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AKASEGAWA, Genpei; CARDONNEL, Sylvain (ed.) AKASEGAWA, Genpei; CARDONNEL, Sylvain (ed.) Anatomie du Tomason Les Presses du Réel 2024 Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Scenes 26€ 26€
ALAM, Khurshid ALAM, Khurshid True Colors of Filmic Fairies Khajistan Press 2023 Film & Video / Counterculture 18€ 18€
ANON. ANON. BP in B For The Common Good 2013 Facsimile & Reprints / Counterculture / Sex 350€ 350€
ARMIN, Janine; WIEDIJK, Laura (eds.) ARMIN, Janine; WIEDIJK, Laura (eds.) SideReal Reader Self-Published 2019 Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Magic 10€ 10€
ARTIÈRES, Philippe ARTIÈRES, Philippe Ghostwriters Imec 2021 Literature / Politics / Counterculture 9€ 9€
ATOE, Osa ATOE, Osa Shotgun Seamstress: The Complete Zine Collection Soft Skull Press 2022 Anthologies / Facsimile & Reprints / Zines / Music & Sound / Black Studies / Counterculture 44€ 44€
BALESTRINI, Nanni; MORONI, Primo BALESTRINI, Nanni; MORONI, Primo La horde d’or. Italie 1968-1977 L'éclat 2017 Essays / Politics / Counterculture 25€ 25€
BANDEL, Jan-Frederik; GILBERT, Annette; PRILL, Tania (eds.) BANDEL, Jan-Frederik; GILBERT, Annette; PRILL, Tania (eds.) Under the Radar. Underground Zines and Self-Publications 1965-1975 Spector Books 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Art History / Book Culture / Counterculture / Graphic Design 50€ 50€
BANK BANK BANK Black Dog Publishing 2001 Monographs / Scenes / Counterculture / Art Spaces / Collectives / Documents / Painting 45€ 45€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen Film's Ghost diaphanes 2019 Film & Video / Performance / Scenes / Counterculture / Dance 35€ 35€
BARD JOHNSON, Alexis; FILREIS, Kelly (eds.) BARD JOHNSON, Alexis; FILREIS, Kelly (eds.) Sci-fi, Magick, Queer L.A. | Sexual Science and the Imagi-Nation Inventory Press 2024 Exhibition Catalogues / Queer Culture / Magic / Sex / Counterculture 40€ 40€
BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) The Bigness of Things: New Narrative and Visual Culture Wolfman Books 2017 Essays / Counterculture / Literature / Film & Video 20€ 20€
BÉRURIER NOIR BÉRURIER NOIR Bérurier Noir. A Bien Marrér Hiier Souàr Archives de la Zone Mondiale 2023 Facsimile & Reprints / Zines / Counterculture / Collectives / Manifestos / Music & Sound 10€ 10€
BISELLO, Piero (ed.) BISELLO, Piero (ed.) A few homers Surfaces Utiles 2016 Anthologies / Crafts / Counterculture / Labor 12€ 12€
BLANC, Tiphanie; DELABORDE, Jonas; LEJEMMETEL, Anna (eds.) BLANC, Tiphanie; DELABORDE, Jonas; LEJEMMETEL, Anna (eds.) Choquer le monde à mort: Elles sont de sortie – Pascal Doury, Bruno Richard Éditions l'Amazone 2024 Anthologies / Periodicals / Counterculture / Comics & Illustrations 39€ 39€
BLAUVELT, Andrew (ed.) BLAUVELT, Andrew (ed.) Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia Walker Art Center 2015 Book Culture / Counterculture / Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design 58€ 58€
BLINKO, Nick BLINKO, Nick Primal Screamer PM Press 2011 Literature / Music & Sound / Counterculture 18€ 18€
BLOMERTH, Brian BLOMERTH, Brian Bicycle Day Anthology Editions 2019 Counterculture / Comics & Illustrations / Magic 36€ 36€
BOGGERI, Dafne; SERIGHELLI, Sara (eds.) BOGGERI, Dafne; SERIGHELLI, Sara (eds.) Out of the Grid – Italian Zine 1978-2006 Les Presses du Réel / SPRINT / O’ 2024 Anthologies / Counterculture / Documents / Zines 47€ 47€
BRADNOCK, Lucy BRADNOCK, Lucy No More Masterpieces. Modern Art After Artaud Yale University Press 2021 Counterculture / Cultural Studies 55€ 55€
