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Tuesday to Friday - 11-1pm and 2-7pm
Saturdays 2-7 pm

After 8 Books
7 rue Jarry
75010 PARIS

October 16 2024 11:00AM
Paris Internationale again & its Consequences

It’s that time of the year again ;) - brace yourself and wear sensitive shoes, our special bookshop for Paris Internationale will be open from Wednesday 16 to Sunday 20 October, on the 5th floor - no elevator but free…

CIUCHTA, Jagna; JACQUIN, Maud (ed.); RENARD, Émilie (ed.)
Jagna Ciuchta: Je dilaté, images liquides et plantes carnivores / Dilated I, Liquid Images and Carnivorous Plants

Une monographie pensée à partir de la logique collective, réflexive et évolutive du travail de Jagna Ciuchta – rassemblant six nouveaux essais qui examinent les moments clés de son processus, ses méthodologies et son éthique…

NOËL, Romain
La Grande Conspiration affective : Un thriller théorique

La Grande Conspiration Affective part d’un double effondrement, personnel (une rupture amoureuse) et collectif (la crise écologique). Le livre propose un dispositif littéraire pour « en sortir » : le narrateur…

HARTMAN, Saidiya
Vies rebelles. Histoires intimes de filles noires en révolte, de radicales queers et de femmes dangereuses

Vies rebelles retrace des bribes d’existence de femmes noires, qui ont quitté le sud des États-Unis en quête d’une vie meilleure pour les villes du Nord-Est, New York et Philadelphie, entre 1890 et 1930, après…

LACAVA, Stephanie
Class Dirt Clown School

LaCava’s Class Dirt Clown School was first read on February 10, 2024 at night on a rooftop across from the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City. The performance was created with Martha Taddei and Mallika Vora of local…

COTTON, Michelle (ed.)
Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960-1991

Published in conjunction with an eponymous exhibition surveying the history of digital art from a feminist perspective, Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960-1991 focuses on women who worked with computers…


Laminaire est composé de dix-sept longs poèmes dans lesquels sont tressés vers et fragments de prose. On y rencontre, entre autres choses, un sénateur américain, des contrats de propriété et de location, les dessins…

PETTIBON, Raymond; TOPP, Mike
The Frontier Index

Guiding readers across the desiccated landscape of twenty-first century America in The Frontier Index is the cult duo of Raymond Pettibon and Mike Topp, two of contemporary art and literature's wildest provocateurs…

ZHU, Bruno
The September Issue

Bruno Zhu’s The September Issue is an artists’ book in the form of an oversized wall calendar, depicting the artist’s mother in a series of Chinese glamour photoshoots. 

First presented as a prototype…

GUILLAUBEZ, Coralie; HASCOËT, Julie; PANO-ZAVARONI, Eléonore; RIOU, Pascale

Dans les vastes carrières de marbre de Carrare, sous terre dans le Loir-et-Cher, au milieu des tentes de free-parties en Bretagne, dans l’air frais des fjords norvégiens, aux pieds des prisons, dans son camion posté devant…

FINCH, Claire Star
Crache dans ma bouche puis crache dans mon autre bouche

OMG Claire Star Finch’s book in French dispo en exclu!!

En baisant je me sens siiiiiiiii super vivant·e. Mais maintenant je suis siiiiiii triste et seul·e, je n’ai pas baisé depuis siiiiiiiiii longtemps, au…

THOMPSON-ODLUM, Marenka (ed.)
Mauka to Makai: Hawaiian Quilts and the Ecology of the Islands

Exploring the intimate relationship between Hawaiian quilts, post-colonialism and ecological disaster, research curator Marenka Thompson-Odlum traverses Hawai‘i through the Poakalani quilting group and fifteen extraordinary…

The Medium

“This is a story of our life, it’s about how we died and learnt to survive, by taking messages for the dead. What do they call us? Medium. The Medium.”


VAN DER LOO, Marjolein (ed.)
A Tree, A Reader on Arboreal Kinship

A Tree, is about vegetal agency, plant knowledge, and the interaction between plants and people, with a specific focus on trees. Like all plants, trees make the world; they literally create soil, shape landscapes,…

OKOYOMON, Precious
But Did You Die?

