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Author ↑↓ Title ↑↓ Publisher ↑↓ Date ↑↓ Category Price ↑↓ Buy
AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) End Notes(s). Moderation(s) 2012-2014 Witte de With Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
AYAS, Defne; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) AYAS, Defne; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) WDWXXV: In Light Of 25 Years Witte de With Art Spaces 15€ 15€
BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip BRONSON, AA; AARONS, Philip Queer Zines Box Set, Volumes 1 & 2 Witte de With 2014 Zines / Queer Culture 120€ 120€
COUPLAND, Douglas COUPLAND, Douglas BIT ROT Witte de With Essays / Artists' Writings 24€ 24€
DEKYNDT, Edith DEKYNDT, Edith Edith Dekyndt Witte de With Monographs 12€ 12€
FARMER, Geoffrey FARMER, Geoffrey Geoffrey Farmer Witte de With Monographs 12€ 12€
GOLDBLATT, David GOLDBLATT, David Fifty-one years Witte de With 2001 Monographs / Photography 40€ 40€
HUNT, William HUNT, William Tempting Fate by Swimming Alone Witte de With Monographs / Artists' Books 25€ 25€
MARI, Bartomeu (ed.) MARI, Bartomeu (ed.) Stimuli Witte de With Essays / Group Shows 10€ 10€
MCBRIDE, Rita MCBRIDE, Rita Arena Witte de With 1997 Artists' Books 10€ 10€
POLEDNA, Mathias POLEDNA, Mathias Western Recording Witte de With Monographs 25€ 25€
ROOIJ, Willem de; MONDRIAN, Piet ROOIJ, Willem de; MONDRIAN, Piet Character is Fate Witte de With 2015 Monographs 36€ 36€
SALMON, Margaret SALMON, Margaret Margaret Salmon Witte de With Monographs 12€ 12€
SCHAUBERGER, Viktor SCHAUBERGER, Viktor As a wild boar passes water Witte de With Literature 5€ 5€
VICUÑA, Cecilia; LOPEZ, Miguel (ed.) VICUÑA, Cecilia; LOPEZ, Miguel (ed.) Seehearing The Enlightened Failure Witte de With 2020 Monographs 42€ 42€
VON BONIN, Cosima VON BONIN, Cosima Cosima Von Bonin Witte de With Monographs 12€ 12€