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ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy Hannibal Lecter, My Father Semiotext(e) 1991 Literature 22€ 22€
ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie I’m very into you. Correspondence 1995-1996 Semiotext(e) 2015 Correspondence / Literature 18€ 18€
ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio Wars and Capital Semiotext(e) 2018 Economy / Essays / Politics 27€ 27€
ARCADE, Penny ARCADE, Penny Bad Reputation. Performances, Essays, Interviews Semiotext(e) 2009 Queer Culture / Scenes / Biographies / Performance 22€ 22€
BAUDRILLARD, Jean BAUDRILLARD, Jean Architecture: Truth Or Radicalism? Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Architecture 10€ 10€
BAUDRILLARD, Jean BAUDRILLARD, Jean Forget Foucault Semiotext(e) 2007 Philosophy 15€ 15€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie When the Sick Rule the World Semiotext(e) 2015 Literature / Essays 20€ 20€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Beating of Our Heart Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 6€ 6€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie The Letters of Mina Harker, new edition Semiotext(e) 2021 (1998) Literature 22€ 22€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Bee Reaved Semiotext(e) 2021 Essays / Literature 22€ 22€
BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) BELLAMY, Dodie; GERRITY, Jeanne (ed.); HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Dodie Bellamy Is on Our Mind Semiotext(e) / CCA Wattis 2020 Anthologies / Literature / Scenes / Queer Culture 24€ 24€
BENDERSON, Bruce BENDERSON, Bruce Against Marriage Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" The Uprising. On Poetry and Finance Semiotext(e) Politics 15€ 15€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" And. Phenomenology of the end Semiotext(e) Politics 18€ 18€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" Neuro Totalitarianism Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 6€ 6€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" Breathing Semiotext(e) 2019 Essays / Poetry / Politics 18€ 18€
BERNADETTE CORPORATION BERNADETTE CORPORATION Reena Spaulings Semiotext(e) 2005 Literature / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
BERNSTEIN SYCAMORE, Mattilda BERNSTEIN SYCAMORE, Mattilda The Freezer Door Semiotext(e) 2020 Literature 20€ 20€
BERNSTEIN, Michèle BERNSTEIN, Michèle All the king's horses Semiotext(e) Literature 15€ 15€
BIN WAHAD, Dhoruba; SHAKUR, Assata; ABU-JAMAL, Mumia; FLETCHER, Jim (ed.); JONES, Tanaquil (ed.); LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) BIN WAHAD, Dhoruba; SHAKUR, Assata; ABU-JAMAL, Mumia; FLETCHER, Jim (ed.); JONES, Tanaquil (ed.); LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) Still Black, Still Strong: Survivors of the U.S. War Against Black Revolutionaries Semiotext(e) 1993 Politics / Black Studies / Documents 18€ 18€
BLOSSOM, Vera BLOSSOM, Vera How to Fuck Like a Girl DOPAMINE / Semiotext(e) 2024 Essays / Queer Culture 19€ 19€
BURROUGHS, William S.; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) BURROUGHS, William S.; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) Burroughs Live 1960-1997. The Collected Interviews of William S. Burroughs Semiotext(e) 2001 Literature / Conversations 30€ 30€
CLASTRES, Pierre CLASTRES, Pierre The Question of Power. An interview with Pierre Clastres Semiotext(e) 2015 Zines / Politics / Conversations 10€ 10€
CLASTRES, Pierre CLASTRES, Pierre Archeology of violence Semiotext(e) 2010 Essays / Politics 18€ 18€
CORTAZAR, Julio CORTAZAR, Julio Fantomas Versus the Multinational Vampires Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial 2014 Zines / Literature 15€ 15€
DANEY, Serge DANEY, Serge The Cinema House and the World. 1. The Cahiers du Cinema Years, 1962–1981 Semiotext(e) 2022 Essays / Film & Video 39€ 39€
DANEY, Serge DANEY, Serge Footlights Semiotext(e) 2023 Essays / Film & Video 20€ 20€