BREVART, Baptiste; ETTLINGER, Guillaume BREVART, Baptiste; ETTLINGER, Guillaume Wednesdays at A's Anamosa 2021 Counterculture / Facsimile & Reprints 28€ 28€
BUGGE, Liv BUGGE, Liv To accept theirs, to make it mine, to wish it for myself Torpedo Press 2018 Artists' Books / Counterculture / Politics 26€ 26€
BYRD, Antawan; MINGS, Felicia (eds.) BYRD, Antawan; MINGS, Felicia (eds.) The People Shall Govern! Medu Art Ensemble and the Anti-Apartheid Poster, 1979-1985 Yale University Press 2020 Counterculture / Politics 35€ 35€
CALLEJA, Jen & HODGSON, Rachel Louise CALLEJA, Jen & HODGSON, Rachel Louise Goblins Rough Trade Books / Museum of Witchcraft and Magic 2020 Chapbooks / Counterculture / Magic / Literature 12€ 12€
CARLSON, Rey CARLSON, Rey Ching Shih / 鄭氏 Other Publishing 2019 Biographies / History / Counterculture 20€ 20€
CAUCHI, Dustin; TEYSSOU, Charles; MATEOS, Pierre-Alexandre; ZAHAROVA, Dasha (eds.) CAUCHI, Dustin; TEYSSOU, Charles; MATEOS, Pierre-Alexandre; ZAHAROVA, Dasha (eds.) The Opioid Crisis Lookbook — Issue 2 Self-Published 2021 Zines / Health / Periodicals / Counterculture 30€ 30€
CHAMPION, Matthew CHAMPION, Matthew Medieval Graffiti Ebury Press 2015 Art History / Counterculture 24€ 24€
CLAY, Steve; FRIEDMAN, Ken CLAY, Steve; FRIEDMAN, Ken Intermedia, Fluxus and the Something Else Press. Selected Writings by Dick Higgins Siglio 2018 Poetry / Monographs / Counterculture / Biographies / Art History / Book Culture 35€ 35€
COHEN, Ira; ASHBY, Romy (ed.); LANDGARTEN, Ira (ed.) COHEN, Ira; ASHBY, Romy (ed.); LANDGARTEN, Ira (ed.) A Certain Kind of Wizard: Treasures from the Vaults of Ira Cohen Lithic Press 2024 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Counterculture 36€ 36€
COIL; SOULSBY, Nick (ed.) COIL; SOULSBY, Nick (ed.) Everything Keeps Dissolving. Conversations with Coil Strange Attractor Press 2023 Conversations / Music & Sound / Counterculture 35€ 35€
COLAB; SCHUMANN, Max (ed.) COLAB; SCHUMANN, Max (ed.) A Book About Colab (and Related Activities) [new edition] Printed Matter 2024 Art Spaces / Scenes / Counterculture / Art History 39.95€ 39.95€
COLLIN, Matthew COLLIN, Matthew Altered State. The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House Serpent's Tail 2009 Music & Sound / Counterculture / Scenes 15€ 15€
COMETBUS, Aaron COMETBUS, Aaron L’Esprit de Saint-Louis Demain les flammes / Nœuds Éditions 2023 Literature / Counterculture 13€ 13€
COMETBUS, Aaron COMETBUS, Aaron Poste restante Demain les flammes / Nœuds Éditions 2021 Literature / Counterculture 11€ 11€
COMETBUS, Aaron COMETBUS, Aaron La Solitude de la Menora Électrique Demain les flammes / Nœuds Éditions 2021 Memoirs / Book Culture / Counterculture / Scenes 13€ 13€
COMETBUS, Aaron COMETBUS, Aaron Le Retour à la terre Demain les flammes / Nœuds Éditions 2020 Conversations / Ecology / Counterculture 9.5€ 9.5€
CORINNE, Tee A. CORINNE, Tee A. A forest fire between us MACK 2024 Artists' Books / Photography / Queer Culture / Feminism / Counterculture 65€ 65€
CORRAL, Jeremy CORRAL, Jeremy Japanoise. Extrémismes & Entropie Les Presses du Réel 2019 Music & Sound / Counterculture 28€ 28€
COSEY FANNI TUTTI; FUSCO, Maria (ed.); BIRKETT, Richard (ed.) COSEY FANNI TUTTI; FUSCO, Maria (ed.); BIRKETT, Richard (ed.) Cosey Complex Koenig Books 2012 Exhibition Catalogues / Performance / Music & Sound / Counterculture 50€ 50€
CROW, Thomas CROW, Thomas The Artist in the Counterculture: Bruce Conner to Mike Kelley and Other Tales from the Edge Princeton University Press 2023 Art History / Scenes / Counterculture 58€ 58€
CROWLEY, Peter CROWLEY, Peter Down at Max’s – Vol. 1. True Tales from the Rock’n’roll Underground Far West Press 2024 Memoirs / Scenes / Counterculture / Music & Sound 14€ 14€
