LUDOVICO, Alessandro
Post-Digital Print — The Mutation of Publishing since 1894

Although in hindsight the reports of the death of paper were greatly exaggerated, electronic publishing has now certainly become a reality. How will the analog and the digital coexist in the post-digital age of publishing? How will they transition, mix and cross over? In this book, Alessandro Ludovico re-reads the history of the avant-garde arts as a prehistory of cutting through the so-called dichotomy between paper and electronics. Ludovico is the editor and publisher of Neural, a magazine for critical digital culture and media arts.

This book exhists also in French.

Published by Onomatopee, 2013
Design by Eric de Haas
Book Culture / Graphic Design / Essays

Price: 20€

LUDOVICO, Alessandro - Post-Digital Print — The Mutation of Publishing since 1894