KRÖNER, Tonio; PRESTON, Laura; WIDMANN, Tanja (eds.)
Post-apocalyptic Realism
What a promising title! This book, published in the aftermath of a series of public events organized under the title, Post-apocalyptic Realism: It’s After the End of the World. Don’t You Know That? in the pre-apocalyptic year 2017 at Museum Brandhorst, Munich, offers different reflections on the relations of subject and world after their fictional, speculative, or factual ends. What's at stake is to keep questioning modes of engagement: in which forms and with what vocabulary shall we narrate ourselves as deconstructed yet active post-apocalyptic subjects? Hang on!
With contributions by Juan Atkins, Helmut Draxler, Achim Hochdörfer, Bernhard Maaz, Inka Meißner, Robert Müller, Laura Preston, Michael Smith, Tanja Widmann, Peter Wächtler, and Jutta Zimmermann.
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2019
Group Shows / Art Theory / Artists' Writings