DALEY, Michael P. DALEY, Michael P. Bobby BlueJacket: The Tribe, The Joint, The Tulsa Underworld First To Knock 2018 Biographies / Counterculture 20€ 20€
DAVID, Erik DAVID, Erik Blotter. The Untold Story of an Acid Medium MIT Press 2024 Art History / Book Culture / Counterculture 37€ 37€
DAVIS, Bert and Holly DAVIS, Bert and Holly Dwelling Portably 2000-2008 Microcosm Publishing Ecology / Counterculture / Facsimile & Reprints 12€ 12€
DAVIS, Bert and Holly DAVIS, Bert and Holly Dwelling Portably 2009-2015 Microcosm Publishing 2016 Ecology / Counterculture / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
DAVIS, Mike ; WIENER, Jon DAVIS, Mike ; WIENER, Jon Set the Night on Fire. L.A. in the Sixties Verso 2020 Counterculture / Scenes 30€ 30€
DE DONNO, Emanuele: MARTEGANI, Amedeo (eds.) DE DONNO, Emanuele: MARTEGANI, Amedeo (eds.) YES YES YES Revolutionary Press in Italy 1966-1977 from Mondo Beat to Zut Viaindustriae publishing / a+mbookstore edizioni 2022 Book Culture / Counterculture / Documents 52€ 52€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. The Motion of Light in Water University of Minnesota Press 2004 Literature / Essays / Biographies / Counterculture / Queer Culture / Scenes 25€ 25€
DOGRAMACI, Burcu; CENGIZ, Ergül; GUFLER, Philipp; SCHWARZ, Mareike; STIEGLER, Angela Stiegler (eds.) DOGRAMACI, Burcu; CENGIZ, Ergül; GUFLER, Philipp; SCHWARZ, Mareike; STIEGLER, Angela Stiegler (eds.) Exzentrische 80er / Eccentric 80s: Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen, Rabe Perplexum and Contemporary Accomplices b_books 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Art History / Counterculture / Scenes 25€ 25€
DRUMMOND, Paul DRUMMOND, Paul 13th Floor Elevators: A Visual History Anthology Editions 2020 Counterculture / Documents / Music & Sound 54€ 54€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) Octopus notes #8 Octopus notes 2018 Periodicals / Counterculture / Photography / Performance / Documents / Scenes 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) Octopus notes #9 Octopus notes 2019 Periodicals / Poetry / Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Documents 20€ 20€
EMSHWILLER, Ed; PIRES, Jesse (ed.) EMSHWILLER, Ed; PIRES, Jesse (ed.) Dream Dance: The Art of Ed Emshwiller Anthology Editions 2019 Monographs / Film & Video / Comics & Illustrations / Counterculture 36€ 36€
ERSKINE, Wendy & VON REISWITZ, Steph ERSKINE, Wendy & VON REISWITZ, Steph Satan is Real: Two Short Stories Rough Trade Books / Museum of Witchcraft and Magic 2020 Chapbooks / Magic / Counterculture / Literature 12€ 12€
ESCANDE, Sébastien (ed.) ESCANDE, Sébastien (ed.) « À L’ARRACHE » Portraits & récits de la scène musicale underground de Lyon, 1980—2020 Éditions Barbapop 2021 Music & Sound / Scenes / Counterculture 20€ 20€
ESTES, Benjamin; WEISHAUS, Joel (eds.) ESTES, Benjamin; WEISHAUS, Joel (eds.) On the Mesa: An Anthology of Bolinas Writing The Song Cave 2021 Counterculture / Poetry 20€ 20€
FEHLBAUM, Rolf; STRICKER, Fifo (eds.) FEHLBAUM, Rolf; STRICKER, Fifo (eds.) An Art of Resilience: Popular Art from Brazil in the R.F. Collection Vitra Design Museum 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Anthropology / Crafts / Counterculture 39€ 39€
FERGUSON, Russell FERGUSON, Russell Bohemia: History of an Idea, 1950-2000 Hatje Cantz 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Counterculture / Art Theory / Cultural Studies 44€ 44€
FERNÁNDEZ PAN, Sonia; JIMÉNEZ, Carolina (eds.) FERNÁNDEZ PAN, Sonia; JIMÉNEZ, Carolina (eds.) You Got to Get In to Get Out Casa Encendida 2021 Anthologies / Music & Sound / Counterculture 18€ 18€
