WINTERLING, Susanne M.; LOTZ, Antonia (eds.)
Pandora’s Box

It’s all in relations, connections…
the possible infrastructures
and the paths of agency
the energy transmitted or bounced off
waves diffracted
particles on the bottom of all elements

conversations as currents on
the planetary and the nano level

An exploration of the form of conversation as a method of aesthetic solidarity and empowerment: the online platform conceived by Susanne M. Winterling Pandora’s Box (pandorasbox.susannewinterling.com) collects and archives talks, stories, discourses and struggles to re-value and constantly reboot practices of solidarity. The conversations and texts published in this first volume are starting and connecting points creating a web of support, exchange and dispersion being a catalyser for planetary solidarity and imaginary and real material nanocommunities. [publishers’ note]

Contributions by Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Biljana Ciric, Laleta Davis-Mattis, Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Eddie Esmail, Silvia Federici, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Unni M. Fjellheim, Chris Kraus, Suzana Milevska, Pakama Ngceni, Iris Orizar, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Anupam Roy.

Published by Archive Books, 2021
Design by V–A STUDIO
Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Politics

Price: 18€

WINTERLING, Susanne M.; LOTZ, Antonia (eds.) - Pandora’s Box