FRASER, Andrea; CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.); ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.)
Andrea Fraser. Collected Interviews 1990–2018

This substantial archive offers an ideal point of entry into the work and reception of Los Angeles–based performance artist and writer Andrea Fraser. The interview format provides particular insight into Fraser's self-positioning as a central aspect of her practice. By presenting the artist's voice as mediated through various interlocutors (ranging from professional peers to popular media), Collected Interviews, 1990–2018 uniquely contextualizes Fraser's practice in the artistic and institutional fields in which she intervenes. [publisher's note] 

Published by A.R.T. Press, 2019
Design by Scott Ponik & Julie Peeters
Monographs / Conversations / Institutional Critique

Price: 30€

FRASER, Andrea; CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.); ANASTAS, Rhea (ed.) - Andrea Fraser. Collected Interviews 1990–2018