Nine Years in a Windtunnel. Being Pages from the Hotel Firbank Archive (including Songs from the Asylum)

''For me, her story dates back to the time she was feeding vulva clippings to the reptile...'' E. Concertina/ Hotel Flirktank [opposite page 1]

Do Not Remove Your Sunglasses:

You are Beautiful but mortal

beautiful but mottled

beautiful but morbid

beautiful but moldy

beautiful but modoc

beautiful but molimen

beautiful but Monday

beautiful but money talks

beautiful but moosemilks

beautiful but monika

[from Death from Above]

Parts of the publication appeared first in ZZZZZZ Magazine, this edition is from 1978.

Published by Aloes Books, 1978
Literature / Poetry

Price: 20€

BLAGG, Max; TISA, Ken - Nine Years in a Windtunnel. Being Pages from the Hotel Firbank Archive (including Songs from the Asylum)