HÖGLINGER, Katharina
If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should

“The image pulsates with alternating contrasts of light and dark. A sweeping, purple-coloured line unites a human countenance in half profile with the little head of a blue dog. Red strokes in the middle of the canvas, perhaps the arms of an animal-like being, reach into the widened eyes of the one facing it. Expressing its pleasure, the lively creature cheekily sticks its tongue out of its mouth, while the facial expression of the person remains indifferent, in spite of the affront.”
— Florentine Rungrama Muhry

Between a monograph and an artist book, If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should articulates the different aspects of Katharina Höglinger’s practice – painting, writing, pieces of clothes – so that “the instinctive, methodical and processual working methods as much as the joyful experimental approaches” of the artist unfold page after page.

The book also proposes a text by Florentine Rungrama Muhry, and a conversation between Anna Schachinger and the artist.

Bilingual English / German.

Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2024
Design by Alexandra Möllner

Price: 32€

HÖGLINGER, Katharina - If You Don’t Believe in Yourself, Someone Else Should