FISCHER, Marc; THOMAS, Elizabeth (eds.) FISCHER, Marc; THOMAS, Elizabeth (eds.) Public Collectors Inventory Press 2014 Essays / Anthropology / Documents / Counterculture / Book Culture / Institutional Critique 28€ 28€
FISHER, Mark FISHER, Mark k-punk. Fiction, musique et politique dans le capitalisme tardif Audimat 2025 Essays / Music & Sound / Politics / Film & Video / Counterculture 37€ 37€
FORTY FIVE DEGREES FORTY FIVE DEGREES RADICAL RITUALS 45°N 1°W – 45°N 7°E Punch 2024 Ecology / Artists' Writings / Counterculture 24€ 24€
FRY, Patrick (ed) FRY, Patrick (ed) Magic Papers. Conjuring Ephemera 1890–1960 CentreCentre 2020 Magic / Counterculture / Multiples & Ephemera 48€ 48€
FULLER, R. Buckminster; et al. FULLER, R. Buckminster; et al. Synergetic Stew. Explorations in Dymaxion Dining Lars Müller Verlag 2020 Anthologies / Food Culture / Counterculture 22€ 22€
FUNK, Elijah; ROSS, Alix FUNK, Elijah; ROSS, Alix Tricker’s Cabin: The Oral & Visual History of Online Ceramics A24 2024 Monographs / Design / Fashion / Counterculture / Scenes 65€ 65€
GARNER, Pippa; ALISON DUNCAN, Fiona (ed.) ; DIETRICH, Maurin (ed.) GARNER, Pippa; ALISON DUNCAN, Fiona (ed.) ; DIETRICH, Maurin (ed.) Pippa Garner. Act Like You Know Me Bierke Verlag 2023 Monographs / Documents / Queer Culture / Counterculture / Design 39€ 39€
GÉRIDAN, Jean-Michel (ed.) GÉRIDAN, Jean-Michel (ed.) LSD n° 03 – A DIY Issue Centre National du Graphisme 2023 Design / Counterculture / Periodicals 12€ 12€
GERT, Valeska GERT, Valeska Je suis une sorcière L’œil d’or 2020 Biographies / Counterculture / Dance 22€ 22€
GIBSON, Jeff GIBSON, Jeff Jeff Gibson: False Gestalt Perimeter Books 2024 Monographs / Scenes / Counterculture 44€ 44€
GOLSHEM, Nathan GOLSHEM, Nathan Et s’ouvre enfin la maison close. L’histoire orale d’un squat au tournant du siècle Demain les flammes 2023 Conversations / Counterculture / Scenes / Collectives 10€ 10€
GORDON, Mel; EBENSTEIN, Joanna (ed.) GORDON, Mel; EBENSTEIN, Joanna (ed.) Cabarets of Death. Dance, Death, and Dining in Early Twentieth-Century Paris Strange Attractor Press 2024 Art History / Counterculture / Performance / Scenes 31€ 31€
GRIMSTAD, Kirsten; RENNIE, Susan (eds.) GRIMSTAD, Kirsten; RENNIE, Susan (eds.) The New Woman’s Survival Catalog Primary Information 2019 Facsimile & Reprints / Feminism / Counterculture / Book Culture 32€ 32€
GUTMAIR, Ulrich GUTMAIR, Ulrich The First Days of Berlin Polity 2021 Counterculture / Art History / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
HARA, Kazuo HARA, Kazuo Camera Obtrusa: The Action Documentaries of Hara Kazuo Kaya Press 2009 Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Film & Video 35€ 35€
HELICZER, Piero HELICZER, Piero L’Underground à Préaux-du-Perche Les Bains-Douches Monographs / Poetry / Counterculture / Documents 10€ 10€
HELICZER, Piero HELICZER, Piero I must be more like an ant than a cigale because I like to sing in winter Counter Culture Chronicles / Casioli Press / Sloow Tapes 2020 Anthologies / Poetry / Counterculture 22€ 22€
HELLER, Steven HELLER, Steven Growing Up Underground: A Memoir of Counterculture New York Princeton Architectural Press 2022 Biographies / Counterculture / Periodicals / Sex 29€ 29€
HOLLINGS, Ken HOLLINGS, Ken Inferno, Volume 1 Strange Attractor Press 2020 Film & Video / Scenes / Counterculture 22€ 22€
HOLLINGS, Ken HOLLINGS, Ken Paradise. The Psychoanalysis of Trash Strange Attractor Press 2024 Essays / Counterculture 24€ 24€
HORFEE, Antoine (ed.) HORFEE, Antoine (ed.) Buzzard Control. A book about QSL cards culture TOPSAFE 2021 Anthologies / Multiples & Ephemera / Counterculture / Graphic Design 45€ 45€