DEBRÉ, Constance DEBRÉ, Constance Love Me Tender Semiotext(e) 2022 Essays / Feminism / Gender Studies / Sex 20€ 20€
DEBRÉ, Constance DEBRÉ, Constance Playboy Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 19€ 19€
DELEAR, Sean; BULLOCK, Michael (ed.); PADILLA, Cesar (ed.); PURNELL, Brontez (intro.) DELEAR, Sean; BULLOCK, Michael (ed.); PADILLA, Cesar (ed.); PURNELL, Brontez (intro.) I Could Not Believe It: The 1979 Teenage Diaries of Sean DeLear Semiotext(e) 2023 Memoirs / Scenes / Music & Sound / Queer Culture 19€ 19€
DOYLE, Jennifer DOYLE, Jennifer Campus sex, campus security Semiotext(e) Essays / Politics / Gender Studies / Cultural Studies 12€ 12€
DOYLE, Jennifer DOYLE, Jennifer Campus Security Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
DUSTAN, Guillaume DUSTAN, Guillaume The Works of Guillaume Dustan - Volume 1 Semiotext(e) 2021 Literature 20€ 20€
DUSTAN, Guillaume DUSTAN, Guillaume Nicolas Pages Semiotext(e) 2023 Literature 20€ 20€
DUVERT, Tony DUVERT, Tony The Undiscoverable Reading Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
DWORKIN, Andrea DWORKIN, Andrea Last Days at Hot Slit. The Radical Feminism of Andrea Dworkin Semiotext(e) 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Feminism 20€ 20€
EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.) EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.) Animal Shelter #02 Semiotext(e) 2012 Periodicals / Literature / Poetry 15€ 15€
EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.) EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.) Animal Shelter #03 Semiotext(e) 2013 Periodicals / Literature / Poetry 15€ 15€
EL KHOLTI, Hedi; DEWHURST, Robert (ed.) EL KHOLTI, Hedi; DEWHURST, Robert (ed.) Animal Shelter #04 Semiotext(e) 2015 Periodicals / Literature / Poetry 15€ 15€
EL KHOLTI, Hedi; KRAUS, Chris; VIGIER, Janique (eds.) EL KHOLTI, Hedi; KRAUS, Chris; VIGIER, Janique (eds.) Animal Shelter #05 Semiotext(e) 2018 Periodicals / Literature / Poetry 15€ 15€
FIRESTONE; Shulamith FIRESTONE; Shulamith Airless Spaces Semiotext(e) 1998 Literature / Essays / Feminism 15€ 15€
FLANAGAN, Bob FLANAGAN, Bob The Pain Journal Semiotext(e) 2001 Memoirs / Artists' Writings 25€ 25€
FLETCHER, Jim; MATHEWS, Harry FLETCHER, Jim; MATHEWS, Harry Week One Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Conversations 10€ 10€
FONTAINE, Claire FONTAINE, Claire Human Strike and the Art of Creating Freedom Semiotext(e) 2021 Artists' Writings / Anthologies 21€ 21€
FOUCAULT, Michel; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) FOUCAULT, Michel; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) Foucault Live. Collected Interviews, 1961–1984 Semiotext(e) Philosophy / Conversations 25€ 25€
GEISSLER, Heike GEISSLER, Heike Seasonal Associate Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature / Economy / Politics 18€ 18€
GLÜCK, Robert GLÜCK, Robert Communal Nude. Collected Essays Semiotext(e) 2016 Literature / Essays 21€ 21€
GOLDBERG, Clement GOLDBERG, Clement New Mistakes DOPAMINE / Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 18€ 18€
GONZALEZ PENA, Veronica GONZALEZ PENA, Veronica The Sad Passions Semiotext(e) Literature 18€ 18€
GONZALEZ PENA, Veronica GONZALEZ PENA, Veronica So Far From God Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ, Sergio GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ, Sergio Extreme Violence as Spectacle: I Within Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
GRAFF, Jeanne GRAFF, Jeanne Vzszhhzz Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature 15€ 15€
GUATTARI, Emmanuelle GUATTARI, Emmanuelle I, Little Asylum Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
GUIBERT, Hervé GUIBERT, Hervé Written in Invisible Ink Semiotext(e) 2021 Literature / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
GUIRAUDIE, Alain GUIRAUDIE, Alain Now the Night Begin Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature 25€ 25€
