TWEMLOW, Alice; CARDOSO, Tânia A. (eds.)
Walking as Research Practice

Read me while you walk. Hold me while you stand. Put me down while you take a pause.

“What might be considered the research output of a walking practice? Where and when does the research occur in relation to the walk, the walking and the walkers? Does the walk activate our senses, or do our senses demand that we walk? What and where are the objects and subjects of a walk? How might walking help us emphasise our connection to the more-than-human world? What are the entry points to a city through walking? How might walking provide a path toward more socially just urban spaces and commons?”
—from the introduction by Alice Twemlow and Tânia A. Cardoso

Special issue of WARP x SoapBox Journal.

With texts by Nienke Scholts, Sally Stenton, Kamila Wolszczak, Maria Persu, Mariken Overdijk, Natalie Bamford,
Simon King, Neila Zannier, Darren O’Brien, Roxana Perez Mendez, Mario Marzan.

Published by ROMA Publications, 2024
Design by Jana Sofie Liebe
Essays / Artists' Writings

Price: 35€

TWEMLOW, Alice; CARDOSO, Tânia A. (eds.) - Walking as Research Practice