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ANTWI, Phanuel ANTWI, Phanuel On Cuddling. Loved to Death in the Racial Embrace Pluto Press 2023 Essays / Black Studies 21€ 21€
ARVATOV, Boris ARVATOV, Boris Art and Production Pluto Press 2017 Art History / Essays 25€ 25€
BARBAGALLO, Camille; BEURET, Nicholas; HARVIE, David (eds.) BARBAGALLO, Camille; BEURET, Nicholas; HARVIE, David (eds.) Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici Pluto Press 2019 Politics / Essays 28€ 28€
BEECH, Art BEECH, Art Art and Postcapitalism : Aesthetic Labour, Automation and Value Production Pluto Press 2020 Art Theory / Politics 24€ 24€
CHAPMAN, Robert CHAPMAN, Robert Empire of Normality Pluto Press 2023 Essays / Politics / Health 20€ 20€
DORFMAN, Ariel; MATTELART Armand DORFMAN, Ariel; MATTELART Armand How to read Donald Duck Pluto Press 2019 Essays / Politics / Facsimile & Reprints 17€ 17€
DUPUIS-DÉRI, Francis; PILLET, Benjamin (eds.) DUPUIS-DÉRI, Francis; PILLET, Benjamin (eds.) Anarcho-Indigenism. Conversations on Land and Freedom Pluto Press 2023 Postcolonial Studies / Politics / Indigenous Peoples / Conversations 20€ 20€
ELIA, Nada ELIA, Nada Greater than the Sum of Our Parts. Feminism Inter/nationalism & Palestine Pluto Press 2023 Feminism / Politics 18€ 18€
EMELUJU, Akwugo; SOBANDE, Francesca (eds.) EMELUJU, Akwugo; SOBANDE, Francesca (eds.) To Exist is to Resist. Black Feminism in Europe Pluto Press 2019 Feminism / Black Studies 22€ 22€
HAIVEN, Max HAIVEN, Max Art after money, money after art Pluto Press 2018 Politics / Art Theory 22€ 22€
HICKS, Dave HICKS, Dave The Brutish Museums. The Benin Bronzes, Colonial Violence and Cultural Restitution  Pluto Press 2020 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Cultural Studies / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
hooks, bell hooks, bell Feminism is for Everybody Pluto Press 2000 Feminism 24€ 24€
hooks, bell hooks, bell Feminist Theory Pluto Press 2000 Feminism 26€ 26€
hooks, bell hooks, bell Ain’t I a woman Pluto Press 1987 Feminism 22€ 22€
MIELI, Mario MIELI, Mario Towards a Gay Communism. Elements of a Homosexual Critique Pluto Press 2018 Essays / Politics / Queer Culture 26€ 26€
OLUFEMI, Lola OLUFEMI, Lola Feminism, Interrupted Pluto Press 2020 Essays / Feminism / Politics 14€ 14€
O’BRIEN, M.E. O’BRIEN, M.E. Family Abolition Pluto Press 2023 Essays / Feminism / Politics 26€ 26€
ROSA, Sophie K ROSA, Sophie K Radical Intimacy Pluto Press 2023 Politics / Essays 20€ 20€
SHOLETTE, Gregory SHOLETTE, Gregory Dark Matter. Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture Pluto Press Art Theory / Politics / Economy 25€ 25€
WILLIAMS-FINDLAY, Bob WILLIAMS-FINDLAY, Bob Disability Praxis: The Body as Site of Struggle Pluto Press 2024 29€ 29€