RADINE, Leonie (ed.)

The concept of transcorporeality (Stacy Alaimo) builds on the thesis that all bodies are permeable, open-ended systems in constant exchange with their environment and other biological, technological, economic, and sociopolitical realities. Transcorporealities critically examines the permeability of bodies – including the museum – at the interfaces between subject, object, and space. It focuses on urgent (institutional) questions of visibility and accessibility as well as the possibilities and limits of representation: What is inscribed and attributed to bodies? Who is looking at whom? What is meant when we say “we” and “they”? [publisher's note]

This catalogue accompanied the 2019-20 eponymous exhibition at Museum Ludwig, Cologne, that was part of the pro­ject se­ries HERE AND NOW / HI­ER UND JET­ZT, “an ex­per­i­men­tal for­mat that crit­i­cal­ly ex­amines con­ven­tions of pre­sent­ing art in mu­se­ums and ques­tions the ap­proach of its own in­sti­tu­tio­n­al work.” It presented works by Jesse Darling, Flaka Haliti, Trajal Harrell, Paul Maheke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Oscar Murillo, and Sondra Perry.

With con­tri­bu­tions by Sta­cy Alai­mo, Park McArthur, Leonie Ra­dine, No­ra Stern­feld, and a fore­word by Yil­maz Dziewior.

English and German text.

Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Museum Ludwig, 2020
Exhibition Catalogues

Price: 30€

RADINE, Leonie (ed.) - Transcorporealities