BAER, Jo; ARKESTEIJN, Roel (ed.)
Jo Baer. Broadsides and Belles Lettres: Selected writings and interviews

Approximately 30 texts – richly illustrated – published and unpublished, written between 1965 and the present: letters, essays, interviews, articles, facsimiles of illustrated texts, transcripts of talks, and a book-in-progress: Revisioning the Parthenon. The items are of disparate length and tone and cover subjects ranging from optics to orchids, cultural politics to ancient Greek iconography, art theory and philosophy to the mixed pleasures of living in a drafty castle in the Irish countryside. To all these diverse topics Baer brings formidable powers of analysis, rigorous logic, a penchant for provocation, lively wit and an inimitable, exacting use of language - the same ingredients that go into her art. [publishers’ note]

Published by ROMA Publications, 2010
Design by Roger Willems
Monographs / Artists' Writings

Price: 45€