AFIF, Saâdane; D’O., Yasmine (eds.)
Side Magazine #3: The Bonimenteur

The third issue of Side Magazine sketches a portrait of the “Bonimenteur.” Coming from the French word “bonir” (to tell stories in a nice way), their speech is often exaggerated, and aims to please, convince, and seduce—illusionary tricks often achieving a means to an end. Seven contributors explore the soul of this talkative figure: Aurélien Gamboni analyses Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Conjurer (1502); Polly Wiesner discusses storytelling at night among the Ju/'hoansi (!Kung Bushmen); a reprint of Marion Baruch's NAME DIFFUSION links commodity with cultural production; Helmut Draxler looks at the relation between art and its display through the work of Judith Barry; in an interview with the magazine editors, Deborah Bowmann harnesses neoliberalism & individuation; Jean Breschand puts Pier Paolo Pasolini's masterpieces in the frame; and finally, Jacqueline Barus-Michel explores belief and our desire for meaning. [Editors’ note]

Published by Wirklichkeit Books, 2022
Design by Neue Gestaltung

Price: 7€

AFIF, Saâdane; D’O., Yasmine (eds.) - Side Magazine #3: The Bonimenteur