POGGI, Caroline & VINEL, Jonathan; GRENIER, Béatrice (ed.)
Infinite Memory

Formal experimentation characterises the work of emerging French film-making duo Poggi & Vinel, who employ the languages of video games, archives, and film-making to hybridise genres and break aesthetic conventions. There is ambiguity over the register within which the duo's work should be situated: is it film, musical score, game or animation? Edited by Béatrice Grenier, considered as an object the book is a formulation of an archive or a record of the duo's work, encompassing the variety of mediums with which Poggi & Vinel engage, in addition to the overarching question of memory as explored in their practice. Three essays by Alenda Y. Chang, Béatrice Grenier and Ingrid Luquet-gad offer in-depth analyses of the ways in which the work of the duo constitutes a form of preservation through the use and reuse of video-game imagery. In an interview with Philippe Azoury, the film-makers reflect on the role of community-building both within and outside their films, considering specifically the relationship between the digital characters and the “real” characters, and the importance of gaming in acknowledging and understanding other subjectivities. [publishers’ note]

Published by Lenz / Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, 2024
Design by Lorenzo Mason Studio
Artists' Books / Film & Video

Price: 30€

POGGI, Caroline & VINEL, Jonathan; GRENIER, Béatrice (ed.) - Infinite Memory