TRYANOVA, Alexandra; GIELEN, Pascal

With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in January 2022, our idea of pacifism was challenged. Should Europe pick up arms or not? And can it solely ease its conscience through providing humanitarian aid? Also: to what extent are economic motives the driving force behind Europe’s attitude?

Without providing an unambiguous response to these questions, Ukrainian curator Alexandra Tryanova and Belgian cultural sociologist Pascal Gielen engage in a dialogue. In Passivity, they do not only write about the current political situation, but they are also looking at themselves, their own fears and privileges. What is passivity in our daily doings? When does passivity turn into resignation or indifference? How do media and culture contribute to that attitude? Passivity searches for ways to find peace with our own mixed feelings. 

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Published by Valiz, 2023
Essays / Politics

Price: 10€

TRYANOVA, Alexandra; GIELEN, Pascal - Passivity