than Books Paraguay Press / Publication Studio 2013 Essays / Book Culture / Anthologies / Graphic Design 20€ 20€
HAMOU, Joachim (ed.) HAMOU, Joachim (ed.) Calling out of context Paraguay Press 2017 Essays / Artists' Writings / Performance 12€ 12€
HAMOU, Joachim; RUDOVSKA, Maija; SIRIEIX, Barbara (eds.) HAMOU, Joachim; RUDOVSKA, Maija; SIRIEIX, Barbara (eds.) Active Art Paraguay Press 2019 Essays / Art Theory / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
HEGRAY, Hendrik & DELABORDE, Jonas (eds.) HEGRAY, Hendrik & DELABORDE, Jonas (eds.) Nazi Knife #10: Puro Odio Paraguay Press Zines / Artists' Books 20€ 20€
HOCQUARD, Emmanuel (ed.); ROYET-JOURNOUD, Claude (ed.) HOCQUARD, Emmanuel (ed.); ROYET-JOURNOUD, Claude (ed.) Monostiches/One-line Poems Paraguay Press 2015 Poetry / Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints 8€ 8€
HOFF, James HOFF, James The Social Life of the Book #8 - “Crumpled, rumpled, crappy, tacky, raunchy, unconscious, whatever.” Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
HOLDER, Will HOLDER, Will The Social Life of the Book #6 - La Bibliothèque d’Helen Chadwick Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
HOLDER, Will HOLDER, Will The Social Life of the Book #6 - The Library of Helen Chadwick Paraguay Press 2015 Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) Theatre of the Street. Advertising and Window Display within the Context of Modernism, 1918-1938 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design Prague 2023 Architecture / Design / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
KASPAR, Tobias; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) KASPAR, Tobias; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) The Provence Summer Reader: After Dark Paraguay Press / Provence Literature / Artists' Writings / Periodicals 12€ 12€
KASPAR, Tobias; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) KASPAR, Tobias; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) The Provence City Guide: Nice Paraguay Press / Provence Artists' Books / City Guides & Travel / Periodicals 12€ 12€
KORINE, Harmony KORINE, Harmony The Collected Fanzines Drag City 2008 Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Zines 24€ 24€
LAND, Owen LAND, Owen Dialogues – A Film by Owen Land Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
LARSSON, Karl LARSSON, Karl Consensus (The Room) Paraguay Press Poetry / Artists' Writings 12€ 12€
LE BRUSQ, Lou-Maria LE BRUSQ, Lou-Maria Malédiction Rag 2024 Poetry 13€ 13€
LEBLON, Guillaume LEBLON, Guillaume Helbling Paraguay Press Monographs 29€ 29€
LEBLON, Guillaume; BOUTOUX, Thomas LEBLON, Guillaume; BOUTOUX, Thomas L'Entretien / The Interview Paraguay Press Artists' Writings / Conversations 15€ 15€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère; AUBART, François; PIRON, François LOTRINGER, Sylvère; AUBART, François; PIRON, François Ce que Sylvère Lotringer n'écrivait pas Paraguay Press / future 2022 Conversations / Biographies / Book Culture / Scenes 15€ 15€
LÜTHI, Louis LÜTHI, Louis The Social Life of the Book #3 - Infant A Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture 5€ 5€
LÜTHI, Louis LÜTHI, Louis The Social Life of the Book #3 - L'enfançon A Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture 5€ 5€
MANGELOS MANGELOS mangelos Paraguay Press Monographs 22€ 22€
MEES, Guy MEES, Guy The Lost Space Paraguay Press 2019 Exhibition Catalogues 16€ 16€
MOSS, Avigail MOSS, Avigail The Social Life of the Book #4 - Kinesics of the Page Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Photography 5€ 5€
MOSS, Avigail MOSS, Avigail The Social Life of the Book #4 - Kinésique de la Page Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Photography 5€ 5€
