MOHAGHEGH, Jason Bahbak
Omnicide: Mania, Fatality, and the Future-in-Delirium

A fragmentary catalogue of poetic derangements that reveals the ways in which mania communicates with an extreme will to annihilation.

What kind of circumstances provoke an obsessive focus on the most minute object or activity? And what causes such mania to blossom into the lethal conviction that everything must be annihilated? There is no turning away from the imperative to study this riddle in all its mystifying complexity and its disturbing contemporary resonance—to trace the obscure passage between a lone state of delirium and the will to world-erasure...[publisher's note]

Published by Urbanomic / Sequence Press, 2019
Essays / Poetry

Price: 30€

MOHAGHEGH, Jason Bahbak  - Omnicide: Mania, Fatality, and the Future-in-Delirium