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ALIMECK, Michel ALIMECK, Michel Dieu t’a créé, tu as crié… ! Une histoire des Guyanes Ròt-Bòt-Krik 2022 (1980) Essays / Anthropology / Postcolonial Studies 11€ 11€
APPADURAI, Arjun APPADURAI, Arjun La vie sociale des choses. Les marchandises dans une perspective culturelle Les Presses du Réel 2020 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
BORTIȘ-SCHULTZ, Simona BORTIȘ-SCHULTZ, Simona To Hold Your Heart in Your Teeth, Women’s Work: The Visual Language of the Romanian Blouse Set Margins 2023 Anthropology / Material Culture / Gender Studies / Design / Crafts 28€ 28€
BOUANANI, Ahmed BOUANANI, Ahmed Enquête sur les bijoux Amazighs Kulte éditions 2023 Anthropology / Crafts 15€ 15€
CALET, Henri CALET, Henri Les murs de Fresnes Héros-Limite 2021 Documents / Anthropology 22€ 22€
CHÁVEZ, Christine; FLECKNER, Uwe (eds.) CHÁVEZ, Christine; FLECKNER, Uwe (eds.) Lightning Symbol and Snake Dance: Aby Warburg and Pueblo Art Hatje Cantz 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Art History / Anthropology / Crafts / Postcolonial Studies / Institutional Critique 75€ 75€
CLASTRES, Hélène CLASTRES, Hélène Les morts en partage Grevis 2024 Anthropology 14€ 14€
CLASTRES, Pierre CLASTRES, Pierre Society Against the State. Essays in Political Anthropology Zone Books 1987 Politics / Anthropology 22€ 22€
COCCHIARA, Francesca; STRIGKLOGIANNIS, Sergios (eds) COCCHIARA, Francesca; STRIGKLOGIANNIS, Sergios (eds) Atlas of Urban Mythologies Dpr-barcelona 2024 Architecture / Urban Studies / Anthropology 18€ 18€
COOKSON, Tom (ed.) COOKSON, Tom (ed.) Shallow Time: The Burren Dpr-barcelona 2024 Anthropology / Architecture 18€ 18€
DELISS, Clémentine DELISS, Clémentine The Metabolic Museum Hatje Cantz / KW 2020 Curatorial Studies / Anthropology / Postcolonial Studies 22€ 22€
DOUGLAS, Mary DOUGLAS, Mary Purity and Danger Routledge 2002 Anthropology / Health / Ecology 28€ 28€
FEDERICI, Silvia FEDERICI, Silvia Une guerre mondiale contre les femmes. Des chasses aux sorcières au féminicide La Fabrique 2021 Feminism / Anthropology / Magic 15€ 15€
FEHLBAUM, Rolf; STRICKER, Fifo (eds.) FEHLBAUM, Rolf; STRICKER, Fifo (eds.) An Art of Resilience: Popular Art from Brazil in the R.F. Collection Vitra Design Museum 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Anthropology / Crafts / Counterculture 39€ 39€
FELD, Steven FELD, Steven Son et sentiment - Oiseaux, pleurs, poésie et chant Héros-Limite 2023 Anthropology / Poetry 30€ 30€
FISCHER, Marc; THOMAS, Elizabeth (eds.) FISCHER, Marc; THOMAS, Elizabeth (eds.) Public Collectors Inventory Press 2014 Essays / Anthropology / Documents / Counterculture / Book Culture / Institutional Critique 28€ 28€
FLECKNER, Uwe FLECKNER, Uwe The Snake and the Lightning: Aby Warburg's American Journey Hatje Cantz 2023 Anthropology / Art History 38€ 38€
FLINT, Bert FLINT, Bert Afro-Berber Planet – The Trans-Saharan arts at the Tiskiwin Museum, from Marrakech to Timbuktu Zaman 2021 Essays / Anthropology 15€ 15€
FLINT, Bert FLINT, Bert Planète afro-berbère – Les arts transsahariens au musée Tiskiwin, de Marrakech à Tombouctou Zaman 2021 Anthropology / Essays 15€ 15€