Precious Okoyomon’s latest collection of poems combines their signature divinely-inspired lyricism with vivid illuminations. Okoyomon’s pantheism-in-verse brings the sensibility of their sublime installations to the page…

Une histoire de l’imprimerie et de la chose imprimée

« L’art de l’imprimeur consiste à effectuer une double impression, sur le papier et dans l’esprit. » L’invention au 15e siècle (par Gutenberg ? pas si simple…) de la typographie – ou le procédé qui consiste à déposer de…

LONZI, Carla; FORTUNATI, Leopoldina; AUSTIN, Arlen (ed.); COLANTUONO, Sara (ed.); MANSOOR, Jaleh (ed.)
Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt

More spit on Hegel! A collection of new translations of significant texts by two poles of Italian feminist thought—Leopoldina Fortunati and Carla Lonzi—to examine the “unexpected subject” of women in society and history.…

VICUÑA, Cecilia; LÓPEZ, Miguel A. (ed.)
Dreaming Water, A Retrospective of the Future (1964-...)

“Without humidity there is no humanity”
—Cecilia Vicuña


GUMBS, Alexis Pauline
Survival is a Promise. The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde

In Survival Is a Promise, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, the first researcher to explore the full depths of Lorde’s manuscript archives, illuminates the eternal life of Lorde. Her life and work become more than a sound…

Enheduana: The Complete Poems of the World’s First Author

Enheduana was a high priestess and royal princess who lived in Ur, in what is now southern Iraq, about 2300 BCE. Not only does Enheduana have the distinction of being the first author whose name we know, but the poems…

MEKAS, Jonas
Debout parmi les choses. Poèmes 1948-2007

Debout parmi les choses rend compte d’un parcours d’écriture sur près de soixante ans, au sein duquel Jonas Mekas renouvelle son approche et ses formes, où les longs poèmes…

SELLIER, Geneviève
Le culte de l’auteur

Pour le cinéma français, le temps de l’examen de conscience semble venu. Les témoignages de victimes de violences sexuelles au sein de l’industrie sont accablants, la profession admet que l’impunité…

Réunir les bouts du monde. Art, histoire, esclavage en mémoire

Réunir les bouts du monde est une rencontre avec des oeuvres visuelles, littéraires, musicales et critiques, étatsuniennes et caribéennes, qui portent en elles la mémoire de l’esclavage transatlantique. L’histoire…

MUNA, Mahmoud; TELLER, Matthew; TOUMA, Juliette; ABUSAFIA, Jayyab (eds.)
Daybreak in Gaza. Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture

A city so rich in trees it looks like a cloth of brocade spread out upon the land.
—Shamsaddin al-Dimashqi, geographer (1256–1327)

This is Gaza – a place of humanity and creativity, rich in culture…

SILLMAN, Amy; KRASINSKI, Jennifer (ed.)
To Be Other-Wise

“Amy Sillman has increasingly placed painting, animation, and drawing in a dialectical tension in which mediums interrupt one another in associative swerves both elusive and ecstatic.”
—Felix Bernstein


K, Hesse
Disquiet Drive
One night a satellite falls out of the sky and splits a girl in half. Disquiet Drive is a book scraped together from the shorn parts of a person who may no longer exist. Beginning with an admission that language…
CALVO, Sabrina
Les nuits sans Kim Sauvage

Je reviens à moi en un seul blink.
—T’étais où ?
J’ai chaud partout. Le défilé est fini. Lumières up et la foule qui sort en brouhaha docile. Le logo dans ma poche comme un petit avion en vrille.


SIMON-Kennedy, Kira; CHEN, Quinn; XU, Xiaoyao (eds.)
Shifting the Angle of Shine. An Anthology of Artists and Collectives in the Sinosphere from 2013 to 2023

Our inaugural publication spans a decade of resilient artists and collectives in, around, and about China and the greater Sinosphere. Composed of essays, images, conversations, and projects, Shifting the Angle of Shine…

BAKER, James Robert
Le livre raconte l'histoire de Nick et de Jeff, qui se rencontrent un soir, en cruisant sur la plage. Nick va chez Jeff. Après avoir fait l'amour, ils se font soudainement charger par un duo de policiers qui…
MONK, Meredith; SCHNEIDER, Anna (ed.); RUF, Beatrix (ed.); SCISCIOLI, Peter (ed.)
Meredith Monk. Calling

Meredith Monk is recognized as one of the most unique and influential artistes of our time YES! A pioneer in what is now called “extended vocal technique,” and interdisciplinary, site-specific performance, Monk creates…