ILL-STUDIO; GENERAL_INDEX (eds.) ILL-STUDIO; GENERAL_INDEX (eds.) ADDPMP [001-500]. Attention Deficit Disorder Prosthetic Memory Program General_Index / Slam Jam 2021 Artists' Books / Counterculture / Media Studies 49€ 49€
ILL-STUDIO; GENERAL_INDEX (eds.) ILL-STUDIO; GENERAL_INDEX (eds.) ADDPMP [501-999]. Attention Deficit Disorder Prosthetic Memory Program General_Index / Slam Jam 2022 Artists' Books / Counterculture / Media Studies 49€ 49€
INGRAM, Matthew INGRAM, Matthew Retreat. How the Counterculture Invented Wellness Repeater 2020 Essays / Counterculture / Health 19€ 19€
JAY, Mike JAY, Mike High Society: Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture Thames & Hudson 2024 Essays / Counterculture / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
JORN, Asger; PRESTSÆTER, Ellef (ed.) JORN, Asger; PRESTSÆTER, Ellef (ed.) Open Creation and its Enemies: Asger Jorn in Situation IVAM 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Counterculture / Documents / Material Culture / Poetry / Politics 50€ 50€
JOSEPH, Branden W.; SAWYER, Drew (eds.) JOSEPH, Branden W.; SAWYER, Drew (eds.) Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines Phaidon / Brooklyn Museum 2024 Exhibition Catalogues / Book Culture / Counterculture / Artists' Books / Zines 40€ 40€
KEENAN, David & HOLLINGTON, Sophy KEENAN, David & HOLLINGTON, Sophy Empty Aphrodite: An Encyclopaedia of Fate Rough Trade Books / Museum of Witchcraft and Magic 2020 Chapbooks / Counterculture / Magic 12€ 12€
KEENAN, David; HOLLINGTON, Sophy KEENAN, David; HOLLINGTON, Sophy Rough Trade Editions #7: To Run Wild In It: A Handbook Of Autonomic Tarot Rough Trade Books 2018 Chapbooks / Comics & Illustrations / Magic / Counterculture 12€ 12€
KELLEY, Mike; WELCHMAN, John C. (ed.) KELLEY, Mike; WELCHMAN, John C. (ed.) Minor Histories: Statements, Conversations, Proposals MIT Press 2004 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Performance 55€ 55€
KELP, Zamp; ENGEL, Ludwig (ed.) KELP, Zamp; ENGEL, Ludwig (ed.) Luftschlosser: Ein Blick auf Haus-Rucker-Co / Post-Haus-Rucker Spector Books 2020 Artists' Writings / Documents / Counterculture / Architecture 32€ 32€
KENT, Sister Corita; AULT, Julie KENT, Sister Corita; AULT, Julie Come Alive! The Spirited Art of Sister Corita Four Corners Books 2006 Monographs / Counterculture / Biographies 28€ 28€
KHAN, A. A. KHAN, A. A. The Greatest Whole Khannibalism / First To Knock 2023 Literature / Counterculture / Magic / Music & Sound 18€ 18€
KORDA, Chris KORDA, Chris SNUFF IT: The Quarterly Journal of The Church of Euthanasia #1 – #5 Goswell Road 2019 Artists' Books / Periodicals / Queer Culture / Performance / Counterculture / Facsimile & Reprints 15€ 15€
KORDA, Chris; RUIZ STEPHENSON (ed.) KORDA, Chris; RUIZ STEPHENSON (ed.) Chris Korda & the Church of Euthanasia 1992–2019 Goswell Road 2019 Monographs / Counterculture / Queer Culture / Performance 20€ 20€
KRAMER, David Jacob (ed.) KRAMER, David Jacob (ed.) Heads Together – Weed and the Underground Press Syndicate, 1965–73 Edition Patrick Frey 2023 Documents / Counterculture 52€ 52€
LANDRIVON, Félicité LANDRIVON, Félicité Brigade Cynophile 2019-2023 Animal Press 2023 Graphic Design / Posters / Comics & Illustrations / Scenes / Counterculture / Book Culture 38€ 38€
LEBENSZTEJN, Jean-Claude LEBENSZTEJN, Jean-Claude Miaulique. Fantaisie chromatique Le Passage 2002 Essays / Counterculture / Music & Sound 28.4€ 28.4€
LINDER, Sterling; TOBIN, Amy (ed.) LINDER, Sterling; TOBIN, Amy (ed.) Linderism Koenig Books 2020 Monographs / Counterculture / Book Culture 25€ 25€
