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ABRAMS, Janet ABRAMS, Janet Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bauhaus. Profiles in Architecture and Design Princeton Architectural Press 2020 Design / Architecture / Essays 37€ 37€
LEVIT, Briar (ed.) LEVIT, Briar (ed.) Baseline Shift: Untold Stories of Women in Graphic Design History Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Essays / Graphic Design / Feminism 28€ 28€
BACON, Mardges BACON, Mardges John McAndrew's modernist vision Princeton Architectural Press 2018 Architecture 45€ 45€
CAGE, John; LONG, Lois CAGE, John; LONG, Lois Mud Book: How to Make Pies and Cakes Princeton Architectural Press 2017 Artists' Books / Children's Books / Comics & Illustrations / Facsimile & Reprints 16€ 16€
COVER, Jay; HOLDGRAFER, Brad COVER, Jay; HOLDGRAFER, Brad Walls Princeton Architectural Press 2018 Children's Books / Comics & Illustrations 17.5€ 17.5€
GOLUB, Jennifer (ed.) GOLUB, Jennifer (ed.) Russel and Mary Wright: Dragon Rock at Manitoga Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Architecture / Design 64€ 64€
GRAFTON, Anthony ; ROSENBERG, Daniel GRAFTON, Anthony ; ROSENBERG, Daniel Cartographies of Time. A History of the Timeline Princeton Architectural Press 2010 Manuals / Graphic Design / Architecture / Documents 33€ 33€
HELLER, Steven HELLER, Steven Growing Up Underground: A Memoir of Counterculture New York Princeton Architectural Press 2022 Biographies / Counterculture / Periodicals / Sex 29€ 29€
LUPTON, Ellen LUPTON, Ellen Thinking with Type Princeton Architectural Press 2024 Typography / Graphic Design 32€ 32€
LUPTON, Ellen; KAFEI, Farah; TOBIAS, Jennifer, A. HALSTEAD, Josh; SALES, Kaleena; XIA, Leslie; VERGARA, Valentina LUPTON, Ellen; KAFEI, Farah; TOBIAS, Jennifer, A. HALSTEAD, Josh; SALES, Kaleena; XIA, Leslie; VERGARA, Valentina Extra Bold. A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Design / Feminism / Gender Studies 35€ 35€
SALES, Kaleena (ed.) SALES, Kaleena (ed.) Centered: People and Ideas Diversifying Design Princeton Architectural Press 2023 Graphic Design 32€ 32€
SARNI, Elena M. SARNI, Elena M. Trailblazing Women Printmakers Princeton Architectural Press 2023 Feminism / Book Culture 38€ 38€
YIN CHENG, Alicia YIN CHENG, Alicia This Is What Democracy Looked Like Princeton Architectural Press 2020 Essays / Documents / Book Culture / Politics 37€ 37€