Smos & Baby Bee: Party Flyers And More. Reminiscences Of A Unique Era In Belgian Nightlife Culture (1993–2010)

AfterClub is very proud to present Smos & Baby Bee: Party Flyers And More. Reminiscences Of A Unique Era In Belgian Nightlife Culture (1993–2010). Throughout 326 flyers and many stories from the personal archives…

CAHUN, Claude
Cancelled Confessions

In 1930, Claude Cahun (born Lucy Schwob) and her partner, artist Marcel Moore (born Suzanne Malherbe) published their surrealist masterpiece, Aveux non Avenus, translated here as Cancelled Confessions.…

DENBY, Edwin
That Still Moment

After starting his career as a dancer in Germany, Edwin Denby moved to Manhattan, where he formed friendships with prominent members of the New York School, including Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery, and artists such as…

Pippa Garner X Nancy Reese

“Styling à go-go”
In this photo series that was originally published in Lui and New West magazine in 1977, Pippa Garner (fka Philip Garner) and her artist friend Nancy…

(Non) Performance. A daily practice

Ces dernières années, la performance est devenue incontournable dans l’art contemporain. Pourtant, si l’intérêt que lui portent les artistes, les institutions ou les écoles s’est considérablement développé, la littérature…

TEMPÊTE, Mickaël
La Gaie Panique

Hier pourchassés par l’État français, les gays sont aujourd’hui invités à souscrire à une gestion sécuritaire de l’homophobie: incorporation des valeurs républicaines, d’une culture de la peur et des solutions policières.…

TEA, Michelle (ed.)
SLUTS Anthology

BACK IN STOCK! What does it mean to be sexually promiscuous in contemporary American culture??

Edited by cult-favorite author Michelle Tea, SLUTS, the first publication from vulgarian queer publisher DOPAMINE,…

GUO, Aurelia; PERKINS, Russel

*****A new publisher is in town******

 This book contain the text I want our nation to grow, a montage of sentences gleaned from articles, essays or encyclopedia in which Aurelia Guo question the weaponization…

AUDIN, Michèle
Rue des Partants. Paris, Ménilmontant

À Ménilmontant comme ailleurs, on savait qu'on avait un roi, puis on apprenait qu'on n'en avait plus. Les ouvrières, les ouvriers, manquaient de pain. Comme dans les faubourgs avoisinants, on dressait des barricades.…

American Genius, A Comedy

A former historian is spending time in a residential home – but is it an artist’s retreat, a spa, or a psychiatric hospital?

In hypnotic and digressive prose, Tillman’s narrator spins tales of her life while ruminating…

The Secret Book of Lichens

Back in stock : ) “When lichens talk to each other, the most important thing for them to do is to exchange something: delicacies, air, news, syrup, moisture, or thoughts. Therefore, there is no such word as ‘I’…

WICKER, Jean-Michel; LAUGIER, Julien (ed.)

l o g o r r h e a
chapeau de paille ?

An artists’ book focusing on the written word in the work of Jean-Michel Wicker. Expect the unexpected, and a fluorescent…

The Contemporary Condition. The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary – Notes in Defense of an Idea of Emancipation

Over recent decades, a post-critical theoretical and methodological paradigm has become increasingly dominant in the human sciences. Proponents of this approach have come to dismiss the idea—central to all modern aesthetics—of…

Stinkhorn. How Nature’s Most Foul Smelling Mushroom Can Change the Way We Listen

The stinkhorn mushroom is one of the weirdest wonders of the fungal world, certainly the smelliest. Ever since it was described by a Dutch doctor in a sixteenth-century pamphlet, the stinkhorn has been reported to emit…

ILIAZD (Ilya Zdanevich)
Berlin Khaltura

The sixth volume of the bie bao series presents the first English translation of Ilya Zdanevich’s writings on Berlin—a city he visited at the end of 1922, spending time with Russian emigre writers whom he accused of commodifying…

SENNETT, Richard
Democracy and Urban Form

“Never have the potential political consequences of architecture been greater, and never has the political sensibility of architecture been less.”