MARDER, Marlene; AMBROSE, Grace (ed.) MARDER, Marlene; AMBROSE, Grace (ed.) Kleenex/LiLiPUT Thrilling Living 2023 Artists' Writings / Documents / Facsimile & Reprints / Memoirs / Counterculture / Collectives / Music & Sound 50€ 50€
MCDONOUGH, Jimmy MCDONOUGH, Jimmy The Ghastly One. The 42nd Street Netherworld of Director Andy Milligan Fab Press 2020 Biographies / Film & Video / Counterculture / Scenes 90€ 90€
McKENZIE, Lucy; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) McKENZIE, Lucy; PROCTOR, Jacob (ed.) Prime Suspect Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2020 Monographs / Counterculture / Painting / Design / Feminism 55€ 55€
MERCI LA NUIT MERCI LA NUIT Musique du diable III Acacia Books 2023 Counterculture / Documents / Music & Sound 28€ 28€
METHTHANANDA, Dan ; KOHOUT, Martin (eds.) METHTHANANDA, Dan ; KOHOUT, Martin (eds.) Night Shifter TLTRPreß 2018 Anthologies / Labor / Counterculture 12€ 12€
MINESTRONE, Octavio (ed.) MINESTRONE, Octavio (ed.) Tuesday’s Child – Vol. 1, 1969 Inpatient Press 2021 Periodicals / Facsimile & Reprints / Counterculture / Queer Culture 26€ 26€
MINESTRONE, Octavio (ed.) MINESTRONE, Octavio (ed.) Tuesday’s Child – Vol. 2, 1970 Inpatient Press 2021 Periodicals / Facsimile & Reprints / Counterculture / Queer Culture 28€ 28€
MOHTADI, Lawen; TAIKON, Katarina MOHTADI, Lawen; TAIKON, Katarina The Day I Am Free & Katitzi Sternberg Press 2019 Biographies / Conversations / Counterculture 22€ 22€
MOLLER, Karen MOLLER, Karen Chasing the Stars and Hoping to Shag the Moon Olympia Publishers 2021 Biographies / Counterculture / Literature 16€ 16€
MOORE, Alan W. MOORE, Alan W. Art Gangs. Protest & Counterculture in New York City Autonomedia 2011 Essays / Art History / Counterculture / Group Shows / Cultural Studies 19€ 19€
MOREA, Ben; HAHNE, Ron MOREA, Ben; HAHNE, Ron Black Mask & Up Against the Wall Motherfucker: The incomplete works of Ron Hahne, Ben More, and the Black Mask Group PM Press 2011 Counterculture / Art History / Politics / Zines / Scenes / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
MORRISSEY MORRISSEY Morrissey Complaints & Apologies Stagger Fancy Press 2014 Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Music & Sound 16€ 16€
MUGGS, Joe; STEVENS, Brian David (eds.) MUGGS, Joe; STEVENS, Brian David (eds.) Bass, Mids, Tops. An Oral History of the Soundsystem Culture Strange Attractor Press 2020 Music & Sound / Conversations / Counterculture 39€ 39€
MÜLLER-HELLE, Katja (ed.) MÜLLER-HELLE, Katja (ed.) The Legacy of Transgressive Objects August 2018 Architecture / Art History / Counterculture / Essays / Politics 25€ 25€
NEFZGER, Jürgen; THOREAU, Henry David NEFZGER, Jürgen; THOREAU, Henry David Bure (ou la vie dans les bois) Spector Books 2019 Counterculture / Photography / Literature 33€ 33€
NGBANZO, Anaïs (ed.) NGBANZO, Anaïs (ed.) Who Are You Dorothy Dean? Éditions 1989 2024 Anthologies / Correspondence / Literature / Counterculture 21€ 21€
NUTTALL, Jeff NUTTALL, Jeff Bomb Culture Strange Attractor Press 2018 Counterculture / Facsimile & Reprints / Politics / Scenes 20€ 20€
OGILVIE, Bertrand OGILVIE, Bertrand Inclassable enfance Editions La Tempête 2024 Essays / Education / Counterculture / Politics 16€ 16€
OLDHAM, Craig (ed.) OLDHAM, Craig (ed.) In Loving Memory Of Work: A Visual Record of The UK Miners’ Strike, 1984-85 Rough Trade Books 2023 Documents / Counterculture / Politics / Scenes / Collectives 47€ 47€
OURSLER, Tony OURSLER, Tony Imponderable: The Archives of Tony Oursler JRP|Ringier / Luma Foundation 2016 Monographs / Counterculture / Documents 52€ 52€
