GIORCELLI, Cristina; RABINOWITZ, Paula (eds.)
Fashioning the Nineteenth Century. Habits of Being 3

In nineteenth-century Europe and the United States, fashion—once the province of the well-to-do—began to make its way across class lines. Fashioning the Nineteenth Century shows how certain items of apparel acquired the status of fashion and how fashion shifted from the realm of the elites into the emerging middle and working classes—and back. [publisher's note]

See also the compations Accessorizing the Body. Habits of Being IExchanging Clothes. Habits of Being 2.

Published by University of Minnesota Press, 2014
Cultural Studies / Essays / Fashion / Gender Studies / Postcolonial Studies

Price: 22€

GIORCELLI, Cristina; RABINOWITZ, Paula (eds.) - Fashioning the Nineteenth Century. Habits of Being 3