GUYOTAT, Pierre GUYOTAT, Pierre Independence Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
HAINLEY, Bruce HAINLEY, Bruce Art & Culture Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 8€ 8€
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT Solid Rain Semiotext(e) 2018 LPs & EPs / Music & Sound 25€ 25€
HOWE, Fanny HOWE, Fanny Indivisible (New Edition) Semiotext(e) 2022 Literature 20€ 20€
IGLIORI, Paola (ed.) IGLIORI, Paola (ed.) Harry Smith: American Magus Semiotext(e) 2022 Anthologies / Conversations / Monographs 22€ 22€
INDIANA, Gary INDIANA, Gary A significant loss of human life Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
INDIANA, Gary INDIANA, Gary Vile Days. The village voice art columns 1985-1988 Semiotext(e) 2018 Anthologies / Periodicals / Scenes 30€ 30€
INDIANA, Gary INDIANA, Gary Three Month Fever Semiotext(e) 1999 Literature 18€ 18€
INDIANA, Gary INDIANA, Gary Do Everything in the Dark Semiotext(e) 2023 Literature 20€ 20€
INTRA, Giovanni INTRA, Giovanni Clinic of Phantasms: Writings 1994–2002 Semiotext(e) 2022 Artists' Writings / Essays 21€ 21€
JEPPESEN, Travis JEPPESEN, Travis The Suiciders Semiotext(e) Literature 15€ 15€
JONES, William E. JONES, William E. But our life depends on what's real Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines 10€ 10€
JONES, William E. JONES, William E. Halsted Plays Himself [Revised and Expanded Edition] Semiotext(e) 2022 Film & Video / Queer Culture 31€ 31€
KELSEY, John KELSEY, John Drowning Devourers of the Deep Plane Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines 10€ 10€
KILLIAN, Kevin KILLIAN, Kevin Fascination: Memoirs Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature / Queer Culture 18€ 18€
KILLIAN, Kevin KILLIAN, Kevin Selected Amazon Reviews Semiotext(e) 2024 Anthologies / Art Criticism / Essays / Literature / Love 37€ 37€
KOESTENBAUM, Wayne KOESTENBAUM, Wayne The Cheerful Scapegoat Semiotext(e) 2021 Literature 17€ 17€
KOESTENBAUM, Wayne KOESTENBAUM, Wayne Stubble Archipelago Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature / Poetry / Essays 18€ 18€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris Where art belongs Semiotext(e) Art Theory / Literature 16€ 16€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris Video Green Semiotext(e) Art Theory / Essays / Film & Video 20€ 20€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris I Love Dick (Semiotext(e) Semiotext(e) Literature 18€ 18€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris Summer of Hate Semiotext(e) 2012 Literature 22€ 22€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris Lost Properties Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 6€ 6€
KRAUS, Chris KRAUS, Chris Social Practices Semiotext(e) 2018 Essays / Scenes 20€ 20€
KRAUS, Chris; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) KRAUS, Chris; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (eds.) Hatred of Capitalism Semiotext(e) 2001 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Feminism / Literature / Periodicals / Philosophy / Politics 20€ 20€
LACAVA, Stephanie LACAVA, Stephanie The Superrationals Semiotext(e) 2020 Literature 18€ 18€
LAZARRATO, Maurizio LAZARRATO, Maurizio Marcel Duchamp and The Refusal of Work Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial 2014 Zines / Politics / Art History 10€ 10€
LAZZARATO, Maurizio LAZZARATO, Maurizio Signs and Machines Semiotext(e) Politics 18€ 18€
LAZZARATO, Maurizio LAZZARATO, Maurizio The Intolerable Present, the Urgency of Revolution. Minorities and Classes Semiotext(e) 2023 Essays / Politics 18€ 18€
LEFEBVRE, Henri LEFEBVRE, Henri The Missing Pieces Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial 2014 Zines / Literature 14€ 14€
LEWIS, Heather LEWIS, Heather Notice Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 19€ 19€
LINDON, Mathieu LINDON, Mathieu Hervelino Semiotext(e) 2022 Literature 19€ 19€
