GREEN, Renée
As the 2016–18 Institution (Building) artist, Renée Green has conceived the project entitled Pacing. Over the course of two years, Green will engage with and return to an ongoing series of questions and forms of relation.
Perceptions of time, space, place, what can and cannot be traced through our bodies and actions, have been aspects of Green's work through time; these have included her engagement with humans' spatial relations and imaginings, poetry, language, cinema, sound, color, forms, senses, movement, matter, material conditions, dreams, and memory: what remains and is affected by humans, made things and places, as well as what can be found as forms on earth, despite or in relation to what can be ascribed to human actions.
In Pacing, Green will consider relations sparked by conjunction with this particular location, as she encounters it, allowing during the invited period of engagement a variety of trajectories to emerge from myriad points of material, imaginings, and speculation.
Published by Free Agent Media, 2018
Monographs / Exhibition Catalogues