La Collection Moderne - The Picasso Controversy

La Collection Moderne - The Picasso Controversy
Issue I – Problem Pablo Picasso
Issue II – Le Cubisme Aujourd'hui
Issue III – Oslo

In short, I. #cancelpicasso? II. the fanzine content consists of an email conversation between Dag Erik Elgin and Victor Boullet about Cubism today? III. Published with an essay by Elgin printed together with the original Norwegian Statsbyggs government plans on how the work Fiskerne (The Fishermen) by Picasso would be cut out of the Y-block in the government quarter and then put on display in a storage box for the public to view like an art trophy. Paintings by Dag Erik Elgin. [publisher's note]

Published by Antenne Publishing / Frenetic Happiness, 2021
Artists' Books

Price: 35€

BOULLET, Victor - La Collection Moderne - The Picasso Controversy