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ALBERS, Josef ALBERS, Josef Messico 1935/1956 Humboldt Books 2021 Photography 20€ 20€
ALTERAZIONI VIDEO; FOSBURY ARCHITECTURE (eds.) ALTERAZIONI VIDEO; FOSBURY ARCHITECTURE (eds.) Incompiuto. The birth of a style Humboldt Books 2018 Architecture 70€ 70€
BASILICO, Gabriele BASILICO, Gabriele non recensiti Humboldt Books 2021 Photography 25€ 25€
BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) BO BARDI, Lina; STUDIO JULIA (ed.) Habitats Humboldt Books 2018 Anthologies / Architecture / Periodicals 18€ 18€
CARMI, Lisetta CARMI, Lisetta Genova 1960/1970 Humboldt Books 2019 Photography 18€ 18€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie Gabon 1977 – Un Don Juan chez les gendarmes Humboldt Books 2018 Artists' Books 20€ 20€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie The Strange Order of Things Humboldt Books 2019 Artists' Books 30€ 30€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie Campo di Marte Humboldt Books 2020 Artists' Books / Painting 25€ 25€
DU PASQUIER, Nathalie DU PASQUIER, Nathalie Campo di Marte II Humboldt Books 2025 Artists' Books 25€ 25€
FAVINI, Ettore FAVINI, Ettore Arrivederci Humboldt Books 2020 Crafts 25€ 25€
GIUNTA, Claudio; SILVA Giovanna GIUNTA, Claudio; SILVA Giovanna Togliatti – The FIAT Factory Humboldt Books 2021 Photography 24€ 24€
HENKEL, Calla; PITEGOFF, Max HENKEL, Calla; PITEGOFF, Max Berlin Zürich Zürich Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin London Humboldt Books Monographs / Artists' Books 28€ 28€
MARI, Enzo; PELLEGRINI, Nicola (ed.) MARI, Enzo; PELLEGRINI, Nicola (ed.) Falce e martello / The Hammer and Sickle Humboldt Books 2020 Monographs / Facsimile & Reprints / Art History / Scenes 18€ 18€
MARI, Michele MARI, Michele Le copertine di urania Humboldt Books 2023 Graphic Design 17€ 17€
MEKAS, Jonas MEKAS, Jonas Transcript 04 44' 14" – Lithuania and the Collapse of the USSR Jonas Mekas Humboldt Books 2020 Film & Video / Monographs 30€ 30€
PICCOLI, Cloe; GRAZIANI, Stefano (eds.) PICCOLI, Cloe; GRAZIANI, Stefano (eds.) Palazzo Abatellis Palermo Humboldt Books 2019 Artists' Books / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Artists' Writings 25€ 25€
PONTI, Lisa PONTI, Lisa Io Sono Un Disegno Humboldt Books 2023 Monographs 44€ 44€
SETH, Aradhana SETH, Aradhana SADAK. Hand painted street signs in India Humboldt Books 2024 Architecture / Urban Studies 28€ 28€
THEK, Paul; BENSON MILLER, Peter (ed.) THEK, Paul; BENSON MILLER, Peter (ed.) Paul Thek. Italian Hours Humboldt Books 2023 Monographs 25€ 25€
TREVI, Emanuele ; SILVA, Giovanna TREVI, Emanuele ; SILVA, Giovanna Ontani in Bali Humboldt Books 2016 Monographs 30€ 30€
TWOMBLY, Cy TWOMBLY, Cy Marocco 1952/1953 Humboldt Books 2023 Monographs / Photography / City Guides & Travel / Queer Culture 20€ 20€