MULLEADY, Jill; KNOLL, Velérie (ed.)
Jill Mulleady: Fear of Fear

The atmosphere in Jill Mulleady's paintings is one of foreboding; of an underlying tension about to be unleashed. Tragedy lurks in open suitcases, displays of sea creatures, and sinks filled with dirty dishes. Another nightmarish layer lies dormant behind the dream like setting of almost all her compositions. You can't quite put your finger on it: it lies in the future, beyond the painting. It is the feeling of change yet to come. This publication is released following Mulleady's first institutional exhibition at the Kunsthalle Bern and presents the artist's paintings from 2015 to 2021. Philipp Kaiser, John Kelsey and Valérie Knoll provide a variety of perspectives in their essays as they delve into her approach as a painter with a background in theatre. [publisher's note]

Published by Kunsthalle Bern / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2021

Price: 26€

MULLEADY, Jill; KNOLL, Velérie (ed.) - Jill Mulleady: Fear of Fear