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ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie ACKER, Kathy; WARK, McKenzie I’m very into you. Correspondence 1995-1996 Semiotext(e) 2015 Correspondence / Literature 18€ 18€
ADNAN, Etel ADNAN, Etel Of Cities & Women (Letters to Fawwaz) The Post-Apollo Press / Litmus Press 2022 Correspondence / Poetry 20€ 20€
ARAGUAS, Léna; CARIOU, André ARAGUAS, Léna; CARIOU, André Nouvelles de l’Ouest Rotolux Press / Tombolo Presses 2018 Artists' Books / Correspondence 15€ 15€
BERKSON, Bill; MAYER, Bernadette BERKSON, Bill; MAYER, Bernadette What’s Your Idea of a Good Time? Letters and Interviews 1977–1985 Tuumba Press 2006 Poetry / Correspondence / Conversations 18€ 18€
BRAINARD, Joe; KANE, Daniel (ed.) BRAINARD, Joe; KANE, Daniel (ed.) Love, Joe. The Selected Letters of Joe Brainard Columbia University Press 2024 Correspondence / Artists' Writings 36€ 36€
BRENEZ, Nicole BRENEZ, Nicole Jean-Luc Godard. Écrits politiques sur le cinéma et autres arts filmiques (tome 2) de l'incidence éditeur 2023 Essays / Correspondence / Film & Video / Politics / Documents 9€ 9€
CADERE, André CADERE, André The Last Letters (Letters About a Work) Jean Boîte éditions 2022 Artists' Writings / Correspondence 45€ 45€
CADERE, André CADERE, André André Cadere : lettres sur un travail Jean Boîte éditions 2022 Artists' Writings / Correspondence 45€ 45€
CARRINGTON, Dora CARRINGTON, Dora Carrington’s Letters Penguin Artists' Writings / Correspondence 25€ 25€
CLARK, Ewan CLARK, Ewan Howling in his Hills of Sur Casioli Press / Counter Culture Chronicles 2020 Correspondence 12€ 12€
CRAIG, Kate ; LEWIS, Glenn ; METCALFE, Eric ; MORRIS, Michael ; TRASOV, Vincent CRAIG, Kate ; LEWIS, Glenn ; METCALFE, Eric ; MORRIS, Michael ; TRASOV, Vincent Art & Correspondence from the Western Front Western Front 1979 Exhibition Catalogues / Correspondence / Performance 35€ 35€
CROWLEY, Grace; WIJNEN, Riet (ed.) CROWLEY, Grace; WIJNEN, Riet (ed.) Grace Crowley Kunstverein Amsterdam 2019 Correspondence / Artists' Writings / Documents 23€ 23€
DANNATT, Adrian DANNATT, Adrian Doomed and Famous: Selected Obituaries Sequence Press 2021 Scenes / Correspondence / Biographies 32€ 32€
DESCLOUX MERCIER, Lizzy DESCLOUX MERCIER, Lizzy Don’t Take Care of Yourself. Lettres à Christine. 1974-1983 ISTI MIRANT STELLA 2023 Correspondence / Music & Sound 25€ 25€
DOCUMNT (ed.) DOCUMNT (ed.) DOCUMNT 2 documnt magazine 2018 Periodicals / Poetry / Digital / Correspondence 20€ 20€
FRIEDLI, Susanne (ed.) FRIEDLI, Susanne (ed.) Kahnweiler & Rupf: Ein Galerist und sein Sammler / A Gallerist and His Collector, 1933–1945 Hatje Cantz / Kunstmuseum Bern 2024 Biographies / Documents / Correspondence / Art History 58€ 58€
GIRAUDON, Liliane GIRAUDON, Liliane Sade épouse Sade Les Presses du Réel 2021 Correspondence / Essays 10€ 10€
HAMILTON, Richard; DUCHAMP, Marcel; DISERENS, Corinne (ed.); TOSIN, Gesine (ed.) HAMILTON, Richard; DUCHAMP, Marcel; DISERENS, Corinne (ed.); TOSIN, Gesine (ed.) Le Grand Déchiffreur. Richard Hamilton sur Marcel Duchamp JRP|Ringier / Maison Rouge 2009 Artists' Writings / Correspondence / Art History / Conceptual Art 19.5€ 19.5€
HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich Selected Poems and Letters The Last Books 2019 Poetry / Correspondence 22€ 22€
HOLLANDER, Benjamin (ed.) HOLLANDER, Benjamin (ed.) Letters for Olson Spuyten Duyvil 2016 Poetry / Correspondence 18€ 18€
HUDEK, Antony HUDEK, Antony Letters from NYC S*I*G 2019 Correspondence / Film & Video / Scenes 8€ 8€
HUNT, Andrew (ed.) HUNT, Andrew (ed.) Painting. Funny Peculiar Slimvolume 2020 Conversations / Painting / Correspondence / Group Shows / Cultural Studies 24€ 24€
LASSNIG, Maria; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich LASSNIG, Maria; OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Maria Lassnig. Briefe an / Letter to Hans Ulrich Obrist Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2020 Monographs / Painting / Documents / Correspondence 30€ 30€
LORDE, Audre; PARKER, Pat LORDE, Audre; PARKER, Pat The Letters of Audre Lorde and Pat Parker 1974-1989 the87 press 2024 Correspondence / Poetry / Literature / Black Studies 20€ 20€
LORDE, Audre; PARKER, Pat; R ENSZER, Julie (eds.) LORDE, Audre; PARKER, Pat; R ENSZER, Julie (eds.) Sister Love: The Letters of Audre Lorde and Pat Parker 1974-1989 A Midsummer Night's Press 2018 Correspondence / Poetry 15€ 15€
LUNA, Joe (ed.) LUNA, Joe (ed.) The letters of Douglas Oliver and J.H. Pryne 1967-2000 The Last Books 2023 Poetry / Correspondence 30€ 30€
MILVILLE, Pierre MILVILLE, Pierre Les dessins du matin Semis 2019 Monographs / Comics & Illustrations / Correspondence / Graphic Design / Children's Books / Book Culture 35€ 35€
NGBANZO, Anaïs (ed.) NGBANZO, Anaïs (ed.) Who Are You Dorothy Dean? Éditions 1989 2024 Anthologies / Correspondence / Literature / Counterculture 21€ 21€
NUUT, Sandra; KAGOVERE, Ott (eds.) NUUT, Sandra; KAGOVERE, Ott (eds.) Dear Friend Catalogue 2019–2022 Lugemik / Estonian Academy of Arts 2022 Correspondence / Graphic Design / Education 20€ 20€
O’DOHERTY, Brian O’DOHERTY, Brian Dear... selected letters from Brian O’Doherty Sirius Art Centre 2018 Monographs / Correspondence / Art History / Institutional Critique 26€ 26€
SCHNEEMANN, Carolee; STILES, Kristine (ed.) SCHNEEMANN, Carolee; STILES, Kristine (ed.) Correspondence Course: An Epistolary History of Carolee Schneemann and Her Circle Duke University Press Essays / Correspondence / Feminism / Performance / Scenes 26€ 26€
THOMSON, Mungo THOMSON, Mungo Mail Inventory Press 2020 Artists' Books / Documents / Correspondence 35€ 35€
WINTERLING, Susanne M.; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) WINTERLING, Susanne M.; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) The Correspondence Book. The Letters of Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Carson McCullers Kunstverein Amsterdam 2014 Artists' Writings / Correspondence / Feminism 19€ 19€