HINRICHS, Heide; TANG, Jo-Ey; HAINES, Elizabeth (eds.)
Shelf Documents. Art Library As Practice

Artists, writers, curators, teachers, and librarians reflect on how they can use the beloved library as a source of inspiration or a field of action for anyone who identifies as a woman, queer, non-binary, or a person of colour. In thinking about diversity in collections, the publication proposes art libraries as sites of intersubjective communion. This represents a collaborative book acquisition project, initiated by artist Heide Hinrichs at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, in which her group integrated 223 new titles in art libraries as a way to fill gaps, to amplify voices, and seek out the self-initiated or the overlooked.

With contributions by Heide Hinrichs, Jo-ey Tang, Elizabeth Haines, Rachel Redman, Susanne Weiss, Ersi Varveri, Sara De Bondt, Marisa C. Sánchez, Melanie Noel, Laura Larson. [publisher's note]

Published by b_books / Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, 2020
Design by Sarah De Bondt
Essays / Book Culture

Price: 22€

HINRICHS, Heide; TANG, Jo-Ey; HAINES, Elizabeth (eds.) - Shelf Documents. Art Library As Practice