LIPPENS, Nate LIPPENS, Nate Ripcord Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 19€ 19€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère LOTRINGER, Sylvère Over Exposed. Perverting Perversions Semiotext(e) Politics 15€ 15€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère LOTRINGER, Sylvère The Miserables Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère LOTRINGER, Sylvère Semiotext(e) Journal: The German Issue Semiotext(e) / Sternberg Press 2009 Facsimile & Reprints / Periodicals / Politics 29€ 29€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) Semiotext(e) Journal: Autonomia Semiotext(e) 2007 Politics / Curatorial Studies 28€ 28€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère; MORRIS, David (eds.) LOTRINGER, Sylvère; MORRIS, David (eds.) Semiotext(e) Journal: Schizo-Culture (2 Vol. Set) Semiotext(e) 2014 Periodicals / Politics / Cultural Studies / Facsimile & Reprints 44€ 44€
MARAZZI, Christian MARAZZI, Christian The Violence of Financial Capitalism Semiotext(e) Politics 13€ 13€
MARAZZI, Christian MARAZZI, Christian Capital and Affects. The Politics of the Language Economy Semiotext(e) Politics 15€ 15€
McCORMACK, Derek McCORMACK, Derek Castle Faggot Semiotext(e) 2020 Literature / Queer Culture 18€ 18€
McCORMACK, Derek McCORMACK, Derek The Well-Dressed Wound Semiotext(e) 2015 Literature / Theatre 15€ 15€
MCDONALD, Boyd MCDONALD, Boyd Cruising the movies Semiotext(e) 2015 Essays / Film & Video / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
MUELLER, Cookie MUELLER, Cookie Walking Through Clear Water In a Pool Painted Black Semiotext(e) 1990 Literature / Queer Culture / Scenes 30€ 30€
MUELLER, Cookie MUELLER, Cookie Walking through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black (New Edition) Semiotext(e) 2022 Literature / Scenes 20€ 20€
MYLES, Eileen MYLES, Eileen The Importance of Being Iceland. Travel Essays in Art Semiotext(e) 2009 Literature / Essays 21€ 21€
MYLES, Eileen MYLES, Eileen Street Retreat Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 6€ 6€
MYLES, Eileen MYLES, Eileen Not Me Semiotext(e) 1991 Poetry / Literature 18€ 18€
MYLES, Eileen; KOTZ, Liz (eds.) MYLES, Eileen; KOTZ, Liz (eds.) The New Fuck You. Adventures in Lesbian Reading Semiotext(e) 1995 Queer Culture / Literature 18€ 18€
NEGRI, Antonio NEGRI, Antonio The Winter is Over. Writing on Transformation Denied, 1989-1995 Semiotext(e) Politics 16€ 16€
PAVON, Cecilia PAVON, Cecilia Little Joy Semiotext(e) 2021 Literature 20€ 20€
PERALDI, François (ed.) PERALDI, François (ed.) Semiotext(e) Journal: Polysexuality Semiotext(e) 1995 Literature / Gender Studies / Periodicals / Facsimile & Reprints / Queer Culture 21€ 21€
PIGNATTI MORANO, Lodovico PIGNATTI MORANO, Lodovico Nicola, Milan Semiotext(e) Literature / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
POLETTI, Anna POLETTI, Anna Hello, World? Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 20€ 20€
RATTRAY, David RATTRAY, David How I Became One of the Invisible Semiotext(e) 2019 Essays / Literature / Magic 20€ 20€
RAUNIG, Gerald RAUNIG, Gerald Factories of Knowledge. Industries of Creativity Semiotext(e) Politics 12.5€ 12.5€
RAUNIG, Gerald RAUNIG, Gerald Dividuum. Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution Semiotext(e) 2016 Politics 18€ 18€
REINES, Ariana REINES, Ariana The Origin of the World Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
RIVERA, Reynaldo; EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.); MACKLER, Lauren (ed.) RIVERA, Reynaldo; EL KHOLTI, Hedi (ed.); MACKLER, Lauren (ed.) Reynaldo Rivera Semiotext(e) 2020 Monographs / Photography / Queer Culture / Scenes 38€ 38€
ROWER, Ann ROWER, Ann If You’re a Girl. Selected Stories 1985–2023 Semiotext(e) 2024 Literature 21€ 21€
RUTKOFF, Rebekah RUTKOFF, Rebekah The Irresponsible Magician. Essays And Fictions Semiotext(e) Essays / Literature 15€ 15€
SCHEFER, Jean-Louis SCHEFER, Jean-Louis The Ordinary Man of Cinema Semiotext(e) 2016 Film & Video / Art History 18€ 18€