This was the state of the discipline that social theorist and urban…

DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga & ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.)
Jonas Prapuolenis: STUDIJA

A book about designer Jonas Prapuolenis’ hand-built Studio – a peculiar space, where he designed and produced most of his work over a remarkable and inventive career. It sits on a nearly century-old site in the Žaliakalnis…

TROU NOIR (eds.)
Trou Noir #3 – Enjeux historiques et conflits mémoriels des sexualités dissidentes

Un vent nouveau souffle sur l’histoire LGBTQI+. Une redéfinition des enjeux politiques de l’histoire et de la mémoire portée par une génération de chercheur.euses concerné.es et par l’émergence de nombreux collectifs d’archives…

MONTAZAMI, Morad; DE COLNET, Madeleine; SCHLICHT, Esther (eds.)
Casablanca Art School: A Postcolonial Avant-Garde 1962–1987

Just a few years after Morocco gained inde­pen­dence in 1956, a vibrant center of cultural renewal devel­oped in Casablanca. Led by artists such as Farid Belkahia, Mohammed Chabâa, Bert Flint, Toni Maraini, and Mohamed…

SOLT, Mary Ellen; SOLT, Susan (ed.)
The Collected Poems of Mary Ellen Solt

The Collected Poems of Mary Ellen Solt brings together nearly five decades of poetic work. Celebrated for her suite of visual poems Flowers in Concrete, much of Solt’s work has remained little known or…

I Can Give You Anything But Love

With I Can Give You Anything but Love, Gary Indiana has composed a literary, unabashedly wicked, and revealing montage of excursions into his life and work—from his early days growing up gay in rural New Hampshire…

COLARD, Jean-Max (ed.)
* as a Journal #7: Poem

“What sparked off this issue of as a Journal was the clear evidence of poetry’s growing presence in the field of contemporary art. Rather than ‘Poetry’ in general, and even less so the figure of the ‘Poet’, it’s…

LE GUIN, Ursula K.
The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction

Hacking the linear, progressive mode of the techno-Heroic, the carrier bag theory of human evolution proposes: “before the tool that forces energy outward, we made the tool that brings energy home.” Prior to the preeminence…

Quantum Listening

In response to the anti-war movements of the 1960s, pioneering musician and composer Pauline Oliveros began to expand the way she made music, experimenting with meditation, movement and activism in her compositions. Fascinated…

Wrong Norma

Wrong Norma is a collection of writings about different things, like Joseph Conrad, Guantánamo, Flaubert, snow, poverty, Roget’s Thesaurus, my Dad, Saturday night. The pieces are not linked. That’s why I’ve called…

In the Glittering Maw. Selected Poems

The first English-language collection focused on the later works of Joyce Mansour, an Arab-Jewish Surrealist poet who was exiled from Egypt in the 1950s and settled in Paris.

Mansour’s late poems chart constellations…

The Woman in the Portrait

In 1920's Berlin, the recovered diaries of transgender model Heike expose her as the mysterious muse and subject behind Christian Schad's best-known painting. After signing her Gender Recognition Certificate, a trans woman…

JJ – Tartine-moi et autres textes

« Je sors de l'eau. Bord qui glisse. Jill tombe pour la seconde fois. Scull attend impatient avec sa grande serviette jaune et ravie je me dis que c'est mon entraîneur et que j'ai gagné la course. Je contourne la haie…

OGILVIE, Bertrand
Inclassable enfance

C’est un secret de Polichinelle : on n’apprend rien à l’École. Rien sinon qu’au départ, soi-disant, on ne sait rien. Pour l’enfant, l’important à l’École, c’est d’apprendre à obéir. Certes on ne parle pas ici de ces moments…

ELIA, Nada
Palestine. Un féminisme de libération

Comment expliquer qu’Israël, malgré ses attaques meurtrières à Gaza et sa violation du droit international, reste à l’abri de toute véritable critique? Pourquoi de nombreuses féministes du Nord global, si promptes à dénoncer…

FUNK, Elijah; ROSS, Alix
Tricker’s Cabin: The Oral & Visual History of Online Ceramics

What if you slept
And what if
In your sleep
You dreamed
And what if
In your dream
You went to heaven
And there plucked…

PEETERS, Julie (ed.)

BILL 5 contains sand, wind, tide, bills, tulips, LA, parking lots, waves, thoughts, bagels, prints, Tokyo, orchids, horses, backs, balm, magazines, updates, shadows, Elena's shoe, two mudbaths and a garage door.


Lettres à une connue

Quand ton existence se déploiera-t-elle librement, ainsi qu’une bannière victorieuse, sur tant d’années comprimées ? Quand se lèvera un jour doré de promesses ? Quand ploieras-tu au vent de plus hauts caprices ?