P-ORRIDGE, Genesis Breyer; ABRAHAMSSON, Carl P-ORRIDGE, Genesis Breyer; ABRAHAMSSON, Carl Sacred Intent Trapart Books 2020 Conversations / Music & Sound / Performance / Counterculture / Queer Culture / Scenes / Magic 30€ 30€
PARRA ESCOBAR, David; PINEDA M., Adriana PARRA ESCOBAR, David; PINEDA M., Adriana ¡El Móndrigo! Alba Roja 2018 Facsimile & Reprints / Politics / Documents / Counterculture 21€ 21€
PETERSON, Jon PETERSON, Jon The Elusive Shift MIT Press 2021 Essays / Counterculture 39€ 39€
PIRON, François; DÉSANGES, Guillaume (eds.) PIRON, François; DÉSANGES, Guillaume (eds.) Contre-vents Paraguay Press 2021 Counterculture / Exhibition Catalogues 30€ 30€
PODOLSKI, Sophie PODOLSKI, Sophie Le Pays où tout est permis / The Country Where Everything is Permitted WIELS 2018 Monographs / Counterculture 25€ 25€
POLLEN, Annebella POLLEN, Annebella Nudism in a cold climate Atelier Édition 2021 Cultural Studies / Counterculture 32€ 32€
PRESTSÆTER, Ellef (ed.) PRESTSÆTER, Ellef (ed.) These are Situationist Times! Torpedo Press 2019 Monographs / Counterculture / Book Culture / Art History / Documents 38€ 38€
PZtoday (ed.) PZtoday (ed.) DEATH BOOK III Baron Books 2022 Anthologies / Counterculture 42€ 42€
ROBERTS, Andy ROBERTS, Andy Divine Rascal. On the Trail of LSD’s Cosmic Courier, Michael Hollingshead Strange Attractor Press 2019 Biographies / Counterculture / Magic 22€ 22€
ROBINSON, Walter; DeAK, Edit; COHN, Joshua (eds.); HOFF, James & KATZEFF, Miriam (for the 2019 edition) ROBINSON, Walter; DeAK, Edit; COHN, Joshua (eds.); HOFF, James & KATZEFF, Miriam (for the 2019 edition) Art-Rite Primary Information / Printed Matter 2019 Facsimile & Reprints / Periodicals / Counterculture / Scenes / Book Culture 40€ 40€
ROSENFELD, Elske; HUSSE, Suza (eds.) ROSENFELD, Elske; HUSSE, Suza (eds.) wild recuperations. Dissident Stories from the GDR and pOstdeutschland #1 Archive Books / District*School without center 2019 Counterculture / Education / Politics 20€ 20€
ROSZAK, Theodore ROSZAK, Theodore Naissance d'une contre-culture. Réflexions sur la société technocratique et l'opposition de la jeunesse La Lenteur 2021 (1969) Counterculture / Essays 20€ 20€
SADLER, Simom SADLER, Simom Tool Globalism B2 2019 Counterculture / Essays / Ecology 14€ 14€
SCOTT, Felicity SCOTT, Felicity Acid Visions: l’architecture sous LSD B2 2012 Architecture / Counterculture / Essays 12€ 12€
SELLARS, Simon SELLARS, Simon Applied Ballardianism. Memoir from a Parallel Universe Urbanomic 2018 Cultural Studies / Counterculture 18€ 18€
SENIOR, David SENIOR, David Access to Tools: Publications from the Whole Earth Catalog 1968–1974 Publication Studio Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Documents / Counterculture 12€ 12€
SIMON, Alexandre SIMON, Alexandre Entre un néant et un autre. Ratcharge Les éditions des mondes à faire 2017 Scenes / Zines / Counterculture 12€ 12€
SMITH, Jack; HOBERMAN, Jim (ed.) SMITH, Jack; HOBERMAN, Jim (ed.) On Jack Smith’s Flaming Creatures (and other Secret-Flix of Cinemaroc) Hips Road / Tzadik 2001 Monographs / Counterculture / Queer Culture / Performance / Film & Video 30€ 30€
SNODGRASS, Susan SNODGRASS, Susan Dans la matrice : le design radical de Ken Isaacs Sombres Torrents 2020 Essays / Design / Architecture / Counterculture 8€ 8€
SOLANAS, Valerie SOLANAS, Valerie SCUM Manifesto AK Press 2013 Feminism / Counterculture 10€ 10€
SPARKES, Liam SPARKES, Liam S.O.T. Old Habits Publishing 2022 Counterculture / Zines 32€ 32€
STARHAWK STARHAWK Comment s’organiser ? Manuel pour l’action collective Éditions Cambourakis 2021 Manuals / Politics / Ecology / Counterculture / Feminism 26€ 26€
