GIORCELLI, Cristina; RABINOWITZ, Paula (eds.)
Accessorizing the Body. Habits of Being I

Accessorizing the Body is the first in the four-part series Habits of Being, which charts the social, cultural, and political expression of clothing as seen on the street and in museums, in films and literature, and in advertisements and magazines. This volume features a close-up focus on accessories—the shoe, the hat, the necklace—intimately connected to the body. [publisher's note]

See also the compations Exchanging Clothes. Habits of Being 2Fashioning the Nineteenth Century. Habits of Being 3.

Published by University of Minnesota Press, 2011
Cultural Studies / Essays / Fashion / Gender Studies / Postcolonial Studies

Price: 22€

GIORCELLI, Cristina; RABINOWITZ, Paula (eds.) - Accessorizing the Body. Habits of Being I