DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy
Guy de Cointet: The Complete Plays

First publication to gathers all theatrical works by artist Guy de Cointet, written between 1973 and 1983. 25 plays, published with an explanatory apparatus and numerous documents from the de Cointet Estate at the Centre Pompidou's Kandinsky Library. [publisher’s terse note]

Disponible en français.

Published by Paraguay Press, 2017
Design by Laure Giletti & Gregory Dapra
Monographs / Documents / Artists' Writings / Performance

Price: 39€

DE COINTET, Hugues; PIRON, François; THIÉBAULT, Marilou (eds.); DE COINTET, Guy - Guy de Cointet: The Complete Plays