White Trash Boulevard & autres récits

Une traduction française de plusieurs récits de Gary Indiana : White Trash Boulevard et autres récits retourne aux premiers textes publiés en revues par Indiana, jusqu’ici inédits en France, se focalisant sur…

Fan Mail, Frank Letters and Crank Calls

Following the publication of Cookie Mueller’s Garden of Ashes, a reissue of her first contribution to the Hanuman canon: Fan Mail, Frank Letters, and Crank Calls, an epistolary portrait of the absurdity…

WARK, McKenzie
Life Story

“My idols are dead, and my enemies are in power. Domination co-opts language, making it almost unusable, other than by machines. We are to be ruled without even the semblance of style. I speak instead of what I have loved:…

A Book Knot Book

A Book Knot Book is a 208 page-long performance, the first from the research and publishing initiative Body Text. In this study of language in action systems of meaning-making crash, sparkle and swoon. In a playful…

Dispersed Events. Selected Writings

Dispersed Events brings together for the first time Nick Mauss’ essays from the last fifteen years. Shimmering with the urgency of a new generation of queer thinkers, Mauss’ writing refracts contemporary art through…

HOY, Estelle
saké blue. Selected Writings

Can critical thinking spring from both a fortune cookie and Jacques Lacan’s most obscure seminar footnote? Estelle Hoy says yes. In saké blue, overpriced cheesecakes are the starting point for an essay…


D’l’or est une suite de poèmes, le premier livre de Rosanna Puyol Boralevi, également fondatrice de la maison d’édition Brook. Un texte qui parle de la traduction comme d’un aller-retour plutôt que comme d'un…

REGEL, Hannah
The Last Sane Woman

A beguiling debut novel about friendship and failure.

Nicola Long is a few years out of a fine arts degree, listless and unenthusiastically employed in London. She begins to spend her hours at a small underfunded…

Le Dépays

This is the first English language edition of Chris Marker’s 1982 photo-essay, Le Dépays. Lovingly adapted from the original design, it features Marker’s own translation astride some of his most exquisite,…

ABARBANEL, Aliza; BUSH, Tanya (eds.)
Cake Zine #5 Candy Land

Cake Zine’s fifth issue, Candy Land, unwraps candy’s connections to the literal and metaphorical land. It’s ninety-six pages of essays, recipes, fiction, and art, including:

  • Conversations…
SIREN (some poetics)

Through work by artists and poets of various generations and geographies, as well as additional contributors, SIREN (some poetics) considers the ways in which language is increasingly employed by artists…

Pleasure Gardens. Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir

We identified a task: to try and fill the void, the gaps in information. To try and do this as simply and as precisely as possible.

Pleasure Gardens is an urgent two-part project that…

SPOTT, Verity
The North Road Songbook

The North Road Songbook collects together eight sequences of poems, most of which were composed between 2019 and 2024. The title sequence is a set of lyrics written around North Road in Brighton, originally a…

KING, Richard
Travels Over Feeling: Arthur Russell, a Life

The music of Arthur Russell defies classification. Across a twenty-year career he created a body of work which ranged from his pioneering compositions as part of the New York avant-garde alongside artists including Philip…

GRAZIANI, Stefano Graziani; PRINCEN, Bas
The Lives of Documents - Photography as Project

How do photographers select, order, and display their images to make visual arguments about built and natural environments? Conceived as part of a long-term project at the CCA to examine the contemporary role of photography…

Bad Cars

Pippa Garner’s multidisciplinary practice, which is receiving a renewed visibility and institutional attention, features a wide, and for the most part still undiscovered, photographic…

Dream State Code of Conduct [Middle Income]

Visit the year 2136 for a minimum of 43 minutes.

Dream State Code of Conduct gene-rates and orients your Biotic Tag, a form of embodied ID marker allowing you to visit the Altamira Cave Complex (ACC) in…

TROUCHE, Timothée
marteau piqueur

J’adore les chiens
J’adore les chats

Pas de préférence

Encre verte pour tableaux noirs. Vingt-sept poèmes de Timothée Trouche (maître d’hôtel et instituteur) compilés avec la complicité…

You gotta keep your head straight about clothes

“As a student at Central Saint Martins in the early aughts, spending money on fashion books was something I couldn’t—and didn’t think—to do. That was until 2010, when I spent an afternoon in Paris with the designer Christophe…

PRODGER, Charlie
Charlie Prodger

Charlie Prodger works across moving image, writing, sculpture, drawing and printmaking. Through the prism of queer subjectivity, her work explores intertwined relations between the body, landscape, language, technology…