FRANKE, Anselm; GIULIANO, Elisa; TANCONS, Claire; RYNER, Denise; XIANG, Zairong (eds.) FRANKE, Anselm; GIULIANO, Elisa; TANCONS, Claire; RYNER, Denise; XIANG, Zairong (eds.) Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World) Spector Books 2022 Anthropology / Exhibition Catalogues 38€ 38€
GARCIA DORY, Fernando; PIETROIUSTI, Lucia (eds.) GARCIA DORY, Fernando; PIETROIUSTI, Lucia (eds.) Microhabitable Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2023 Essays / Anthropology / Ecology 28€ 28€
GIMBUTAS, Marija GIMBUTAS, Marija Le Langage de la Déesse Éditions des femmes-Antoinette Fouque 2006 Anthropology 50€ 50€
GLISSANT, Édouard; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich GLISSANT, Édouard; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich The Archipelago Conversations ISOLARII 2021 Anthropology / Conversations / Postcolonial Studies 18€ 18€
GORDON, Avery F. GORDON, Avery F. Matières spectrales. Sociologie des fantômes B42 2024 Essays / Anthropology 24€ 24€
GRAEBER, David; SAHLINS, Marshall GRAEBER, David; SAHLINS, Marshall Sur les rois Editions La Tempête 2023 Essays / Anthropology / Philosophy 35€ 35€
GUERRA, Carles; MASÓ, Joana (eds.) GUERRA, Carles; MASÓ, Joana (eds.) La Déconniatrie. Art, exil et psychiatrie autour de François Tosquelles Arcàdia 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Education / Anthropology / Politics 28€ 28€
HALBERSTAM, Jack HALBERSTAM, Jack Wild Things. The disorder of desire Duke University Press 2020 Queer Culture / Cultural Studies / Anthropology 28€ 28€
HENNI, Samia HENNI, Samia Deserts Are Not Empty Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2022 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies / Ecology / Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
INGOLD, Tim INGOLD, Tim Machiavel chez les babouins. Pour une anthropologie au-delà de l’humain Asinamali 2021 Anthropology 22€ 22€
JESI, Furio JESI, Furio Mythe Editions La Tempête 2024 Anthropology / Essays / Politics 20€ 20€
KENNEDY, Gabrielle (ed.) KENNEDY, Gabrielle (ed.) IN/Search RE/Search. Imagining Scenarios Through Art and Design Valiz 2020 Design / Essays / Anthropology / Architecture / Media Studies / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 23€ 23€
LE GALL, Guillaume LE GALL, Guillaume Aquariorama Mimesis 2022 Anthropology / Media Studies 22€ 22€
LENARDUZZI, Thea LENARDUZZI, Thea Dandelions Fitzcarraldo Editions 2022 Anthropology / Biographies / Cultural Studies / Essays 17€ 17€
LOWENHAUPT TSING, Anna LOWENHAUPT TSING, Anna Le champignon de la fin du monde. Sur la possibilité de vivre dans les ruines du capitalisme La Découverte 2017 Ecology / Anthropology / Politics 23.5€ 23.5€
LUHRMANN, Tanya LUHRMANN, Tanya Le feu de la présence. Aviver les expériences de l’invisible Éditions Vues de l'Esprit 2022 Anthropology / Essays / Magic 25€ 25€
MARTIN, Natasja MARTIN, Natasja croire aux fauves Verticales 2021 Anthropology 12.5€ 12.5€
MOLLONA, Massimiliano MOLLONA, Massimiliano Art/Commons. Anthropology beyond Capitalism ZED 2021 Anthropology / Politics / Art Theory 26€ 26€
NEGARESTANI, Reza NEGARESTANI, Reza Cyclonopedia. Complicity with Anonymous Materials Reza Negarestani re-press 2016 Literature / Philosophy / Anthropology 24€ 24€
