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GORMAN, Paul; THORP, David; VERMOREL, Fred (ed.) GORMAN, Paul; THORP, David; VERMOREL, Fred (ed.) Eyes for Blowing Up Bridges: Joining the dots from the Situationist International to Malcolm McLaren John Hansard Gallery 2015 Art History / Poetry / Politics / Exhibition Catalogues 20€ 20€
HOARE, Philip (ed.) HOARE, Philip (ed.) Derek Jarman’s Modern Nature John Hansard Gallery 2022 Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Queer Culture 22€ 22€
MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) Live Art on Camera: Performance and Photography John Hansard Gallery 2007 Film & Video / Performance / Photography 20€ 20€
MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) MAUDE-ROXBY, Alice (ed.) Anti-Academy John Hansard Gallery 2013 Art History / Education 20€ 20€
POSENENSKE, Charlotte POSENENSKE, Charlotte The same but different / Dasselbe anders John Hansard Gallery / Konrad Fischer Galerie 2011 Monographs 22€ 22€