GENZKEN, Isa; BUCHHOLZ, Daniel (ed.); MÜLLER, Christopher (ed.)
Isa Genzken. 75/75

For a long time, I went about my work very conceptually. With the hi-fi photographs, ellipsoids, or with the works made of concrete, I had an idea and realized it forcefully. Then I stopped doing that, suddenly, and…


Mystique des rues vides et peu éclatantes des banlieues pavillonnaires, ce court poème en prose interpelle par sa langue sombre. Dans une parodie de messe noire – beigeasse comme le crépis des façades –, Théo Robine-Langlois…

ZURN, Unica
Katrin – The Tale of a Young Writer

Unica Zürn tells the story of fifteen-year-old motherless Katrin, an aspiring writer, who lives with her father, also a writer. The novel is set in an imaginary world, a metropolis called Linit, split into three levels:…

MADANI, Adnan ; MARTINON, Jean-Paul (eds)
Visual Cultures as World-Forming

How does the world form itself? How does it create itself as a world? And how do we understand the role of the visual in this regard? Most responses to these questions within cultural theory and visual culture refer to…

BROWN, Glen James
Mother Naked

The City of Durham, 1434. Out of a storm, an aging minstrel arrives at the cathedral to entertain the city’s most powerful men.

Mother Naked is his name, and the story he’s come to tell is the Legend…

collectif Fléau social
L’Homosexualité, ce douloureux problème

 Cette première création du collectif queer Fléau social met en résonance les luttes des années 70 avec celles, toujours vives, de notre société contemporaine. Ce fut l’un des moments fondateurs de l’histoire des combats…

Conflicted Copy

Sam Riviere is a past master of taking and exploiting “found” content and process and transforming it into poetry that captivates and unsettles. Here, he harnesses anxiety about AI only to exploit it for his own extraordinary…

KLUGE, Alexander
The Dragonfly’s Eye - My Virtual Camera (AI)

In The Dragonfly’s Eye, 92-year-old author and filmmaker Alexander Kluge tests out the cooperative capacities of the Stable Diffusion model, which uses AI to process images. As a film-maker, he has many years…

Maker’s Muck

Let the studio top you . . . surrender to Process, take Process straight to the face, get down on the ground with Process.

At the center of New York–based artist Nicole Eisenman’s sculpture Maker’s…

JAFA, Arthur

Arthur Jafa’s ***** is a reinterpretation, or détournement, or retake, or remake, or find the right word, of the final gunfight in Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, featuring black characters instead of the original…

Love Poems

Flowers, blood, jewels.

“With three simple poems, Rene Ricard exposes us to the often strained love within class stratification, between those coming together from different worlds, whether Bowery panhandlers or…

PAVÓN, Cecilia
Bonbons à l’anis

« C’est excitant de savoir que désormais la poésie sera parfaite et que jamais plus je n’aurai à écrire. »

Bonbons à l’anis est un recueil de poèmes et récits de l’autrice argentine Cecilia Pavón – traduits…

Abu Jildeh and Al-Armeet

Abu Jildeh and Al-Armeet looks at anti-colonial insurgency in Palestine through the story of the Abu Jildeh bandit gang, a group of farmers from the greater Nablus region who rose up against the British colonization…

Inventory Works

The largest book of Max Lamb’s work to date, Inventory Works combines new and archival photographs of Max’s work and letters and essays contributed by åbäke, Alexander S. C. Rower, Brent Dzekciorius, Charlotte…

Jewellery Drawings

A selection of drawings that later became jewellery. The insight into what is in progress, unfinished. The only visible hints between Lisa's brain and the works. The drawings are an exclamation of the thoughts, on a piece…

The Ginny Suite

Information didn’t need to be remembered; it remembered her…

A mysterious global syndrome is affecting women, causing symptoms of submissiveness and aphasia. While the number of sufferers grows, so does…

CARTER, Julian
Dances of Time and Tenderness

Dances of Time and Tenderness is a bold, sensual cycle of transpoetic stories that blend memory and movement in an innovative choreo-text of rage, sweetness and sorrow. A dance hall where the dead and the living…

The MoMA Plant Collection

The MoMA Plant Collection displays the tradition of including plant life in the Museum of Modern Art in NY. The book presents 340 photographs and drawings that pay tribute to the pairing of plants with art. What…