"Inverted Commas" F.R.David ",D"
27 February 2017 06:00PM

‘Inverted Commas’ is the 13th issue of the journal F.R.DAVID. Books launch, Singing, Reading wih Will Holder and Riet Wijnen at The Community!
This issue departs from Riet Wijnen’s The  Registry of Pseudonyms, an online database of pseudonyms which accounts for who is who and why who is who. This issue  follows ‘pseudonym’ through names, naming, bodies, brains, self, author, other, reader, and labour.

F.R.DAVID is co-published in 2017 by uh books and KW Institute for Contemporary Art; ‘Inverted Commas’ is financially supported by Kunsthuis Syb.

Thank you to The Community offline for hosting us!



