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ANDERSEN, Thom; JONES, William E. ANDERSEN, Thom; JONES, William E. Between Artists: Thom Andersen / William E. Jones A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 12€ 12€
BALDESSARI, John; BLOOM, Barbara BALDESSARI, John; BLOOM, Barbara Between Artists: John Baldessari / Barbara Bloom A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 12€ 12€
BENNING, James BENNING, James Two Cabins (J.B.) A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 40€ 40€
BOWERS, Andrea; OPIE, Catherine BOWERS, Andrea; OPIE, Catherine Between Artists: Andrea Bowers / Catherine Opie A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 12€ 12€
CELMINS, Vija CELMINS, Vija Vija Celmins A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 25€ 25€
DESANA, Jimmy DESANA, Jimmy Jimmy DeSana A.R.T. Press Monographs / Queer Culture / Photography 25€ 25€
FLETCHER, Harrell; RAKOWITZ, Michael FLETCHER, Harrell; RAKOWITZ, Michael Between Artists: Harrell Fletcher / Michael Rakowitz A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 12€ 12€
FRASER, Andrea; CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.); ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.) FRASER, Andrea; CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.); ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.) Andrea Fraser. Collected Interviews 1990–2018 A.R.T. Press 2019 Monographs / Conversations / Institutional Critique 30€ 30€
GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix Felix Gonzalez-Torres [A.R.T. Press] A.R.T. Press Monographs 45€ 45€
GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix A Selection of Snapshots Taken by Felix Gonzalez-Torres A.R.T. Press Monographs 40€ 40€
GUAGNINI, Nicolás; JOSELIT, David GUAGNINI, Nicolás; JOSELIT, David Session : Nicolás Guagnini / David Joselit A.R.T. Press 2020 Conversations 15€ 15€
GUAGNINI, Nicolas; KELSEY, John GUAGNINI, Nicolas; KELSEY, John Between Artists: Nicolas Guagnini / John Kelsey A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 20€ 20€
HARRISON, Rachel; STEINBACH, Haim HARRISON, Rachel; STEINBACH, Haim Between Artists: Rachel Harrison/ Haim Steinbach A.R.T. Press 2020 Monographs / Conversations 20€ 20€
KELLEY, Mike KELLEY, Mike Mike Kelley A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 40€ 40€
LEDARE, Leigh; ANASTAS, Rhea LEDARE, Leigh; ANASTAS, Rhea Double Bind A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
McCOLLUM, Allan McCOLLUM, Allan Allan McCollum A.R.T. Press Monographs 30€ 30€
MILLER, John; EICHHORN, Maria MILLER, John; EICHHORN, Maria Between Artists: John Miller / Maria Eichhorn A.R.T. Press Monographs / Conversations 30€ 30€
OSBORNE, Peter; PIPER, Adrian OSBORNE, Peter; PIPER, Adrian Philosophies of Conceptual Art: Peter Osborne & Adrian Piper in Conversation A.R.T. Press 2024 Conversations 12€ 12€
PIERSON, Jack PIERSON, Jack Jack Pierson: 18 Postcards A.R.T. Press Monographs / Photography 10€ 10€
SAPPINGTON, Rodney; BARTMAN, William (eds.) SAPPINGTON, Rodney; BARTMAN, William (eds.) Between Artists: 12 Contemporary Artists A.R.T. Press Conversations / Anthologies 25€ 25€
SIMMONS, Laurie SIMMONS, Laurie Laurie Simmons A.R.T. Press Monographs / Artists' Books 32€ 32€