RAFAEL, Marie-France
Passing Images – Art in the Post-Digital Age

Since the 2010s, the line between public and private, online and offline have increasingly become blurred by digitalization and social media. In contemporary art, digitality has assumed a new type of presence—no longer only as a virtual sphere of sociality, but increasingly as a technological interface that structures our embodied experiences. What is presented in an "exhibition"? And how should we write about the new types of post-digital images we are seeing (in them)? In Passing Images: Art in the Post-Digital Age, Marie France Rafael provides an attempt to write with art, rather than just about it. Rafael aims to retrace the living spirit of art and the procedural-performative experience of art in her writing. [publishers’ note]

Published by Floating Opera Press, 2022
Essays / Media Studies / Art Theory

Price: 16€

RAFAEL, Marie-France - Passing Images – Art in the Post-Digital Age