SCHUHL, Jean-Jacques SCHUHL, Jean-Jacques Dusty Pink Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature / Scenes 15€ 15€
SKELLEY, Jack SKELLEY, Jack The Complete Fear of Kathy Acker Semiotext(e) 2023 Essays / Literature 18€ 18€
SMITH, Jack; LOTRINGER, Sylvère SMITH, Jack; LOTRINGER, Sylvère Jack Smith Vinyl Picture Disc (an Interview of Jack Smith by Sylvère Lotringer) Semiotext(e) LPs & EPs 20€ 20€
STAGG, Natasha STAGG, Natasha Surveys Semiotext(e) 2016 Literature 19€ 19€
STAGG, Natasha STAGG, Natasha Sleeveless. Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011-2019 Semiotext(e) 2019 Fashion / Material Culture / Media Studies 19€ 19€
STAGG, Natasha STAGG, Natasha Artless: Stories 2019-2023 Semiotext(e) 2023 Essays 19€ 19€
STURTEVANT; HAINLEY, Bruce STURTEVANT; HAINLEY, Bruce Under the Sign of (sic). Sturtevant's Volte-Face Semiotext(e) Monographs / Essays 39€ 39€
TAÏA, Abdellah TAÏA, Abdellah Another Morocco. Selected Stories Semiotext(e) 2017 Literature / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
TAÏA, Abdellah TAÏA, Abdellah Arabs Are No Longer Afraid Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
TEA, Michelle (ed.) TEA, Michelle (ed.) SLUTS Anthology Semiotext(e) / DOPAMINE 2024 Anthologies / Literature / Queer Culture / Sex 20€ 20€
TERRANOVA, Tiziana TERRANOVA, Tiziana After the Internet. Digital Networks between Capital and the Commons Semiotext(e) 2022 Essays / Media Studies / Politics 18€ 18€
The Invisible Committee The Invisible Committee The Coming Insurrection Semiotext(e) Politics 12€ 12€
TILLMAN, Lynne TILLMAN, Lynne The Complete Madame Realism Semiotext(e) 2016 Literature / Essays 20€ 20€
TILLMAN, Lynne TILLMAN, Lynne Men Apparitions. Tales from the Picture People Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 8€ 8€
TIQQUN TIQQUN Preliminary Materials For a Theory of the Young-Girl Semiotext(e) Essays / Politics 14€ 14€
TUPITSYN, Masha TUPITSYN, Masha Picture Cycle Semiotext(e) 2019 Art Theory / Essays 18€ 18€
VALENCIA, Sayak VALENCIA, Sayak Gore Capitalism Semiotext(e) 2018 Economy / Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 17€ 17€
VIRNO, Paolo VIRNO, Paolo When The Word Becomes Flesh: Language And Human Nature Semiotext(e) Philosophy / Essays 18€ 18€
VON SCHLEGELL, Mark VON SCHLEGELL, Mark Mercury Station Semiotext(e) Literature 18€ 18€
VON SCHLEGELL, Mark VON SCHLEGELL, Mark Venusia Semiotext(e) Literature 16€ 16€
VON SCHLEGELL, Mark VON SCHLEGELL, Mark Sundogz Semiotext(e) Literature 18€ 18€
VON SCHLEGELL, Mark VON SCHLEGELL, Mark Roussel Returns Semiotext(e) 2016 Zines / Essays / Art History 10€ 10€
VON SHLEGELL, Mark VON SHLEGELL, Mark Fainnie Azul Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
WANG, Jackie WANG, Jackie Against Innocence Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Literature 10€ 10€
WANG, Jackie WANG, Jackie Alien Daughters Walk into the Sun Semiotext(e) 2023 Essays / Literature 20€ 20€
WARK, McKenzie WARK, McKenzie Reverse Cowgirl Semiotext(e) 2020 Queer Culture / Gender Studies 18€ 18€
WEIL, Brian WEIL, Brian Brian Weil, 1979-95. Being in the World Semiotext(e) Monographs / Photography 35€ 35€
WEIL, Simone WEIL, Simone Note on the Abolition of All Political Parties Semiotext(e) / Whitney Biennial Zines / Politics 10€ 10€
WEISSER, Annette WEISSER, Annette Mycelium Semiotext(e) 2020 Literature / Health 16€ 16€
WOJNAROWICZ, David WOJNAROWICZ, David Weight of the Earth. The Tape Journals of David Wojnarowicz Semiotext(e) 2018 Literature 19€ 19€
WOJNAROWICZ, David; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) WOJNAROWICZ, David; LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side Semiotext(e) 2006 Monographs / Artists' Writings / Scenes 30€ 30€
ZAMBRENO, Kate ZAMBRENO, Kate Book of Mutter Semiotext(e) Literature 18€ 18€
ZAMBRENO, Kate ZAMBRENO, Kate Heroines Semiotext(e) 2012 Literature 21€ 21€
ZAMBRENO, Kate ZAMBRENO, Kate Appendix Project Semiotext(e) 2019 Literature 16€ 16€