Author ↑↓ | Title ↑↓ | Publisher ↑↓ | Date ↑↓ | Category | Price ↑↓ | Buy |
KO, Aph | KO, Aph Racism as Zoological Witchcraft | Lantern Books | 2019 | Black Studies / Health / Gender Studies / Media Studies | 22€ | 22€ ● |
KO, Aph; KO, Syd | KO, Aph; KO, Syd Aphro-ism | Lantern Books | 2020 | Black Studies / Feminism / Media Studies / Health | 22€ | 22€ ● |
LEVENSON, Karen | LEVENSON, Karen Confessions of an Animal Rights Terrorist | Lantern Books | 2021 | Feminism / Health / Politics | 22€ | 22€ ● |
MCNEILL, Z. Zane (ed) | MCNEILL, Z. Zane (ed) Vegan Entanglements: Dismantling Racial and Carceral Capitalism | Lantern Books | 2022 | Health / Politics / Essays | 30€ | 30€ |