KASMANI, Omar; LÜTHJOHANN, Matthias; NIKOLEIT, Sophie; PETTIER, Jean-Baptiste (eds.)
Nothing Personal?! Essays on Affect, Gender and Queerness

Personal, but not a personal thing: affect is at the heart of some of the most pressing issues of social and political life. If how and what we feel indeed shape and form the ways we live and vice versa, how does his dynamic relate to the experience of gender and queerness? With insights from cultural studies, the social sciences as well as artistic practice, the essays in this book delve into the manifold and messy dimensions of public feeling and emotion. [publishers’ note]

With contributions by Christa Binswanger (on Annie Ernaux’s A Girl’s Story), Johanna Renard (“Radical Boredom. Feminist and Queer Politics of Affect in Experimental Film”), Annette Bühler-Dietrich, Eric Taggart, Moritz Plewa (on “Teleoaffectivity and Gender in Jane Fonda’s Aerobics Videos”), Corinna Schmechel, Esto (Esther) Mader, Noemi Veberič Levovnik (“Let My Pussy Speak”), Stella Rehbein, Ash Teodorson (on the “Digital Doula”), Lena Eckert, Omar Kasmani, Matthias Lüthjohann, Sophie Nikoleit, a,d Jean-Baptiste Pettier.

Published by b_books, 2022
Essays / Gender Studies / Queer Culture

Price: 20€

KASMANI, Omar; LÜTHJOHANN, Matthias; NIKOLEIT, Sophie; PETTIER, Jean-Baptiste (eds.) - Nothing Personal?! Essays on Affect, Gender and Queerness