NERO (ed.) NERO (ed.) Protext! (2 volumes) Nero 2021 Anthropology 25€ 25€
PAGÈS, Claire PAGÈS, Claire Pierre Clastres. Les sociétés contre l’État Éditions Amsterdam 2024 Anthropology / Essays / Politics 13€ 13€
PONTE, Alessandra PONTE, Alessandra Desert Testing B2 2017 Ecology / Anthropology 15€ 15€
POVINELLI, Elizabeth A. POVINELLI, Elizabeth A. E-flux journal – Routes & Worlds Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Anthropology 18€ 18€
PREISIG, Barbara; VON DIEDERHÄUSERN, Laura; KRUSCHE, Jürgen (eds.) PREISIG, Barbara; VON DIEDERHÄUSERN, Laura; KRUSCHE, Jürgen (eds.) Trading Zones – Camera Work in Artistic and Ethnographic Research Archive Books 2022 Art Theory / Film & Video / Anthropology 20€ 20€
RECLUS, Elisée RECLUS, Elisée Libre nature Héros-Limite 2022 Anthologies / Anthropology / Ecology / Essays 16€ 16€
ROSNER, Isabella (ed.) ROSNER, Isabella (ed.) Stitching Freedom - Embroidery and Incarceration Common Threads Press 2024 Anthropology / Crafts / Politics 18€ 18€
ROTHENBERG, Jerome; TABOADA, Javier (eds.) ROTHENBERG, Jerome; TABOADA, Javier (eds.) The Serpent and the Fire: Poetry of the Americas from Origins to Present University of California Press 2024 Anthologies / Anthropology / Poetry 38€ 38€
SALAMANCA GONZÁLEZ, María Grace SALAMANCA GONZÁLEZ, María Grace Esthétiques du care pour l'anthropocène Éditions deux-cent-cinq 2023 Anthropology / Architecture / Ecology / Essays / Urban Studies 12.5€ 12.5€
SANTILLÁN, Oscar; TRONCONE, Alessandra SANTILLÁN, Oscar; TRONCONE, Alessandra The Andean Information Age Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite 2020 Artists' Books / Anthropology 18€ 18€
SCHUSTER, Caroline E. SCHUSTER, Caroline E. Social Collateral - Women and microfinance in Paraguays's smuggling economy University of California Press 2015 Anthropology 32€ 32€
TAMAS, Rebecca TAMAS, Rebecca Strangers. Essays on the Human and Nonhuman Makina Books 2020 Ecology / Anthropology / Health 18€ 18€
TAUSSIG, Michael TAUSSIG, Michael Palma Africana B42 2021 Anthropology 23€ 23€
THOMPSON-ODLUM, Marenka (ed.) THOMPSON-ODLUM, Marenka (ed.) Mauka to Makai: Hawaiian Quilts and the Ecology of the Islands Common Threads Press 2024 Anthropology / Ecology / Indigenous Peoples / Crafts 26€ 26€
VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo Politique des multiplicités. Pierre Clastres face à l'état Éditions Dehors 2019 Essays / Anthropology / Politics 15€ 15€
VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo Le regard du jaguar Editions La Tempête 2020 Conversations / Anthropology 22€ 22€
WARK, McKenzie WARK, McKenzie Sensoria. Thinkers for the Twenty-first Century Verso 2020 Cultural Studies / Anthropology / Media Studies / Ecology 20€ 20€
WILLIAM, Rodney WILLIAM, Rodney L’appropriation culturelle Anacaona 2022 Anthropology / Essays / Postcolonial Studies 15€ 15€
WOLF-MEYER, Matthew J. WOLF-MEYER, Matthew J. Theory for the World to Come. Speculative Fiction and Apocalyptic Anthropology University of Minnesota Press 2019 Anthropology / Cultural Studies / Science/Fiction 13€ 13€
XIANG, Zairong XIANG, Zairong Queer Ancient Ways Punctum Books 2018 Queer Culture / Anthropology 25€ 25€