VANDERBEEK, Stan; RIBAS, João (cur.); ARNING, Bill (cur.)
Stan VanDerBeek: The Culture Intercom

A monograph offering a comprehensive approach to artist and filmmaker Stan VanDerBeek’s oeuvre, considering through essays, pictures, and documents, his essential contribution to media art, his pioneering “expanded cinema” experiments and telecommunication projects, as well as his writing on technology and communication. 

Contributions by Bill Arning, Jane Farver, Mark Bartlett, Jacob Proctor, João Ribas, Gloria Sutton, Michael Zyrd.

Published by MIT List Visual Arts Center / Contemporary Art Museum Houston, 2011
Monographs / Film & Video / Media Studies / Documents

Price: 25€

VANDERBEEK, Stan; RIBAS, João (cur.); ARNING, Bill (cur.) - Stan VanDerBeek: The Culture Intercom