SCHOR, Mira; BEE, Susan (eds.)
M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists’ Writings, Theory, and Criticism

Postmodernism stood for everything modernism rejected: fun, exuberance, irresponsibility. But beneath its glitzy surface, postmodernism had a dirty secret: it was the fig leaf for a rapacious new kind of capitalism. It was the forcing ground of “post truth,” by means of which western values were turned upside down. But where do these ideas come from and how have they impacted on the world?

In this brilliant history of a dangerous idea, Stuart Jeffries tells a narrative that starts in the early 1970s and still dominates our lives today. He tells this history through a riotous gallery that includes, among others: David Bowie, the iPod, Madonna, Jeff Koons’s the Nixon Shock, Judith Butler, Las Vegas, Margaret Thatcher, Grand Master Flash, I Love Dick, the RAND Corporation, the Sex Pistols, Princess Diana, Grand Theft Auto, Jean Baudrillard, Netflix, and 9/11.

[publisher's note]

Published by Duke University Press, 2000
Essays / Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Anthologies

Price: 35€

SCHOR, Mira; BEE, Susan (eds.) - M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists’ Writings, Theory, and Criticism