NOTERIS, Emilie NOTERIS, Emilie Alma Matériau Paraguay Press 2020 Art History / Feminism 15€ 15€
ORLANDO, Sophie ORLANDO, Sophie La Part Affective Paraguay Press 2024 Education 15€ 15€
PION, Patrik; PIRON, François (ed.) PION, Patrik; PIRON, François (ed.) La perte du bonheur Paraguay Press 2023 Monographs / Health 20€ 20€
PIRON, François (cur.) PIRON, François (cur.) Incorporated! Les Ateliers de Rennes 2016 (2 vol.) Paraguay Press Group Shows / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
PIRON, François; DÉSANGES, Guillaume (eds.) PIRON, François; DÉSANGES, Guillaume (eds.) Contre-vents Paraguay Press 2021 Counterculture / Exhibition Catalogues 30€ 30€
PIRON, François; ROUSSEL, Lucas; THIEBAULT, Marilou (eds.); LAMIEL, Laura PIRON, François; ROUSSEL, Lucas; THIEBAULT, Marilou (eds.); LAMIEL, Laura LL Laura Lamiel Paraguay Press 2019 Monographs 39€ 39€
REYNAUD-DEWAR, Lili REYNAUD-DEWAR, Lili My Epidemic (texts about my work and the work of other artists) Paraguay Press 2015 Artists' Writings 16€ 16€
REYNAUD-DEWAR, Lili REYNAUD-DEWAR, Lili Interpretation Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Books 25€ 25€
ROBERTSON, Lisa; STADLER, Matthew (eds.) ROBERTSON, Lisa; STADLER, Matthew (eds.) Revolution: A Reader Paraguay Press Anthologies / Essays / Politics 28€ 28€
RODZIELSKI, Clément RODZIELSKI, Clément Aube Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Books 20€ 20€
SCANLAN, Joe SCANLAN, Joe Red Flags Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
SCHULMANN, Clara SCHULMANN, Clara Zizanies Paraguay Press 2020 Literature / Essays 15€ 15€
SKALI, Ghita SKALI, Ghita Narrative Machines – Professional magazine of medical fictions Paraguay Press 2022 Artists' Books 15€ 15€
STADLER, Matthew STADLER, Matthew The Social Life of the Book #7 - Composition as Publication – and – What are Margins Paraguay Press 2016 Periodicals / Book Culture / Literature 5€ 5€
THOMPSON, Mayo THOMPSON, Mayo Art, Mystery Drag City Cultural Studies / Scenes / Literature 35€ 35€
TUAZON, Oscar TUAZON, Oscar The Social Life of the Book #1 - Faire des Livres Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
TUAZON, Oscar TUAZON, Oscar The Social Life of the Book #1 - Haciendo Libros Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
TUAZON, Oscar TUAZON, Oscar The Social Life of the Book #1 - Making Books Paraguay Press Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings 5€ 5€
VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie castillo/corrales today #10 – AMVK comics Paraguay Press Periodicals / Art Spaces 1€ 1€
VIDAL, Lilou (ed.) VIDAL, Lilou (ed.) This Is My Body, My Body Is Your Body, My Body Is the Body of the World Paraguay Press 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia; KOCK, Pieter; ARMIN, Janine; NORDIN, Ärkan VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia; KOCK, Pieter; ARMIN, Janine; NORDIN, Ärkan The Social Life of the Record #2 - Metal Ideas Paraguay Press Periodicals / Music & Sound 5€ 5€
VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia; KOCK, Pieter; ARMIN, Janine; NORDIN, Ärkan VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia; KOCK, Pieter; ARMIN, Janine; NORDIN, Ärkan The Social Life of the Record #2 - Metal Ideas (Special Version with Cassette Tape) Paraguay Press Periodicals / Music & Sound 10€ 10€
WARMAN, LA WARMAN, LA Whore Foods. Chroniques d’une caissière en chien Rag 2023 Literature / Queer Culture 13€ 13€
WILLS, Camilla (ed.) WILLS, Camilla (ed.) Love Your Parasites (Baroque Edition) Paraguay Press Monographs / Artists' Books 20€ 20€
ZIMBRO, Manuel ZIMBRO, Manuel Le Lait de la Voie Lactée Paraguay Press 2019 Comics & Illustrations / Artists' Books 24€ 24€