STARHAWK STARHAWK Rêver l’obscur. Femmes, magie et politique Éditions Cambourakis 2015 Essays / Counterculture / Feminism / Health / Magic / Politics 24.5€ 24.5€
STEWART, Sean (ed.) STEWART, Sean (ed.) On the Ground: An Illustrated Anecdotal History of the Sixties Underground Press in the U.S. PM Press 2011 Book Culture / Counterculture 25€ 25€
STÜRZL, Robert STÜRZL, Robert Hans-Walter Müller et l’Architecture vivante Spector Books 2022 Monographs / Architecture / Counterculture 32€ 32€
SZWED, John SZWED, John Cosmic Scholar. The Filmmaker, Foklorist, and Mystic who Transformed American Art: The Life and Times of Harry Smith Farrar Straus & Giroux 2023 Biographies / Counterculture / Film & Video / Music & Sound 38€ 38€
TANEGA, Norma; IOSIFESCU, Mark (ed.) TANEGA, Norma; IOSIFESCU, Mark (ed.) Try to Tell a Fish About Water: The Art, Music, and Third Life of Norma Tanega Anthology Editions 2022 Monographs / Music & Sound / Crafts / Counterculture / Scenes 44€ 44€
TIPPINS, Sherill TIPPINS, Sherill Dans le palais des rêves. La vie et l'époque du légendaire Chelsea Hotel de New York Les Presses du Réel 2022 Scenes / Counterculture 35€ 35€
TUTTI, Cosey Fanni TUTTI, Cosey Fanni Art Sex Music [new edition] Faber & Faber 2020 Biographies / Counterculture / Performance / Music & Sound / Scenes 18€ 18€
TUTTI, Cosey Fanni TUTTI, Cosey Fanni Art Sexe Musique Audimat 2017 Biographies / Counterculture / Performance / Music & Sound / Scenes 20€ 20€
Various Various Posters From Paddington Printshop Four Corners Books / 38th Street 2019 Graphic Design / Counterculture 24€ 24€
VOGEL, Amos VOGEL, Amos Film as a Subversive Art Film Desk Books 2021 Facsimile & Reprints / Film & Video / Counterculture 44€ 44€
VON DORPP, Julia VON DORPP, Julia Ex-TRACTS. Flyers de rave anglaise dizonord 2021 Music & Sound / Scenes / Material Culture / Counterculture 38€ 38€
VOTO VOTO Les Bérus Riaient Noir Archives de la Zone Mondiale 2024 Comics & Illustrations / Counterculture / Biographies / Politics / Scenes / Music & Sound 19€ 19€
WADE, Simeon WADE, Simeon Foucault en Californie Zones 2021 Philosophy / Counterculture 16€ 16€
WAHLGREN, Alf (ed.) WAHLGREN, Alf (ed.) California Infernal. Anton LaVey & Jayne Mansfield as portrayed by Walter Fischer. With an introduction by Kenneth Anger Trapart Books 2017 Counterculture / Photography 40€ 40€
WALKER, Gavin (ed.) WALKER, Gavin (ed.) The Red Years. Theory, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Japanese ’68 Verso 2021 Politics / Art History / Counterculture / Feminism 24€ 24€
WARK, McKenzie WARK, McKenzie Leaving the Twentieth Century: Situationist Revolutions Verso 2024 Essays / Art History / Counterculture / Politics 25€ 25€
WATTS, Peter WATTS, Peter Altered States. The Library of Julio Santo Domingo Anthology Editions 2017 Scenes / Anthologies / Counterculture / Magic 85€ 85€
WINANT, Carmen WINANT, Carmen Notes on Fundamental Joy; seeking the elimination of oppression through the social and political transformation of the patriarchy that otherwise threatens to bury us Printed Matter 2019 Artists' Books / Counterculture / Feminism / Photography 38€ 38€
WISHMAN, Doris; AHWESH, Peggy (ed.) WISHMAN, Doris; AHWESH, Peggy (ed.) The Films of Doris Wishman Inpatient Press / Light Industry 2019 Zines / Film & Video / Counterculture 12€ 12€
WOOD, Anna; STRIPE, Adele WOOD, Anna; STRIPE, Adele Flashback - Parties for the People by the People Rough Trade Books 2021 Music & Sound / Counterculture / Cultural Studies 26€ 26€
YADONG HAO, Sophia YADONG HAO, Sophia Of Other Spaces – Where Does Gesture Become Event? Sternberg Press 2019 Feminism / Counterculture / Art History 20€ 20€