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Author ↑↓ Title ↑↓ Publisher ↑↓ Date ↑↓ Category Price ↑↓ Buy
ARTAUD, Antonin ARTAUD, Antonin Van Gogh the man suicided by society Vauxhall&Company 2019 Artists' Writings / Literature / Biographies 18€ 18€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen Pierre Guyotat: Revolutions & Aberrations Vauxhall&Company 2016 Essays / Literature 18€ 18€
BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) Panthère Première #6 Panthère Première 2021 Periodicals / Feminism 10€ 10€
BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) Panthère Première #7 Panthère Première 2021 Periodicals / Feminism 10€ 10€
BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) BURTIN ZORTEA, Julia; FERCHAUD, Charlotte (eds.) Panthère Première #9 Panthère Première 2024 Periodicals / Feminism 10€ 10€
CAConrad CAConrad Hidden in the cave we forge of one another pântano books 2023 Poetry 14€ 14€
DE BEAUVOIR, Simone DE BEAUVOIR, Simone The Woman Destroyed Pantheon Books 2013 Literature / Feminism 17€ 17€
DUKELOW, Alisha DUKELOW, Alisha Modernist Affect Grid Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2022 Poetry 15€ 15€
FINLAY, Ian Hamilton FINLAY, Ian Hamilton The Present Order: Writings on the work of Ian Hamilton Finlay Marfa Book Company Monographs / Poetry / Essays 13€ 13€
FULTON, Nora Collen FULTON, Nora Collen Thee Display Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2020 Poetry 15€ 15€
HECKER, Florian; LECKEY, Mark HECKER, Florian; LECKEY, Mark Hecker Leckey Sound Voice Chimera PAN 2015 LPs & EPs / Music & Sound 18€ 18€
HOFF, James HOFF, James Blaster PAN 2014 LPs & EPs / Music & Sound 18€ 18€
Honey-Suckle Company Honey-Suckle Company Honey-Suckle Company: spiritus Honey-Suckle Company Monographs 40€ 40€
IMHOF, Anne; BULTHEEL, Billy; DOUGLAS, Eliza; AIGNER, Franziska IMHOF, Anne; BULTHEEL, Billy; DOUGLAS, Eliza; AIGNER, Franziska Faust PAN 2019 LPs & EPs 26€ 26€
JOHNSON, Mark Francis JOHNSON, Mark Francis Poor Fridge Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2021 Poetry 15€ 15€
LAWSON, Thomas LAWSON, Thomas Gathered Under the Tree of Liberty: United Against Tyranny Panmure Productions Monographs / Artists' Books 15€ 15€
MARQUES, Pedro Neves MARQUES, Pedro Neves Sex as Care and Other Viral Poems pântano books 2020 Poetry / Health / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
McGOUGH, Peter McGOUGH, Peter I've Seen the Future and I’m Not Going Pantheon Books 2020 Biographies / Art History / Scenes / Queer Culture / Painting 32€ 32€
MENDIETA, Ana MENDIETA, Ana Aux commencements MO.CO. Panacée 2023 Exhibition Catalogues 35€ 35€
MIDDLETON, Tricia MIDDLETON, Tricia Obsidian Situations Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2023 Poetry 15€ 15€
MOSES, Serubiri MOSES, Serubiri The moon is reading us a book pântano books 2023 Poetry / Essays 16€ 16€
ODETE ODETE The Elder Femme and Other Stone Writings pântano books 2021 Poetry / Performance / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
PHILIP, M. NourbeSe PHILIP, M. NourbeSe Looking for Livingstone - An Odyssey of Silence Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2018 Poetry 15€ 15€
POPE.L POPE.L One Thing After Another MO.CO. Panacée 2019 Exhibition Catalogues 25€ 25€
RADON, Lisa RADON, Lisa Age of Sand PANEL 2019 Poetry / Artists' Books 28€ 28€
RAFFLES, Hugh RAFFLES, Hugh The Book of Unconformities Pantheon Books 2020 Literature 30€ 30€
STINGILY, Diamond STINGILY, Diamond dead Daughter Vauxhall&Company 2021 Artists' Books 8€ 8€
THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) The Shelf Journal #2 The Shelf Company Periodicals / Book Culture 20€ 20€
THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) The Shelf Journal #3 The Shelf Company Periodicals / Book Culture 20€ 20€
THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) THE SHELF JOURNAL (ed.) The Shelf Journal #4 The Shelf Company 2016 Periodicals / Book Culture 20€ 20€
TRABUCCHI, Simone (ed.) TRABUCCHI, Simone (ed.) KIKOMMANDO PAN 2021 Music & Sound / Scenes 18€ 18€
Various Various De l’histoire de l’art en Afrique / On Art History in Africa RAW Material Company / Motto Books 2020 Black Studies / Art History 30€ 30€
WANGERT, Devin WANGERT, Devin Dead Time Documents - Centre for Expanded Poetics 2018 Poetry 15€ 15€
YIN-WONG, Flora YIN-WONG, Flora Liturgy PAN / Primary Information 2021 Artists' Writings / Magic / Music & Sound 16€ 16€